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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/10/2014 10:59:48 PM

Sen. Harry Reid eviscerates GOP leaders in New York Times exit interview

Asked whether any of his Republican counterparts could become president, outgoing Senate majority leader replies, 'Of what?'

Yahoo News

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid speaks on Capitol Hill, Nov. 18, 2014. (AP/Carolyn Kaster)

Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid blasted Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, his soon-to-be successor, and other Republicans, vowing Democrats will wage "a new battle" with the GOP when the Senate reconvenes on Jan. 6.

“Is there enough they can do to help Wall Street? I don’t think so. Big banks? I don’t think so,” Reid told the New York Times in an exit interview published Wednesday. “That’s where the new battle is going to be.”

The 75-year-old Nevada Democrat said Republicans are at odds with Americans when it comes to environmental protection laws.

“They want to eviscerate Clean Air, Clean Water, EPA,” Reid said.

Democrats lost control of the Senate during last month's midterm elections, losing a total of nine seats. Republicans now control both the House and Senate, where they will have a 54-44 majority. (Two members of the Senate are independents.)

Reid told the Times that he is willing to make compromises with Republican lawmakers but not simply to rack up political points.

"I’m happy to work with them,” Reid said of his GOP counterparts. “But I’m not going to throw middle-class America overboard.”

His "somewhat belligerent tone," as the Times described it, seems to be in contrast with postelection comments made by McConnell, the incoming majority leader, who told Yahoo News last week that he hopes to work with Senate Democrats, despite their differences.

"There's not going to be a government shutdown," McConnell said before a meeting with President Obama at the White House. "The president has been way out of line with his executive amnesty, [but] shutting down the government is not the way to respond."

Reid said he plans to run for reelection in 2016, when some of his Senate colleagues — including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio — may be running for the Republican presidential nomination.

When asked by the Times whether any of them could become president, Reid replied: “Of what?”

Related video:

Reid: "Not only is torture wrong, but it doesn't work"

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/10/2014 11:12:53 PM

Russian PM warns against 'hysterics' over ruble collapse


Russian PM Medvedev Says Sanctions Harmful for Both Russia and West

Moscow (AFP) - Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev urged Russians to be patient Wednesday as the ruble plunged further due to falling oil prices and Western sanctions over Ukraine, and said the currency was now undervalued.

"It's definitely not necessary to go into hysterics," Medvedev said in an annual televised interview.

"Here, people just need to have patience and look at how events developed in a similar situation in 2008-2009 when the ruble weakened significantly," he told five television channels.

"Most economists and analysts agree that at the moment the ruble is excessively weakened, that is, it is undervalued," said Medvedev, who served a four-year stint as president from 2008 before ceding the Kremlin back to his mentor Vladimir Putin in 2012.

He warned that Russians could ultimately lose if they converted their savings into foreign currency.

The dollar is now up some 65 percent against the ruble since the start of the year.

The Russian currency is also at a level of 67 rubles against the euro, down from 45 rubles at the start of the year.

On Wednesday, the ruble hit a new record low of over 68 to the euro in late afternoon trading.

This year, falling growth has been exacerbated by the impact of Western sanctions on Russia over Ukraine and falling oil prices.

Authorities have repeatedly intervened but have so far been unable to halt the collapse of the ruble.

The World Bank on Tuesday announced a gloomier economic forecast for Russia, predicting its economy would shrink by 0.7 percent in 2015.

- 'In the same boat' -

Medvedev said that during the 2008-09 crisis when the ruble last fell dramatically against the dollar and euro, those who exchanged savings ended up losing money as the currency subsequently strengthened.

He added that he kept his own money in rubles.

"We are in the same boat," he said.

Nevertheless, the prime minister conceded that ordinary Russians were suffering from rising prices and that while a weak ruble benefited exporters, it was harmful to the economy in the long run.

He reiterated the Kremlin's official line by saying that it was not up to Russia to lift the sanctions, which, he conceded, had cost the country billions of dollars this year.

"We didn't bring in these sanctions and we shouldn't be the ones to cancel them, that is their business," Medvedev said, harshly criticising the United States, whose current administration he said is "behaving unreasonably and unpredictably."

"Our economy as a result of these sanctions has probably lost tens of billions of dollars," he said.

Finance Minister Anton Siluanov had earlier said that the Russian economy was losing some $40 billion a year over the sanctions.

"According to the calculations of our economists, the European economy has lost 40 billion euros only from cancelling contracts with Russia," Medvedev added in the interview.

Germany, Italy and France are Russia's biggest European trading partners.

Among the most high-profile EU-Russia deals to be hit by sanctions is France's delivery of two warships to Russia.

Although the deal was done before the EU imposed sanctions on Russia, Paris came under intense pressure to scrap the accord, and has since said it would postpone the decision on whether to hand over the Mistrals.

Medvedev’s promises to make Russia a freer, more democratic country created unprecedented hopes when he took office in 2008.

But he lost much of his influence after he willingly renounced his claim to a second term and swapped jobs with Putin.

Incensed by Putin's announcement of the job swap and subsequent fraud-tainted parliamentary elections in December, tens of thousands took to the streets in protests on a scale unprecedented since the turbulent days of the early 1990s.

A subsequent clampdown on freedoms dealt a huge blow to Russia's protest movement but some analysts say that mounting economic trouble could trigger a new wave of protests in the near future.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/10/2014 11:25:57 PM

Retiring lawmaker on Senate torture report: 'Our values are in jeopardy'

Much of the debate following the release of the Senate torture report has centered on whether there is any evidence that the torture produced actionable intelligence. Sen. Carl Levin said Wednesday he has concluded there is no such evidence.

By , Staff writer

Senate Armed Services Committee Chair Carl Levin speaks at the Monitor-hosted breakfast for reporters on Wednesday, December 10, 2014, in Washington, DC.
Michael Bonfigli/The Christian Science Monitor

As the outgoing chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Sen. Carl Levin (D) of Michigan was drawn to an item buried deep in the Senate torture report, released Tuesday.

It referred to Senator Levin’s own plan to establish a commission to investigate the Central Intelligence Agency’s enhanced interrogation techniques. The CIA, for its part, feared that such a move would lead to the discovery of videotapes of the interrogation sessions.

A measure to establish such a commission ended up being defeated in November 2005, in a roughly party-line vote of 43 to 55.

Recommended: Senate torture report: six top findings

“The CIA destroyed the tapes the following day,” Levin said at a breakfast hosted by the Monitor Wednesday morning. “It reminds me of Watergate.”

The episode raises the question, too, of how much the White House knew about the CIA’s decision to destroy the interrogation videotapes.

In one of the report’s thousands of footnotes (footnote No. 2,488, to be exact) is an e-mail by the CIA’s acting general counsel, John Rizzo, suggesting that the CIA needed to get the “right people downtown on board with the notion of our destroying the tapes,” Levin said, reading the section aloud at the breakfast.

The “right people downtown,” said Levin, referred to the White House. The senator said he would leave it to others to determine the extent to which the executive branch knew about the destruction of the videotapes.

For now, much of the debate following the release of the torture report by the Senate Intelligence Committee has centered on whether there is any evidence at all that the torture produced actionable intelligence, as the CIA claims it did. The Senate report refutes these claims.

Levin said he has concluded “there is no evidence that it did.” However, as to another question, could torture under any circumstances produce actionable intelligence? “I imagine it could,” Levin said.

Yet even engaging in that debate serves in some sense to justify torture, which should not be used under any circumstances, Levin said. “Even if theoretically it could on some occasion produce intelligence that is really important and not obtainable by other means,” its use leads to the disintegration of US values and endangers troops who are less likely to receive the courtesies of the Geneva Conventions if their own country doesn’t abide by it, Levin said. “Our values are in jeopardy when we use torture.”

What’s more, the resources used by intelligence agencies – which threaten to become ever scarcer under sequestration, analysts note – "are going to be wasted because there are more false leads than good leads” as a result of “enhanced interrogation techniques,” Levin said.

“People who are being tortured will say anything,” he noted. “There are more wild-goose chases that are undertaken. That uses up resources.”

(The Christian Science Monitor)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/11/2014 12:10:56 AM

Gordon Duff 12-1-14 “Keynote Speach, Damascus Terror Conference”

Posted on

Gordon lays everything out for those at the conference in this snippet from his talks in Syria.

Published on Dec 9, 2014
Reality check on criminal control of US government

Note: another version is here,, with these added comments:

Published on Dec 10, 2014
Incredible speech by Gordon Duff at the Syrian International Conference to Combat Terrorism. Gordon led a group that represented the United States at the conference!

Gordon discusses who really runs the United States from the shadows! He names the US Generals and a Senator who runs ISIS! Never in history have the people of Syria been told the truth to this extent! I urge patriots worldwide to share this video and keep sharing all articles from Take over the comments for all controlled opposition in alternative media that censor VT! Take over comments and pages for all fake mainstream news! Patriots aroudn the world are now uniting behind our veterans putting out the truth! Never stop sharing VT and bringing more patriots to our team! VT for VICTORY!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/11/2014 12:31:26 AM

Gordon Duff Destroys the Fake News at Syria Conference!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 14:15

Glenn Canady

“Learn the Secret to Eternal Life!” - Join and get all my free ebooks – stay informed on the latest from US Intel!

Gordon Duff and the VeteransToday team destroyed the lies of the mainstream media at the recent recent anti terrorism conference in Damascus Syria. Gordon and his team represented the United States and blew away the attendees when he took the gloves off and told them the entire truth! The US is run by organized crime syndicate and these same people are part of a worldwide organization that has infiltrated the media, corporations and governments around the planet!

Gordon goes on to NAME the criminals within the United States running ISIS including the generals and a certain Senator!

Never has so much truth been put out to the people of Syria. Spread this interview to all Facebook walls, email lists and social networks! You’re going to love this. Tell your friends to turn off the fake news and support our vets at VeteransToday who just destroyed ALL the lies of the fake news! VT for Victory! Stop supporting all the controlled oppositioon fakes in alternative media who censor VeteransToday stories!

Gordon Duff Destroys the Fake News in Syria!

NOTE: This is an update to my previous post.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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