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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2016 12:05:18 AM

Hillary Clinton interviewed by FBI over classified email scandal probe – campaign spokesman

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton © Rick Wilking / Reuters

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation over her use of a private email server to store classified information, her campaign spokesman has said.

Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangement while she was Secretary. She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said after a three and a half hour interview.

“Out of respect for the investigative process, [Clinton] will not comment further on her interview,” Merrill added.

Clinton was interviewed at FBI Headquarters in Washington DC.

Clinton was up for questioning after evidence emerged in March 2015 that, while performing the duties of Secretary of State, she had been using a personal, unsecured email server installed in her New York home. The FBI is investigating whether anyone in Clinton's operation mishandled classified information due to it not being properly protected at the time. Several of Clinton's staff members have already been interrogated over the case, as well as her top aide Huma Abedin.

Clinton released some 30,000 emails from her time as Secretary of State, with 2,028 of them containing confidential information. The use of an external, personal server violated the Federal Records Act which sets out “recordkeeping requirements,” but the investigation is yet to determine whether the presidential candidate should be indicted on criminal charges.

Despite criminal prosecution being unlikely, the ongoing investigation poses a major risk for Democrats only four weeks away from formally nominating the party's presidential candidate.

Republican lawmakers have repeatedly called for an independent investigation into the case, saying that they do not trust the impartiality of the Justice Department in dealing with the case. Donald Trump, the Republican Party's nominee, repeatedly pushed the email scandal issue, stressing that the probe undermines Clinton's bid for office. Nicknaming her “Crooked Hillary,” Trump said she cannot be trusted with the post. Clinton, however, still holds a nine-point lead over Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Friday.

In a Twitter post David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, commented on the timing of the FBI interview and said that Clinton would be better off to “put it behind her” at this point, with the upcoming nomination. He used to serve as the chief strategist for two of Obama’s presidential campaigns.

The email scandal “cast a shadow” over Clinton’s campaign, with a report by the US State Department inspector general in May criticizing “systemic weaknesses” found in the cybersecurity in Clinton's office.

The questioning came just a day after Attorney General Loretta Lynch, under scrutiny for a private meeting with Bill Clinton on her plane in Phoenix earlier this week, said she is stepping away from deciding whether Hillary Clinton will be indicted in the classified email investigation. America’s top law officer, Lynch usually oversees FBI investigations and makes decisions over indictments. This time however she said that she intended to accept the findings and recommendations of the prosecutors who have spent months investigating the case.

This case will be resolved by the team that has been working on it from the beginning,” Lynch added. “Supervisors always review matters, in this case the review will be career people in the DOJ, and also the FBI will review it, up to and including the FBI director, and that will be the finalization of not just the factual findings, but the next steps in this matter,” Lynch told Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart on Friday.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2016 12:40:24 AM

Tens of thousands of anti-Brexit protesters hit streets of London

© karlkob / Instagram

More than 50,000 people were estimated to march through London Saturday in hope of pressuring politicians to keep Britain in the European Union.
Publicado por RT UK
53 040 reproducciones

Organizers of the March For Europe, which includes popular event planners Secret Cinema, said they want politicians to fully understand how the move could affect millions of British and European people.

“We call for an end to political indecision about Britain’s future. We want our elected representatives to outline what our future is in Europe, to be transparent about how our country can thrive in troubling times,” a statement on the Facebook event page read.

Organizer Keiran MacDermott added, “The referendum was a massive mistake for our country and is a step in the wrong direction. We started this initiative to demand this situation be reconsidered and the UK’s relationship with the EU maintained. A good solution can and must be found.”

Campaigners took to the stage at Parliament Square to share stories and poetry, while giving speeches condemning the“lies” of the “Leave” campaign and calling for Britain to remain part of the EU.

One campaigner told the crowd that “Remain” supporters need to reach out to those who voted to leave. “We need to find a better alternative which involves staying in the EU and building their livelihoods,” she said.

Sir Bob Geldof spoke from the stage and condemned far-right UKIP leader Nigel Farage, claiming he used and lied to those“who have been left behind” by the government to convince them to vote for Brexit out of protest last week.

“What they didn’t tell them was that the only way to stop unemployment and stop austerity is to grow an economy,” he said.

Geldof urged those who voted to stay in the EU to talk to their neighbors that voted leave and ask them why they want a Brexit.

“Don’t get angry, explain,” he said.

Labour MPs David Lammy and Catherine West also spoke during the rally in Parliament Square.

Liberal Democrats leader Tim Farron said the Brexit result “broke his heart” and told EU citizens living in the UK that “this is your home, and we’ll fight for your right to stay.”

“We will continue to be a European country,” he declared.

The group Another Europe Is Possible, which had the endorsement of shadow chancellor John McDonnell and backs the Remain side, also attended the demonstration.

Campaigner Luke Cooper told RT: “It’s brilliant to see thousands of young people are mobilizing in a wave of spontaneous anger at the Tory Brexit we see unfolding around us. It’s only too right young people are taking a lead; they didn’t vote for Brexit, now they’re taking to the streets to say not in my name.”

Secret Cinema founder Fabien Riggall said he was “dismayed” at the results of the EU referendum and subsequent“political instability, community division and market uncertainty.”

He added that he marched on Saturday because “there seems to be no clear route map for the country’s future. We have come together to demand our elected representatives outline what our future is in Europe – to be transparent and show us a vision of how these issues can be fixed."


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

7/3/2016 1:29:07 AM
I do not need a news article back my opinion about this one .... derogatory stuff will be sealed just like "bush jr" stealing two presidential elections ...
Jan aka Jaz


Hillary Clinton interviewed by FBI over classified email scandal probe – campaign spokesman

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton © Rick Wilking / Reuters

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has been interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation over her use of a private email server to store classified information, her campaign spokesman has said.

Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangement while she was Secretary. She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said after a three and a half hour interview.

“Out of respect for the investigative process, [Clinton] will not comment further on her interview,” Merrill added.

Clinton was interviewed at FBI Headquarters in Washington DC.

Clinton was up for questioning after evidence emerged in March 2015 that, while performing the duties of Secretary of State, she had been using a personal, unsecured email server installed in her New York home. The FBI is investigating whether anyone in Clinton's operation mishandled classified information due to it not being properly protected at the time. Several of Clinton's staff members have already been interrogated over the case, as well as her top aide Huma Abedin.

Clinton released some 30,000 emails from her time as Secretary of State, with 2,028 of them containing confidential information. The use of an external, personal server violated the Federal Records Act which sets out “recordkeeping requirements,” but the investigation is yet to determine whether the presidential candidate should be indicted on criminal charges.

Despite criminal prosecution being unlikely, the ongoing investigation poses a major risk for Democrats only four weeks away from formally nominating the party's presidential candidate.

Republican lawmakers have repeatedly called for an independent investigation into the case, saying that they do not trust the impartiality of the Justice Department in dealing with the case. Donald Trump, the Republican Party's nominee, repeatedly pushed the email scandal issue, stressing that the probe undermines Clinton's bid for office. Nicknaming her “Crooked Hillary,” Trump said she cannot be trusted with the post. Clinton, however, still holds a nine-point lead over Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Friday.

In a Twitter post David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, commented on the timing of the FBI interview and said that Clinton would be better off to “put it behind her” at this point, with the upcoming nomination. He used to serve as the chief strategist for two of Obama’s presidential campaigns.

The email scandal “cast a shadow” over Clinton’s campaign, with a report by the US State Department inspector general in May criticizing “systemic weaknesses” found in the cybersecurity in Clinton's office.

The questioning came just a day after Attorney General Loretta Lynch, under scrutiny for a private meeting with Bill Clinton on her plane in Phoenix earlier this week, said she is stepping away from deciding whether Hillary Clinton will be indicted in the classified email investigation. America’s top law officer, Lynch usually oversees FBI investigations and makes decisions over indictments. This time however she said that she intended to accept the findings and recommendations of the prosecutors who have spent months investigating the case.

This case will be resolved by the team that has been working on it from the beginning,” Lynch added. “Supervisors always review matters, in this case the review will be career people in the DOJ, and also the FBI will review it, up to and including the FBI director, and that will be the finalization of not just the factual findings, but the next steps in this matter,” Lynch told Washington Post columnist Jonathan Capehart on Friday.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2016 1:43:36 AM

Jailed bankers, gender equality & majestic fjords: Reasons to love Iceland

Edited time: 2 Jul, 2016 19:41

© Chris Helgren / Reuters

Love for heroic Euro 2016 underdogs Iceland has exploded across social media like the infamous Eyjafjallajökull volcano, but what else can the Nordic nation be proud of, other than their recent football exploits?

With their volcanic victory clap and Viking brand of football, Iceland has seemingly come in from the cold isolation of the North Atlantic and entered the hearts of everyone who has ever rooted for the little guy.

But in truth, Iceland as a nation has been awesome for ages, punching well above its weight long before it’s football team rocked expectations at the European championships in France.

Here are just a couple of reasons to love the volcanic island, home to little more than 330,000 people and 130 active volcanoes:

Jailed ‘banksters’ responsible for financial meltdown

© Francois Lenoir

Iceland remains one of the only nations to put their money where their mouth is and place the financial “fat cats” responsible for their country’s economic demise behind bars.

As in other countries, the Icelandic taxpayer has had to pay a high price for the failure of the banks. But where financial bosses got off with barely a slap on the wrist in some nations, Iceland set up a special investigative commission to probe crime within the banking sector.

READ MORE: Iceland’s jailed bankers ‘a model’ for dealing with ‘financial terrorists’

It’s the least that could be done after three of the island’s main banks ran up debts of around $50 billion.

To date, 29 bankers have been jailed for the 2008 crash, including the former head of “bad bank” Kaupthing, Hreidar Mar Sigurdsson, as well as Larus Welding and Gudmundur Hjaltason of the failed bank Glitnir. The ex-CEO of Landsbankinn, Sigurjon Arnason, was also convicted for market manipulation.

Football heroics and ‘volcanic clap’ celebrations

© Christian Hartmann

Iceland has exceeded all expectations by reaching the Euro 2016 quarter-finals. It’s one of the most unlikely underdog stories ever written given the island’s population is miniscule and 200 times less than its next opponents, France.

In fact, the country’s pool to choose players from is so small that if you’re an Icelandic male you have about a 2,000-to-1 shot at making the team.

Not only are Iceland three games away from Euro glory, but they have blazed a trail through the tournament that will live long in the memory.

With approximately 8 percent of the country’s population filling the stadium and providing cacophonous Viking support, the 23-man squad are unbeaten and even knocked out eternal football “favorites” England.

Iceland appreciates its women

© Darren Staples

For seven years in a row Iceland has topped the World Economic Forum’s index which ranks countries in terms of gender equality.

The list measures the gender gap across the economic, education, health and political spectrum. While Iceland has not completely eradicated gender inequality, it’s doing a pretty good job.

In 2015, the North Atlantic nation was first in the global index, as well as in areas of economic, educational and political participation.

“As of 2009, the country has fully closed its educational gender gap and ranks first in the political empowerment sub-index. In Iceland, 41 percent of parliamentarians are women, 44 percent of ministers are women and, out of the last 50 years, 20 were spent with a female head of state,” the report states.

Iceland’s strides towards a more female-friendly nation may come as no surprise, since the first woman president in the world was also elected there.

Icelandic music is off the charts

For such a small country, Iceland has made an indelible mark on music. Perhaps the nation’s most recognizable contemporary artist is Bjork, who infamously took umbrage at the press getting all up in her grill.

Oh, the songstress also has 14 Grammy nominations, four MTV Music Awards and two NME statues – to name but a few moments of recognition during a career spanning three decades.

Other Icelandic artists to grace the music industry with their incredible sounds include ethereal Reykjavík rockers Sigur Ros, FM Belfast, Jonsi, Seabear and Hjaltalin.

Majestic, picturesque landscape

© Lucas Jackson

Home to more than 130 volcanoes, Iceland has one of the most unique, diverse and jaw-dropping landscapes on the planet.

The 40,000-square mile island has plenty to excite nature lovers, be it the spectacular fjords to the north of the country, the aurora borealis, glaciers or icy peaks.

Visitors can also become acquainted with the mighty volcano Eyjafjallajökull, which brought Europe to a standstill in 2010 with its explosion of ash.

Cheap flights

And if that wasn’t enough for people to throw their loving arms around Iceland, the country’s low-cost airline Wow Air is now offering super cheap flights from the US to Europe.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/3/2016 2:45:57 PM

NYPD: Ready for War With ISIS Terrorists

  • Jul 1, 2016, 3:03 PM ET

    WATCH Go Inside the NYPD's Counterterror Operation

    In the air, over the water and on the street with hundreds of heavily-armed officers, the New York Police Department says it is ready for war if ISIS or any terror group attacks New York City.

    “I think that it’s inevitable that there’ll be another attack in this country,” Chief James Waters, the head of the NYPD’s Counterterrorism Bureau, told ABC News during a tour of his department’s newly formed Critical Response Command. “We are well-prepared to respond to that.”

    Some 525 specially trained officers rotate shifts so that at any given time, 24/7, some 100 of them are ready to roll out with high-powered weapons, radiation detectors and bomb-sniffing Labrador Retrievers that can detect the chemicals known to be used by ISIS for its suicide explosives.

    Tune in to "World News Tonight With David Muir" for the full Brian Ross report.

    The operation is run from a command center in an undisclosed location in lower Manhattan, where the feeds from more than 9,000 surveillance cameras are piped in and displayed – feeds from the Brooklyn Bridge to Times Square to inside the city’s subways.

    PHOTO: ABC News Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross caught on surveillance cameras in New York Citys Times Square.
    ABC News
    ABC News' Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross caught on surveillance cameras in New York City's Times Square.more +

    “It gives us an optic into what goes in New York City on any given day, and it tells us an awful lot with 9,000 cameras and the license plate readers. It gives us a sense to keep our finger on the pulse of what's happening here in the city,” Waters said.

    The Chief said the security operation as a whole has been referred to as a “ring of steel,” an expansion of the concept first used in London. “It’s our way of protecting New York,” he said.

    Though officials have said there is no specific threat to New York or any American city this holiday weekend, ISIS has repeatedly called for attacks on the city, and Waters said he always thinks that New York is a prime target.

    PHOTO: NYPD officers participate in a counterterrorism drill in late June 2016.
    NYPD / ABC News
    NYPD officers participate in a counterterrorism drill in late June 2016.

    The NYPD intelligence analysts are working around the clock to get ahead of any potential attackers, looking far beyond the city limits to do so.

    “We look at the global threat environment,” said Meghann Teubner, Director of Counterterrorism Intelligence Analysis in the NYPD’s Counterterrorism Bureau. “What’s happening in the world? Are there any new trends that we need to be concerned with? Any new tactics that terrorist groups may be using that have any implication for us here in New York City?”

    PHOTO: Meghann Teubner is the Director of Counterterrorism Intelligence Analysis in the NYPDs Counterterrorism Bureau.
    ABC News
    Meghann Teubner is the Director of Counterterrorism Intelligence Analysis in the NYPD's Counterterrorism Bureau.

    Capt. Gene McCarthy, executive officer in the NYPD’s Critical Response Command, said the department has analyzed recent major terror attacks from the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris to the shootings in San Bernardino, California and Orlando, Florida.

    “We are constantly looking at tactics, techniques and procedures that are used at those events and how we can better prepare ourselves here in New York City,” McCarthy said. Critical Response Command was formed in November 2015, just before the second major attack in Paris.

    The 9,000 surveillance cameras are a mix of NYPD-owned cameras and those owned by “stakeholders,” private entities that provide their feeds to the police. License plate readers on roads can capture three million license plates a day, Chief Waters said, and the plate data is kept for five years.

    As for fears of Big Brother-style privacy invasion from thousands of lenses, Waters said all the cameras are in public locations.

    “So your expectation of privacy is just that – if you’re walking down the street, or if you’re driving your car and your license plate is read,” he said. “This is to protect us.”

    Should someone slip through the cracks and attempt an attack, the NYPD’s “last line of defense” is a unit of Labrador Retrievers that are specially trained to detect explosive suicide vests, according to NYPD Lt. Brian Corrigan, who works with the animals.

    “Instead of them just going after a static package where the handler directs them to search a package or an item, these dogs will air-scent, and will track any odor that is coming off a person or what the person is carrying,” Corrigan said. “The dogs play a major role. They are pretty much the last line of defense for stopping that potential suicide bomber.”

    PHOTO: Some NYPD bomb sniffing dogs are specially trained to detect suicide vests or bombs on the move.
    ABC News
    Some NYPD bomb sniffing dogs are specially trained to detect suicide vests or bombs on the move.

    Waters said the dogs are so good they can “stand and watch an entire subway train pull in and everyone coming up to the street and they can clear a whole train, just by standing in one place.”

    If an attacker does manage to start shooting in a public place, Capt. McCarthy said NYPD officers are trained not to hesitate – to go in and “stop the shooting.”

    “Whether they’re police officers walking a foot post, CRC officers performing specific, directed missions or a tactical response team, the mission is to stop that shooting,” McCarthy said. “Once the shooting stops, there is a reassessment. If it turns into a barricade or a hostage type situation, we would bring more experienced, trained officers in to deal with. But the initial object is to stop that shooting and remove victims, remove witnesses, remove people that are sheltering in place, get them out of harm’s way.”

    Teubner said recently ISIS attacks abroad prompted the NYPD to operate “in a heightened threat environment” and in a broad sense, she said the threat of attack keeps her up at night.

    “I think I’ve aged a lot in the past two years, probably have gray hair and wrinkles,” she said, “just to see the shifting threat environment and know the depth and breadth of the threat we face now with a more diverse and diffused kind of threat environment.

    “But I think the city should feel safe, the people, the civilians walking on the streets, they should feel safe and they should see the presence of law enforcement officers out there doing their job,” she said.


    "Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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