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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2016 2:52:30 PM

Market indices plunge in Middle East amid post-Brexit financial uncertainty

Published time: 26 Jun, 2016 15:10

Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest tower, is seen in a general view of Dubai, UAE © Karim Sahib / Reuters

The first post-Brexit day of trading on Middle East stock exchanges has seen indices drop in yet another repercussion from UK referendum to leave the European Union.

Dubai's main index was down 3.25 percent, while Abu Dhabi's plunged 1.85 percent.

The region’s largest index, the Saudi Tadawul, fell 1.35 percent, and Egypt’s EGX 30 plunged 5.6 percent.

Middle East bourses trade from Sunday to Thursday.

The UK vote to exit the EU has disturbed markets all over the world, with London’s FTSE losing $164 billion in the space of 10 minutes of trading on Friday, while Germany and France's CAC 40 dropped by 7.5 and 9 percent respectively.

Across the Atlantic, Brexit was felt as well, as the Dow Jones index plummeted 610.25 points, or 3.39 percent, by the time markets closed at 4 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday.

The S&P 500 and NASDAQ fell 3.6 and 4.12 percent respectively.

Oil prices also sank, with the benchmark US crude falling 4.9 percent, to close at $47.64 a barrel in New York.

Brent crude also dropped 4.9 percent to $48.41 a barrel in London on Friday.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2016 3:01:14 PM

British Pound falls to 30-yr low against US dollar

Edited time: 27 Jun, 2016 15:07

© Suzanne Plunkett / Reuters

European stocks extended their losses on Monday with the British pound falling to its lowest level in almost 31 years in the wake of the economic and political uncertainty following the UK’s historic vote to leave the European Union.

Sterling dropped almost four percent to $1.3160 against the US dollar as of 15:00 GMT - the lowest level since September 1985. The euro is also under pressure, down more than one percent against the greenback.

"We are still looking for another 10 percent fall for the pound against the dollar in the coming months as data confirms the economic slowdown and monetary policy expectations increase,"
said Jeremy Cook, chief economist at World First, as cited by the BBC.

Banking, airline and property shares plunged Monday on the London Stock Exchange.

Barclays shares were temporarily suspended after falling more than 10 percent, and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) stock plunged more than 14 percent.

EasyJet shares also plummeted – by 19 percent – following a statement from the airline saying Brexit would contribute to a fall in revenues of up to £28 million (about US$37 million).

Shares in housebuilders also took a dive. Taylor Wimpey fell 15 percent, Barratt Developments slumped almost 13 percent and Foxtons, which issues a Brexit profit warning, plunged 22 percent.

London’s FTSE 100 index was down over two percent, while the FTSE 250 index, which is mostly made up of UK-focused companies, fell 5 percent.

Before the markets opened on Monday, Chancellor George Osborne attempted to reassure investors, saying the UK economy was “still open for business” and is “about as strong as it could be to confront the challenge our country now faces.”

The FTSE 100 fell more than 8 percent on Friday before recovering some ground to close 3.2 percent lower. The pound at its lowest on Friday was $1.3221.

Osborne has also said an emergency post-Brexit budget is unlikely to happen until a new prime minister is in place in October.

He said there would still need to be an “adjustment” in the economy but said it was “perfectly sensible to wait for a new prime minister” before taking any action.

Leading ‘Leave’ campaigner Boris Johnson responded to Osborne’s statement, saying “Project Fear is over.”

“There’s not going to be an emergency budget, people’s pensions are safe, the pound is stable, the markets are stable, I think that’s all very good,” Johnson told reporters.

Meanwhile, pro-Brexit minister Chris Grayling said there would still be a place for Osborne in the new government, saying the new administration would represent both those who backed ‘Remain’ and ‘Leave’ in the referendum.

“Of course it will be a matter for whoever the new prime minister is,” Grayling added.

European stocks were also down on Monday, with the German DAX and the French CAC 40 index losing more than three percent as of 15:00 GMT.

US stocks opened lower, with the Dow and the S&P 500 down around two percent in early trading on Wall Street.

Following Friday's eight percent fall, Japan's Nikkei closed over two percent higher on Monday backed by warnings from Japanese officials they may intervene in the currency markets to stabilize the yen.

Demand for safe haven assets such as gold remains strong. The price of the precious metal rose half a percent on Monday to $1,330 per troy ounce.

READ MORE: Dow plunges 600+ points following historic Brexit vote

Moody’s rating agency has cut UK’s credit outlook to negative, saying the referendum result would herald "a prolonged period of uncertainty".

"In Moody's view, the negative effect from lower economic growth will outweigh the fiscal savings from the UK no longer having to contribute to the EU budget," said the rating agency. It added the UK had one of the largest budget deficits among advanced economies.

Standard and Poor's has also threatened to downgrade the UK’s rating.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2016 6:23:03 PM



Robert David Steele, former CIA spy and U.S. Marine

When Robert David Steele speaks, people listen. Especially those within the military and intelligence communities around the world. With his continued rhetoric on the open source everything manifesto as a way to positively transform this world for all, Mr. Steele has additionally begun discussing the world’s largest financial/gold cover-up story which has ties to JFK’s assassination and 9/11: That is, the global collateral accounts.

As a former CIA spy who has trained over 7,500 officers from over 66 countries, Robert Steele has over 18 years experience across the U.S. Intelligence community and an additional 20 years experience in commercial intelligence and training. He is also a former Marine and he is the co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity.

He has also written several books, which include, The Open Source Manifesto and Intelligence For Earth: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity and Sustainability, among others.

In accord to open source everything, Robert’s motto is: The truth at any cost, lowers all other costs.

Essentially, when information, technology and resources are opened up as the commons to all, the true cost plummets and the well-being of our planet and all living beings here begin to thrive, as well as our social, political and financial systems.

In Robert’s own words, the open source revolution will transform our world for the better and for all.

“Sharing, not secrecy, is the means by which we realize such a lofty destiny as well as create infinite wealth. The wealth of networks, the wealth of knowledge, revolutionary wealth- all can create a nonzero, win-win Earth that works for 100% of humanity. This is the ‘utopia’ that Buckminster Fuller foresaw, now within our reach.”


“If a universe can be imagined, it exists.” – Professor M. R. Franks, Member, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

Similar models to Steele’s open source everything also include The Venus Project: Beyond Politics, Poverty and War, which calls for a holistic approach to changing the systems on this planet in a way that utilizes technology and human ingenuity to provide a high standard of living for every person by opening the planet’s resources for the use of all– in a strategically sustainable and efficient manner.

Another model that is similar is Sustainable Human’s gift-based community in which all who participate are volunteers and everything created is done to “spread knowledge, ideas and alternative ways of living that enable humanity to live in harmony with the rest of life on Earth. ”

All of these models are wonderful and appropriate to envision, and what is certain is that most of the social systems we have in place currently, must go. Fundamental change is necessary.

In an interview with The Guardian, Robert David Steele was asked his opinion on the idea that the U.S. is on the verge of revolting against the elitist 1%:


Mr. Steele’s matrix on the pre-conditions for revolution. Click to enlarge.

The preconditions for revolution exist in the UK, and most Western countries [including the U.S]. The number of active pre-conditions is quite stunning, from elite isolation to concentrated wealth to inadequate socialization and education, to concentrated land-holdings to loss of authority to repression of new technologies, especially in relation to energy, to the atrophy of the public sector and spread of corruption, to media dishonesty, to mass unemployment of young men and on and on and on.”

What then needs to happen for this to begin? Steele says:

Preconditions are not the same as precipitants. We are waiting for our Tunisian fruit seller. The public will endure great repression, especially when most media outlets and schools are actively aiding the repressive meme of ‘you are helpless, this is the order of things.’ When we have a scandal so powerful that it cannot be ignored by the average Briton or American, we will have a revolution that overturns the corrupt political systems in both countries, and perhaps puts many banks out of business. Vaclav Handel calls this ‘The Power of the Powerless.’ One spark, one massive fire.”

Interestingly, this interview was conducted almost exactly 2 years ago. Have we not seen the divide between the 99% and the 1% continue to grow in that time? Humanity will not remain quiet for much longer. We are indeed close to some big and positive changes.

Perhaps this massive scandal/event we are waiting for is the conclusion of the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation or maybe it is Britain’s vote to leave the EU, potentially triggering a cascade of revolts throughout Europe and then the world, or perhaps it will be a large enough group of people becoming aware of the global collateral accounts, the world’s largest financial/gold cover-up which has relation to JFK’s death and the events of 9/11; a story which just three weeks ago Robert David Steele started to write about publicly:

It never occurred to me that accidentally becoming the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, partially associated with my being the lead for Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) for 25 years across 66+ countries, would be vastly more important than everything I ever learned across multiple graduate degrees, as a former spy, and as co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (MCIA).

As I encounter disbelief about Neil Keenan and his role as the main juncture between the Dragon Society and the West as we move toward a global economic re-set, I have to remind myself that 80% of the public still thinks JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald; J. Edgar Hoover was a moral man; the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty by accident, and 9/11 was carried out by a bunch of “rag heads” armed with box cutters.

I must emphasize that it was not the books that underlay my absolute confidence in Neil Keenan and the Dragon Society and the broad outlines of the coming global re-set, but rather the people behind the books that I have taken the trouble to meet, sometimes under quasi-clandestine circumstances. Sterling and Peggy Seagrave — Peggy has passed — stand out. Their book, Gold Warriors–America’s Secret Recovery of Yama****a’s Gold, came with a CD containing 60,000 additional documents including maps and photographs. That led me to a quasi-clandestine meeting in France to interview them for the 2004 offering of my international conference — the transcript is online — and a deep continuing relationship of trust.

The public endorsement of Neil Keenan and his team’s efforts to open the global collateral accounts from Robert David Steele is another clear indication that these accounts are indeed real and that those who are working with Neil Keenan (positive factions within The Pentagon and CIA, Russian Intelligence, presidents and prime ministers of multiple South American countries and several Asian countries, among many other political, financial and intelligence and military groups who are all quietly and sometimes openly working for humanity’s best interest) are legitimate.

JFKWHP-KN-C18795The global collateral accounts have such a deep and complex history, which can be read in great detail here. In short, they are off-ledger accounts backed by gold, silver and many other assets which were originally intended for humanitarian projects. JFK signed what is known as the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement with President Sukarno of Indonesia, which was to use these accounts to issue a new US Treasury Note (backed by gold and silver) and end the Federal Reserve’s control over the global financial system.

Neil Keenan is now getting very close to opening these accounts for the intended purposes of transforming our world for the better through many humanitarian projects as well as the release of free energy technologies and an overhaul in the global financial system. Russia, China, Iran, Indonesia and almost the entire Eastern hemisphere is supporting this plan in one way or another.

Perhaps Robert David Steele’s ideas on an open source world will be part of the coming humanitarian projects.

As almost anyone can see when they look around either at their own lives or the world at large, everything is changing. Everything is in flux. Everything happens in cycles. The time for positive global change is now.

***For more information on some of the topics mentioned above, check out these articles:

The Inevitability of Peaceful Revolution

We Need A New, Beneficial Global Economy

The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts

The Most Important Financial Meeting Since JFK’s Death Just Took Place

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2016 6:33:18 PM

Beijing And Moscow Fed Up With Washington, Time For A New Order

Geopolitical analyst and journalist based in Southeast Asia.

Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, and Russian President Vladimir Putin review an honor guard during a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Saturday, June 25, 2016. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

This may come as a surprise to most Americans, given the trillions of dollars in debt added to the country’s balance sheet and the sacrifices made by the country’s armed forces fighting terrorism and radical Islam since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, but according to the Beijing-based Global Times newspaper, which often expresses the views of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the U.S. is the biggest source of global strategic risks.

While discussing Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Beijing on Saturday, the Global Times said that China and Russia vowed to strengthen global strategic stability.

“To strengthen global strategic stability is a new way of speaking to remind people of the US being the biggest source of global strategic risks,” the article states. “The joint [Chinese-Russian] statements have released outright criticism against the US, showing both Beijing and Moscow are fed up withWashington’s pursuit of hegemony.”

A China-Russia alliance will bring a game-changing impact on world order, the article added, while “the US’ efforts to encroach on China and Russia’s strategic room has rendered an interdependence between Beijing and Moscow over some core interest issues.”

“The US has never given up its ambitions to become a global empire. Its Prompt Global Strike system is a direct threat to any country’s national security. Forced by the US’ relentless efforts to squeeze China and Russia’s strategic room, Beijing and Moscow have to deal with the US back-to-back.”

The article makes for good press, playing into popular Chinese nationalism at home. However, cutting deeper into the Saturday meeting between Putin and Xi Jinping and Sino-Russian relations is a little more problematic.

Historically, there has been little love loss between China and Russia, including during the Soviet Union era. In fact, what should have been natural allies, two major powers, both communist in ideology, turned into mutual suspicion and even animosity.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2016 6:37:58 PM

European Banks Have Their Worst Two Day Stretch EVER As The Global Financial Crisis Intensifies

By Michael Snyder, on June 27th, 2016

Stock Exchange Trading Floor - Public Domain

Over the last two trading days, European banks have lost 23 percent of their value. Let that number sink it for a bit. In just a two day stretch, nearly a quarter of the value of all European banks has been wiped out. I warned you that the Brexit vote “could change everything“, and that is precisely what has happened. Meanwhile, the Dow was down another 260 points on Monday as U.S. markets continue to be shaken as well. Overall, approximately three trillion dollars of global stock market wealth has been lost over the last two trading days. That is an all-time record, and any doubt that we have entered a new global financial crisis has now beencompletely eliminated.

But of course the biggest news on Monday was what happened to European banks. The Brexit vote has caused financial carnage for those institutions unlike anything that we have ever seen before. Just check out this chart from Zero Hedge

European Banking Crash - Zero Hedge

I knew that things would be bad if the UK voted to leave the European Union, but I didn’t know that they would be this bad.

Prior to all of this, a whole bunch of “too big to fail” banks all over Europe were already in the process of imploding, and now this chaotic financial environment may push several of them into full-blown collapse mode simultaneously. Just consider the following commentary from Wolf Richter

Healthy big banks would get over Brexit and the political turmoil it is spawning, particularly non-UK banks. But there are no healthy big banks in Europe. And non-UK banks are crashing just as hard, and some harder. This is about a banking crisis morphing into a financial crisis.

These bank stocks got crushed on Friday. And they got crushed again today. Italian banks have been reduced to penny stocks. Spanish banks are getting closer. Commerzbank, Germany’s second largest bank, and still partially owned by the German government as a consequence of the last bailout, is well on the way.

One institution that I have been warning about for months is German banking giant Deutsche Bank. On Monday, their stock fell another 5.77 percent to a fresh all-time closing low of 13.87. I have been convinced that Deutsche Bank is going to zero for a long time, but these days it seems in quite a hurry to get there.

Of course Deutsche Bank is far from alone. The following are other “too big to fail” European banks that have lost at least one-fifth of their value over the past two trading days…

-Royal Bank of Scotland
-Lloyds Banking Group
-Credit Suisse
-BNP Paribas
-Societe Generale
-Intesa SanPaolo
-Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
-Banco Santander

This is what a full-blown financial crisis looks like, and U.S. banks have been getting hit very hard too

The Brexit contagion is spreading as USD liquidity and counterparty risk in the interconnected global financial system has reached US banks with Goldman at 3 year lows and BofA and Citi plunging over 12%. This happens just two days after the Fed released its latest stress test results finding that none of the 33 banks tested would need additional capital in case of a “severe” financial crisis. That conclusion may be tested soon.

Meanwhile, the British pound continues to get absolutely pummeled. As I write this, the GBP/USD is down to 1.32, and some are now warning that the British pound may hit parity with the U.S. dollar by the end of the year.

One of the reasons why I expect the British pound to continue to tumble is because the global elite have to show the British people that they made the wrong decision, and they need to scare off any other countries that would consider holding similar votes.

So it was no surprise that the elite had two of their major credit rating agencies downgrade the UK on Monday

Two major rating agencies downgraded the United Kingdom’s credit rating on Monday.

S&P Global Ratings lowered the UK to AA from AAA, with a “negative” outlook. And, Fitch cut its rating to AA from AA+, with a negative outlook as well.

And as I mentioned yesterday, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs have already projected that the UK economy is heading into recession.

As much economic and financial pain as possible will be inflicted upon the British people, and meanwhile they will be bombarded by mainstream news stories telling them that they made a stupid decision.

Hopefully the British people will stand strong and will not give in to the pressure.

But of course it isn’t just the British people that will be feeling the pain. The Brexit vote has sent shockwaves all over the planet, and global investors are losing tremendous amounts of money. For instance, here in the United Statesapproximately 1.3 trillion dollars of stock market wealth has been wiped out so far…

Brexit isn’t just a European problem after all. The United Kingdom’s decision to quit the European Union is costing U.S. investors a pretty penny.

U.S.-based companies in the broad Russell 3000, including online advertising company Alphabet (GOOGL), software maker Microsoft (MSFT) and global bank JPMorgan Chase (JPM), have suffered a collective loss of $1.3 trillion since Friday’s shocker from the United Kingdom, according to a USA TODAY analysis of data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. It is very rare for global financial markets to crash for three days in a row, but it could happen. More likely, however, is that we will see some kind of temporary bounce as long as some really negative event doesn’t hit the news.

But let there be no doubt about what has just happened. The collapse of Lehman Brothers was the “trigger event” that really accelerated the crisis of 2008, and now it appears as though the Brexit vote will be the “trigger event” that greatly accelerates the crisis of 2016.

Global investors had already lost trillions over the past 12 months, and a full-blown financial implosion was going to happen no matter how the vote turned out, but thanks to British voters the fun and games have arrived early.

Unfortunately, only a very small fraction of the population understands just how bad things are going to get in the months ahead…

(The Economic Collapse)

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