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Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/30/2011 10:30:49 AM
This is so shocking, friends:

Staggering cost of wars for America
Total spending on conflicts tops $2.3 trillion, but a study predicts a shockingly higher final bill.

The Lookout
How much will our wars cost? Report says $4 trillion
By Liz Goodwin | The LookoutWed, Jun 29, 2011
A new report out of Brown University estimates that the U.S. wars in
Afghan National Army tanks: US Navy
Afghanistan and Iraq--together with the counterinsurgency efforts in Pakistan--will, all told, cost $4 trillion and leave 225,000 dead, both civilians and soldiers.

The group of economists, anthropologists, lawyers, humanitarian personnel, and political scientists involved in the project estimated that the cost of caring for the veterans injured in the wars will reach $1 trillion in 30 or 40 years. In estimating the $4 trillion total, they did not take into account the $5.3 billion in reconstruction spending the government has promised Afghanistan, state and local contributions to veteran care, interest payments on war debt, or the costs of Medicare for veterans when they reach 65.

The Congressional Budget Office, meanwhile, has assessed the federal price tag for the wars at $1.8 trillion through 2021. The report says that is a gross underestimate, predicting that the government has already paid $2.3 trillion to $2.7 trillion.

More than 6,000 U.S. troops and 2,300 contractors have died since the wars began after Sept. 11. A staggering 550,000 disability claims have been filed with the VA as of 2010. Meanwhile, 137,000 civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq have died in the conflict. (Injuries among U.S. contractors have also not yet been made public, further complicating the calculations of cost.) Nearly 8 million people have been displaced. Check out Reuters' factbox breaking down the costs and casualties here.

Perhaps the most sobering conclusion of the researchers is that it's unclear whether the human and economic costs are worth it. Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden are now dead, the Taliban is marginalized, and the dangerous terrorist network al-Qaeda has been all but destroyed. But Iraq and Afghanistan are far from being stable democracies. Meanwhile, the half a percentage point a year in GDP growth the war has fueled has been offset by the enormous increase in the national deficit, the report says.

"We decided we needed to do this kind of rigorous assessment of what it cost to make those choices to go to war," study co-director Catherine Lutz told Reuters. "Politicians, we assumed, were not going to do that kind of assessment."

The researchers recommend that the U.S. government be more transparent in disclosing the costs of its wars to taxpayers, by including the costs of future health care for veterans, the cost of paying interest on debt taken out to fund the wars, and estimating how much state and local governments take on in war costs. You can see their recommendations here.

(Afghan National Army tanks: U.S. Navy)

Staggering cost of wars for America

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/30/2011 10:43:17 AM
The No-Baby Boom
by Details Magazine, on Tue Jun 28, 2011

By Brian Frazer, DETAILS

This summer, 28-year-old Anthony Shepherd and his wife of seven years, Cynthia, will fly from China, where they've been teaching English since 2009, to Wisconsin for a vacation. In addition to relaxing, catching up with friends, and attending her brother's wedding, they plan on stopping by a vasectomy clinic. The People's Republic may be notorious for its one-child policy, but the Shepherds' attitude toward reproduction is even more stringent. Call it the zero-child policy.

Even before the Shepherds left Asheville, North Carolina, for Sichuan province, they'd made their life decision based on the experiences of their "childed" friends. "We watched them struggle to pay bills, find suitable apartments or houses to fit their families, and work at jobs they didn't like because they needed the insurance," Cynthia says. So she and Anthony enthusiastically took a pass on parenthood, an increasingly common decision for America's couples.

Related: Should Men Wear Engagement Rings?

Considering the state of the economy, it should come as no surprise that the ranks of the child-free are exploding. The Department of Agriculture reports that the average cost for a middle-income two-parent family to support a kid through high school is $286,050 (it's nearly half a million dollars for couples in higher tax brackets). Want him or her to get a college education? The number jumps to nearly $350,000 for a public university, and more than $400,000 for private. Though if your kid's planning to major in Male Sterilization, it could wind up being a good investment: The vasectomy business seems to be one of the few in America that is booming. In the past year, the Associates in Urology clinic in West Orange, New Jersey, has seen a 50 percent jump in the procedure. So you could stress over starting a college fund, or you could consider that you can get a vasectomy at Planned Parenthood for less than the cost of a Bugaboo Cameleon stroller. Unless you're among the less than 2 percent of Americans who farm for a living and might conceivably rely on offspring for free labor, children have gone from being an economic asset to an economic liability.

But for the child-free, the benefits go beyond dollars and cents. There's less guilt, less worry, less responsibility, more sleep, more free time, more disposable income, no awkward conversations about Teen Mom, no forced relationships with people just because your kids like their kids, no chauffeuring other people's kids in your minivan to soccer games you find less appealing than televised chess.

Related: The Birth-Control Extremists

In his best-seller Stumbling on Happiness, Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert writes, "Couples generally start out quite happy in their marriages and then become progressively less satisfied over the course of their lives together, getting close to their original levels of satisfaction only when their children leave home." No wonder so many are choosing to spend their entire marriages as empty-nesters. A 2009 University of Denver study found that 90 percent of couples experienced a decrease in marital bliss after the birth of their first child. And in a 2007 Pew survey, just 41 percent of adults stated that children were very important for a successful marriage, down from 65 percent in 1990. Meanwhile, nearly one in five American women now ends her reproductive years without children, up from one in ten in the 1970s.

This isn't just an American trend. Global birth rates dropped from six children per woman to 2.9 between 1972 and 2008 as people migrated to cities. One Italian mayor has resorted to bribery to restock his town, offering couples $15,000 for each child they produce. Germany's baby shortage results in an annual population loss of 100,000. And the sheep-to-human ratio in New Zealand, which currently stands at 10 to 1, seems sure to increase, since a staggering 18 percent of adult men there have elected to get vasectomies.

Read the full article at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Jim Allen

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6/30/2011 2:02:40 PM
Sounds like a very selfish decision to me and definitely not driven by normal human values. Procreation is the survival of our species. IMHO
The No-Baby Boom
by Details Magazine, on Tue Jun 28, 2011

By Brian Frazer, DETAILS

This summer, 28-year-old Anthony Shepherd and his wife of seven years, Cynthia, will fly from China, where they've been teaching English since 2009, to Wisconsin for a vacation. In addition to relaxing, catching up with friends, and attending her brother's wedding, they plan on stopping by a vasectomy clinic. The People's Republic may be notorious for its one-child policy, but the Shepherds' attitude toward reproduction is even more stringent. Call it the zero-child policy.

Even before the Shepherds left Asheville, North Carolina, for Sichuan province, they'd made their life decision based on the experiences of their "childed" friends. "We watched them struggle to pay bills, find suitable apartments or houses to fit their families, and work at jobs they didn't like because they needed the insurance," Cynthia says. So she and Anthony enthusiastically took a pass on parenthood, an increasingly common decision for America's couples.

Related: Should Men Wear Engagement Rings?

Considering the state of the economy, it should come as no surprise that the ranks of the child-free are exploding. The Department of Agriculture reports that the average cost for a middle-income two-parent family to support a kid through high school is $286,050 (it's nearly half a million dollars for couples in higher tax brackets). Want him or her to get a college education? The number jumps to nearly $350,000 for a public university, and more than $400,000 for private. Though if your kid's planning to major in Male Sterilization, it could wind up being a good investment: The vasectomy business seems to be one of the few in America that is booming. In the past year, the Associates in Urology clinic in West Orange, New Jersey, has seen a 50 percent jump in the procedure. So you could stress over starting a college fund, or you could consider that you can get a vasectomy at Planned Parenthood for less than the cost of a Bugaboo Cameleon stroller. Unless you're among the less than 2 percent of Americans who farm for a living and might conceivably rely on offspring for free labor, children have gone from being an economic asset to an economic liability.

But for the child-free, the benefits go beyond dollars and cents. There's less guilt, less worry, less responsibility, more sleep, more free time, more disposable income, no awkward conversations about Teen Mom, no forced relationships with people just because your kids like their kids, no chauffeuring other people's kids in your minivan to soccer games you find less appealing than televised chess.

Related: The Birth-Control Extremists

In his best-seller Stumbling on Happiness, Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert writes, "Couples generally start out quite happy in their marriages and then become progressively less satisfied over the course of their lives together, getting close to their original levels of satisfaction only when their children leave home." No wonder so many are choosing to spend their entire marriages as empty-nesters. A 2009 University of Denver study found that 90 percent of couples experienced a decrease in marital bliss after the birth of their first child. And in a 2007 Pew survey, just 41 percent of adults stated that children were very important for a successful marriage, down from 65 percent in 1990. Meanwhile, nearly one in five American women now ends her reproductive years without children, up from one in ten in the 1970s.

This isn't just an American trend. Global birth rates dropped from six children per woman to 2.9 between 1972 and 2008 as people migrated to cities. One Italian mayor has resorted to bribery to restock his town, offering couples $15,000 for each child they produce. Germany's baby shortage results in an annual population loss of 100,000. And the sheep-to-human ratio in New Zealand, which currently stands at 10 to 1, seems sure to increase, since a staggering 18 percent of adult men there have elected to get vasectomies.

Read the full article at

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/11/2011 4:52:53 PM
Sounds like a very selfish decision to me and definitely not driven by normal human values. Procreation is the survival of our species. IMHO
The No-Baby Boom
by Details Magazine, on Tue Jun 28, 2011

By Brian Frazer, DETAILS

This summer, 28-year-old Anthony Shepherd and his wife of seven years, Cynthia, will fly from China, where they've been teaching English since 2009, to Wisconsin for a vacation. In addition to relaxing, catching up with friends, and attending her brother's wedding, they plan on stopping by a vasectomy clinic. The People's Republic may be notorious for its one-child policy, but the Shepherds' attitude toward reproduction is even more stringent. Call it the zero-child policy.

Even before the Shepherds left Asheville, North Carolina, for Sichuan province, they'd made their life decision based on the experiences of their "childed" friends. "We watched them struggle to pay bills, find suitable apartments or houses to fit their families, and work at jobs they didn't like because they needed the insurance," Cynthia says. So she and Anthony enthusiastically took a pass on parenthood, an increasingly common decision for America's couples.

Related: Should Men Wear Engagement Rings?

Considering the state of the economy, it should come as no surprise that the ranks of the child-free are exploding. The Department of Agriculture reports that the average cost for a middle-income two-parent family to support a kid through high school is $286,050 (it's nearly half a million dollars for couples in higher tax brackets). Want him or her to get a college education? The number jumps to nearly $350,000 for a public university, and more than $400,000 for private. Though if your kid's planning to major in Male Sterilization, it could wind up being a good investment: The vasectomy business seems to be one of the few in America that is booming. In the past year, the Associates in Urology clinic in West Orange, New Jersey, has seen a 50 percent jump in the procedure. So you could stress over starting a college fund, or you could consider that you can get a vasectomy at Planned Parenthood for less than the cost of a Bugaboo Cameleon stroller. Unless you're among the less than 2 percent of Americans who farm for a living and might conceivably rely on offspring for free labor, children have gone from being an economic asset to an economic liability.

But for the child-free, the benefits go beyond dollars and cents. There's less guilt, less worry, less responsibility, more sleep, more free time, more disposable income, no awkward conversations about Teen Mom, no forced relationships with people just because your kids like their kids, no chauffeuring other people's kids in your minivan to soccer games you find less appealing than televised chess.

Related: The Birth-Control Extremists

In his best-seller Stumbling on Happiness, Harvard psychologist Daniel Gilbert writes, "Couples generally start out quite happy in their marriages and then become progressively less satisfied over the course of their lives together, getting close to their original levels of satisfaction only when their children leave home." No wonder so many are choosing to spend their entire marriages as empty-nesters. A 2009 University of Denver study found that 90 percent of couples experienced a decrease in marital bliss after the birth of their first child. And in a 2007 Pew survey, just 41 percent of adults stated that children were very important for a successful marriage, down from 65 percent in 1990. Meanwhile, nearly one in five American women now ends her reproductive years without children, up from one in ten in the 1970s.

This isn't just an American trend. Global birth rates dropped from six children per woman to 2.9 between 1972 and 2008 as people migrated to cities. One Italian mayor has resorted to bribery to restock his town, offering couples $15,000 for each child they produce. Germany's baby shortage results in an annual population loss of 100,000. And the sheep-to-human ratio in New Zealand, which currently stands at 10 to 1, seems sure to increase, since a staggering 18 percent of adult men there have elected to get vasectomies.

Read the full article at

You are right Jim, it makes one think of big scale, collective suicide...

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/11/2011 5:11:41 PM
Dear friends,

We have frequently referred to these present times as the last stages of the Kali Yuga, an epoch where both the worst and the best things happen on a global scale on this planet. On the other hand, under normal conditions we would not offer a channeled message on this thread, but then, the one message that you are about to read coincides in so precise a way with the latter consideration that it perfectly fits with it.

Love and Blessings,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

SaLuSa 11- July-2011

As promised the cobwebs of deceit and falsehood are gradually being cleared away, and each day the revelations grow. They show how the authorities have been corrupted, and the necessity to remove all of those involved. If you are ever to establish an honest and trustworthy establishment, it is obviously necessary to replace each person with those that are known to be right for the times you are in.

Many of you have been groomed for such an occasion, and if you are not already working for the Light your time will soon come. We invite everyone to help in whatever way they can, even if only to send out Love and Light. Your contribution does not have to be special, as long as it comes from the heart and soul. As the Collective of Humanity you are in fact doing enormously well, and so the energy continues to grow exponentially.

We see that people are no longer afraid of talking their truth, and confidence grows as each day takes you nearer to the commencement of a series of major events. As you must realize the waiting has to stop sooner or later, as the pressure upon the dark Ones is creating opportunities for our allies to move on. There comes a time when people have to bow down to the conditions around them, and concede that they no longer hold the power.

Our desire is to signal the start of disclosure, so that the truth can be released as to the presence of our spacecraft, and then logically the personnel who operate them. You also need to be aware of the many contacts we have made, with both your political and military representatives for peaceful reasons. There will be many questions asked when it is revealed how many times we have attempted to bring world peace into being.

Making contact with you is a most natural development as part of your growth. You have long participated in conquering Space, and it is now time to meet your Space family. You cannot in fact venture any further than you do now, as there is no way that you will be allowed to take your weaponry outside of your Earth’s atmosphere. Enlightened Man will be able to do so, and indeed you shall join us in outer space. Our craft are not just for transporting us around, but are self contained for distant travels even to other Universes. Some of them have already been stationed near your Earth for about 50 years. We come and go at our leisure in smaller craft intended to travel in your atmosphere, and these are the ones you most frequently see.

You are about to make a quantum leap into the future, and we are here to ensure it is a success. By now you should have a pretty good idea what it entails, but nevertheless we know it will still surprise you. Your rapid rise from out of the darkness into the Light is by no means complete, but all of the time you work on your own enlightenment you are accelerating the changes. Peace and contentment can be experienced by some individuals, but the goal is to lift up everyone in preparation for Ascension. Many paths lead to it, and they allow for each individuals own vision of how it will manifest. It does not matter what you believe now, except that you are ready for the great day when all will be played out as told you.

The confidence of the dark Ones is fading fast as they can no longer command the obedience of their minions. Some are awakening to the Light within and making dramatic changes in their lives. That is not unexpected as many have been forced to work with them, and often there seems to be no way out. That is all changing and our allies are taking advantage of any weakness in the ability of the dark Ones to control their future.

The great societies that the dark Ones have infiltrated will identify them and they will be discharged of their responsibilities. In this respect your United Nations is no exception. Secrecy cannot be maintained under our watchful eye, and there are literally no hiding places that we are unaware of. In fact there are none that are impregnable, and we have the means to remove those individuals that continue to be a danger to the population. Once the Divine Plan commences there will be much activity in many places of authority such as the Pentagon.

We ourselves sometimes tire of the continual bickering that goes on between your political parties. There will be none of that in future as there will be a different system that makes for quick decisions in the best interests of everyone. There will be no hidden agendas, and all dealings will be made known so that people can have full knowledge of what is happening. We do not indulge in politics but have our Councils that are truly representative of all opinions. We have total trust in their enlightened decisions because there is no question of self-interest being involved. Your political systems are corrupt and even ignore your own Laws and Statutes. They had to fail, as they would in any event have imploded upon themselves. It could have been so different but you did not have sufficient people of the Light to maintain the levels you needed for a fair and just society.

However, you have learnt a lot from being in duality, and it has strengthened your ability to withstand the negative energies. If you had not, it is doubtful that you could have reversed the trends towards self-destruction. Now you have the promise of changes that will provide a new life, which by comparison to your present one will be nothing short of heavenly and blissful. Peace is settling upon Earth regardless of what you think, and the days of wars are almost over. Your fears are therefore being answered, and you can concentrate on the happy future that is rising up before you.

Mother Earth quietly continues with her own cleansing, which is far from complete. Some major changes are being held back, and best allowed to proceed when we are with you and can openly monitor and control them. There is not as some believe the intent to destroy parts of the Earth, with the consequent death of many people. It is quite the opposite, and our endeavors will ensure that only those who arranged to leave the Earth before Ascension will do so.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased once more to have had the opportunity to enlighten you as to our present activities.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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