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6/26/2016 6:57:30 PM
"Often the cost of living in many foreign countries is a contributing factor for many Brits when considering a move abroad. Many skilled professionals find that they can earn more than they do in the UK with better working conditions, such as less working hours, less tax and private health care schemes. Many ex-pats have noticed an improvement in their leisure time with a better balance between their working life and social life. The majority of Mediterranean countries such as Spain and Italy have relaxed working hours and often enjoy siesta's during the hotter time of the day. Eating out and day to day living is often also less expansive in many of these countries than in Britain."



Trade-offs will be necessary to retain the U.K.'s membership of the single market, says Philip Hammond.

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2016 6:37:40 PM

Brexit And The Matrix

JUNE 26, 2016

By Jon Rappoport

Elites: “how horribly stupid Brexit people are”

The EU and its associated financial institutions were built on the premise that no one would escape. That’s the long and short of it.

But of course, nations could get out if they decided to.

Which is what just happened in Britain.

And now that it has, elites and their fear-mongering press outlets are moaning and shouting and whining: “You fools, do you have any idea what you’ve just done? You’ve thrown a wrench into the structure. Are you crazy?”

Translation: “We’re in charge. We’re the lords in the castles. You’re the peasants in the fields.”

Of course, all along, the cover story has been: the EU is a step toward paradise; it bestows grace and beauty on humanity; it erases ugly borders; it makes people One; it fosters share and care; it smooths out conflicts; it makes us brothers and sisters.

Sure it does. That’s what all huge faceless bureaucracies accomplish.

When they’re exposed, all that fake goodness suddenly goes away. They spew hate. And they scream in anguish.

What’s occurring at the moment is very much like an old horror movie, where the humanoid villain is backed up against the wall, and someone tears his face away and exposes…machinery. Nothing but little wheels and cogs and wires and tubes. The truth is out.

What a monstrous joke it is that the young, in Britain, voted to remain in the EU. The EU is a right arm of Globalist forces. The same young people yammer and protest against Globalism, but because they’re absolutely clueless, they want to stay in the EU. The young: turned into hypnotic products of the education system.

There was a day, not so long ago, when the phrase “decentralization of power” meant something. It’s not used anymore. The press has it on their no-fly list.

Governments, major media, large foundations have worked the phrase out of existence. Instead, they’ve helped create every kind of special interest group under the sun—they’ve taken people who might actually want decentralization and shoved them into various groups, according to gender, race, religion, needs, and so on…and promised them “equality” and special help…as long as they go along with big government…thereby strengthening Control Central.

(And they’ve taken people who already want decentralization and propagandized them as outliers, criminals, psychiatric patients, terrorists, and racists.)

That’s the psyop game.

“We’re talking to you helpless masses now. You might want to decentralize government power? No, no, no, no. You’re looking at things the wrong way. First of all, who are you? What’s your religion, race, gender, disability? We have the right group for you. You can achieve all your aims that way, because we help groups. You see? We’re on your side. We, the government, are rebels, too. But we need our power to make change happen. Revolutionary change. Don’t rebel against us. Don’t try to diminish our strength. Join us. Benefits are waiting for you. Lots and lots. Get it?”

For a moment in time, a lot of people in Britain didn’t get it. They went the other way. They peeled off one layer of centralized control over their lives.

This now sets up a classic dialectic situation. Two opposing forces in conflict. And not just in England. The same sort of reaction is peaking in other European countries who want to test the waters of defection from the EU; and of course, in the US, Trump vs. Hillary represents a “perfect polarization.” Whether or not these oppositions were covertly built in the first place behind the scenes, their existence now makes them ripe for overarching manipulation.

What shape would that manipulation take?

Among other maneuvers, such as “new reports” of increasing unemployment, trading-market chaos and downward trends, we would see an escalation of riots, protests, clashes.

And the “solution, for sake of the population,” would be “restoration of order.” Translation: even more centralized power.

However, plans don’t always work. Don’t imagine that control from above is always flawless and god-like.

Defection from centralized power can take many forms, exposing many cracks in the foundation. Pillars can fall.

Major media are already on oxygen life-support. The Vatican and other crusty mainstay institutions are also sucking some of that oxygen. Because of the Web, untold numbers of people are waking up, in ways too numerous and varied to catalog. Even a few minor whiffs of freedom have their own power, and individual freedom is contagious beyond any kind of political drug or vaccine developed to stop it.

The game is afoot.

Even the most cynical interpretation of Brexit—that it was set up from behind the curtain as a way to flush out rebellion, which would then be squashed—doesn’t fully explain what just happened in Britain.

People can decide they’ve had enough of tyranny. They can take their suspicion of their leaders to a level where palliatives don’t work anymore. They can see the shape of the future that is being created for them, and they can toughen their refusal. They can push away from the table loaded with goodies and freebies, feeling sick, feeling patronized, feeling diminished. They can turn off the talking heads that preach Official Messages. They can discover further ways their freedom is being stolen from them, and they can rebel more deeply.

Eventually, they can come to a place where they rediscover their own existence as individuals, inviolate, alive, absent of the need for a bloated super-structure of “support.”

As this rediscovery happens, you won’t see it reflected in charts of trending stories. Newly awakened individuals will be thinking and creating and muscling their way through the decaying anatomy of the Deep State, making futures that cut away the tissues of connections that formerly bound them.

But bind them no more.

No more.

The grotesque creatures who’ve made their living, for decades, promoting and hustling Globalism as the grand solution, have failed to answer the fatal question: who is supposed to be in charge of imposing utopia on the world? Who are the messiahs of management bringing us all good things for our own good? After all, if gods are descending from the mountaintop to install paradise, shouldn’t we have a look at them, at their faces, at their robes, at their bona fides?

If not, if they must remain invisible, something very much like Brexit is going to happen, as it just did. People are going to leave those messianic fronts, like the EU, in the dust, at the side of the road.

O great gods of Globalism, at the top of the food chain, show us your faces, tell us your stories, answer all our questions, submit yourselves to our extensive interrogation.

Otherwise, bye bye.

Your outpost in Europe, the EU, had its moment in the sun. It lied. That’s all it knew how to do.

Now it stands in a wasteland, winds blowing through its exposed skeleton.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2016 6:51:40 PM

U.N. Vehicles, Mysterious Troop Movement Spotted In VA, NC, W.VA, Ohio

By Brandon Turbeville

In the midst of reports circulating around an uptick in U.S. military movement inside the United States, a recent sighting of U.N. vehicles being carried on flatbed trucks is now making its rounds on the Internet and alternative media networks.

The U.N. vehicles were spotted near I-81 near Lexington, VA and were being carried by flatbed, two to a trailer.

Not much information exists beyond the sighting, except to say that there have been numerous reports of an increase in military movement in the NC, VA, West VA, and Ohio region.

un vehicleFor the past day or so, military convoys have been witnessed traveling both North and South, with lines of equipment ranging from Humvees, troop transport trucks, and tankers to military personnel following the convoy in civilian vehicles. Interestingly enough, many of the soldiers traveling in the convoy were seen wearing helmets, an unusual procedure for a simple convoy. In addition, the convoys were carrying what appeared to be construction equipment.

Although the troop movement may indeed have been a routine convoy and the United Nations vehicles may also have been a routine shipment from a manufacturing facility or even a simple and benign transport, the controversy brewing in the United States elections and the potential for civil unrest, the dangers of economic collapse, and the potential conflict with Russia are all potentials for use of United Nations “peace keepers” inside the United States as many have posited in the past as well as for some type of “martial law” scenario.

The fact that the sightings of the new military movements carrying construction equipment are taking place at the same time that U.N. vehicles are being sighted in the same vicinity have many wondering whether or not the U.S. military is working with the U.N. in setting up some type of field base. Others, however, are taking a more relaxed view pointing to the regularity of military convoys and the need to transport new U.N. vehicles in some way or other.

At this point, we must be clear that all we have is speculation regarding the sightings and that the purpose of this article is only to report the sightings and the theories being put forward by commenters and commentators.

If you have any other information regarding the mysterious troop movements seen in the South and Midwest or the U.N. vehicles and their destinations or purpose, please feel free to post in the comments below.

This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/27/2016 7:08:51 PM

We Just Witnessed The Greatest One Day Global Stock Market Loss In World History

By Michael Snyder

More stock market wealth was lost on Friday than on any other day in world history. As you will see below, global investors lost two trillion dollars on the day following the Brexit vote. And remember, this is on top of the trillions that global investors have already lost over the past 12 months. It is important to understand that the Brexit vote was not the beginning of a new crisis – it has simply accelerated a global financial crisis that started last year and that was already in the process of unfolding. As I noted on Friday, we have been waiting for “the next Lehman Brothers moment” that would really unleash fear and panic globally, and now we have it. The next six months should be absolutely fascinating to watch.

According to CNBC, the total amount of money lost on global stock markets on Friday surpassed anything that we had ever seen before, and that includes the darkest days of the financial crisis of 2008…

Worldwide markets hemorrhaged more than $2 trillion in paper wealth on Friday, according to data from S&P Global, the worst on record. For context, that figure eclipsed the whipsaw trading sessions of the 2008 financial crisis, according to S&P analyst Howard Silverblatt.

The prior one day sell-off record was $1.9 trillion back in September of 2008, Silverblatt noted. According to S&P’s Broad Market Index, combined market capitalization is currently worth nearly $42 trillion.

And of course many of the wealthiest individuals on the planet got absolutely hammered. According to Bloomberg, the 400 richest people in the world lost a total of $127.4 billion dollars on Friday…

Worldwide markets hemorrhaged more than $2 trillion in paper wealth on Friday, according to data from S&P Global, the worst on record. For context, that figure eclipsed the whipsaw trading sessions of the 2008 financial crisis, according to S&P analyst Howard Silverblatt.

The prior one day sell-off record was $1.9 trillion back in September of 2008, Silverblatt noted. According to S&P’s Broad Market Index, combined market capitalization is currently worth nearly $42 trillion.

Could you imagine losing a billion dollars on a single day?

I am sure that Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are not shivering in their boots quite yet, but what if the markets keep on bleeding like they did in 2008?

On the other hand, globalist magnate George Soros made a ton of money on Friday because he had positioned himself for a Brexit ahead of time. The following comes from the London Independent

The billionaire who predicted Brexit would bring about “Black Friday” and a crisis for the finances of ordinary people appears to have profited hugely from the UK’s surprise exit from the EU.

George Soros is widely known as the man who “broke” the Bank of England in 1992, when he bet against the pound and made a reported £1.5bn.

Although the exact amount Mr Soros has gained after Brexit is not known, public filings show he doubled his bets earlier this year that stocks would fall.

So what will happen on Monday when the markets reopen?

Personally, I don’t think that it will be as bad as Friday.

But I could be wrong.

In early trading, Dow futures, S&P 500 futures and Nasdaq futures are all down

Dow futures fell by 90 points in early trading, while S&P 500 futures slipped 11 points, and NASDAQ futures dipped 24 points. Gold futures rose, in a reflection of sustained demand for safe-haven assets.

And at this moment, the British pound is getting absolutely crushed. It is down to 1.33, and I would expect to see it fall a lot lower in the weeks and months to come.


Well, the truth is that now that the British people have voted to leave the EU, the globalists have to make it as painful as possible on them in order to send a warning to other nations that may consider leaving. I think that a recent article by W. Ben Hunt explained this very well…

Tokyo, we have a problem.

Last week, market tumult stemming from the U.K.’s vote to quit the European Union drove the British pound to its weakest levels in three decades.

Yet it also sent investors flocking to traditional safe haven assets like the U.S. dollar, gold and the yen, the latter surging against every major currency as the results of Brexit became clear:Dollar/yen spiked from a Thursday high near 107 to a two-year low near 99.

The elite need a crisis now in order to show everyone that globalism is the answer and not the problem. If the British people were allowed to thrive once they walked away, that would only encourage more countries to go down the exact same path. This is something that the elite are determined to avoid.

The Brexit vote has barely sunk in, and Bank of America andGoldman Sachs are already projecting a recession for the United Kingdom. Sadly, I believe that this is what we will see happen.

But it won’t just be the British that suffer.

On Friday, European banking stocks had their worst day ever. In particular, Deutsche Bank fell an astounding 17.49 percent to an all-time record closing low of 14.72. I have warned repeatedly about the implosion of Deutsche Bank, and this crisis could be the catalyst for it.

In addition, I have repeatedly warned about the slow-motion meltdown that is happening in Japan. On Friday, Japanese stocks lost 1286 points, and the yen surged in the exact opposite direction that the government is trying to send it…

Tokyo, we have a problem.

Last week, market tumult stemming from the U.K.’s vote to quit the European Union drove the British pound to its weakest levels in three decades.

Yet it also sent investors flocking to traditional safe haven assets like the U.S. dollar, gold and the yen, the latter surging against every major currency as the results of Brexit became clear:Dollar/yen spiked from a Thursday high near 107 to a two-year low near 99.

Just like in 2008, there will be days when global markets will be green. When that happens, it will not mean that the crisis is over.

If you follow my work closely, then you know that it is imperative to look at the bigger picture. Over the past 12 months, there have been some very nice market rallies around the world, but investors have still lost trillions of dollars overall.

What happens on any one particular day is not the story. Rather, the key is to focus on the long-term trends.

And without a doubt, this Brexit vote could be “the tipping point” that greatly accelerates our ongoing woes…

“Brexit is the biggest global monetary shock since 2008,” said David Beckworth, a scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, in a blog post on Friday. “This could be the tipping point that turns the existing global slowdown of 2016 into a global recession.”

We were already dealing with a new global economic crisis without the Brexit vote. But what this does is it introduces an element of panic and fear that had been missing up until this current time.

And markets do not like panic and fear very much. In general, markets tend to go up when things are calm and predictable, and they tend to go down when chaos reigns.

Unfortunately, I believe that we are going to see quite a bit more chaos for the rest of 2016, and the trillions that were lost on Friday may turn out to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2016 2:05:34 PM

Last 10 Months Have Been The Worst Period For Floods AND The Worst Period For Fires In U.S. History

By Michael Snyder, on June 26th, 2016

Wildfires 2016 - Public Domain
As you read this article, the state of California is being ravaged by gigantic wildfires that are raging wildly out of control, and West Virginia is dealing with a “500 year flood”. Since last September, the U.S. has been hit by a series of 11 historic floods. Never before in American history have we seen so many major floods within such a compressed space of time. And just as the Shemitah year ended last September, massive wildfires began erupting all over the country. Thanks to that unprecedented outbreak of large fires, 2015 ended up being the worst year for wildfires in all of U.S. history. And since 2016 began, things have continued to get worse. As far as the total number of acres burned is concerned, we are more than a million acres ahead of the pace that was set last year. So why in the world is all of this happening?

The wildfires that are ripping through many parts of California right now are making headlines all over the world. In particular, the extremely quick moving Erskine fire in Kern County has already destroyed more than 200 homes and authorities are picking through the rubble hoping that they won’t discover too many bodies

The charred remains of two people were found inside a burned down mobile home which went up in flames as the fire tore through the South Lake area of Sierra Nevada, officials said.

The bodies were so horrifically burned that a forensic investigation is required to determine whether they belonged to a human or animal, said Kern County Sheriff spokesman Ray Pruitt.

Officials warned that more residents may be forced to flee the advancing flames as the fire has already scorched more than 30,000 acres.

At this point more than 1,000 firefighters are fighting this enormous fire, and it has already burned more than 35,000 acres. The latest update that I saw said that it was now “10 percent contained”, and high temperatures in central California are expected to hit 110 degrees by mid-week.

Meanwhile, West Virginia is dealing with a “500 year flood” after it received approximately a quarter of its entire average annual rainfall in a single day.

The Elk River has already broken a record that has stood since 1888, and the Governor of West Virginia has declared a state of emergency for 44 of the 55 counties in the state.

According to Greenbrier County Sheriff Jan Cahill, the amount of damage that has already been done is unlike anything that has ever seen before

At least 24 people have died and crews are still searching for missing residents in West Virginia after heavy rains flooded several towns. A federal disaster has been declared for this devastating event that has been described as “complete chaos.”

Roads destroyed, bridges out, homes burned down, washed off foundations,” said Greenbrier County Sheriff Jan Cahill. “Multiple sections of highway just missing. Pavement just peeled off like a banana. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

Unfortunately, the worst is not over for West Virginia.

In fact, the state is about to get a whole lot more rain. The following comes from the Daily Mail

West Virginia is expected to be hit by another barrage of heavy rain and flood waters in the next 24 hours.

The National Weather Service in Charleston has issued a flash flood watch for 22 counties tomorrow, warning that heavy rain could cause streams to burst their banks.

Around 18,000 people are currently languishing without electricity three days after the floods wiped away entire neighborhoods, killing at least 26.

As the floodwaters receded today, some returned to find their homes, businesses and entire neighborhoods swept away by the devastating weather.

If you follow my work closely, then you know that this is just the latest in a truly bizarre series of unprecedented floods that have been striking all over the nation over the past 10 months.

So now we can add this West Virginia flood to all of the other historic floods on my ongoing list…

October: Hurricane Joaquin never makes landfall, but it tracks up the east coast of the United States causing nightmarish rainfall and flooding all over the eastern seaboard. Things were particularly bad in South Carolina, where the governor declared that it was the worst rainfall that many areas of her state had seen in 1,000 years.

October: Violent storms in southern California caused flash flooding that buried some highways in “rivers of mud” that were up to six feet deep. Hundreds of vehicles got buried in the fast moving mud, and the lifeless body of one man that had his vehicle completely encased by several feet of mud was recovered only after a few days had passed because that is how long it took emergency workers to dig him out.

October: Hurricane Patricia was the second most intense tropical cyclone ever recorded in the entire world, and remnants from that storm caused absolutely horrible flooding in some parts of Texas. The flood waters were moving so fast at one point that a freight train was actually knocked entirely off the tracks.

November-December: A “conveyor belt” of violent storms barreled into coastal areas of Oregon and Washington causing nightmarish flooding in many areas. The resulting landslides and floods made headlines all over the country, and it is going to be a long time before the region fully recovers. In early December we witnessed the wettest day in the history of Portland, Oregon, and things were also extremely bad at that time up in the Seattle area.

January: The middle part of the country experienced record-breaking floodingas the calendar rolled over from 2015 to 2016. The only thing that people could really compare it to was the great flood of 1993, and Missouri Governor Jay Nixon said that some communities saw floodwaters get to “places they’ve never been before”. Normally, if the middle of the country is going to see flooding like this it is going to take place when the snow begins to thaw in the spring. For something like this to happen in the middle of the winter was absolutely unprecedented.

January: On January 22nd, one of the worst east coast blizzards in history slammed into Washington D.C., New York City and other major metropolitan areas. More than three feet of snow was dumped on some areas, hundreds of thousands of people were left without power, and coastal cities all long the eastern seaboard experienced flooding that was described as “worse than Hurricane Sandy“. It is also interesting to note that this storm was known as “Jonas”, which is actually a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name “Jonah”. Jonah, of course, was a Hebrew prophet that was sent to the capital city of Assyria (Ninevah) to warn that the judgment of God was coming. Well, it turns out that this storm called Jonas also hit our capital city (Washington D.C.) on the exact anniversary of Roe v. Wadeand in the exact location where Roe v. Wade was decided.

March: Almost two feet of rain triggered historic flooding in parts of Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Flooding along one area of the Sabine River broke the previous record by more than five feet, and some sections of Interstate 10 were closed for four days.

April: City officials in Houston declared that the flooding that struck that city was “a life-threatening emergency“, and substantial sections of Interstate 10 and Interstate 45 near downtown were fully underwater. Authorities admitted that water was getting to areas that it had never been before, and Fire Department spokesman Jay Evans said that the water was 10 to 15 feet deep in some areas.

May: Long stretches of Interstate 95 were shut down in South Carolina after Tropical Storm Bonnie dumped massive amounts of rain on the state. At the time, Lance Cpl. Matt Southern of the South Carolina Highway Patrol told reporters that “we are at the mercy of mother nature”.

June: Extremely heavy rain caused the Brazos River in Texas to hit its highest level “in more than a century“, and many parts of Houston found themselves under water yet once again. According to CNN, this was “the second year in a row that Texas has been hit by 500-year floods”…

“It could just be really bad luck,” said CNN Senior Meteorologist Brandon Miller. “A 500-year flood doesn’t mean you will go 500 years between them. It just means it is such an extreme event that the odds of it happening are very low, therefore it only happens on average every 500 years.

“It just so happens that parts of Texas have seen them now in back-to-back years, and maybe even twice this year. The odds of that happening are infinitesimally small.”

Are you starting to see the trend?

There have always been floods, but never before has the United States been hit by so many major floods within such a compressed space of time.

So what is causing all of this?

Why is the U.S. being hit by record wildfires and record flooding simultaneously?

I think that it is interesting to note that our sun has become extremely quiet. Our sun has more influence over our weather than any other natural cause, and right now it is completely spotless

For the second time this month, the sun has gone completely blank. On June 4th, the sun went completely spotless for the first time since 2011 and that quiet spell lasted for about 4 days. Sunspot regions then reappeared for the next few weeks on a sporadic basis, but are once again completely missing from the surface of the sun. The blank sun is a sign that the next solar minimum is approaching and there will be an increasing number of spotless days over the next few years. At first, the blankness will stretch for just a few days at a time, then it’ll continue for weeks at a time, and finally it should last for months at a time when the sunspot cycle reaches its nadir. The next solar minimum phase is expected to take place around 2019 or 2020. The current solar cycle is the 24th since 1755 when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began and is the weakest in more than a century with the fewest sunspots since cycle 14 peaked in February 1906.

Could that help explain why all of this weird activity is going on, or is there something more taking place?

In my new book, I warn that we are moving into a time that many have described as “a perfect storm”. Our weather is getting crazy, the ground underneath our feet is shaking with frightening regularity, our economic and financial systems are crumbling, and there is political instability all over the planet.

If I am right, natural disasters are going to continue to get even worse and global events are going to continue to spiral out of control.

A great shaking is coming, and yet most people are completely oblivious to what is happening and they are going to be completely blindsided by it.

But those that are wise understand the times, and they will thrive even in the midst of all the chaos and darkness that are coming.

(End Of The American Dream)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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