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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/9/2010 3:12:51 PM

Hi Roger,

Just thought everyone should know, at least the males here at Adland, she's out to get you! Here's a copy of the note I just sent when I reported her...

Recieved the following comment on my Profile, as I discovered upon checking, so did all the males at Adland.

Hello, I saw your profile today in this site( get intrested to know you better and to be a good friend with you, please try to contact me with this address( that i we send you my photos and tell you more about me, God bless you, Joy.

Her login info is

Folks, we've got ourselves a Scammer and a Spammer. Hope you'll take care of it!


Just thought you all should know.

Have A Great Day,


Hello Phil and all,

Usually those kind of issues are handled faster from our end if link at the bottom of the pages to report abuse is used.
I don't have problem if you talk about it here, but you should know that to get faster response, it is better to report it.


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/9/2010 5:22:48 PM

Thanks Phill and Bogdan.


Phillip Black

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/9/2010 5:44:03 PM

Hi Bogdan,

As I said, I had already reported it...

"Here's a copy of the note I just sent when I reported her..."

just thought that everyone would want to know as a matter of common courtesy.


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Jim Allen

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/9/2010 6:16:10 PM
I do have a question for the Admins here. When you click on the "Forums" Tab at the top of the page you see a list of forums.

The first section shows Interesting Forums and the second section shows which forums are active. I understand the the second section and realize it can be used in many ways. Active forums are rewarded for their activity by being listed in the second section.

My question is : How are the Interesting Forums determined? These seem static and seldom changes, so what is the secret to this prime piece of Internet Real Estate?

Thanks ,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
8/9/2010 6:39:27 PM
I do have a question for the Admins here. When you click on the "Forums" Tab at the top of the page you see a list of forums.

The first section shows Interesting Forums and the second section shows which forums are active. I understand the the second section and realize it can be used in many ways. Active forums are rewarded for their activity by being listed in the second section.

My question is : How are the Interesting Forums determined? These seem static and seldom changes, so what is the secret to this prime piece of Internet Real Estate?

Thanks ,

Hi Jim,

Interesting forums are determined by admin and manually set to be shown at the top list.
Mostly they require to be noticed by admin or suggested by other members.

Bogdan Fiedur


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