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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2016 4:35:41 PM

There Are Major Side Effects To Marijuana But It’s Not What You Think

JUNE 6, 2016

foliage-1157792_960_720By Brandon Turbeville

According to reports, a new study has confirmed what millions of marijuana smokers have known all along – that the worst side effect from marijuana is getting arrested.

Well, that and periodontal disease.

According to researchers at Duke University, and senior author of the study, Terrie Moffitt, “the only measures that seem to indicate any real serious health problem was periodontal disease.”

“Anything you smoke, heats up your gums and causes inflammation and inflammation is bad for your teeth,” she said.

Notably, however, the researchers were unable to find a link between adult use of marijuana and poor lung function, systemic inflammation, body mass index, blood pressure and metabolic health. Essentially, the study has shown that people who smoked marijuana for up to 20 years, were as healthy as people who didn’t smoke marijuana at all.

The same research team found in a previous study, however, that marijuana users were at a “higher risk of cognitive decline and decent into lower social and economic strata,” but the side effects end there since there doesn’t seem to be physical health issues related to marijuana use.

While it is common knowledge that cognitive decline can occur in some chronic users, the question of lower social and economic status undoubtedly needs to be addressed. This is because such classifications may result from decades of a police state drug war that confines even the most peaceful, unoffensive marijuana users to cages and a life of second-class citizenship, particularly when it comes to employment.

Simply from observing these studies and personal observation of the world around them, it is clear that the drug war is infinitely more dangerous to both marijuana users and non-users, than the plant could ever be.

This article (There Are Major Side Effects to Marijuana But It’s Not What You Think) can be republished under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Brandon Turbevilleand Natural

Brandon Turbevillearticle archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense SolutionsandDispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2,The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 600 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2016 4:50:27 PM

A Single Meme’s Message On Hemp Plastic Was So Powerful, It Sparked An Internet Revolution

JUNE 6, 2016

By Claire Bernish

If you still don’t believe in the power of Internet-based activism, the incredible explosion of interest in hemp plastic — literally generated by a single meme — will convince you otherwise.

“Oil based plastics are destroying the environment,” the meme — originally posted to Facebook — states, asking, “Why not hemp plastics? They are both biodegradable and non-toxic.” Pictured at the top are marine animals tangled in plastic waste, while the bottom image shows a time-lapsed progression of a hemp plastic bottle in states of decay — complete in just 80 days.

We need a solution revolution. We need HEMP!

End the Drug War

Apparently, the meme’s message so impacted social media, well over 350,000 people shared it from its original place on End the Drug War — more than twice the total followers on that page. Other large Facebook pages also shared the meme, sometimes in an abbreviated format — and each of those pages garnered similar interest, resulting in thousands more shares.

But the true magic of spreading awareness — the foundation of all activism — could be seen on Google trends with a sudden astronomical spike in searches for “hemp plastic” beginning on the date the meme hit social media (top image). In just one dynamic image, a seed of awareness about a viable alternative to petroleum-based plastics found roots in the minds of hundreds of thousands — and with those roots, vast potential for change.

And that awareness couldn’t come too soon.

Plastic refuse so chokes the world’s oceans, a recent report predicts more of it will occupy space in the sea than fish, by as early as 2050. Every year, at least 8 million tons of discarded plastic winds up in the ocean. A full garbage truck’s worth of plastic is jettisoned into the ocean every minute. However, according to the report,

If no action is taken, this is expected to increase to two per minute by 2030 and four per minute by 2050 […]

In a business-as-usual scenario, the ocean is expected to contain 1 tonne of plastic for every 3 tonnes of fish by 2025, and by 2050, more plastics than fish (by weight).

At present, plastics account for around 6 percent of global oil consumption — the same rate as oil consumed by the entire planet’s aviation industry. However, by 2050, “If the current strong growth of plastics usage continues as expected, the plastics sector will account for 20% of total oil consumption.”

Plastic waste in the oceans tragically ensnares or is consumed by wildlife in telling quantities. A September 2015 report by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in conjunction with Imperial College London found nearly 60 percent of all seabird species “have plastic in their gut” — but by 2050, that number could jump to 99 percent. Indeed,

The scientists estimate that 90 percent of all seabirds alive today have eaten plastic of some kind.

While plastic doesn’t biodegrade, exposure to sunlight causes it to break down into smaller pieces easily ingested by marine and aquatic animals. Further disintegration of larger fragments results in smaller particles known as micro-plastic, which can be ingested by a greater range of species, including those lower on the food chain. Any toxins absorbed by the micro-plastic thus make their way back up the food chain to be consumed by larger animals and humans.

Considering Americans throw out 2.5 million plastic bottles every, single hour, while recycling only 13 percent of plastic waste, it’s no wonder marine and other wildlife bear the brunt of our convenience. But simply increasing the rate at which we recycle plastic amounts to little more than a superficial fix — and the recycling industry has taken a serious hit with consistently dropping oil prices.

Though recycling might be somewhat romanticized as an altruistic venture by people who feel relegating plastic waste to a separate bin means acting responsibly, the fact remains, recycling is a business like any other. In order to function, revenue must cover costs — and right now, low oil prices have forced many to shutter operations.

Fortunately, exactly as the viral meme suggests, an alternative to petroleum-based plastic already exists in the dynamically versatile hemp plant.

“Industrial hemp is grown in abundance in many parts of the world and produces the strongestnatural fiber known to man. Hemp as a raw material is one of the most useful plants on our planet with thousands of applications including a viable plastic material,” one of many sources touting the benefits of hemp plastic explains.

Hemp plastic is a bioplastic made using industrial hemp. There are many different types of hemp plastic; from standard plastics reinforced with hemp fibers, to a 100% hemp plastic made entirely from the hemp plant. Hemp plastic is recyclable and can be manufactured to be 100% biodegradable.

Plastic manufactured with hemp could drastically curtail the destruction of our oceans and the impact wrought by the manufacture and careless disposal of petroleum-based plastics over prior decades.

Hemp plastic could replace its toxic predecessor in every application imaginable — from phone chargers, lamps, and electrical sockets, to industrial construction components, railways, and toys. In 2014, LEGO executives even announceda plan to abandon toxic petroleum plastics in favor of an as-yet undetermined sustainable resin by 2030 — which sparkedconjecture hemp plastic LEGO bricks could be on the horizon.

But before a major push for such sweeping changes to an ubiquitous industry, people must be made aware of the extent of the problem — and that the solution isn’t merely wishful thinking.

And sometimes, the path to implementing meaningful change begins with something as humble as a meme.

Claire Bernish writes for, where this article first appeared.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2016 5:38:02 PM

Flooding from Tropical Storm Colin Still Causing Issues in Florida

By Ada Carr
Published: Jun 7 2016 01:15 PM EDT

Tropical Storm Colin Gaining Distance from Land

Meteorologist Domenica Davis has the latest on tropical storm Colin's path now that it has moved out of Florida.

A mobile park home in Clearwater, Florida, was left underwater Tuesday by flooding caused by Tropical Storm Colin. The storm made landfall in Florida Monday night, prompting Gov. Rick Scott to declare a state of emergency for more than half the counties in the Sunshine State.

"Colin dumped locally more than 10 inches of rain near the Tallahassee area Monday," said meteorologist Chris Dolce. "The storm is now on the move and impacts from the storm will diminish through Tuesday."

Tuesday the Mariners Cove mobile park home in Clearwater was submerged under 4 feet of water, according to ABC Action News. The community had to be evacuated.

Fire crews and officials with the Largo Police Department assisted 30 people to safety, while 20 chose to stay behind, ABC also reports.

Tampa International Airport saw 29 delays and 2 cancellations Tuesday due to conditions caused by Colin. Monday the air terminal saw 85 delays and 19 cancellations.

Duke Energy told the Associated Press that some 7,600 customers in Florida are still without power thanks to TropicalStorm Colin.

A hurricane hunter crew member snapped a shot of a waterspout ahead of Invest 93L which became Tropical Storm Colin.(Loadmaster MSgt Ed Scherzer/USAF Reserve Hurricane Hunters)

In an interview Tuesday, Scott said there were no reports of major damage, but the state will be tracking flooding.

Monday the governor said the state's Emergency Operations Center was elevated to activation status level 2, “The level two activation at the State Emergency Operations Center will help state and local emergency management officials work together to ensure our state is ready to respond to any impacts of this weather event.”

(FORECAST: Tropical Storm Colin Heading Through Florida)

Flood warnings were issued in many parts of the Tampa Bay area Tuesday and commuting became difficult as roads were underwater and closed off completely in some areas, the Associated Press reports.

Schools and summer programs were disrupted by the storm. Many students were dismissed early Monday and two high school graduations in the Tampa Bay area had to be postponed, AP also reports.

The Skyway Bridge was closed to all vehicles Monday as winds gusted up to 52 mph, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Tampa Electric reported nearly 8,300 customers (98.8 percent of all customers) were without power at one point Monday afternoon.

(MORE: Officials Identify Soldiers Killed in Texas Flooding)

Further south, KC-135s from the 6th Air Mobility Wing at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa were evacuated to Pease Air National Guard Base in New Hampshire Monday morning, and the base closed its Bayshore Boulevard gate Monday afternoon.

Florida Highway Patrol vehicles block access to the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, which was closed to all traffic Monday morning due to high winds.(Florida Highway Patrol)

Franklin County, which historically floods, issued a voluntary evacuation notice for anyone in low-lying areas or anyone in RVs in the county.

The National Weather Service reported a house fire in Hardee County was sparked by downed power lines knocked over by falling trees Monday afternoon. Strong winds also ripped the roof off a mobile home in Bradenton.

Colin dumped heavy rain along North Carolina's Outer Banks as it moved away from the southeastern coast Tuesday. Schools in Wilmington were delayed two hours due to the weather and Duke Energy reported a handful of customers were without service in eastern North Carolina, according to AP.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/7/2016 6:34:24 PM

Appearance of crater dubbed ‘the Gateway to the Underworld’ in Siberia is a warning to our warming planet

Such slumps have been ‘increasing in extent and intensity’ in the frozen north, scientists say

The Batagaika crater in Siberia is widening by up to 20m a year and is a sign of the rate at which the world is warming

It is known as “the Gateway to the Underworld” by local people who fear to go near the massive crater that suddenly appeared in the frozen heart of Siberia.

And they are right to be afraid.

For as the permafrost melts, the world’s biggest “megaslump” is expanding rapidly. Already about a kilometre long and 90m deep, it is widening by up to 20m a year, making walking near its precipitous edges a dangerous pursuit.

But Batagaika crater, which first appeared about 25 years ago, is also a sign of the rate at which the world is warming – smaller ones have been appearing increasingly across the northern hemisphere.

The melting of the permafrost represents one of humanity’s greatest fears for it contains vast amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas much more potent than carbon dioxide.

If it were all to melt – a process that would start on an epic scale after about four degrees of warming – it would likely tip the planet into an extreme scenario the full horror of which is hard to describe.

Professor Julian Murton, a geologist at the University of Sussex, has just returned from a trip to the crater to study its cliffs, which provide a new source of geological information that potentially dates back some 200,000 years.

This includes the last time that the Earth was warmer than it is now, when hippopotamuses and elephants wandered around the future Trafalgar Square.

The crater, 1km long and 90m deep, has appeared in the past 30 years (Julian Murton)

Professor Murton said: “In some sense, Batagaika does provide a view to what has happened in the past and what is likely to happen in the future.

“As the climate warms – I think there’s no shadow of a doubt it will warm – we will get increasing thaw of the permafrost and increasingly development of these ‘thermokarst’ features. There will be more slumps and more gullying, more erosion of the land surface.

“I think there’s growing evidence over the last few decades that thermokarst activity in the northern hemisphere has been increasing in extent and intensity.”

However, it will be sometime before Siberia begins to melt dramatically. It can still experience temperatures as low as minus -68C.

Did Climate Change kill over 200,000 Kazakh antelopes?

The Batagaika crater is thought to have begun after local people cut down some trees in the 1980s or early 1990s.

“Once you disturb the vegetation or soil above permafrost that can often set in train events that lead to the melting of ice within the permafrost,” he said.

“Cutting down of vegetation … removes some of the insulation that keeps the ground cool and that allows the summer heat to penetrate deeper into the ground.”

While the cliff edges are treacherous, the bottom of the crater is also something of a horror show.

Professor Murton compared it to the Badlands of the south-west US, full of ravines and gullies.

The remains of animals such as mammoths, musk ox and horses and ancient tree stumps can also be seen.

However, Professor Murton confirmed he had not found any sign of a mysterious tunnel leading to an underworld, physical or spiritual.

“At the bottom of the slump is rock … I haven’t seen any gateway to hell,” he said.

And while the permafrost can contain large amounts of methane, Professor Murton said there was “probably not a lot” in this particular area.

“You need waterlogged conditions for generating methane. It is pretty wet in the bottom of the slump, so it’s possible there’s some methane coming out of there,” he said.

But the crater, he said, was dangerous to people in the area simply “because this thing is growing remarkably quickly”.

“If you’ve got roads or paths nearby, they could easily get consumed as this thing grows … so it poses a hazard to the locals,” he said.

“There’s a lot of underground ice, ice wedges that are 20 to 30 metres high. Once this starts thawing there will be rapid change.”


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/8/2016 1:09:44 AM

Worst snowfall in 30 years blocks more than 10,000 Guatemalans

More than 4½ meters (14 ft) in the mountains accumulated during the worst snowfall in 30 years in Guatemala on June 4, 2016.

At least 10,000 Guatemalans are cut from the rest of the world.

snow guatemala june 2016, snow guatemala june 2016 photo, guatemala record snowfall, snow guatemala june 2016, worst snowfall guatemala in 30 years june 2016

The worst snowfall in the last three decades hasn’t only covered the mountainous areas with huge amounts of snow but also destroyed trees, houses and caused power outages in remote areas isolating many thousands inhabitants.

snow guatemala june 2016, snow guatemala june 2016 photo, guatemala record snowfall, snow guatemala june 2016, worst snowfall guatemala in 30 years june 2016

Since the storm has stopped now, it is believed the condition will get better in the next few days.

snow guatemala june 2016, snow guatemala june 2016 photo, guatemala record snowfall, snow guatemala june 2016, worst snowfall guatemala in 30 years june 2016

Snow on the roads has to be removed, and power lines repaired.

Luckily, only one person has been injured during the storm.


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