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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2016 1:24:25 AM

Daytime fireball strikes over St. Louis, Missouri (video) Loud boom reported

A bright daytime fireball streak across the sky over St. Louis, Missouri on June 6, 2016.

Some reported hearing a sonic boom as the meteor disintegrated in the Earth’s atmosphere.

The bolide flew over the St. Louis area about 11:40 a.m. Monday, June 5, 2016.

The space rock was described as a flash that fell from the sky and disappeared a couple hundred feet above the horizon.

This video by Tom Stolze was recorded in O’Fallon, Mo.:

The American Meteor Society website was flooded by as many as 154 reports of a fireballseen over Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas and Kentucky at the exact same time.

This very bright fireball exploded in a bright terminal flash, often with visible fragmentation.

The next video by Dan Robinson was caught over New Baden, Illinois on the east side of the STL metro:

As this bolide was seen during daytime, specialists believe it must have been huge and thus very rare.

As this bolide was seen during daytime, specialists believe it must have been huge and thus very rare.

Did you see it? Did you hear it?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2016 1:45:21 AM



NATO is laying the groundwork in Eastern Europe for a “global strike” against Russia, the deputy head of the Defense Council in Russia’s upper house of parliament has declared.

“They have very serious plans on the framework of devising a so-called global strike,” lawmaker Franz Klintsevich said. “NATO takes our old Soviet bases in the Baltic, Romania, Poland and deploys people there.”

“In fact, it seems they are preparing a place d’armes, for setting up equipment and a platform for the preparation of big plans,” Klintsevich told independent news agency Interfax, referring to the military term that denotes a well-armed, strategic fighting position.

He said that Russia’s general staff in the military are monitoring NATO’s reinforcement and that, at present, “inexpensive, high technological solutions give us a full guarantee that we can defend ourselves.” In conventional warfare, Russia’s armed forces boast a numerical advantage to NATO troops, with the Ministry of Defense estimating that its westernmost forces number around 400,000.

This is roughly 10 times the size of NATO’s force, not stationed in Eastern Europe but intended to defend the region upon rapid deployment. Each country also has its own national armed forces and no NATO troops are stationed in Eastern Europe on a permanent basis.

According to Klintsevich, Russia will make good on its promise to reinforce its Western forces, as NATO looks to announce more assurance measures for eastern allies at a summit next month. He reiterated that Poland and Romania, currently hosting elements of the U.S. anti-missile shield, will be treated as areas dangerous to Russia.

“We will send military equipment, move the army with NATO’s activity in mind. Of course, this threatens, more than anyone, these countries where the anti-missile system is. We have not hidden this fact,” Klintsevich added.

Russia’s Defense and Security council controversially announced in 2015 that the two countries would become “targets” for Russia’s strategy in the event of a perceived NATO attack. Last week, Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis said that Russia cannot intimidate his country from fulfilling its commitments to European and national security. NATO has maintained reinforcements to its eastern flank are defensive and made as a result of allies’ increasing concern over the situation in Ukraine.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2016 1:58:46 AM

BIG ONE COMING? US TODAY preparing for devastating earthquake and tsunami strike

THE US military is TODAY preparing for what is expected to be the most devastating earthquake tsunami to strike its west coast.

The US is testing its response to a mega-quake tsunami

The US is testing its response to a mega-quake tsunami

Today major rehearsals by disaster officials, the emergency services, and military, are starting, in a bid to test how they will tackle with an overdue major earthquake that could strike anytime.

The massive earthquake and tsunami readiness drill has been developed by the US government, military, and state and local emergency managers over several years to test if they are ready for what is expected to be the country’s worst ever natural disaster when it comes.

And it is a case of when, not if.

Collapsed four-storey apartment building in Marina District, after earthquake of 17 October, 1989.

Collapsed four-storey apartment building in Marina District, after earthquake of 17 October, 1989.The exercise from June 7 to 10 is called Cascadia Rising or even the “Doomsday Drill”. This is in reference to the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a 600-mile-long fault line off the west coast from Northern California to British Columbia.Scientists agree that the area is due major seismic activity and that a “big one” magnitude eight or greater earthquake is overdue by about 80 years.

Lt Col Clayton Braun of the Washington State National Guard, said: “This is the largest exercise ever for a Cascadia break.”

Around 20,000 people will take part in the dry run of the disaster that could affect millions of people.

The major exercise will test how well agencies work together to minimise loss of life.

Such an earthquake would likely trigger a huge tsunmai to crash towards the coast.

Experts already fear the amount of expected deaths will overwhelm emergency services.

Bridges and roads could be destroyed, with fuel supplies and communications disrupted.

Next week Washington State National Guardsmen will landing on Vashon Island to rehearse delivery of supplies.

Tests will include pulling people from rubble at a simulated collapsed building.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2016 11:21:41 AM

Something Big That Always Happens Right Before The Official Start Of A Recession Has Just Happened

JUNE 6, 2016

By Michael Snyder

What you are about to see is major confirmation that a new economic downturn has already begun. Last Friday, the government released the worst jobs report in six years, and that has a lot of people really freaked out. But when you really start digging into those numbers, you quickly find that things are even worse than most analysts are suggesting. In particular, the number of temporary jobs in the United States has started to decline significantly after peaking last December. Why this is so important is because the number of temporary jobs started to decline precipitously right before the last two recessions as well.

You see, when economic conditions start to change, temporary workers are often affected before anyone else is. Temporary workers are easier to hire than other types of workers, and they are also easier to fire.

In this chart, you can see that the number of temporary workers peaked and started to decline rapidly before we even got to the recession of 2001. And you will notice that the number of temporary workers also peaked and started to decline rapidly before we even got to the recession of 2008. This shows why the temporary workforce is considered to be a “leading indicator” for the U.S. economy as a whole. When the number of temporary workers peaks and then starts to fall steadily, that is a major red flag. And that is why it is so incredibly alarming that the number of temporary workers peaked in December 2015 and has fallen quite a bit since then…

Temporary-Help-Services-460x306In May, the U.S. economy lost another 21,000 temporary jobs, and overall we have lost almost 64,000 since December.

If a new economic downturn had already started, this is precisely what we would expect to see. The following is some commentary from Wolf Richter

Staffing agencies are cutting back because companies no longer need that many workers. Total business sales in the US have been declining since mid-2014. Productivity has been crummy and getting worse. Earnings are down for the fourth quarter in a row. Companies see that demand for their products is faltering, so the expense-cutting has started. The first to go are the hapless temporary workers.

Another indicator which is pointing to big trouble for American workers is the Fed Labor Market Conditions Index. Just check out this chart from Zero Hedge, which shows that this index has now been falling on a month over month basis for five months in a row. Not since the last recession have we seen that happen…

Of course I have been warning about this new economic downturn since the middle of last year. U.S. factory orders have now been falling for 18 months in a row, job cut announcements at major companies are running 24 percent higher up to this point in 2016 than they were during the same time period in 2015, and just recently Microsoft said that they were going to be cutting 1,850 jobs as the market for smartphones continues to slow down.

As I have been warning for months, the exact same patterns that we witnessed just prior to the last major economic crisis are playing out once again right in front of our eyes.

Perhaps you have blind faith in Barack Obama, the Federal Reserve and our other “leaders,” and perhaps you are convinced that everything will turn out okay somehow, but there are others that are doing what they can to get prepared in advance.

It may surprise you to learn that George Soros is one of them.

According to recent media reports, George Soros has been selling off investments like crazy and has poured tremendous amounts of money into gold and gold stocks

Maybe the best argument in favor of gold is that American legendary investor and billionaire George Soros has recently sold 37% of his stock and bought a lot more gold and gold stocks.

George Soros, who once called gold ‘the ultimate bubble,’ has resumed buying the precious metal after a three-year hiatus. On Monday, the billionaire investor disclosed that in the first quarter he bought 1.05 million shares in SPDR Gold Trust, the world’s biggest gold exchanged-traded fund, valued at about $123.5 million,” Fortune and Reuters reported Tuesday.

George Soros didn’t make his fortune by being a dummy.

Obviously he can see that something big is coming, and so he is making the moves that he feels are appropriate.

If you are waiting for some type of big announcement from the government that a recession has started, you are likely going to be waiting for quite a while.

How it usually works is that we are not told that we are in a recession until one has already been happening for an extended period of time.

For instance, back in mid-2008 Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke insisted that the U.S. economy was not heading into a recession even though we found out later that we were already in one at the moment Bernanke made that now infamous statement.

On my website, I have been documenting all of the red flags that are screaming that a new recession is here for months.

You can be like Ben Bernanke in 2008 and stick your head in the sand and pretend that nothing is happening, or you can honestly assess the situation at hand and adjust your strategies accordingly like George Soros is doing.

Of course I am not a fan of George Soros at all. The shady things that he has done to promote the radical left around the globe are well documented. But they don’t call people like him “the smart money” for no reason.

Down in Venezuela, the economic collapse has already gotten so badthat people are hunting dogs and cats for food. For most of the rest of the world, things are not nearly that bad, and they won’t be that bad for a while yet. But without a doubt, the global economy is moving in a very negative direction, and the pace of change is accelerating.

Those that are wise have already been getting prepared, and those that are convinced that everything is going to be just fine somehow have not been getting prepared.

In the end, most people end up believing exactly what they want to believe, and we are not too far away from the time when those choices are going to have very severe consequences.

Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dream and Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2016 11:34:44 AM

It’s Time To Humanize The Syrian Refugee Crisis

JUNE 7, 2016

By Derrick Broze

The ongoing civil war in Syria has contributed to a mass exodus of people leaving their homes in pursuit of safety and a new beginning. The migration of millions of individuals and families has sparked controversy across Europe and the United States as the world grapples with how to balance welcoming in refugees while also protecting their own citizens. The Syrian refugees have been shown hospitality from some and faced outrage and fear from others who worry that a clash of cultures is too great to successfully integrate.

Lost in the headlines of proposals to completely ban Muslims or Arabs altogether, there are individuals and families who truly seek nothing but a life free of violence, war, and pain. While the Internet is filled with theorists who suspect that refugees are nothing more than terrorists in hiding, there are millions of human beings who wish for an opportunity to be treated as equals. To be certain, there have been reports of clashes with the residents of various nations who are accepting refugees. But is this the fault of the refugees, the residents, or simply ignorance on both parts?

To get to the bottom of this, one must begin to look at the situation without prejudice and recognize that all humans are individuals with their own unique perspectives and ideas. While some refugees may have their own vision of transforming their host nation, there are others who want to learn and grow in their new home. By the same token, for every accepting and loving citizen of a host nation there are also ignorant bigots who reject foreigners automatically.

Since 2011, hundreds of thousands of Syrians have risked their lives to make it to the shores of Greece. While many of these people have been resettled thousands more remain stranded in legal limbo. They are caught between Europeans who welcome them with open arms and increasingly “far-right” political groups who seek to ban refugees and their religious beliefs.

In an attempt to shine a light on the human side of the refugee crisis, a new documentary will follow the journey of one man from Syria to the Idomeni refugee camp in Greece. In April, filmmaker Jeremy Martin spent a week at Idomeni with refugees gathering video content, making contacts, and researching the migration crisis. While at Idomeni, Martin met Adbullah, a refugee from Deir ez-Zor, Syria, a city destroyed by Syrian, Russian, and NATO bombs and now controlled by ISIS. Abdullah and his friends share their stories of reaching Europe and ask whether taking the journey and risking their lives was a worthy endeavor.

“In the film we find out from refugees who they think is to blame for their crisis, where they place hope, and what options they have ahead of them,” Martin told Activist Post. “We look at why they left home, what they’ve encountered along the way, and how ending up in Greece has changed their lives. We try to understand how it feels to live every day from one to the next in complete uncertainty about the future as we perceive the refugee crisis Through Abdullah’s Eyes.

Jeremy Martin is planning to return to Greece to continue documenting the refugees’ journey as they seek asylum abroad. When asked how his film will handle the negativity and bigotry faced by some of the refugees, Martin said his film “aims to color the word refugee with the personalities of refugees that remind you that we’re so much more alike than we imagined, but because of the politics, whatever they may be, they equate to time lost in limbo as resources grow thin, tempers rise, and Europe’s far right keeps gaining momentum.”

It’s easy for armchair activists and Internet commentators to judge others and make assumptions about individuals based on their religion, the color of their skin, or their country of origin, but at the end of the day we are all individuals. Lovers of liberty, human rights advocates, and refugees can all learn to approach each other with kindness, grace, and compassion. Until we are capable of learning to judge every individual by their character and their actions we will be easily divided and manipulated.

For more information on “Through Abdullah’s Eyes” please see this interview with Jeremy Martin. If you are interested in supporting the film please contribute to Jeremy’s crowdfunding campaign.

Derrick Broze is an investigative journalist and liberty activist. He is the Lead Investigative Reporter for and the founder of the Follow him onTwitter.

Derrick is available for interviews.

This article may be freely reposted in part or in full with author attribution and source link.


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