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Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - two out of three Republicans are tea party supporters
6/16/2014 3:14:48 PM
two out of three Republicans are tea party supporters

What discord? Pollster says support for the tea party now ‘the norm for Republicans’

Democratic operatives would do well to soft pedal the “tea party is dead” narrative for now, along with claims that the GOP is divided between establishment and tea party factions. New poll numbers reveal that the tea party mantra of fiscal sanity, less government and lower taxes could be the very backbone of the Republican Party itself.

Support for the grassroots movement is now the “norm for Republicans,” says Kathy Frankovic, an analyst for the YouGov, which recently gauged public opinion on the trend.

“Although only a third in the public overall support the goals of the tea party, strongly or at least somewhat, two out of three Republicans are tea party supporters,” she says, noting that only 7 percent oppose it. The 66 percent who support tea party goals are extremely negative about government in general.

“Just 7 percent approve of the way President Obama is handling his job; just 9 percent approve of the way Congress is handling its job. Eighty seven percent would repeal the Affordable Care Act,” continues Ms. Frankovic.

Then there’s the engagement factor.

“But what sets the GOP tea party supporters apart is their attentiveness to politics. Sixty one percent follow news about politics most of the time,” she says, which is 11 percentage points higher than the Republican Party in general.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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6/20/2014 6:11:48 PM


Like many conservatives and American workers, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said that the Republican establishment's embrace of amnesty for llegal immigrants is the one issue that is making her think about renouncing her ties to the GOP.

Palin has always spoken for American workers who are pro-free markets and against the permanent political class. And amnesty, as Dave Brat said after he ousted House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) last week, is the biggest issue that divides the bipartisan Wall Street elites from Main Street.

Palin, echoing the voice of blue-collar workers who sit at home when establishment "Wall Street" Republicans are nominated, said the amnesty "issue is just about driving me to renounce my Republican ties because, see, even leaders on the RIGHT side of the aisle haven’t exerted all Constitutional power to stop the madness."

"A few have tried, but until they’re sent reinforcements, then atrocities like the child abuse and exploitation you’re now getting wind of will only get worse," she said in a recent Facebook note.

She has also said that Congress lacked the guts to impeach "tyrant" Obama over his lawlessness on immigration and accused the Obama administration of exploiting illegal immigrants and putting their lives in danger to shamelessly push their political agenda. She has often said that amnesty legislation would "decimate" Main Street and lower the standard of living for American workers of all ethnicities and backgrounds, which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office also determined.

Palin has always been the North Star for exurban voter and blue-collar American workers of all backgrounds, especially conservatives who call themselves "independent" or "unaffiliated" because of their disdain for the GOP establishment.

In fact, Palin took on the GOP establishment and the permanent political class in Alaska -- and crushed them. Since she has been on the national stage, Palin has relentlessly battled both establishments in the permanent political class, most significantly in Indianola, Iowa in 2011 in a landmark speech in which she said:

Yeah, the permanent political class – they’re doing just fine. Ever notice how so many of them arrive in Washington, D.C. of modest means and then miraculously throughout the years they end up becoming very, very wealthy? Well, it’s because they derive power and their wealth from their access to our money – to taxpayer dollars. They use it to bail out their friends on Wall Street and their corporate cronies, and to reward campaign contributors, and to buy votes via earmarks. There is so much waste. And there is a name for this: It’s called corporate crony capitalism. This is not the capitalism of free men and free markets, of innovation and hard work and ethics, of sacrifice and of risk. No, this is the capitalism of connections and government bailouts and handouts, of waste and influence peddling and corporate welfare. This is the crony capitalism that destroyed Europe’s economies. It’s the collusion of big government and big business and big finance to the detriment of all the rest – to the little guys. It’s a slap in the face to our small business owners – the true entrepreneurs, the job creators accounting for 70% of the jobs in America, it’s you who own these small businesses, you’re the economic engine, but you don’t grease the wheels of government power.

So, do you want to know why the permanent political class doesn’t really want to cut any spending? Do you want to know why nothing ever really gets done? It’s because there’s nothing in it for them. They’ve got a lot of mouths to feed – a lot of corporate lobbyists and a lot of special interests that are counting on them to keep the good times and the money rolling along.

It doesn’t surprise me. I’ve seen this kind of crony capitalism before. It’s is the same good old boy politics-as-usual that I fought and we defeated in my home state. I took on a corrupt and compromised political class and their backroom dealings with Big Oil. And I can tell you from experience that sudden and relentless reform never sits well with entrenched interests and power-brokers. So, please you must vet a candidate’s record. You must know their ability to successfully reform and actually fix problems that they’re going to claim that they inherited.

Real reform never sits well with the entrenched special interests, and that’s why the true voices of reform are so quickly demonized. Look what they say about you. You are concerned civilized citizens and look what they say about you. And just look what happened during the debt-ceiling debate. We’d been given warning after warning that our credit rating would be downgraded if politicians didn’t get serious about tackling the debt and deficit problem. But instead of making the real cuts that are necessary, they used Enron-like accounting gimmicks, and they promised that if they were just allowed to spend trillions more today, they’d cut billions ten years from now. By some magical thinking, they figured they could run up trillion dollar deficits year after year, yet still somehow avoid the unforgiving mathematics that led to the downgrade. Well, they got a rude awakening from the rest of the world, and that’s that even America isn’t “too big to fail.”

When we finally did get slapped with that inevitable downgraded, the politicians and the pundits turned around and blamed us – independent commonsense conservatives. We got blamed! They called us un-American and terrorists and suicide bombers and…hobbits…couldn’t understand that one.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

6/20/2014 7:01:12 PM
We are giving out our male and female English Bulldog puppies for adoption ONLY into nice and caring home. If you are interested in taking any of them email be back for more details concerning pickup( or (909) 353-2862
Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - Dinesh D’Souza: Obama Mobilizes Resentment Toward America
6/20/2014 8:28:17 PM

Dinesh D’Souza: Obama Mobilizes Resentment Toward America To Grow His Power

If the questionable legal charges levied against Dinesh D’Souza by Obama’s Department of Justice for exceeding campaign finance laws were meant to quiet his criticism of the president, it is not working. Yet, one gathers from D’Souza that he sees these charges as one more of the shameless ways this president is using the instruments of the state to attack his critics.

With a new book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her”and a movie, “America,” coming on July 2, D’Souza is a man with a message and he is on fire. His movie “2016” brought in 8 million viewers. And he hopes his new movie, “America,” will top “2016.”

In this 23 minute video interview, Dinesh D’Souza said, “In my opinion, President Obama believes in American exceptionalism. I believe America’s exceptionally good and he believes America’s exceptionally bad.”

He went on to say, “He doesn’t equate America’s sins with the rest of the world. If he did, he would be pressing the Chinese to use less energy resources. He would be demanding that they stop buying all the land and minerals in Africa. He would be demanding that they reduce their nuclear arsenal.”

To D’Souza, Rush Limbaugh was right in 2009 to hope Obama fails with his “destructive” worldview. Reminding viewers that progress is not always beneficial, D’Souza said, “If I am a termite, for me, progress means eating the building and making it fall down.”

President Barack Obama has turned success on its head and is scapegoating the successful in America, he added. D’Souza’s analogy in the interview is to a bandwagon — where good-hearted, successful Americans are pulling those depending on government assistance.

Obama says to those riding inside the bandwagon, “You are the morally most wonderful people in America.” And, instead of thanking those who pull the bandwagon, Obama calls them “the most greedy, most selfish, materialistic we’ve ever seen,” as he requires they pull harder.

“Even the Democrats are starting to realize something very fishy is going on here,” he says.

You can use this website to demand the movie comes to your city if it hasn’t already been selected for showing.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - two out of three Republicans are tea party supporters
6/20/2014 9:37:23 PM

VIDEO: Man Told to Remove American Flag Because ‘It’s a Threat to Muslims’


Since when did it become offensive to display the American flag in America? According to Webster, TX resident Duy Tran, that is precisely what he has been told by his apartment complex management. They have told him that he must remove the flag because it was a “ threat to the Muslim community.” (Watch Video Below)

KHOU, the CBS affiliate in Houston, reports on this demand by the Lodge on El Dorado. After moving into the community, Tran proudly hung an American flag from his balcony. He says the flag means a lot to him because he has had a lot of friends who have died defending it.

Tran says he was shocked when the apartment manager told him the American flag had to be taken down. He said, “What really stunned me is that she said it’s a threat towards the Muslim community. I’m not a threat to anybody.”

The station reports that, upon asked for the manager’s account of what happened, the property had an officer escort them off of the property and only provided the following statement.

While the Lodge on El Dorado admires our resident’s patriotism, we must enforce our property rules and guidelines. Such guidelines maintain the aesthetics of our apartment community and provide for the safety of all residents. The apartment community already proudly displays our country’s flag in a safe and appropriate manner at the entrances to our community.

KHOU indicates that there were numerous other patriotic symbols that could been seen on balconies throughout the property. Tran insists that he will not remove his American flag stating, “I’m gonna leave my flag there, as an American, until she shows me proof that I don’t have the right to leave my flag there.


Video | News | Weather | Sports

Wed Jun 18 21:07:14 PDT 2014

Man says apartment complex called his US flag a ‘threat to Muslim community’

A Webster man says his apartment complex manager told him his American flag was a “threat to the Muslim community,” and that he has to take it down. But he’s not giving up without a fight. view full article

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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