Read through this entire forum after being sent here at the suggestion of Bogdan. Much is off subject but I made it to the last page.
My question is this, why does the system allow "squaters" to post threads on my forums. They are blantant ads. The title of the forum and description are clear and percise to the reader. I spend time everyday cleaning out forums.
Just because my forums have readers, are noticed by many does not give people privilage to post this same stuff all over the place.
Here is what I have tried
>personal message---may I help you find places to advertise
please don't put threads on my forum unless you are willing to invite readers
>cut and paste letter asking them to cease and here's some ideas where to advertise
>leave the thread for a day or two and then just delete.
I have seen lovely forums whose owners do not remove the trash threads and it ruins the quality of the forum. To each his own, it is their forum and can allow what they want. Some of the problem is language barriers and some is not understanding the system.
Could the system not allow threads by anyone but the owner?
Thank you Bogdan, you have always been a good listener and provided help for our best interest.
With the next update we will be providing option to mark forum as "Exclusive" meaning that no other users can create new threads.
This component is already developed, it just waits to be updated, which will be on Tuesday.