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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2016 2:51:17 PM

Giant holes are bursting open in Siberia, and you can hear the explosions from 60 miles away

A 100-foot-wide permafrost crater in Siberia's Yamal Peninsula.REUTERS/Vladimir Pushkarev/Russian Centre of Arctic Exploration

Giant holes are popping up all over the frigid tundra of northern Russia, and no one is quite certain where they come from.

However, the Siberian Times reports that witnesses are now describing explosive events that may be connected to the appearance of these mysterious craters.

Reindeer herders spotted one of the first huge holes in 2013, in the region's Taimyr Peninsula. It was about 13 feet wide, nearly 330 feet deep, and - as they stumbled across their find - the men "were almost swallowed up by the crater," the Siberian Times wrote.

The herders never saw what made the hole, which has since grown to a whopping 230 feet wide and filled with water.

But villagers who live dozens of miles away are finally coming forward to say they heard and saw something strange shortly before the crater was found, according to the Russian news outlet:

[R]espected scientist Dr Vladimir Epifanov, the sole leading expert to so far visit the site, said: 'There is verbal information that residents of nearby villages - at a distance of 70-100 km [43-62 mi] - heard a sound like an explosion, and one of them watched a clear glow in the sky.'

Since the crater appeared in winter 2013, more have shown up - including a 100-foot-wide crater on Siberia's Yamal Peninsula, which a pilot first spotted n 2014. Lacking a better explanation, aliens and underground missiles were floated as possible theories, according to the Washington Post.

But the truth - which the new eyewitness reports may help support - is that the holes might come from a threat not even Mulder and Scully are equipped to handle: climate change.

Scientific American reports that Arctic zones are warming at a breakneck pace, and the summer of 2014 was warmer than average by an alarming 9 degrees Fahrenheit, according to another story in Nature. As a result, scientists at NOAA think that permafrost, the permanently frozen ground that covers the tundra, is starting to thaw in these warmer temperatures.

So how does frozen methane blow a 100-foot-wide hole in the ground?

Given low enough temperatures and high enough pressure, methane and water can freeze together into what's called a "methane hydrate." Permafrost keeps everything bottled up but when it thaws, so does the hydrate. Methane is released as a gas, building up pressure - until the ground explodes.

Scientists gained more evidence for this theory after an expedition to the bottom of the crater. It revealed the air had an extraordinarily high concentration of methane.

siberia yamal crater pingo reutersA climber scales down a permafrost crater. Vladimir Pushkarev/Reuters

It's not just explosions and melting permafrost we should worry about, either. The EPA states that methane is a greenhouse gas that could have 25 times the impact of carbon dioxide over the next century.

A significant addition to methane emissions would likely have a disastrous impact on our already troubling atmospheric warming, since it's 21 times better at trapping heat, according to LiveScience.

Several outlets have even gone so far as to call this problem a "time bomb."

And it gets worse: One of the craters is just 6 miles from a natural gas field. The Siberian Times reported the combination of the two flammable materials in such close proximity is a huge safety concern for the area. (At least two of the craters have since turned into lakes.)

There may be an alternate explanation, though. Land can collapse without a burst of methane in something called a pingo, which form when ice is trapped between layers of earth and distorts the top layer into a sort of mound. Thawing can make those mounds suddenly collapse.

Even if the craters are the result of collapsing pingos, they're still likely the result of climate change (and still dangerous).

What's more, Slate reports, the same thing could happen in Alaska.

Pingo or exploding crater, it's clear that climate change is impacting the Arctic more rapidly than any other place on Earth, but researchers are only beginning to grasp how unprecedented warming will effect northern ecosystems.

During his visit to Alaska in September 2015, President Barack Obama echoed the common sentiment that the Arctic is "ground zero" for climate change.

These mysterious Siberian craters seem to be yet another warning sign that human-caused climate change is quickly spinning out of control, causing new and unpredictable changes along the way.

Read the original article on Tech Insider. Follow Tech Insider on Facebook and Twitter. Copyright 2016.

(Business Insider)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2016 3:11:05 PM

Sports Arena To Become Next Transgender Battleground


It wasn't enough for the NBA to celebrate the coming out of Jason Collins, although he was only a marginal player in the league, although his identical twin brother was not gay, and although his long-time girlfriend was surprised to learn he was gay.

It wasn't enough for the NBA to slap players with stiff fines for making "anti-gay" comments, especially after a well-known NBA ref came out as gay.

It wasn't enough for the NBA to threaten to punish the city of Charlotte, North Carolina with the removal of next year's All-Star game from the city unless the state allowed men to share locker rooms with women and girls.

No, the NBA had to take another, aggressive step, announcing that it is now partnering with GLSEN, the leading gay activist educational organization.

As the official announcement declares, "In celebration of LGBT Pride Month, we're excited to announce a new collaboration between the NBA, GLSEN, and Teespring.

Beginning on June 7, fans can purchase an exclusive line of Teespring NBA Pride T-shirts featuring the logos of all 30 NBA teams, with all proceeds benefiting GLSEN."

Yes, you can now get T-shirts of your favorite NBA team featuring a rainbow-colored version of their logo.

How in the world did this happen? And does the general public really know what GLSEN stands for?

Just a few days ago, I published an article documenting GLSEN's radical activism dating back more than a decade, including: class activities for elementary school students such as "Deconstructing Definitions of Family" and "Discovering Your Inner Trannie" (meaning, of course, your inner transgender identity); a lesson plan that included a section on "cross dressing and non-gender conforming clothing," with the cross dressing lesson entitled, "What's With the Dress, Jack?"; vocabulary cards defining terms like "Genderqueer" as, "People who do not identify, or who do not express themselves as completely male or female; may or may not identify as transgender."

And I remind you: This was what GLSEN was pushing more than a decade ago in our children's elementary schools.

What is GLSEN pushing now? And the NBA has entered into a special partnership with them to celebrate Gay Pride?

I thought this was the National Basketball Association, not the National Gay Association. And how do the players really feel about this, especially those with conservative Christian (or Muslim) values?

I don't know much about the background of Adam Silver, the NBA's current commissioner, but I do know that Roger Goodell, the commission of the NFL (which is also strongly pro-gay activist) has a gay brother whom he protected over the years against bullies.

This would help to explain Goodell's aggressive pro-gay activist stances, along with this being the PC thing to do these days.

Whatever is motivating Silver, one can only wonder how far this will go. But already, an important question has been raised by one of my Facebook friends. He wondered aloud if the WNBA would be willing to accept an NBA player who came out as a transgender woman. Why not?

The WNBA is certainly well-known for its openly lesbian players, so, in fairness to all aspects of LGBT activism (and in keeping with Silver's stand against North Carolina), shouldn't the NBA affirm transgender identity as well?

It's unlikely that even a great WNBA player could make it as a transgender man in the NBA, but what about the reverse? What if, say, Shaquille O'Neal in his prime came out as transgender, changing his name to Shanita.

He would have become the greatest women's player in history, smashing all records and dominating all games. And if anyone protested this as unfair, that person would quickly be branded an intolerant, bigoted transphobe, with Commission Silver adding in his Amen.

Of course, I recognize that the NBA and the WNBA are two separate leagues, but perhaps Silver could confirm if he, indeed, would back this and, for argument's sake, would have affirmed Jason Collins as Janet Collins and given his blessing to Collins becoming a WNBA superstar.

What say you, Commission Silver?

After all, this is the very policy he is advocating for North Carolina, in which a boy who identifies as a girl can play on the girls' sports teams and share their locker rooms and showers, regardless of the terrible unfairness of it all. Why not carry this out on the pro-level as well?

If you truly embrace LGBT activism, Mr. Silver, and really want to celebrate gay pride, how about going all in?

Originally published at - reposted with permission.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2016 4:47:36 PM

US Law Enforcement Knew Florida Shooter BEFORE Shooting

JUNE 13, 2016

By Tony Cartalucci

A horrific mass shooting unfolded in Florida claiming the lives of at least 52 with scores more injured. The British Independent would report in its article, “Omar Mateen: Orlando gay club gunman identified by police,” that:

Police have identified the gunman in the mass shooting at a gay club in Florida as 29-year-old Omar Mateen, an American citizen whose parents are from Afghanistan.

Authorities in Orlando said they were investigating the shooting as an act of terrorism, as the death toll rose to 50 with a further 53 wounded.

At face value – it appears to be another senseless tragedy perpetrated by a “terrorist” inspired by militant groups the US claims to have been fighting for now nearly two decades. However, the Independent reports another fact further down in the body of its article, claiming that:

ABC News reported he had been on police’s “radar”, though not subject to an investigation.

If this sounds like a familiar narrative, that’s because virtually every high-profile “terrorist attack” carried out in North America and Europe in recent years has been done so by suspects long under investigation by US, Canadian, and European law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

CNN’s article, “50 killed in Florida nightclub, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance,” would further elaborate on Mateen’s background, stating:

Two officials tell CNN that the FBI had investigated Mateen at some point for possibly having ties to or sympathizing with Islamic extremism. A law enforcement official said there were two cases opened involving Mateen but the probes didn’t result in enough evidence to charge him with anything.

In the past two weeks Mateen legally purchased a Glock pistol, found at the shooting scene, from a St. Lucie County area gun store, a law enforcement official said.

What CNN fails to mention is the long history the FBI has of taking “sympathizers” through a series of steps to acquire “enough evidence,” including posing as terrorists and providing suspects with weapons and plans for attacks precisely like the one that just unfolded in Florida.

To understand the implications of yet another high-profile terror attack involving a suspect already known to law enforcement agencies, one must examine previous examples of admittedly set-up attacks “foiled” at the last moment by the FBI, as well as attacks that have been carried out by individuals tracked for years and even arrested multiple times by Western police and intelligence agencies only to be let go time and time again until finally carrying out “the big one.”

ISIS Inspired? Or FBI Inspired? FBI Set Up Multiple Attacks in 2015 Almost Exactly Like the Florida Shooting

A terror suspect armed to the teeth storming a public place and killing scores is actually a very familiar script. The FBI wrote several such scripts in 2015 alone, including entrapping and arresting a mentally-ill suspect after providing him with an arsenal of deadly weapons almost identical to the arsenal recently employed in Florida.

The Intercept would report in its article, “Another “Terror” Arrest; Another Mentally Ill Man, Armed by the FBI,” that:

U.S. law enforcement officials announced another terror arrest on Monday, after arming a mentally ill man and then charging him with having guns.

ABC News quoted a “senior federal official briefed on the arrest” as saying: “This is a very bad person arrested before he could do very bad things.”

But in a sting reminiscent of so many others conducted by the FBI since 9/11, Alexander Ciccolo, 23, “aka Ali Al Amriki,” was apparently a mentally ill man who was doing nothing more than ranting about violent jihad and talking (admittedly in frightening ways) about launching attacks—until he met an FBI informant. At that point, he started making shopping lists for weapons.

The Intercept would also reference the FBI’s affidavit (.pdf), stating (emphasis added):

According to the affidavit, Ciccolo first talked to the FBI informant about attacking two bars and a police station. Later, he spoke of attacking a college campus with a homemade pressure-cooker bomb like the one used in the Boston Marathon terror attack; he also talked about using guns and a lot of ammo. Ciccolo, according to the affidavit, then “ordered the firearms from a confidential human source (“CHS”) working with the FBI.”

The list of weapons provided to the mentally-ill suspect by the FBI informant is shocking. Revealed in the official FBI affidavit (.pdf), the weapons included a 9mm Glock 17, a 10mm Glock 20, a .223 Colt AR-15 rifle, (referred to by the media as an “assault rifle”), and a 556 Sig Arms SG550 rifle (also often referred to as an assault rifle). Also included in the affidavit is the same hysterical rhetoric encouraged by FBI informants now evident in the recent actions of terror suspect Omar Mateen in Florida.

Image: The FBI literally handed these weapons to a mentally ill man who was contemplating attacking bars, police stations, and university campuses. Two of the four weapons were Glocks, a weapon used by Mateen in the recent Florida shooting. Both the 2015 patsy and Mateen also appeared to have been in possession of improvised explosive devices.

The FBI literally provided a mentally ill man they helped plan a terrorist attack together with, an arsenal of deadly weapons – arresting him just before he committed his crime. The only factor that prevented the 2015 entrapment of Ciccolo from becoming a live Florida shooting-style attack was the fact that the FBI arrested Ciccolo before he carried out his planned attack – while those following Mateen did not arrest him.

The role of the FBI in Mateen obtaining his weapons will never be known since Mateen is now – conveniently – dead. Even if he purchased them “legally” at a gun store, it should be noted that in other FBI entrapment cases, suspects were encouraged to purchase weapons themselves, with the FBI arresting them only after they left gun stores with their newly acquired arsenal.

Image: Another patsy set up by the FBI in 2015 was allowed to purchase two semi-automatic rifles at a gun store before being arrested upon leaving with the weapons.

NBC Cincinnati affiliate WLWT5 would report in their 2015 article, “FBI: Cincinnati man bought rifles, planned to attack U.S. Capitol,” that (emphasis added):

Agents said that on Tuesday and Wednesday Cornell met with the informant the final time to plan their trip to D.C. to execute their plan. He purchased two Armalite M-15 5.56 mm semi-automatic rifles Wednesday morning, along with 600 rounds of ammunition, and was arrested.

Cornell bought the rifles at the Point Blank gun store on Harrison Avenue in Colerain Township. He passed a background check and paid $1,900 in cash, $700 for each rifle and about $400 for the ammunition.

The gun store owner, John Dean, said FBI agents notified him that Cornell was going to come in to buy the guns about 10 minutes before he entered the store.

Dean said the agents told him to allow the purchase and agents would stop Cornell after he left the store.

What if agents didn’t stop him after he left the store? He had two semi-automatic rifles and 800 rounds of ammunition – more than enough to carry out a Florida shooting-style attack. Some may be immediately tempted to conclude that the FBI would never allow an attack they played a role in planning to go “live.” However, they would be wrong.

A Notorious FBI-Staged Attack that Went Live

The FBI in fact was presiding over the terrorists who carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. The role of the FBI leading up to the deadly attack would most likely have gone unreported had an FBI informant not taped his conversations with FBI agents after growing suspicious during the uncover operation. The New York Times in their article, “Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast,” reported:

wtcLaw-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said.

The account, which is given in the transcript of hundreds of hours of tape recordings Mr. Salem secretly made of his talks with law-enforcement agents, portrays the authorities as in a far better position than previously known to foil the Feb. 26 bombing of New York City’s tallest towers. The explosion left six people dead, more than 1,000 injured and damages in excess of half a billion dollars.

The FBI and other US, Canadian, and European law enforcement and intelligence agencies “accidentally” failing to stop terror suspects they have long known about and have even arrested multiple times has since become endemic. In recent years, virtually every suspect has either been known by such agencies beforehand, or has been involved in a history of crime and terrorism before carrying out their final acts of grand terrorism.

Such was the case in the various French attacks. Many from the network that carried out the French attacks were thendirectly involved in the Belgium attacks. To explain away the fact that virtually all the suspects had been within European security agencies’ grasp for years but were still able to carry out their deadly attacks – the Western media has attempted to cite a lack of resources.

In reality, what is playing out is an engineered strategy of tension using both the threat of terrorism and actual terrorism to create hysteria, fear, division, and ultimately obedience and capitulation across Western populations.

It should be remembered that Al Qaeda itself began as a US-Saudi joint venture to fight proxy warfare against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan where conventional Western forces could not go. It should also be pointed out that since then, Al Qaeda and its more recent affiliate, the self-proclaimed “Islamic State,” have enjoyed logistical support from the US and NATO for years in proxy wars ranging from Libya to Syria to Iraq and the frontiers of Iran, southern Russia, and western China.

bin_laden_brzezinski1More recently it has been admitted even within the Western press that the “Islamic State” is being resupplied and reinforced from NATO territory itself, with the UK Telegraph admitting in its article, “US-backed Syrian opposition forces surround Isil in key city and cut off main supply route,” that:

…Syrian opposition forces have completely surrounded the Islamic State-held stronghold of Manbij and cut off the group’s main route to the outside world…..

The loss of Manbij will be a huge loss to the group. It had been a waypoint on an Isil supply line between the Turkish border and the extremist group’s de facto capital, Raqqa.

Again, we see that while the US claims to fight the “Islamic State,” its NATO partner Turkey is quite literally the source of the terrorist organization’s fighting capacity, with US forces permanently stationed in Turkey for decades and Turkey having been a NATO member since the 1950s. Despite open acknowledgments that the “Islamic State” is operating out of Turkey, the US has used the presence of the terrorist organization inside Syria as a pretext for intervening in the war directly.

Were the US truly interested in stopping the “Islamic State,” it and its allies in Ankara would be easily able to wield maximum force within Turkey’s territory to cut the group off before it even reached Syrian territory. That both Washington and Ankara are feigning an inexplicable inability to do this, and insist instead that the war must be fought inside Syria exposes the cynical nature with which the West uses – not fights – terrorism to further its geopolitical and domestic political agendas.

As special interests attempt to leverage this latest terrorist attack – all of these actual facts must be kept in mind to ground us to a reality Western politicians and media outlets will attempt to detach us from in the coming days and weeks.

Tony Cartalucci’s articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own atLand Destroyer Report, Alternative Thai News Network and LocalOrg.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2016 5:06:05 PM

5 Reasons To Question The Official Story Of The Orlando Shooting

JUNE 13, 2016

By Brandon Turbeville

As more and more evidence emerges regarding the mass shooting in an Orlando gay club that resulted in the death of at least 52 people and many more injured, signs are increasingly pointing toward the possibility of a false flag operation.

Already, a number of points lend credence to those who might suggest that intelligence agencies more so than desert-dwelling terrorist organizations are responsible for organizing and directing the attacks. A number of questionable aspects regarding this shooting include:

  1. The FBI knew about the shooter and investigated him prior to the attack.
  2. The shooter had a connection to a known ISIS recruiter.
  3. The shooter’s father was a former “Afghan presidential candidate” who supported the Taliban.
  4. The FBI’s history in creating terrorism.

Omar Mir Seddique Mateen has now been revealed as the gunman in the Orlando club attack. According to mainstream reports, Mateen carried an AR-15 rifle and a handgun into the Pulse club around 2 a.m. and started shooting, killing 50 people and wounding 53. A stand-off ensued which lasted for about 3 hours before a SWAT team crashed into the building with an armored vehicle and killed Mateen.

Mateen had allegedly pledged allegiance to ISIS before the shooting by calling 911 and stating allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi as well as mentioning the Tsarnaev brothers. Mateen was an American citizen born to Afghan parents from Port St. Lucie, Florida, about a 125 miles away from Orlando, a distance which he allegedly drove to commit the attack.

FBI Foreknowledge, ISIS Sympathies, Taliban Ties

What may at first sound like an instance of senseless violence, brings with it a number of other questions. For instance, the FBI was already well aware of Mateen and his connections to radical jihad and terrorism. According to CNN’s article, “50 Killed in Florida Nightclub, Shooter Pledged ISIS Allegiance,” two officials tell CNN that the FBI had investigated Mateen at some point for possibly having ties to or sympathizing with Islamic extremism. A law enforcement official said there were two cases opened involving Mateen but the probes didn’t result in enough evidence to charge him with anything.

The investigations were reported by a number of mainstream media organizations and later confirmed by the FBI itself during a press conference. The FBI admitted that Mateen had been interviewed by agents twice in 2013 due to comments made about radical jihad which were overheard by coworkers. He was interviewed for a third time one year later due to his connection to Moner Mohammad Abu Salha, an American who had traveled from Florida to train in Syria and later to return to the United States in order to recruit other Americans to fight in the Western-backed terrorist brigades attempting to overthrow secular and legitimate government, Bashar Al Assad.

Salha allegedly returned to Syria and blew himself up in a suicide bombing. It is also interesting to note that Mateen’s father Seddique Mateen is a political personality in his own right having hosted a TV show and apparently declared himself a presidential candidate for Afghanistan. Seddique has denounced the Pakistani government and expressed support and encouragement for the Taliban movement.

Still, the question regarding the fact that Mateen was on the FBI’s radar is extremely important.One key aspect suggesting a false flag that should be looked for soon after the attack is anypossible connection the suspect or group of suspects may have had with intelligence agencies. A connection to any one of these organizations and institutions may go some length in explaining how the attack was coordinated, the motivation of the perpetrators, the actual involvement (or not) of the suspects, and who actually directed the operation. For instance, on 9/11, many of the alleged hijackers had previously had close contact with the FBI, CIA, and other high-level intelligence agencies (both home and abroad). Likewise, the Tsarnaev brothers who have been accused of masterminding and carrying out the Boston Bombing had ties to the FBI before the attack.

In many instances, connections to certain military agencies and communities should serve as the same red flag as connections to intelligence agencies since these institutions have largely been blended together.

The FBI’s sordid history of organizing terrorist attacks

Indeed, the FBI has had a long history in creating, organizing and facilitating terrorist attacks in order to bust them at the last minute and claim credit for stopping terror attacks. The FBI also has a long history of investigating, monitoring and interviewing suspects of high-profile terrorist attacks before those attacks were committed but doing nothing about them.

As Tony Cartalucci writes in his article, “US Law Enforcement Knew Florida Shooter BEFORE Shooting,”

A terror suspect armed to the teeth storming a public place and killing scores is actually a very familiar script. The FBI wrote several such scripts in 2015 alone, including entrapping and arresting a mentally-ill suspect after providing him with an arsenal of deadly weapons almost identical to the arsenal recently employed in Flordia.

The Intercept would report in its article, “Another “Terror” Arrest; Another Mentally Ill Man, Armed by the FBI,” that:

U.S. law enforcement officials announced another terror arrest on Monday, after arming a mentally ill man and then charging him with having guns.

ABC News quoted a “senior federal official briefed on the arrest” as saying: “This is a very bad person arrested before he could do very bad things.”

But in a sting reminiscent of so many others conducted by the FBI since 9/11, Alexander Ciccolo, 23, “aka Ali Al Amriki,” was apparently a mentally ill man who was doing nothing more than ranting about violent jihad and talking (admittedly in frightening ways) about launching attacks—until he met an FBI informant. At that point, he started making shopping lists for weapons.

The Intercept would also reference the FBI’s affidavit (.pdf), stating (emphasis added):

According to the affidavit, Ciccolo first talked to the FBI informant about attacking two bars and a police station. Later, he spoke of attacking a college campus with a homemade pressure-cooker bomb like the one used in the Boston Marathon terror attack; he also talked about using guns and a lot of ammo. Ciccolo, according to the affidavit, then “ordered the firearms from a confidential human source (“CHS”) working with the FBI.”

The list of weapons provided to the mentally-ill suspect by the FBI informant is shocking. Revealed in the official FBI affidavit (.pdf), the weapons included a 9mm Glock 17, a 10mm Glock 20, a .223 Colt AR-15 rifle, (referred to by the media as an “assault rifle”), and a 556 Sig Arms SG550 rifle (also often referred to as an assault rifle). Also included in the affidavit is the same hysterical rhetoric encouraged by FBI informants now evident in the recent actions of terror suspect Omar Mateen in Florida.

The FBI literally provided a mentally-ill man they helped plan a terrorist attack together with, an arsenal of deadly weapons – arresting him just before he committed his crime. The only factor that prevented the 2015 entrapment of Ciccolo from becoming a live Florida shooting-style attack was the fact that the FBI arrested Ciccolo before he carried out his planned attack – while those following Mateen did not arrest him.

The role of the FBI in Mateen obtaining his weapons will never be known since Mateen is now – conveniently – dead. Even if he purchased them “legally” at a gun store, it should be noted that in other FBI entrapment cases, suspects were encouraged to purchase weapons themselves, with the FBI arresting them only after they left gun stores with their newly acquired arsenal.

Interestingly enough, in the Ciccolo incident that Cartalucci refers to above, the plan which was fed to Ciccolo involved attacking bars, a target that was actually realized in Orlando. Of course, there will be many who will argue that the FBI, while entrapping unintelligent suspects, would never actually let the drill go live it is important to remember the 1993 World Trade Center bombing where that is precisely what the FBI did.

Who Controls ISIS?

Lastly, one immensely important question must be asked: If ISIS is responsible for the attacks, who controls ISIS? For many, claims that the attacker belongs to ISIS is a deal breaker. For these individuals, ISIS is a shadowy terrorist organization that supports itself and has created a caliphate in eastern Syria and western Iraq that can scarcely be defeated (except when the Russians bomb it). However, the facts do not support such a shallow understanding of the ISIS terrorist organization. ISIS was entirely created, funded and directed by the United States, Britain, France and other NATO countries. Its actions have been coordinated by the Anglo-American Intelligence apparatus for geopolitical purposes all across the world both at home and abroad. For this reason, the declaration that ISIS committed a terrorist attack in Paris is by no means a get-out-of-jail-free card for the Western Intelligence apparatus. Instead, it is the trademark of their handiwork. Please see these articles for more information on the nature of ISIS:here, here, here and here.


While the right-wing media blames Muslims and the left-wing media blame guns, perhaps it would be more effective if thinking individuals would examine the possibilities that this attack was a false flag incident designed to push an agenda that would benefit those in power in some way or other. Out of this attack we will no doubt see another push for the evisceration of the Second Amendment and other civil liberties as well as increased hype regarding ISIS as a threat to the American way of life and a greater attempt at justification for foreign adventures.

While the information presented above may not be enough evidence to prove in the court of law that the Orlando attack was a false flag attack, it is reason enough to question the official story thus far. If this attack is indeed placed in the lap of ISIS, however, all fingers should immediately point to NATO and the Atlanticist Intelligence apparatus. It is they who control ISIS and they who bear the responsibility for its actions. If the attack is attributed to a lone jihadist nut the FBI has some serious explaining to do since it appears that the agency itself is the greatest initiator of terrorist activity inside American borders and is either the most incompetent anti-terror fighter in the U.S. or it is complicit in the attacks that take place.

This article may be freely shared in part or in full with author attribution and source link.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2016 5:20:56 PM


BY ON 6/14/16 AT 12:15 PM

After the deaths of 50 of our LGBT brothers, sisters and allies in Orlando at the hands of a fanatic, what can be said? What can be done?

We each feel helpless in the wake of such terror. We can’t bring the victims back. We can’t even promise this will never happen again. But we can join together, shout loudly with one voice and stand tall in the face of such brutality. And on Saturday June 25 we will.

The first London Pride took place on July 1 1972, with around 2000 people marching. Those 2,000 heroes stood up against the oppression of the time. It is saddening to think that, over 40 years later, marching for our right to co-exist peacefully remains just as relevant.

Four decades ago, those 2,000 marched against widespread hatred towards them and their community, simply for being born differently. They marched against homophobic and transphobic legislation. They marched against violence perpetrated against them because of hatred of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Today, homophobic bullying remains rife in schools and our LGBT+ teens and young adults have one of the highest suicide rates in the U.K.. This year, North Carolina passed a transphobic bathroom bill, with its very objective the victimisation of the trans people. Two days ago, 49 people were shot dead because of this same hatred.

The most powerful weapon at the disposal of those that hate us isn’t a gun or a tank or a bomb. It is our fear and we must not let them have it.

Fear is a powerful thing. Up until a few years ago, I feared I would live the rest of my life in sin. Fear caused me to hate myself. It caused me to hate others. It forced me cry in the shadows, too ashamed even to speak of my “sinfulness.”

There are those that still believe it is a sin for you and I to kiss each other good night. For you and I to love each other. So be it. But, to borrow from a popular song, there is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin.

Learning not only to accept one’s sexual identity but to embrace it with both arms and to celebrate it, that is what Pride means to me. I joined Pride in London because I believe that our young people should grow up loving who they are and excited for their futures. What better way to get them excited than to see 40,000 rainbow coloured people marching through the greatest city on earth.

This year’s Pride in London theme is #nofilter. This isn’t just a hashtag, but a philosophy. The world needs us, for we are the game changers and the boundary pushers. We challenge, subvert, pave the way, smash the norm. Love should have no filter. Identity has no filter. Join us for Pride in London as we strive to live our lives with no fear and no filter.

Pride in London has become one of the world’s biggest and most vibrant LGBT+ festivals. We have fast become one the largest events in the city, and as many as one million people are predicted to make their way to London to celebrate this year.

With tens of thousands of people expected to the traditional march through central London, this year’s Pride in London promises to be the biggest ever and we invite you to join us.

We come together with our straight allies on June 25 with one voice not just to commemorate the past, or to change the present, but to mark the future as ours. A future where we aren’t defined by our gender; where we aren’t sent to prison in 78 countries; where we aren’t thrown off buildings.

Let them see us dance, let them see us sing, let them see us love. Don’t let anyone scare us away.

Mohsin Zaidi is the Director of Pride in London. He tweets @MohsinAZaidi


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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