Law of Attraction In Action A true story of faith, love, hope and survival. One woman's story of changing her life from one of misery (abuse) to total joy. A love story that spans more than 30 years and continues to this day. Lovers reunited after a 17 year separation filled with struggle and heart-ache. After years of abusive relationships with others, I manifested a brighter destiny for myself. The secret to my manifestation was a belief in a love that I held deep with in me. I never gave up on that love, nor did I give up on the one I loved. As a result, he came back to me and we have been together ever since. It really is true that if you love something and set it free it will return to you if it was meant to be. After a 17 year separation, my beloved walked back into my life and has remained there. Our adventure continues to this day. Walk with me on my journey. <a href="">Forever and Always...</a>