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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/11/2014 1:28:54 AM

An Apocalyptic (unveiling, that is) Preston James article 12-7-14… “WW3 Face Off ?”

veterans_today_preston_james_banner_15Sometimes the titles on Preston’s posts are a bit over the top. But read this entire piece and you may see some of the possible scenarios that are “playing out” behind the visible scenes. I never realized the potential significant role of (what has to be one of the toughest to spell) people in U.S. history, Zbigniew Brzezinski.

In any event, most of us who are “aware in the Higher (Cosmic) Sense” likely know that none of the traditional “nuclear bomb business” stuff will ever happen. I did find it very interesting what Preston mentioned about the Russian military capabilities. I can almostguarantee that should the WZ/USA Corp. cabal types ever triedanything against Russia, they would be selectively “removed from the Earth scene”… rapidly.

Here’s a couple of highlights from this.

“It does seem however that the “Jig is about up” because the World is hip to this massive WZ Counterfeiting System used to catch everyone in their massive Worldwide Web-of-Debt and they are allying together with Russia and China in secret to debase and defeat the US Petro Dollar and the WZs.

“…there has always been the risk that the folks who rose to prominence in the SSG System could actually take over the whole WZ Confederacy away or alternatively side-step the hegemony of the WZs and render them irrelevant.

“Some senior US Military analysts believe that the new Russian nuclear weapons are based on pin point accuracy in their targeting and a focus on important military and WZ targets only. It is also known that the new Russian nuclear weapons are neutron types or even more advanced that specialize in anti-personnel capability with minimal fallout and radiation aftereffects.

“Some insiders now claim that Zbigniew Brzezinski has risen to the very top of the SSG. Is this man MJ-1? No one will say for sure, but he might as well be because some say it appears that he is now running the top faction of the SSG… He has now apparently accrued enough respect, power and support from his top colleagues to sidestep the whole WZ Confederacy which is Hell bent on starting WW3 because of their Evil Agenda, if he decides to do so.

“Conclusion: If this new American Populism arises in enough prominence, it may be a signal to Dr. Brzezinski and his compatriots in the top faction of the SSG that any move by this top faction of the SSG to take control of the USG and reestablish Rule of Law, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights would be fully supported by the High Command of the US Military, the good half of the US Military, and as well as the American People in mass.”


WW3 Face Off?

The Ultimate Battle for control of the World seems imminent.
Is the Final Battle between the West and the East close at hand?
Can it be stopped?

Are the Citizens of the World Facing a final Battle of the Titans, a final War between the World Zionist Counterfeiters and Putin’s new Russian Federation?

Note: I cannot assure you that the following information is accurate even though the sources it was provided from have a previously good track record. Obviously this is not the kind of information you will be allowed to know for sure. You can believe anything you choose based on your own research, but at this point in time you will not be allowed to have any truly corroborative evidence provided in this type of article.

Vladimir_Putin_-_2006It’s a fact that President Putin has risen to be the uncontested Leader of the new Russian Republic.

He has made so many important strategic moves so effectively that many are now claiming he is one of the greatest statesmen that ever ran any Government in History.

The World Zionist WZ Confederacy is now challenging the Russian Federation and President Putin, and unchecked this will easily lead to a nuclear WW3.

The WZ Confederacy is comprised of the Bush Crime Cabal BCC and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate IZCS who are joined at the hip and are now pitted against the Russian Republic and President Putin because the WZs are trying to take over Russia and every other nation of the World not yet held captive in their Web-of-Debt.

The World’s Greatest Aggressor, this WZ Confederacy of the West aka the Rothschild Bankster System and their American allies the BCC, IZCS, the Federal Reserve System and a large faction inside the USG and US Military.

Unfortunately this WZ Confederacy includes numerous Israeli espionage fronts inside America such as AIPAC, the ADL, the SPLC, and almost the whole US Congress, the Judiciary, Homeland Security and five members of the Supreme Court, all of whom together form a large WZ collectivity which is now directly pitted against the Russian Republic and President Putin.

Many experts view this WZ Confederacy as actually little more than the largest RICO crime syndicate that has ever existed within the United States of America.

The Final Battle between the East and the West?

This standoff is shaping up as perhaps the Final Battle of the West versus the East, and the possibility of China jumping in as allies of the Russian Republic is more than mere fantasy. President Putin and his other secret allies have countered this insane WZ Confederacy aggression by setting up the new BRICS Development Bank which is now up and running and the new MINT Trading Cartel which will soon be also up and running. Neither new system is based on the US Petro Dollar but are based on Gold, Silver and real commodities. Together the BRICS and the MINT Systems involve more than 50% of the World Population.

What would be the result if the WZ’s go ahead and detonate their ultimate weapons, their Samson Option and their Worldwide Debt-Bomb instead of starting WW3? It has likely now gotten to the point that the BRICS and MINTs will be able to withstand either and will be able to survive with their own monetary and exchange systems already now set in place.

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Putin and his secret allies have created a huge Banking/monetary alternative independent of the WZ’s Counterfeit US Petro Dollar system as a powerful countermeasure.

Some believe that this continued aggression by the WZs against President Putin and the Russian Republic has has resulted in President Putin waging a secret economic war using this alternative banking system which is a notably crafty counteroffensive against the City of London Rothschild World Zionists who use Israel as their main Action-agents and their Stateside Franchisee the Federal Reserve System as their main Counterfeiting engine.

The WZ Confederacy has its loyal factions inside the USG, Congress, and the US Military.

This World’s Greatest Aggressor, the WZ Confederacy and their BCC and IZCS Cutouts have their factions within the USG, the US Congress and within the US Military. These factions were either appointed or gained control over by AIPAC penetrations, human compromise operations (including pedophilia), blackmail, and very large campaign donations and other huge perks such as offshore “set-aside allocations” aka large deposits in off shore foreign bank accounts in Caribbean Banks or the like.

The WZ Confederacy has gained massive economic power and World prominence through their use of the Federal Reserve System’s massive counterfeiting operation.

The WZ Confederacy gained massive economic power and World prominence by deploying their massive Counterfeiting System based on the US Petro Dollar, which is backed by nothing by WZ Confederacy war threats of mass-murder and mass-destruction. As the Russian Federation and its secret allies including China are now reaching economic and perhaps military parity, and have established their own banking system based on real money backed by Gold, Silver and commodities, it is quickly becoming a Checkmate Situation.

This WZ Confederacy is comprised of WZs, BCC and IZCS Cutouts and Assets and has arisen to World Economic prominence by their use of the massive WZ Counterfeiting System which specializes in acquisition and compromise of the leaders of many nations using pernicious usury and the massive debt-slavery which has resulted.

It does seem however that the “Jig is about up” because the World is hip to this massive WZ Counterfeiting System used to catch everyone in their massive Worldwide Web-of-Debt and they are allying together with Russia and China in secret to debase and defeat the US Petro Dollar and the WZs.

The WZ Confederacy has inflicted Mass death and Destruction on the World as part of their criminally insane Agenda for World hegemony and a NWO Kingdom.

During the last hundred years since 1913 when the WZ’s Federal Reserve System attained such World Hegemony through the deployment of its massive Counterfeiting System, it has inflicted Mass Death and Destruction on many nation-states of the World. Many believe that it is now beginning it move to reduce the World’s population up to 90% as a part of its Luciferian Agenda of Mass Death for purification of the human race.

It has also generated continual wars of aggression for Bankster and defense contractor profits, all as part of a Luciferian plan to transform the whole world into a Luciferian Kingdom with a future anointed ruler to be seated in Jerusalem. Thus the name the label the “New Crusaders” has been given to this Western WZ Confederacy.

The WZ Confederacy joined hands with the SSG to increase their War Powers.

One of the tools the WZs used to rise to World’s prominence was their financial support of and alliance with the technology and weapons American Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which helped them with their foreign wars of aggression and acquisition. This provided increased revenues and motivated them to provide an elastic checkbook to Congress and Intel to fund the various SSG deep black, beyond-black, and black within black unacknowledged programs.

The Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is a shadowy, secret Government comprised of the largest private Defense Contractors who run these “black within black”, “deep-black” and “beyond-black” unacknowledged programs.

These programs are so secret even some top officials in each company do not know each and every of these hidden programs or who works is in them, how much they spend, or even what they do and they know it has been classically unsafe to ask any serious questions about these matters either.

Some of these beyond-black unacknowledged programs are so secret and so powerful, they have no accounting records or any records at all, and are able to all the cash disbursements they need directly from the US Treasury or the Federal Reserve System with no records trail ever being left. How they were able to acquire such power and secret prominence is a subject which has already been covered in other Secret Space War articles here on Veterans Today.

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The WZ Confederacy has taken great risks in their criminally insane quest for World Domination.

In financing and using the SSG as their secret military and advanced technology arm to gain defense predominance of the World, the WZs actually took a big risk because in doing so this opened up the future possibility that the SSG could just decide to push the WZ Confederacy aside and take control away from the WZ Confederacy.

That is, there has always been the risk that the folks who rose to prominence in the SSG System could actually take over the whole WZ Confederacy away or alternatively side-step the hegemony of the WZs and render them irrelevant.

Or the Top Faction of the SSG which has now attained enough power could just sit back and let the WZ Confederacy continue their war mongering insanity and take on President Putin and the Russian Federation and get what is coming to them, complete destruction and one of the greatest single day defeats in history of such a major World power.

The new Russian Military weapons specialize in pin point accuracy and group launching with “hiving” (aka “smart coordination”).

Some senior US Military analysts believe that the new Russian nuclear weapons are based on pin point accuracy in their targeting and a focus on important military and WZ targets only. It is also known that the new Russian nuclear weapons are neutron types or even more advanced that specialize in anti-personnel capability with minimal fallout and radiation aftereffects.

These devices are believed to be delivered via supersonic missiles that are “hived” that is have the ability to coordinate targeting with one another and able to defeat all known jamming systems.

Some sea capable systems can zig-zag low to the waterline at speeds perhaps up to 15,000 miles per hour or even faster.

Russia also has supersonic torpedoes that use some incredible technology to disrupt the usual resistance of water.

What this may mean in practical terms is that US naval battle groups may be sunk in mere minutes when faced with such ultra high tech weapons.

Some reports suggest that President Putin has no beef with the American people in general and that he does not blame them for the WZ’s and all their human compromising of at least half of the USG, most of Congress and about one half of the US Military.

Has the Top Faction of the SSG attained enough power to step in and take over and prevent this WW3 which now seem imminent with the recent Republican victory in Congress?

It has been rumored from deeply connected inside sources that one man has risen in the SSG System to the very top of the faction that control it is now positioned with enough power and support that he is untouchable by the WZ Confederacy and their Cutouts and cronies, including the whole US Congress and about one-half the US Military. Who is this man?

Some insiders now claim that Zbigniew Brzezinski has risen to the very top of the SSG. Is this man MJ-1? No one will say for sure, but he might as well be because some say it appears that he is now running the top faction of the SSG.

He has now apparently accrued enough respect, power and support from his top colleagues to sidestep the whole WZ Confederacy which is Hell bent on starting WW3 because of their Evil Agenda, if he decides to do so.

Dr. Brzezinski probably now has enough power to take complete control over the WZ Confederacy itself if he decides this is his best move to thwart these insane WZ Confederacy monsters who are Hell-bent of starting WW3 to sustain their hegemony over Big Oil and perhaps take over the whole World.

Or he could just sit back and allow the Russian Federation to destroy the WZ Confederacy Forces, and perhaps also be destroyed along with them when they start WW3 with Russia, which they now seem obsessed with doing.

Could a back-channel compromise be worked out?


Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser under President Jimmy Carter, whose Presidency was sabotaged by the WZs. Top Insiders suggest that no one should ever make the mistake of underestimating his innate intelligence and politicalcraft.

Could a back-channel compromise be worked out between the top faction of the SSG and President Putin, perhaps a very functional win/win situation for the United states of America and the Russian Republic, one that would defeat the WZ Confederacy and liberate the whole World from it grip of ultimate Evil?

Is there a chance that Dr. Brzezinski will assert the control that he has probably attained and decide to work directly with President Putin via back-channels to avert a WW3 which seems inevitable unless the WZ Confederacy is stopped cold.

It is believed by some insiders that Dr. Brzezinski has harbored some deep resentment for the Soviet Union’s Bolshevist Communism and may still distrust those who are running the new Russian Republic.

He may feel a natural aversion for any new Russian leadership based on past inside knowledge and experience which would have to be overcome.

Dr. Brzezinski is known to have attained great power and respect, more than a few fear him greatly too. It is also know that many also respect and fear President Putin.

There is always the possibility that Dr. Brzezinski may feel that the American People have given consent to those that make up the WZ Confederacy by not standing up against it in mass, perhaps being too busy watching TV and the Nightly News which is little more than a WZ propaganda dispenser.

Dr. Brzezinsky may be tempted to let the WZ Confederacy run its course and find out what lies unexpectedly in store for them due to their criminally insane obsession with subduing the whole world for their sinister Evil purposes and starting WW3.

There is a chance that the American people will wake up in mass and start challenging the WZ Confederacy’s hold on America. This could occur because a powerful new Populism is now arising from the independent Alternative News available on some of the Internet websites like Veterans Today or the sites that dare to carry their articles. The worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press and is a powerful source of World Populism as well as Populist Sovereignty in many nations.


If this new American Populism arises in enough prominence, it may be a signal to Dr. Brzezinski and his compatriots in the top faction of the SSG that any move by this top faction of the SSG to take control of the USG and reestablish Rule of Law, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights would be fully supported by the High Command of the US Military, the good half of the US Military, and as well as the American People in mass.

In the past Dr. Brzezinsky was the driving force behind bringing in President Jimmy Carter and some fresh air to block the abject corruption of the WZ Confederacy. The first thing President Carter did was to appoint Stanfield Turner as the new Director of the CIA with a mission to clean it up. Admiral Turner then proceeded to fire over 750 of the dirtiest drug dealing CIA covert operators, many some of the worst, prolific criminals one could ever imagine.

Unfortunately many of these went on to form the “Enterprise” when the Bush Crime Cabal was to re-establish control after the WZ Confederacy was able to manipulate Bush1 into the Presidency after he ran an assassination attempt against President Reagan with the full support of his controllers i at the top of the WZ Pyramid of Power.

Some believe that Dr. Brzezinsky has a long memory and has finally accrued enough power to disjoint the WZ Confederation one way or another. Some believe that Dr. Brzezinski is known to compromise when he sees a clear advantage in maintaining his position and power but can still maintain his own future aspirations and expectations for the changes he hope for and is now perhaps empowered to make.

His political and military tactical astuteness is beyond question. It is a fact that he was the brilliant strategist behind the solidification of the Mujaheddin as a major fighting force which defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Undoubtedly Zbigniew Brzezinski’s orchestration of the Russian defeat in Afghanistan played a major part in the major inner stress that contributed to the financial collapse of the Soviet union which was pushed to the edge and finished off by Lee Wanta.

After this, it was the Bush Crime Cabal working with the International Zionist Crime Syndicate that once again hijacked the USG, the Congress and the US High Military Command to infiltrate and gain control over the Mujaheddin and turn them into Al CIA Duh and now ISIS/ISIL (aka Al CIA Duh version 2).

No one is saying for sure but my best guess is that Dr. Brzezinski has been biding his time, quietly building a very powerful top SSG faction which is now likely powerful enough to take on the WZ Confederacy if he deems it is appropriate or necessary.

On the other hand he may allow them to stupidly dial in their own focused destruction by waging an insane “doomed from the start” war with the Russian Federation and President Putin and then help the surviving American people rebuild their nation free of the WZ Confederacy controls which means free of the BCC and the IZCS and all those they have been in control of through their sinister human compromise means. As one top insider recently said, don’t ever underestimate Dr. Zibigniew Brzezinsky, ever.

He is very, very crafty, a top notch political and military strategist who apparently hates Bolshevism in any form especially the WZ form which what was the basis of Soviet Russia and Maoist China, and loves America the Republic. Hopefully he will use back-channels and negotiate a win/win agreement with President Putin that will push the WZ Confederacy to the side and evaporate their massive espionage against all American Institutions of Government including Congress, the Judiciary, the Department of Justice, the US Military and Intel. And hopefully an end can be brought to the WZ’s massive Counterfeiting System which has enveloped much of the World in a massive Web-of-Debt.

If not Dr. Brzezinski may just wait and see and then pick up the pieces after WW3 destroys the WZ Confederacy by using his apparent command of what some consider a “breakaway society” of the top echelons of the SSG, using their ultra high technology to rebuild a new American Republic free of the WZs and their Kingpins and Cutouts like the BCC and the IZCS.

Note: It is known that Veterans Today has some Editors and/or staff who may have clearances at the very highest levels within the SSG. Sources for this article did not include them, and any information included has been provided by other sources not linked or associated with Veterans Today.

This article reveals what has been traditionally very closely guarded information considered so sensitive it was never to be revealed to the Public. Once again, Veterans Today brings you incredible bombshell secret information on the Root Causes of the Evils that are destroying America and much of the World, now revealed for the first time anywhere.

You can thank the Major Foreign Intel Dumps into the Public Domain which are now occurring all over the World. Stay tuned because if it is breaking News or Dirty Secrets to be revealed for the first time ever it is likely that it will either be published here on on or presented on Veterans Today News Reports.

Articles like this are litmus tests for Websites. Those that publish them are typically on the right track and working hard to get the Truth out.


NOTE: Apart from his huge interest, I have felt this article belongs to and deserves to be shared here, so I have brought it from my New Age thread.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/11/2014 9:37:55 AM

12-Year-Old's Suicide Sparks Social-Media Outrage: Is It Enough?

Beth Greenfield

12-Year-Old's Suicide Sparks Social-Media Outrage: Is It Enough?

Ronin Shimizu. Photo by Instagram.

It’s been nearly a week since Ronin Shimizu, 12, a bright-eyed California boy who was passionate about cheerleading and fashion, committed suicide, following years of being bullied. And in the time since his death, social media has exploded with post-mortem sorrow, outrage, and several tributes, as well as a memorial Go Fund Me page that’s raised more than $10,000 in just two days.

“The fact that kids bullied this twelve year old boy so bad that he wanted to take his own life makes me sick to my stomach,” cried outone tweet in an endless stream of those using hashtags #RIPRoninand #RIPRoninShimizu this week. “That poor boy was only 12 years old,” wrote another. “Watch your words, they can cause more pain than you may know.”

STORY: Mom: My Son ‘Looks a Lot Like a Girl’

But still another expressed a feeling of futility. It asked, simply, “Why do people only start paying attention when it’s too late?”

It’s a worthy question, especially considering the relentless nature of the bullying Shimizu reportedly experienced — as well as news of other recent suicides apparently connected with bullying, such as that of 13-year-old Peyton James of Texas, who had been targeted by his peers since second grade before taking his own life in October.

“Social media can be an effective tool, but it’s easier to write your support than to show it in person and at school, and I don’t like that,”Donna Clark-Love, a bullying-prevention expert and educator based in Houston, Tex., tells Yahoo Parenting. “Oftentimes I’ll be speaking at a school and someone will ask me, ‘Did you see my [supportive] tweet?’ And my question is, did you stand up at school? Because if you’re going to do social media, then speak out in school, too.”


Photo by Facebook

Still, notes David Bond, vice president of programs for The Trevor Project — a national organization that provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people— the outpouring on social media is a natural reaction and can indeed be positive. But it has the potential to backfire, too. “For the people who loved Ronin, it’s nice to see, and might be comforting,” Bond tells Yahoo Parenting. “For other young people potentially considering suicide, that concept of ‘contagion’ is something to be considered — that thought of ‘You’ll miss me when I’m gone’ that can sometimes be reinforced through seeing such loving tributes. So it becomes a very complex situation.”

STORY: Matthew Shepard’s Parents Head to Russia

As for Shimizu, the reported details of his life and death feel heart-wrenchingly familiar. Folsom Cordova Unified School District, where he attended both elementary and middle school, confirmed that there had been various allegations of bullying, and though they had been met with “appropriate action,” spokesperson Daniel Thigpen told theNew York Daily News, “we’re certainly using this as an opportunity to look back at how we looked at the allegations.” Eventually, Shimizu’s parents took him out of class and began homeschooling him, although he continued cheerleading — the only boy on the Vista Junior Eagles Cheer Team.

“Tragically, we lost one of our own, Ronin Shimizu,” notes the website for the team, which is not affiliated with the school. “Please support his family through this extremely difficult time and keep all of them in your thoughts and prayers.”

Local station News 10 ABC aired a statement from the boy’s parents, Brandon and Danielle Shimizu, which read in part: “Ronin was one of the most loving, compassionate, empathetic, artistic and funny kids to grace this earth. Ronin was a child who was not afraid to follow his heart, and we as his parents did everything in our power to allow him to pursue his passions, while protecting him from the minority that could not understand the specialness he possessed. As you already know, Ronin loved to do Cheer, but he also loved art, fashion, being a Scout and most recently crew/rowing. It is true that because of his specialness, Ronin was a target of bullying by individuals that could not understand or accept his uniqueness. Ronin was not just a target of bullying because of his participation in cheer, but for him just being Ronin.”

A blog post on the Good Men Project put it this way: “When a boy refuses to adhere to rigid gender-based expectations, whether by wearing ‘feminine’ clothing or joining the cheerleading team or anything else, he is punished. Masculinity requires conformity.”

Sadly, notes Bond, “People are harassed and rejected when they don’t conform to societal norms. In this situation, it seems like Ronin was expressing who he was and it was in a way that was not typical for boys.” But, he says, “There is often an internal conflict when you want to be accepted and liked, but when you also want to be who you are and have joy in life.”

So what can people do — whether they knew Shimizu or not — when it comes to constructively expressing outrage and wanting to effect change regarding bullying and suicide prevention? Bond has a few suggestions:

Know that bullying and suicide are two distinct issues. “It’s irresponsible to make a direct link to bullying as the only cause of suicide,” Bond notes, “as research tells us that sometimes those at highest risk of suicide are bullies, as well as bullies who are also bullied.” It’s also unfair to directly blame any individual bullies for a suicide, as there are many other factors at play — including any social environment or attitudes in which bullying is reinforced. So focusing only on young people who are bullied as a way to prevent suicide, he says, actually neglects a wide swath of young people who may also be at risk. And fighting suicide along with bullying is vital, considering that, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the second leading cause of death (after accidents) for young people between the ages of 10 and 24.

Open communication at home. It’s important for parents and caregivers to really engage with kids. “So instead of just asking, ‘How was your day?’ try asking ‘what was the best thing to happen today?’ or ‘what’s been the hardest thing you’ve had to deal with this week?’” Sometimes young people can lose sight of the fact that life is a balance of good and bad, and only focus on the bad. By speaking to kids about both sides, Bond says, you help “confirm the balance.”

Focus on creating safe spaces for youth in schools. Faculty and staffers need to express that they are “safe and accepting,” he notes, and that a young person can feel good coming to them for support — or for nonjudgmental direction toward someone who can provide that support. “Young people often believe they are all alone,” Bond says. “They need to be told that’s not the case.”

If you or someone you know is in crisis, round-the-clock help is available through the Trevor Project’s Trevor Lifeline (866-488-7386) and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255).

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/11/2014 9:50:13 AM

Lawyer: American arrested in Israel denies charges

Associated Press

In this Feb. 13, 2013 photo provided by the Crawford County, Ill., Sheriff's Office is Everett Adam Livvix of Robinson, Illinois. Livvix, 30, has been charged with possessing weapons that Israeli police say he planned to use to blow up holy sites in Jerusalem. (AP Photo/Crawford County Sheriff)

JERUSALEM (AP) — An Illinois man charged in Israel with plotting to blow up Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem calls the allegations "nonsense," his lawyer said Wednesday.

Israeli authorities indicted Everett Adam Livvix, 30, who they said once posed as an ex-U.S. Navy SEAL, on weapons charges stemming from the alleged plot. Israeli police said Livvix also turned down an offer from a Palestinian to assassinate U.S. President Barack Obama during a visit to the Holy Land in 2013.

Livvix went by Adam in Israel and back home in Robinson, Illinois, where he had an arrest record for alleged offenses including marijuana possession and theft. He faced charges in Crawford County, Illinois, for stealing a farm brush mower but failed to show up in court in March 2013, Sheriff Bill Rutan said.

Livvix's lawyer in Israel, Gal Wolf, said his client was held for eight days without access to a lawyer following his arrest last month, although U.S. Embassy officials did see him. Wolf said Livvix underwent "extended interrogations" by Israeli security services and that he is being kept separate from other prisoners.

"He categorically denies the charges in the indictment," Wolf said. "He says it is nonsense."

Wolf said he last saw Livvix on Monday and described his mood as "down." He said that Livvix may have psychological issues that need assessing and could come into play during his trial. Israel's Justice Ministry said Livvix underwent a psychiatric evaluation Tuesday, but Wolf said results had not yet been released.

Wolf said Livvix was living with a fiancee when he was arrested. He did not identify the woman but said she was also an American citizen. He did not know if they arrived to Israel together or met here.

Israel indicted Livvix on Monday on charges of illegal weapon possession and overstaying his visa by more than a year. Operating in cooperation with Israel's Shin Bet security service, police went to arrest Livvix last month at his seventh-floor apartment, the ministry said, but he initially tried to escape by leaping down to a patio on the floor below.

Livvix, who said he was a former Navy SEAL, was asked by an unnamed Palestinian to assassinate Obama with a sniper rifle during the president's March 2013 visit to the region, Israeli police said. Livvix declined, but the FBI ended up involved in the case investigating his actions, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

Later that year, Livvix entered Israel, the Justice Ministry said, and told Israeli friends he had strong anti-Arab sentiments. The ministry said Livvix later cooperated with his roommate, a serving soldier in the Israeli military, to obtain 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds) of explosive material to blow up the unidentified Jerusalem holy sites. The ministry said police discovered the plot in October.

An Israeli court is expected to decide Dec. 21 whether to detain Livvix until court proceedings are over.

Indiana-based bounty hunter Willie Bryant told The Associated Press he had been tracking Livvix through various cities in Israel, but was unable to arrest him on a failure-to-appear charge out of Indiana as he had no authority abroad.


Associated Press writers Jon Gambrell in Cairo and Tammy Webber in Chicago contributed to this report.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/11/2014 10:02:04 AM
11 December 2014 Last updated at 03:08 GMT

Eric Garner death: 76 arrested at London
Westfield demo

Some protesters held the peaceful "die-in" before being moved outside by police

Police have arrested 76 people who were taking part in a mass protest at a major west London shopping centre.

An estimated 600 people gathered at Westfield in Shepherd's Bush for the so-called "die-in" demonstration.

Police said the arrests were made when a breakaway group assaulted security staff and damaged property.

The protest was in solidarity with rallies in the US prompted by the death of Eric Garner, a black man who died during an arrest in New York in July.

Two peaceful protests were held in west London on Wednesday evening, one inside the Westfield shopping mall and one outside.

Westfield protestPolice said about 600 people had gathered near Shepherd's Bush Green

It is believed those staging the occupation were asked to move outside, a request that was peacefully complied with, Scotland Yard said.

But, according to a police statement, a group then tried to gain access to the centre and were arrested on suspicion of public order offences and one man was held on suspicion of assault.

The Metropolitan Police said they dealt with the protesters using tactics "including a containment for the purpose of preventing violence and effecting arrests".

Commanding officer Ch Supt Mark Bird said: "We will always work with those that wish to demonstrate lawfully - as the majority of protesters did yesterday.

"However, we will not tolerate the small minority that offer violence or commit other criminal acts, such as that witnessed outside Westfield."

The Met said their inquiries into the incident were continuing.

Could not breathe

Mr Garner, 43, was stopped on a street in New York on 17 July on suspicion of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes.

Police officers wrestled him to the ground and he complained he could not breathe as he was restrained in an apparent chokehold. He became unresponsive and later died.

Westfield protestWestfield said it wanted to ensure the safety of shoppers and retailers
Shepherd's Bush demonstrationProtesters moved from the shopping centre towards Shepherd's Bush Green

Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the US in protest over his death and that of Michael Brown, 18, who was killed in Ferguson, Missouri on 9 August.

Grand juries in Missouri and New York have decided not to charge the officers involved.

West London protesters held signs carrying the same "Black lives matter" message as seen in US demonstrations.

(BBC News)

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12/11/2014 10:16:39 AM

For CIA, fallout from Senate report looks far from over


Senate Intelligence Committee chair Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) (R) talks to reporters after coming out of the Senate in Washington December 9, 2014. REUTERS/Gary Cameron

By Mark Hosenball and Warren Strobel

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As outcry grows over its now-defunct brutal interrogation program, America's spy agency appears caught in the crossfire of debate over its methods in the ongoing U.S. battle against Islamic militants and whether it has changed its ways.

Inside the Central Intelligence Agency, intelligence officials expressed resentment over what they said was the unfairness of a Senate Intelligence Committee report released on Tuesday that harshly criticized the spy agency's detention and questioning of militant suspects.

As Senate Democrats urged more information about the program be made public and CIA officials be held accountable, CIA Director John Brennan was scheduled to speak privately to the agency's employees on Wednesday about the Senate report.

Brennan, who is close to U.S. President Barack Obama, on Tuesday acknowledged the agency made mistakes, but rejected some key Senate panel findings, including its conclusion that harsh interrogation techniques did not produce valuable intelligence about militants that could not be obtained by other means.

"CIA is frequently asked to do difficult, sensitive and sometimes risky things on behalf of the country," a U.S. intelligence official said. "Congress doesn’t do massive studies of CIA’s successful efforts such as preventing another massive casualty attack on the United States."

"The intellectual dishonesty of the (Senate) report will eventually be revealed and in the end CIA’s position about the value of the detention and interrogation program will stand as the historical fact," the intelligence official said.

Countries that cooperated with the CIA's post-Sept. 11, 2001 detention and interrogation program expressed dismay that its details became public.

"Who now in any form is going to want to continue cooperation in the fight with global terrorism and with opponents of our world view, democracy, in this domain when the system is so dramatically liable to leak?" Polish Deputy Prime Minister Janusz Piechocinski told Poland's TVN24 broadcaster.

Poland has acknowledged allowing the CIA to operate a secret interrogation center on its territory.

As details of the CIA program dribbled out over the years, the agency has faced Justice Department investigations - no prosecutions materialized - and worried it would lose cooperation from allied intelligence services.

But even some who are sympathetic to the CIA say the agency bears the brunt of blame for the damage.

"It's just a self-inflicted wound of the worst kind," said former CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz.


In the continuing tug of war over the CIA program, retiring Sen. Mark Udall, Colorado Democrat, took to the U.S. Senate floor to disclose findings of an earlier CIA review that he said backs up the Senate Intelligence Committee majority report.

The conclusions of the CIA study, known as the "Panetta Review" after former CIA director Leon Panetta, "fly directly in the face of claims made by senior CIA officials past and present," Udall said, urging its declassification.

He called for new legislation banning coercive interrogation techniques.

CIA officials have said the Panetta Review was not an investigation that reached conclusions, but merely a factual account of the program's history.

Significant new limits on the CIA's role and powers seem unlikely. Obama has placed the agency at the forefront of battling Islamic militants worldwide, including using armed drones.

Obama is known to rely heavily on the counsel of Brennan, formerly his top White House counter-terrorism advisor. And the CIA faces a more sympathetic Congress next year, when Republican Sen. Richard Burr, who was critical of the 'torture" report, replaces Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.


Obama in 2009 issued an executive order barring the CIA from operating detention facilities and conducting "enhanced interrogation."

The CIA on Tuesday said it had already taken steps to address issues raised in the report, including better management of sensitive programs and enhanced vetting of CIA officers who participate in them.

Philip Zelikow, who as a top State Department official in 2006 wrote a secret memo arguing some of the CIA techniques were unconstitutional, said the CIA's assurances were insufficient.

The Senate report "does raise some important issues regarding the management of covert activities," he said.

The report "will have for some time, and some time can mean for years, a chastening effect. But over time the agency does what it does," said Glenn Carle, a retired CIA officer who questioned prisoners after 2001.

"I think generations will forget," he said. "And the institution strives to serve the executive. And there will be mistakes again."

(Additional reporting by Patricia Zengerle and David Rohde in Washington and Pawel Sobczak, Marcin Goettig, Anna Wlodarczak-Semczuk and Wiktor Szary in Warsaw; Editing by James Dalgleish)

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