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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2014 3:38:34 PM

ISIS Threatens Use of Nuclear Bomb in London; UN Ambassador Warns of 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'

By Reissa Su | December 2, 2014 1:51 PM EST

(Photo: REUTERS/Stringer / )
Smoke raises behind an Islamic State flag after Iraqi security forces and Shiite fighters took control of Saadiya in Diyala province from Islamist State militants, November 24, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants have reportedly developed a nuclear weapon from the radioactive material they seized from the Mosul University in Iraq. ISIS bragged about the nuclear device on social media as a British extremist fighter claimed it would wreak havoc in London when it explodes.

According to media reports, ISIS militants have stolen 40 kilogrammes of uranium in July and used it to make a "dirty bomb." The Mirror noted that British bomb expert Hamayun Tariq was identified as among the militants who issued threats to the West online. In 2012, he left his home in Dudley and went to the Middle East.

On his Twitter account under the Muslim name, Muslim al-Britani, he announced that ISIS has a dirty bomb and revealed they militants found radioactive material at the Iraqi university in Mosul. He went on to say ISIS will study what dirty bombs can do and talk about what happens when it is detonated in a public area.

In what may be viewed as a veiled threat, the British ISIS supporter added that it would be "terribly destructive" if it exploded in London. His account onTwitter has since been suspended after posting his comments. As a show of support, other ISIS fighters also posted on Twitter to confirm that militants have in their possession a bomb from radioactive material in Mosul.

Reports of ISIS having a nuclear device have alarmed the UN Ambassador to Iraq Mohamed Ali Alhakin. He wrote a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and revealed that ISIS has been taking nuclear material from areas where the group has taken over. The ambassador informed the UN that such material can be used to manufacture "weapons of mass destruction." Alhakin warned that nuclear materials, even in limited quantities, can enable terrorist groups like ISIS to use it in the militants' terror campaign with the help a weapons expert.

The Mirror speculates that if ISIS has a nuclear bomb, the group would more likely use it in Iraq or Syria rather than risk being caught when smuggling it into a Western country. Previous reports indicate that if ISIS was confirmed to have weapons of mass destruction or a nuclear bomb, U.S. President Barack Obama would not hesitate to send ground troops to destroy ISIS.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2014 3:51:30 PM

Netanyahu seeks early election, fires top ministers


Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is pictured during a news conference at his office in Jerusalem December 2, 2014. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sacked his finance and justice ministers on Tuesday, signalling the break up of his bickering coalition and opening the way for early national elections in Israel. REUTERS/Gali Tibbon/Pool

By Ari Rabinovitch

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sacked his finance and justice ministers on Tuesday, signaling the break up of his bickering coalition and opening the way for early national elections in Israel.

Netanyahu's government, which only took office last year, has been unraveling over an array of issues, including the 2015 budget and a Jewish nation-state bill that critics say discriminates against Arab citizens.

Two television polls on Tuesday said Netanyahu's rightist Likud party would emerge once again as the largest group in parliament if elections were held today, almost certainly ensuring him a fourth term as prime minister.

The next national ballot is not scheduled until 2017, but Netanyahu announced that he wanted to dissolve parliament "as soon as possible" and hold an early election.

He also ordered the dismissals of Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, the heads of two separate centrist parties who have been chaffing against the right-wingers that predominate in the cabinet.

Netanyahu said Lapid and Livni had quietly tried to form an alternative coalition. "In one word, that is called a putsch. And that makes it impossible to run a government," he said in a televised news conference.

Livni denied his accusations and said the prime minister had been working behind the scenes to replace them.

With next year's budget not agreed and growth slowing in the wake of the July-August Gaza war, Lapid accused Netanyahu of putting his political interests before those of Israel.

"The firing of ministers is an act of cowardice and loss of control. We are sad to see that the prime minister has chosen to act without consideration for the national interest and to drag Israel to unnecessary elections," his Yesh Atid party said.


A motion to dissolve parliament is expected to be heard on Wednesday and could come into effect next week once a date for an election had been decided. Commentators speculated that the vote might come in March.

Israeli markets fell on the election news, with the shekel sliding 1.3 percent to a two-year low against the dollar.

The government will remain in power until a new one is sworn in. Without the backing of Lapid and Livni's centrists parties, it would be a minority caretaker administration mainly dealing with day-to-day business.

Relations between Netanyahu and Lapid -- a former television chat show host whose newly formed party came a surprise second in 2013 -- disintegrated over the finance minister's drive to exempt first-time home buyers from value added tax.

As with the 2013 election, campaigning for any 2015 vote is likely to be dominated by domestic issues, such as the high cost of living, rather than international affairs or the possibility of reviving defunct peace talks with the Palestinians.

Livni fell out with Netanyahu over the nation-state legislation, which won cabinet approval a week ago, but she has looked uncomfortable in the government ever since peace negotiations with the Palestinians collapsed in April.

A new mandate could give Netanyahu more leeway domestically to pursue his expansionist settlement policies on occupied land Palestinians seek for a state. It will also allow the prime minister to push ahead with the Jewish nation-state bill that he says is essential to protecting Israel's Jewish identity.

(Additional reporting by Jeffrey Heller, Maayan Lubell, Allyn Fisher-Ilan and Steven Scheer; Editing by Crispian Balmer)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2014 4:00:30 PM

North Korea accuses US of developing Ebola virus

Editorial in the Pyongyang Times fuels conspiracy theory that Washington is using deadly disease to maintain power over developing world

The global death toll from Ebola has risen to more than 6000, according to the World Health Organisation Photo: EPA

11:00PM GMT 02 Dec 2014

An editorial in the Pyongyang Times on Monday claims that the US may have developed the Ebola virus and intentionally allowed it to spread throughout West Africa and the rest of the world.

The article, "Ebola virus much feared as biological weapon", claims that the US has done so for the purposes of generating profits from an Ebola vaccine as well as to weaken other countries for its own political gain.

"Fears are rising after suspicions were aroused that the virus was made and spread by the US," the article read, paraphrasing comments and beliefs from a plant pathologist in Liberia and two Americans, Paul Roberts and Francis Boyle, as possible evidence.

Prof Boyle, an expert in international law at the University of Illinois, has claimed repeatedly that the virus was genetically modified and that a US government laboratory located in West Africa was likely to have been the source of the outbreaks.

Dr Roberts served as assistant secretary of the treasury for economic policy under President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s and has written several blog posts on his website questioning the US government's reaction to the spread of the virus.

In recent years he has made a number of controversial claims, including questioning the official story of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The author of the Pyongyang Times piece goes on to make more claims about US involvement in the spread of the virus and the intentions behind such an action.

"In the long run, it seems that the US aims to leave the virus spread to all parts of the world while advertising freedom and turn out a vaccine to make a big fortune," it said.

"More importantly, the US attempts to grip such a biological weapon as the Ebola virus and make worse the economies of some countries so that it could hold upper hand in political, economic and military fields."

North Korea has imposed some of the strictest Ebola measures and implemented a mandatory 21-day quarantine period for all international travelers to the country, although some exceptions have been made.

The editorial is one in a series of articles that has heavily criticised the Washington in recent weeks as North Korea attempts to counter international pressure regarding its dire human rights record.

In an effort to do so the Korean Central News Agency quoted a North Korean foreign ministry spokesman in November as saying that the US is a "a tundra of human rights" and has previously cited recent events in the city of Ferguson, Missouri as evidence of widespread racial discrimination within the country.

North Korea claims that the criticism it has received is part of a plot to undermine the country's leadership and political system led by the US and what it calls hostile forces.

(The Telegraph)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/3/2014 4:19:32 PM
Alarm bells toll for human civilization as world's 12th largest mega-city to run out of water in just 60 days

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) The city of Sao Paulo is home to 20 million Brazilians, making it the 12th largest mega-city on a planet dominated by shortsighted humans. Shockingly, it has only 60 days of water supply remaining. The city "has about two months of guaranteed water supply remaining as it taps into the second of three emergency reserves," reports Reuters. [1]

Technical reserves have already been released, and as the city enters the heavy water use holiday season, its 20 million residents are riding on a fast-track collision course with severe water rationing and devastating disruptions.

But this isn't a story about Sao Paulo; it's a report that dares to point out that human societies are incredibly shortsighted and nearly incapable of sustainably populating planet Earth. In numerous regions around the world -- including California, India, Oklahoma, Brazil, China and many more -- human populations are rapidly out-growing the capacity of their local water systems. Even though keeping populations alive requires food... and growing food requires water... almost no nation or government in the world seems to be able to limit water consumption of local populations to levels which are sustainable in the long term.

Instead, the endless greed of the "grow-consume-profit" business model that dominates the global economy leaves no room for any hint of balance with nature. The overriding philosophy of modern business is to dominate nature with chemicals, mining and monoculture to maximize profit while kicking any really large problems down the road for the next generation to deal with.

The result is a world where nobody thinks about the long-term implications of today's trends because everybody's too busy trying to extract a buck or two out of the very system that will destroy their future.

Vegas, Phoenix and Tucson will also run dry

Consider Las Vegas while you ponder all this: Here's a city with no water future whatsoever, continuing to build new casinos and grow its population even as the water level of Lake Mead has already dropped to emergency levels (and continues to plummet). What do the people of Las Vegas imagine they will drink when all the cheap, easy water is gone? Will they swallow dust and pretend it's water?

The sobering truth is that nearly everyone who lives in Las Vegas doesn't think about this. By definition, anyone who realized the truth about the disappearing water throughout Nevada, Arizona and California would have already sold their property and moved away. Those who still inhabit regions with unsustainable water supplies -- such as Sao Paulo -- are choosing to make believe the problem doesn't exist.

This delusional psychology is, of course, reflected across modern human civilization and its governments, where delusional rhetoric and make believe fantasies about "endless economic growth" keep the obedient masses toiling away day after day, hoping they are securing a future which has already been mortgaged away.

Dwindling water supplies are like government debt spending

We're often tricked into believing the government will solve all these problems for us. Yep, some Americans foolishly believe the same government which just issued $1 trillion in new debt to pay the interest on its existing debt is somehow really, really good at planning for the future instead of mortgaging it away. [2]

If fresh water were a bank account, the world's spending deficit against that account would be deeply in the red and approaching a tipping point of default. And in precisely the same way the U.S. government borrows money to cover today's expenses with no intention of ever paying it back, human society is also borrowing water to cover today's water demands with no intention or capability of ever paying it back.

Right now in California and around the world, farmers are pumping water out of the ground that should have remained there until the year 2030. As they keep pumping the aquifers dry, they'll be reaching ever more precariously forward into the future, using up water in 2015 that should have lasted until 2050 (or beyond).

In this same way, aquifers that should have lasted 100 - 200 years will be bone dry in the not-too-distant future. Farms that once produced food will instead produce a new Dust Bowl. Populations that depended on cheap food to afford basic living expenses will find themselves starving and bankrupt (and living on government food stamps, with the accompanying loss of freedom that always follows government handouts). The world's governments -- all of which rely on food affordability to keep populations relatively docile -- will find themselves facing mass revolts and social chaos.

You are about to watch a milestone event in the history of our world

Unless some miraculous rain reverses the extreme drought, the city of Sao Paulo is about to experience a literal "dry run" of this scenario in as little as 60 days. The history of human civilization has never witnessed a city of 20 million people run out of water before, and no one knows exactly how such a scenario might play out. But whatever happens, a far worse rendition of the crisis will inevitably unfold across Las Vegas, Southern California, North Texas and the Arizona cities of Phoenix and Tucson. (In Tucson, they still wishfully call dry water channels "rivers" even though water almost never flows through them.)

Modern humans will not acknowledge reality until it slaps them hard in the face. Whether the subject is the chemical contamination of the world, the mass over-fishing of the world's oceans, the pharmaceutical contamination of waterways, the using up of world oil reserves, the genetic pollution of crops with GMOs, the deep well pumping of water aquifers or the unsustainable government debt spending that props up fraudulent government regimes everywhere, few people have the will to honestly acknowledge the future implications of today's actions. Most people prefer to just "get by" with the status quo. Besides, isn't there a holiday sale going on at Best Buy?

It's also more convenient to believe the lies told to us all by government and mass media. "Everything is under control" is the biggest lie of all, repeatedly uttered by governments that are almost universally bankrupt and incompetent. The really big lie almost everyone believes is the idea that no radical and sudden changes can ever happen -- that things will continue on the way they've always been for the simple (illogical) reason that they've always been that way. Few people can imagine a world without fossil fuels; without a functioning power grid; without a 911 emergency responder system that functions; without cheap and easy food magically appearing on grocery stores shelves, etc.

And so the citizens of the world will greedily drink down the very last drop of water remaining. They will fill their fuel tanks with the last gallon of gas; clear-cut the last remaining forest; fish the oceans into mass marine extinction; mine the last remaining rare earth elements out of the ground; and dam up the last free-flowing river on the planet. The appetite of Earthlings for immediate satiation and quick-turnaround profits can only lead to self-destruction.

Have no illusions that if oxygen in the atmosphere could be turned into solid gold, people everywhere around the world would be incessantly mining the atmosphere for profit until the entire global population died of asphyxiation. With their very last breath, they'd be saying, "But I'm RICH!"

When Sao Paulo -- the world's 12th largest city -- collides with reality in the next few months, it will be following in the footsteps of Easter Island, the Anasazi Indians, ancient Assyrians and other failed civilizations which collapsed and died out long ago.

If you are reading this, you are living in a time of great historical significance: You will be witness to the unfolding of the "era of collapse" across human civilization. This era has already begun, and although it may take a century to see it all unravel, future historians will view this era as a time of unbridled destruction of the planet at the hands of over-extended human societies grounded in self-delusion.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/4/2014 12:28:15 AM
updated: 12/3/2014 2:19 PM

Lawyer: No indictment for officer in NYC chokehold death

Associated Press

Eric Garner, right, poses with his children during a family outing. According to a lawyer for the victim's family, a New York City grand jury on Wednesday cleared a white police officer in the videotaped chokehold death of the unarmed Garner, who had been stopped on suspicion of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes.

NEW YORK -- A grand jury cleared a white New York City police officer Wednesday in the videotaped chokehold death of an unarmed black man who had been stopped on suspicion of selling loose, untaxed cigarettes, a lawyer for the victim's family said.

The decision in Staten Island not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo threatened to add to the tensions that have simmered in the city since the July 17 death of Eric Garner -- a case that sparked outrage and drew comparisons to the fatal police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Jonathan Moore, an attorney for Garner's family, said he was told of the grand jury's decision.

"I am actually astonished based on the evidence of the video tape, and the medical examiner, that this grand jury at this time wouldn't indict for anything, is really just astonishing," Moore said.

The Staten Island District Attorney's office didn't immediately respond to a call. There was no immediate comment from Pantaleo's attorney nor the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, a union that has strongly backed the officer.

The grand jury could have considered a range of charges, from murder to a lesser offense such as reckless endangerment.

A video shot by an onlooker and widely viewed on the Internet showed the 43-year-old Garner telling a group of police officers to leave him alone as they tried to arrest him.

Pantaleo responded by wrapping his arm around Garner's neck in an apparent chokehold, which is banned under NYPD policy. The heavyset Garner, who had asthma, was heard repeatedly gasping, "I can't breathe!" A second video surfaced that showed police and paramedics appearing to make no effort to revive Garner while he lay motionless on the ground. He later died at a hospital.

As with Brown's death in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, the Garner case sparked protests, accusations of racist policing and calls for federal prosecutors to intervene. But unlike the Missouri protests, the demonstrations in New York remained mostly peaceful. The case also prompted Police Commissioner William Bratton to order officers at the nation's largest police department to undergo retraining on use of force.

The medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide and found that a chokehold contributed to it. A forensic pathologist hired by Garner's family, Dr. Michael Baden, agreed with those findings, saying there was hemorrhaging on Garner's neck indicative of neck compressions.

Police union officials and Pantaleo's lawyer have argued that the officer used a takedown move taught by the police department, not a chokehold, because he was resisting arrest and that Garner's poor health was the main reason he died.

While details on the grand jurors were not disclosed, Staten Island is the most politically conservative of the city's five boroughs and home to many police and firefighters. The panel began hearing evidence in late September, including the video, autopsy results and testimony by Pantaleo.

Pantaleo had been stripped of his gun and badge and placed on desk duty while the case was under investigation. He is likely to remain on modified duty while the NYPD conducts an internal investigation that could result in administrative charges.

In anticipation of the announcement on the grand jury decision, police officials met with community leaders on Staten Island to head off a repeat of the response in Ferguson, where a grand jury decided not to indict the white officer who shot the black teen. Demonstrations there turned violent, resulting in more than 100 arrests and destruction of 12 commercial buildings by fire.

The last officer to be indicted in the death of a civilian was Richard Haste, charged in the February 2012 killing of Ramarley Graham in the Bronx. Graham was shot in a tiny bathroom in the three-family home where he lived with his grandmother. He was chased there by Haste who believed he was selling drugs.

Haste said he fired his weapon because he thought he was going to be shot. But no weapons were found in the apartment.

The officer was indicted on manslaughter charges in the summer of 2012, but the charges were dismissed by a judge who said prosecutors improperly instructed the grand jurors. A second grand jury decided not to re-indict the officer.

A grand jury decides against criminal charges on a police officer who used the maneuver on Eric Garner.

Decision sparks outrage

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