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Diane Bjorling

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 4:35:41 PM
We sure were Jim! funny thing about these kinds of conversations, sometimes they develop a life of their own and can go in many directions. This is good by the way , because like a fantastic cup of coffee, they become full bodied, flavorful and ever so yummy....ok that does it...getting a cuppa right now....
Diane Bjorling

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 5:01:12 PM
I was drinking that and just for the heck of it I decided to do some research on what others are thinking or wanting in any affiliate program. My goodness a lot of people are asking that same question in forums, web sites, message boards and communities.

Here are some of the thoughts of others and they are not in any particular order...

easy to use site...
clear T&C for customers...
prominent delivery terms on site...
prominent privacy policy on site...
communication with affiliates...
early sales confirmation...
explanations for rejections...
product feed...

Order online discount or offer - love these because they embrace the true spirit of affiliateness (and in most cases must be more cost effective than havng people ring up and order)

- Promotional codes and exclusive discount vouchers.
- Promo copy that actually tells us the unique selling points of their products - instead of leaving us to winkle it out.
- Great artwork in all the popular sizes.
- Useful newsletter to affiliates keeping us up date about what's happening with their product range, no waffle, incentives and competitions are good too.
- CSV product feed with NO missing or overxized images and correct prices.
- Proactive affiliate manager who makes things happen.
- Advance notice of major website changes.
- A program that doesn't get pulled and re-instated like a yoyo.
- Feedback, openness and smell of honesty when sales are reversed.
- Great website that loads fast and converts well, doesn't encourage telephone orders or feature their own affiliate links.
- Staff that know what an affiliate is, what we do and how to help us.

As you can see there is an overlap in some of these wants and needs, but food for thought when looking at any program either to get into or suggesting to others.

Interesting isn't it?
RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 6:04:10 PM

Diane, you are really good at this and could teach a lot of people.

Personally for me, I was in the conversation back when we started the original idea on this subject. It has changed from that and what is going on now is just not something I am very interested in. I read the comments but have not found anything that particularly interests me and what I do online.

So far there has been a lot of discussion and points well-given. I think something was stated back a few pages that I would agree on and it was pertaining to the voting for these programs.


Diane Bjorling

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 6:25:32 PM
I think that was a compliment I think? lol.

You are absolutely correct, there has been a major shift from the beginnings of this thread that Roger started and has gone in quite a few directions now but isn't that what having a conversation is all about?

I liked what Roger said way back on page one of this thread

"I believe that we get back what we contribute.

We need to remember that Adland is a Network of business and social interests.

We also need to remember that success relies upon reasonable dialogue and not upon unreasonable demands."

At this time this thread or conversation is about an idea and how it could be brought about and all the criteria that could and would make it a success.

At the same time, those who are interested in this conversation, are putting their views on businesses or programs in general and talking about things that people might want to think about when they are quote promoting or when they are looking at any venture they might want to be involved in.

If I can personally contribute to helping people in a positive fashion and if I can personally add value to a conversation, then yay, I did not waste my time or the time of others.

One last thought ( maybe ^=^ ) Adland is a Network of business and social interests, not everyone will find topics to their liking and that is OK. If we can all find something that we enjoy on this platform... everyone is a winner.
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Forum Informum - Feedback for Business and Pleasure
7/8/2011 7:55:09 PM

I have some concerns or thoughts about the original idea about an election of businesses...

* Does the community really want another election?

* Would people actually cast unbiased votes on the businesses if they were featured with a person next to each business, and set aside friendship or dislike in their voting decision? If it's supposed to be a Top Program election, will people really be voting ONLY about the programs? Do people ever vote ONLY about the topic?

* If it were going to be judged by a team, would the team be compiled ONLY of people who are in or have been in several businesses and know what's important in online biz? Will judges be chosen according to who's NOT in featured businesses each week so they're not biased toward it? Or chosen from people who are not disgruntled former-affiliates who've quit, so they're not biased against any businesses of the week? Can we find a group of unbiased judges who know what's good in business, without any of them having been in any of the featured businesses at election time or previously?

* Are there going to be different weekly categories, such as all MLMs one week, or non-MLMs, or all real product businesses (juice, vitamins), or virtual products (ebooks, autoresponders, hosting), or all traffic sources for a different week? Is it fair to have a scattered group featuring an ebook MLM against an autoresponder company, against a safelist, against a vitamin company? Just deciding to have an election and choose a "best" when there are so many variables, and when all voters aren't interested in all businesses, is going to be more of a people-contest and not a business contest.

It's a lot of stuff to think about, I think just a list of compiled benefits from lots of members without a contest would be much less of a hassle and less pressure.


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