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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/9/2010 8:14:29 PM
I do have a question for the Admins here. When you click on the "Forums" Tab at the top of the page you see a list of forums.

The first section shows Interesting Forums and the second section shows which forums are active. I understand the the second section and realize it can be used in many ways. Active forums are rewarded for their activity by being listed in the second section.

My question is : How are the Interesting Forums determined? These seem static and seldom changes, so what is the secret to this prime piece of Internet Real Estate?

Thanks ,

Hi Jim,

Interesting forums are determined by admin and manually set to be shown at the top list.
Mostly they require to be noticed by admin or suggested by other members.

Bogdan Fiedur

Good question Jim.

Thank you for you answer Bogdan.

As this is clarified there is apparently room for suggestions. Seems good to me.


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/10/2010 8:30:59 AM


This forum is here to not only to answer questions but to support this wonderful community.

When new folk come to Adland we invite them to be friends. Do they get what they expect after reading our About You's?

Are you guilty of not updating your About You.

Cheryl has a forum just about this,

Go support her forum at

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/10/2010 8:36:06 PM
Hello Roger,

Further to our discussion about secret projects and fascism going full speed ahead. If society stops supporting independent businesses, we will all become part of Orwellian prediction from his "1984".

See the article below.

Google Goes "Evil"

I just got off a media conference call with Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg.

They announced a new policy recommendation that would kill the Internet as we know it, if implemented by FCC Chair Julius Genokowski and other policy makers.

The Google/Verizon deal (also posted online) basically says:

  • The old "wireline" Internet that will be irrelevant in a few years? We propose a "new, enforceable prohibition against discriminatory practices" on that.
  • New "wireless services" (aka the entire future of the Internet)? No equivalent nondiscrimination rules for that, but we'll "create enforceable transparency rules." That way, as Americans lose access to the free and open Internet, they can visibly watch it go away.
  • Just in case "wireless services" doesn't encompass the entire future of the Internet, a new class of "new services" is envisioned, which Schmidt and Seidenberg actively differentiated from "the public Internet." Basically, through private contracting, big corporations could deal directly with the Verizons and AT&Ts of the world to create the next YouTube, maybe dangle it without discrimination to the public just long enough for us to be hooked, and then discriminate like hell over it. But don't worry, the FCC will "monitor the development of these services."

Google, a company that I've long admired and currently hold thousands of dollars of stock in, just "went evil."

That's why over 300,000 Americans have signed an open letter telling Google "don't be evil" -- protect Net Neutrality and the Internet's level playing field. You can sign here.

This letter was launched last week by 5 groups that use the Internet to organize millions of Americans around issues, and are now using the Internet to save the Internet itself -- Free Press, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, MoveOn, Credo Action, and ColorOfChange.

Why did Google cut this absurd deal, one that dramatically hurts its credibility in the online space?

We know why Verizon did it. Verizon is a decrepit old company that made massive investments in old landline technology and is coming face-to-face with market irrelevance. In a properly functioning marketplace, Verizon would soon crumble and die and be replaced by modern-day innovators. The only way for them to stay in business is to block innovation and to put tollbooths on the Internet that are in nobody's interest but Verizon's and other decrepit companies like AT&T.

There is no reason in the world for Google, which has made smart investments in the future, to find common ground with Verizon on the issue of Internet openness. None. Zero. Zilch. Today's deal was unneeded, uncalled for, and incompatible with Google's "don't be evil" mantra.

Google's decision to cut a deal with Verizon wreaks of either impatience or fear. Either Google wasn't willing to wait for the Verizons of the world to crumble and die -- and therefore moved it's own business development timeline up 5 or 10 years at the expense of the entire American public. Or, Google feared doing the dirty work that comes with being a leader -- despite launching a "Google Fiber for Communities" program that competes head-to-head with the decrepit incumbents, Google feared actually having to fulfil their potential to defeat the bad guys.

So, they cut a deal with the bad guys. And they're now asking the public to accept two Internet experiences -- a great experience for the old Internet that will soon cease to exist, and an experience filled with discrimination and lack of a level playing field for the entire future of the Internet.

This is a moment for good people to stand up and be counted.

Click here to join over 300,000 Americans in telling Google: Don't be evil.

Then, help save the Internet by sending this link to your friends and asking them to join you in getting involved.

Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/10/2010 11:50:38 PM


Thank you.


Does anybody know how I bring a video recording to a forum from SingSnap?

I can't work it out.


Jim Allen

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/11/2010 2:06:23 PM
You really have to be afraid and aware of FALSE FLAGS. There is rumor of a New Internet,because this one is getting crowded. Because of Google's Commercialism and Big Corporate Business interest. In the quote below are some of those organizations which I have highlighted.

One must realize the Fascism and Marxism are the same thing different factions of the same concept.

When anyone uses organizations such as Free Press, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, MoveOn, Credo Action, and ColorOfChange. you are speaking of a Left Wing Liberals who have crawled into bed with corporations to form a new Oligarch. Oligarchs want to RULE over the people. The one mentioned here are all Elitists,Intellectuals and so called Academics, that have founded corporations with money they received from the old guard, that is willing to use them to RULE the average citizen. IMHO neither is good for me, my family, my friends and yes even the most of you folks here in this community, and especially the United States Republic of America.

Our forefathers had already been through all the extremes and with that great experience and wisdom created our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution. Anyone that says different has never studied these documents, read the history behind them nor lived in this atmosphere we call America.

What I see here is someone that has similar views to the Rosie O'Donnell and Nancy Pelosi's of the world that has ingratiated themselves with people like SEIU, ACORN and Move On.Org. Thereby making them Astroturf organizations in denial.

Yes, I agree Google has become an arm of the evil.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg are prime examples of good people overcome by money and power. Who now believe because they have acquired such on the backs of others. They have some higher right to rule over others. It is evil to give out tastes of something you know you will take away reserve for those that share your vision only to snatch it away in pursuit of more profit and power.

People do no be fooled by the source, that is telling you what you want to hear. Whose only goal is indenture you and future generations to servitude. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

This is exactly the type of evil and back-handedness that has destroyed all past Democracies. Thus our Republic was created.

Heed Benjamin Franklin's reply to the woman that asked "What Have You Given Us? His reply was "A Republic if you can keep it."
WAKE UP SHEEPLE! We are losing the gift of good our Republic stands for.

The Europeans are throwing off their cloaks of Socialism, Marxism, Fascism, Radical Islamisms and Nazisms because they do not serve the people. They only represent a portion of the people and a ever smaller one at that. They are adopting many of the tenets of our Republic,
Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitution. Because they see anything else only serves the few. Such as the Elitists,Intellectuals and so called Academics. Wake Up People or you will wind up like the wild pigs.



Hello Roger,

Further to our discussion about secret projects and fascism going full speed ahead. If society stops supporting independent businesses, we will all become part of Orwellian prediction from his "1984".

See the article below.

Google Goes "Evil"

I just got off a media conference call with Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg.

They announced a new policy recommendation that would kill the Internet as we know it, if implemented by FCC Chair Julius Genokowski and other policy makers.

The Google/Verizon deal (also posted online) basically says:

  • The old "wireline" Internet that will be irrelevant in a few years? We propose a "new, enforceable prohibition against discriminatory practices" on that.
  • New "wireless services" (aka the entire future of the Internet)? No equivalent nondiscrimination rules for that, but we'll "create enforceable transparency rules." That way, as Americans lose access to the free and open Internet, they can visibly watch it go away.
  • Just in case "wireless services" doesn't encompass the entire future of the Internet, a new class of "new services" is envisioned, which Schmidt and Seidenberg actively differentiated from "the public Internet." Basically, through private contracting, big corporations could deal directly with the Verizons and AT&Ts of the world to create the next YouTube, maybe dangle it without discrimination to the public just long enough for us to be hooked, and then discriminate like hell over it. But don't worry, the FCC will "monitor the development of these services."

Google, a company that I've long admired and currently hold thousands of dollars of stock in, just "went evil."

That's why over 300,000 Americans have signed an open letter telling Google "don't be evil" -- protect Net Neutrality and the Internet's level playing field. You can sign here.

This letter was launched last week by 5 groups that use the Internet to organize millions of Americans around issues, and are now using the Internet to save the Internet itself -- Free Press, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, MoveOn, Credo Action, and ColorOfChange.

Why did Google cut this absurd deal, one that dramatically hurts its credibility in the online space?

We know why Verizon did it. Verizon is a decrepit old company that made massive investments in old landline technology and is coming face-to-face with market irrelevance. In a properly functioning marketplace, Verizon would soon crumble and die and be replaced by modern-day innovators. The only way for them to stay in business is to block innovation and to put tollbooths on the Internet that are in nobody's interest but Verizon's and other decrepit companies like AT&T.

There is no reason in the world for Google, which has made smart investments in the future, to find common ground with Verizon on the issue of Internet openness. None. Zero. Zilch. Today's deal was unneeded, uncalled for, and incompatible with Google's "don't be evil" mantra.

Google's decision to cut a deal with Verizon wreaks of either impatience or fear. Either Google wasn't willing to wait for the Verizons of the world to crumble and die -- and therefore moved it's own business development timeline up 5 or 10 years at the expense of the entire American public. Or, Google feared doing the dirty work that comes with being a leader -- despite launching a "Google Fiber for Communities" program that competes head-to-head with the decrepit incumbents, Google feared actually having to fulfil their potential to defeat the bad guys.

So, they cut a deal with the bad guys. And they're now asking the public to accept two Internet experiences -- a great experience for the old Internet that will soon cease to exist, and an experience filled with discrimination and lack of a level playing field for the entire future of the Internet.

This is a moment for good people to stand up and be counted.

Click here to join over 300,000 Americans in telling Google: Don't be evil.

Then, help save the Internet by sending this link to your friends and asking them to join you in getting involved.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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