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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2016 12:17:19 AM

Hundreds of dead gulls mysteriously wash up on Lake Erie near Buffalo

Hundreds of dead birds have been mysteriously washing up on the shore near Gallagher Beach and the Union Ship canal in Buffalo.

The water surface is litterally covered with dead birds and nobody knows why and speak about it.

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The dead birds are ring billed gulls, mostly juveniles or fledglings.

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is aware of the bird kill, but has thus far determined it to be a natural occurrence. Really?!?

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Wildlife biologists have investigated the entire length of the shoreline area. The bird mortality they observed was limited to first year, ring billed gulls. They also observed numerous healthy Ring-billed gulls and other species of water birds. But officials did not observe any evidence of avian disease or environmental issues.

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According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the bird kill is linked to annual compensatory mortality common to large colonies of colonial water birds.

The die off of young birds among colony birds like this is very high…sometimes as much as 80 percent. There’s starvation, there’s predators, there’s all sorts of things that can hit them hard.

There was a weird substance leaking from A nuclear power plant in Lake Ontario.

So what are your theories about this mass die-off?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2016 12:33:40 AM

Increased seismicity at Pavlof Volcano in the last 24 hours – Next eruption coming?

Seismicity at Pavlof Volcano has increased in the past 24 hours, and minor steam emissions were observed in web camera images on July 2, 2016.

This unrest prompts the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) to raise the Aviation Color Code toYELLOW and the Volcano Alert Level to ADVISORY.

plavlof volcano, plavlof eruption, plavlof increased seismicity eruption july 2016, Seismicity at Pavlof Volcano has increased in the past 24 hours increased seismicity pavlof volcano, pavlof volcano earthquake, pavlov volcano increased seismic activity july 2016

Pauses in eruptive activity lasting for weeks to months have occurred during past eruptive episodes of Pavlof Volcano.

Pavlof is one of those volcanoes that can erupt without very much in the way of precursory activities. It’s very easy for the magma to arise in the volcano and make it out. So even subtle signs of unrest it is more prudent to increase the alert level.

The activity at Pavlof does not necessarily mean there will be an eruption. But it is what the start of an eruption can look like. For now, the scientists will wait for tremors that grow stronger or last longer.

Pavlof last erupted in mid-May 2016, and prior to that in late March 2016. AVO will continue to monitor the volcano closely.

via Alaska Volcano Observatory


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2016 12:46:32 AM

Hacked Emails Expose US NATO General Plotting Conflict With Russia

JULY 2, 2016

By Matt Agorist

There is no question that the United States has been dangerously rattling the saber in Russia’s direction. From deploying battleships off their coast, to conducting record-breaking war games in the region, there is no doubt — the US is painting Russia as an enemy.

Now, however, we have even more glaring proof of the U.S. government’s intentions. Hacked private emails of the US general formerly in charge of NATO show a deliberate attempt to provoke conflict with Russia.

The emails, posted by the site DCLeaks, show correspondence between General Philip M. Breedlove, former head of the US European Command and supreme commander of NATO forces, with several establishment insiders concerning the situation in Ukraine following the February 2014 coup that ousted the elected government in favor of a US-backed regime, according to reports.

The emails expose Breedlove’s frequent communication with General Wesley Clark, as well as former Secretary of State Colin Powell, and involving a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, State Department official Victoria Nuland, and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt.

The communications are nothing short of Breedlove seeking advice on how to essentially start World War III.

Below is an example of one of the emails. “I seek your counsel on two fronts,…. how to frame this opportunity in a time where all eyes are on ISIL all the time,… and two,… how to work this personally with the POTUS,” Breedlove wrote to Powell in September 2014.


“I think POTUS sees us as a threat that must be minimized, … ie do not get me into a war????” Breedlove wrote in an email to Harlan Ullman, senior adviser to the Atlantic Council, describing his ongoing attempt to get Powell to help him influence Obama.

“Given Obama’s instruction to you not to start a war, this may be a tough sell,” Ullman replied a few months later, in another string of emails about Breedlove’s effort to “leverage, cajole, convince or coerce the U.S. to react” to Russia, as reported by the Intercept.

According to The Intercept:

Breedlove did not respond to a request for comment. He stepped down from his NATO leadership position in May and retired from service on Friday, July 1. Breedlove was a four-star Air Force general and served as the 17th Supreme Allied Commander of NATO forces in Europe starting on May 10, 2013.

Phillip Karber, an academic who corresponded regularly with Breedlove — providing him with advice and intelligence on the Ukrainian crisis — verified the authenticity of several of the emails in the leaked cache. He also told The Intercept that Breedlove confirmed to him that the general’s Gmail account was hacked and that the incident had been reported to the government.

“The last conversation I had about it with General Breedlove, he said, ‘Yeah, I’ve been hacked several times,’” said Karber. He added that he noticed at least one of his personal emails appearing online from the leak before we had contacted him. “I turned this over to the U.S. government and asked them to investigate. No one has given me any answer.”

“I have no idea whose account was leaked or hacked,” said Powell, when reached for comment about the emails. Powell said he had no comment about the discussions regarding Obama’s response to the conflict in Ukraine.

In the European press, Breedlove has been portrayed as a hawkish figure known for leaning on allied nations to ditch diplomacy and to adopt a more confrontational role again Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine. Breedlove, testifying before Congress earlier in February of this year, called Russia “a long-term existential threat to the United States and to our European allies.”

Der Spiegel reported that Breedlove “stunned” German leaders with a surprise announcement in 2015 claiming that pro-Russian separatists had “upped the ante” in eastern Ukraine with “well over a thousand combat vehicles, Russian combat forces, some of the most sophisticated air defense, battalions of artillery” sent to Donbass, a center of the conflict.

The Russians referred to last month as the “summer of provocation,” and called the NATO war games a move to reignite the Cold War intended to force Moscow to starve its domestic economy to ramp up its military to meet a growing external threat.

Russia is not alone in their assertion either as the Intercept pointed out. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told Bild am Sonntag newspaper this week that these ostensible ‘war games’ are little more than warmongering.

“What we shouldn’t do now is inflame the situation further through saber-rattling and warmongering,” Mr Steinmeier said in an interview to be published in Germany’s Bild am Sontagnewspaper.

“Whoever believes that a symbolic tank parade on the alliance’s eastern border will bring security is mistaken,” Steinmeier said ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw beginning July 8. “We are well-advised to not create pretexts to renew an old confrontation,” he emphasized.

Rather than risk inflaming the already-volatile situation further “through saber-rattling and warmongering,” there needs to be more dialogue and cooperation with Moscow, Steinmeier said.

It would be “fatal to now narrow the focus to the military, and seek a remedy solely through a policy of deterrence,” German FM said, calling to give way to diplomacy instead of military posturing.

The alliance should also consider the possibility to “renew discussions about the benefits of disarmament and arms control for security in Europe,” he said.

In spite of NATO spokesperson Oana Lungescu saying the alliance’s actions are “defensive, proportionate, and in line with our international commitments,” Russia has done absolutely nothing to provoke such a response.

The real intent behind this saber rattling is expanding military spending and bolstering the U.S. war machine. Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski recently offered pertinent insight as to why Russia continues to be so vilified by the Pentagon and American media alike:

“The Pentagon needs and wants Russia to be the next big enemy that they are arming against it, budgeting against it, that they are targeting. Certainly, we have talked for a long time about China and China plays an important role as the enemy of choice for the U.S. military. But Russia is ideal in part, because we don’t import a lot of things from Russia, in part because we don’t have the debt relationship with Russia that we do with China. So, Russia makes for a very convenient enemy for the Pentagon in terms of its mission, its budgeting, and its intelligence organization.”

“The Pentagon needs that kind of enemy,” Kwiatkowski continued. “And [U.S. Secretary of Defense] Ashton Carter, if you listen to what he says continually — even from the beginning of time he was put in office — his job is fundraising, just like the university president’s job is not education but rather fundraising. Ashton Carter’s job is also fundraising, and he fundraises through this process of identifying, pushing, and delivering up an enemy that will justify their budgets.”

Prior to the German FM speaking out about this overt saber rattling, the only ones defending the Russians — were the Russians. Now that a U.S. ally is applying sensible logic to the scenario, the antagonistic intentions of the military-industrial complex are laid bare.

Unfortunately, the U.S., in its flagrant and irresponsible creation of the world’s largest military, cares not about starting actual world wars in their attempts to enrich their corporate masters. These hacked emails only add credence to this notion.

When the chickens come home to roost, however, the result of such belligerent foreign policy will be death and destruction — on a massive scale.

Matt Agorist is the co-founder of, where this article first appeared. He is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2016 1:23:39 AM

EPA literally wants you to DIE from radiation: Agency raising the limit of radioactive elements in drinking water by over 3,000 times... to cause widespread cancer and death

Friday, July 01, 2016
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) We really have reached a point of such insanity across human civilization that
governments have become the terrorists who actively seek to harm and kill off the people. The latest example demonstrating this very point is the fact that the EPA just announced its plan to allow gigantic increases in the allowable radioactivity in drinking water... increasing it by over 3,000 times in the case of radioactive Iodine-131... while calling it "safe" to drink even though it's almost certain to give you cancer.

In this public EPA document, the agency says it was ordered by President Obama's Executive Order 12656 (section 1601(2)) to "[d]evelop, for national security emergencies, guidance on acceptable emergency levels of nuclear radiation...."

In this report, the EPA warns that a nuclear "incident" may strike the United States, and if people are going to drink the radioactive water, somebody needs to decide how much radioactivity Americans will be allowed to consume.

From the EPA report:

A large scale radiation contamination incident could impact the United States, driving the need for a pre-established drinking water PAG. EPA is proposing a two-tiered intermediate phase drinking water PAG of 100 mrem projected dose in the first year for infants, children and pregnant or nursing women and 500 mrem projected dose in the first year for the general population.

250 chest X-Rays per year, directed at your thyroid gland

For the record, the allowable exposure now being pushed by the EPA is equivalent to 250 chest X-Rays in a single year, says ECO Watch. That's a dose that's almost certain to cause cancer. Allowable levels of specific radioactive elements would also be raised to obscene exposure levels. As reported by

For example, radioactive iodine-131 has a current limit of 3 pico-curies per liter (pCi/L), in water but the new guidance would allow 10,350 (pCi/L), 3,450 times higher. For strontium-90, which causes leukemia, the current limit is 8 pCi/L; the new proposed value is 7,400 pCi/L, a 925-fold increase.

Even more astonishing -- and surprising to those who think Obama is good but Bush was bad -- is the fact that Obama's new EPA levels are vastly higher than the limits established under President Bush. From

The Bush Administration proposal for strontium 90 was 6,650 pCi/L; the new proposal is 7,400 pCi/L. For iodine-131, the Bush proposal was 8,490 pCi/L; the new proposal is 10,350 pCi/L. For cesium-137, the proposal was for 13,600 pCi/L; Obama “beats” Bush with a value of 16,570 pCi/L.

Under Obama's new rules, the EPA can tell entire cities it's "safe" to drink deadly radioactive water that's almost certain to kill you

What's the point of raising these allowable radioactivity levels to obscene new heights? It's all about creating the "official science narrative" whereby incompetent, arrogant government officials can tell entire cities of nuclear terrorism victims, "Go on! Drink the water! The EPA says it's safe!"

If you believe even one tiny scrap of "science" coming out of the EPA, you're a fool. The EPA is a widely discredited anti-science propaganda ministry that eradicated nearly all legitimate scientists decades ago, back in the 1990's. The only scientists that currently work for the EPA today are those who are willing to abandon real science and distort all their research and findings for political purposes. Privately, they will all tell you that no real science is tolerated at the EPA.

With this radiation decision, the EPA cements its position as the Environmental POLLUTION Agency which now systematically pollutes the air, water and soil, poisoning hundreds of millions of people and even labeling as "safe" toxic water that just might kill you.

It's now so bad that even the pro Big Government environmentalists are freaking out and decrying the EPA's sheer stupidity. When even the environmentalists are horrified by the EPA's actions, you know the agency has really gone off the rails.


So what are the solutions to all this? A high-end water filter, of course. As a real scientist running an internationally accredited laboratory (, I've actually tested the ability of emergency water filters to remove elements with radioactive isotopes, such as cesium, strontium and uranium.

The #1 most effective filter I found for removing nearly 100% of all toxic elements is the Big Berkey water filter with the add-on arsenic and fluoride filter elements. They removed almost everything that was toxic!

Of course, if you prefer not to filter the water and just drink yourself to death with radioactive elements, the EPA will gladly tell you it's safe while you commit radiological suicide. The government doesn't want you around, get it?

If, on the other hand, you actually wish to live, then remove radioactive elements from your water with a Big Berkey water filter.

Learn more:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/4/2016 1:59:49 AM


The bombings targeted a shopping area in a largely Shi'ite district as people celebrated Ramadan.

BY ON 7/3/16 AT 10:15 AM

At least 82 people were killed and 200 injured in two bombings that hit Baghdad around midnight Saturday, nearly all of them in a blast targeting a busy shopping area as they celebrated Ramadan, police and medical sources said Sunday.

A refrigerator truck packed with explosives blew up in Karrada in central Baghdad, killing 80 people and injuring at least 200. Militant group Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack, in a statement circulated online by supporters of the ultra-hard line Sunni group. It said the blast was a suicide bombing.

Karrada was busy at the time as Iraqis eat out late during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, which ends next week. Police said the toll could rise as more bodies could be lying under the rubble of devastated buildings.

The bombing is the deadliest in the country since Iraqi forces last month dislodged ISIS militants from Fallujah, their stronghold just west of the capital that had served as a launch pad for such attacks.

A video posted on social media showed people throwing pavement stones at the SUV convoy of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Karrada, a largely Shi'ite are with a small Christian community, venting their anger at the inability of the security forces to protect the area.

Another video posted on social media showed a large blaze in the main street of Karrada after the blast. Reuters TV footage taken in the morning showed at least four buildings severely damaged or partly collapsed.

A roadside explosive device also blew up around midnight in a market in al-Shaab, a popular Shi'ite district in the north of the capital, leaving at least two killed, police and medical sources said.

Iraqi forces on June 26 declared the defeat of IS militants in Fallujah, a historic bastion of Sunni insurgency, following a month of fighting. Abadi ordered the offensive after a series of deadly bombings that hit Shi'ite districts of Baghdad.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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