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Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - Speaking of rebuilding our nation to lead the rest of the
1/20/2014 11:27:43 AM
Hello Bryan,

Speaking of rebuilding our nation to lead the rest of the world. We must consider which nation do we rebuild? Case in point: "The Truth as I see it."
Updated The Ninth day of the First month, anno Domini Two thousand fourteen

American Governance
Both systems concurrently exist today. However, the corporate system has been gaining predominance in the last 70 years. Many Sovereigns (We the people) have contracted with the corporate system unknowingly, unintentionally, and or without full disclosure given.

Once you learn the difference, you may have to make a decision for yourself, family, and posterity. That decision may require changes in how you conduct yourself. You will have to undo what has been done to make your Sovereign status known. This is not taught in the corporate government's public school system, because you are not to know.

The elite of the "One World government" corporate system want
and need to have power and control over the population (masses)
they call "Human Resources."

This is a challenging topic. I agree that buying American made is important because it helps improve the current unemployment rate. However, we must also consider the fact that China has billions invested in our stock market and economy. This means that we are completely intertwined, like it or not. In fact, buying things bought in China will help improve our economy, as well. The world has become a world economy, and no country is an island onto itself. The real question isn't whether or not we are buying products made in America, but what we are doing to move into the future and rebuild our nation to lead the rest of the world into the information revolution.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - Speaking of rebuilding our nation to lead the rest of the
1/20/2014 1:28:53 PM
Are we ...

On Borrowed Time: “They’re Going to Turn the Blame Directly on You”

economic collapse

Image Credit:

If you regularly follow establishment media and you’ve fallen for the notion that the stock market is the primary measure for economic health in this country, then you probably also believe that the recovery has taken hold, that the economy is growing, and that our elected officials have done a great job dealing with the crisis.

Never mind the record job losses or the over 100 million Americans who depend on a government distribution in some form to make ends meet. Officials in political and financialspheres, through their manipulated job statistics and financial market intervention, have convinced the majority of people that things are actually getting better.

But just because the Dow Jones has hit all time highs doesn’t necessarily mean we’re back to boom times again. In fact, as Charlie McGrath of Wide Awake News notes, the situation is exactly the opposite of what it appears to be. We’re already seeing cracks in financial markets as evidenced by the destruction of long-time American staple retailers like JC Penney and Sears. And this week Best Buy announced very disappointing holiday sales results, which led to an almost immediate collapse in its stock price of nearly 30%.

But despite the overwhelming signs that consumers are tapped out, the stock marketshook it off like nothing happened.

To mainstream pundits this was a sign of the tenacity and strength of the American economy. To those who get it, this was just more confirmation that the entire system as it exists today is being manipulated on all fronts.

They’re saying that we’re recovering. They’re saying that Dow Jones 16,000, that Dow Jones 20,000 equals success on Main Street. In the meantime, The war on poverty just reached a new fifty year low. The war on unemployment, the war on fixing an economic crisis brought to you by a bunch of bankers that started in 2008 to present, that has been an abject failure on every front when it matters to Main Street… that war is being sold as a success.

So you’d better understand what that means. The days of easy cheap bailout money, the days of easy cheap papering over the depression money in the form of social safety nets… you better rest assured of one thing…

You are on borrowed time. You are on borrowed time for the kind, caring government that is lulling a populace into servitude with these handouts.

Because they’re gonna stop doing it, and when they do they’re going to turn the blame directly on you.

What does this all lead to? A total dismantling of free market principles… a free market under attack around this planet will lead to an overt totalitarian society… that is the path we’ve been set on.A path that leads to government having more solution, that leads to more failure, that leads to more crisis, that leads to more solution… a self feeding beast that turns a once representative government into a totalitarian juggernaut.This is what we’re facing in this country… The IMF came out and said the planet is facing a 1930′s style default.…this is all by design. We are heading towards a total in which the crime for standing up for yourself will be met with the heavy boot of tyrannical government.It isn’t all hunky-dory. We’re not heading down the path to rainbows and lollipops because the Dow Jones says 16,000.

We need to use these indices as what they are… a true measure… a reverse of what is truly going on on Main Street. The higher the Dow goes, the more the bank stocks, the more the suffering on Main Street continues to expand.

When the system finally buckles – and it will – who do you think is going to get the blame?

The answer is quite simple. It’s going to be those people who planned ahead.

  • Did you stock up on food and other supplies ahead of time while Americans are starving in the streets? Then you are a socially selfish individual and you’re personal property will need to be seized and distributed for the greater good. In fact, a recent Executive Order gives the President authorization to do just that.
  • Did you purchase silver or gold as a hedge against inflation or fear that our monetary system would collapse? Then you are to blame for undermining our national currency.
  • Do you have a retirement account like a 401K or IRA while other Americans have to depend on paltry government assistance checks to survive? Then you are the problem because you haven’t shared your wealth. Congressional members have already discussed turning your personal savings into government managed plans much like Obamacare.
  • Do you often discuss free market principles like the elimination of income taxes or letting large institutions fail when they mismanage their company operations? Then your ideas are to blame.

This is how totalitarian governments operate and when it hits the fan ours will be left with no other option (save being dismantled) than to create scapegoats.

Guess who’s going to be first on the red list

Mac Slavo is the Editor of

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - Speaking of rebuilding our nation to lead the rest of the
1/24/2014 9:44:55 PM

Sheriff Joe: Only Bread and Water for Inmates Who Defaced Flag…


  • 19



(Breitbart) - Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona’s Maricopa County said inmates who defaced American flags in their cells will be fed only bread and water for a week.

The flags were placed in cells in November in a patriotism campaign by the sheriff, who accused some inmates of “tearing them, writing on them, stepping on them, throwing them in the toilet, trash or wherever they feel. It’s a disgrace,” CNN reported.

SPECIAL: Modern Day Patriots, this is the time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our forefathers in Lexington and Concord. We need the Tea Party now more than ever.

In addition to the display of flags, the “Star Spangled Banner” is played over the jail intercom each morning and every evening inmates hear “God Bless America,” the report said.

The flags were put in cells after Arpaio announced he would hire more veterans.

He says more than 600 male and female veterans work for the sheriff’s department, which manages 8,000 inmates.–Inmates-who-defaced-flags-to-get-only-bread-and-wate

- See more at:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: MADE In the USA - Speaking of rebuilding our nation to lead the rest of the
1/28/2014 11:24:08 PM
Kudos to this young lady and Blacksphere for reporting it and Allen West for sharing.

Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show – I don’t blame her one bit


I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but I’ve become an old prude.

I don’t think scantily-clad women should spread their legs on tv in prime time.

I wish song lyrics didn’t have to include profanity and overt sexual references.

I think men look awesome in traditional tuxedos, and I wish they would honor formal occasions by wearing them.

And therefore, I completely understand why contemporary Christian music artist Natalie Grant -nominated for two awards – walked out of Sunday’s Grammy show. Hat tip to our friends at The Black Sphere for reporting.

Grant and her husband went to the show to proudly represent gospel music, but left the show early after having heard and seen a bit too much.

I’m with them. I do believe art represents life, and sadly moral decay in our nation was on display on Sunday. I generally watch these shows because I want to make sure I’m up to speed with what’s going on — and I know it’s every generation’s job to try to shock the previous one.

But I’m not shocked. I’m just really, really disappointed. And I haven’t even watched the State of the Union yet…

Read the full story at The Black Sphere.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: MADE In the USA - Speaking of rebuilding our nation to lead the rest of the
1/29/2014 12:24:44 AM

  • Join Us!

    Some walked out, others didn't even bother to show up.

    The words Mandisa chose as the reason for not going were interesting...
    “Perhaps being alone with Him[God] as my name was announced was protecting myself from where my flesh would have tried to drag me had I been up on that stage,” she added. “It gave me time to focus. With what I do for a living, and the doors that have opened for me to sing about Jesus on mainstream platforms, I take the phrase from John 15:19, ‘be in the world, not of it’ seriously.”

    Satanism On Display At 2014 Grammys (Katy Perry-Dark Horse video)

    For a number of years now, we have been warning you that Hollywood has begin to embrace and promote open Satanism in the “entertainment” products they have been offering. NTEB’s ground-breaking article last year on how multi-platinum singer Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z are openly members of the Illuminati and proud Satanists left most of middle America gasping to catch it’s collective breath. This year, however, marks a full 100% increase in open witchcraft, Satanism and the occult being broadcast through music, movies and television.

    Grammys 2014: Watch Beyonce and Jay Z open awards with 'Drunk in Love'

    Beyonce Admits To Demon Possession While Embracing Satanic Imagery

    Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show – I don’t blame her one bit

    I don’t think scantily-clad women should spread their legs on tv in prime time.

    I wish song lyrics didn’t have to include profanity and overt sexual references.

    I think men look awesome in traditional tuxedos, and I wish they would honor formal occasions by wearing them.

    And therefore, I completely understand why contemporary Christian music artist Natalie Grant -nominated for two awards – walked out of Sunday’s Grammy show.

    Christian Grammy Winner Reveals Why She Purposefully Decided Not to Attend the Award Show

    The singer admitted that she has struggled lately as a Christian living in a world filled with temptation.

    “Yes, both times I have gone to the Grammys I have witnessed performances I wish I could erase from my memory, and yes, I fast forwarded through several performances this year; but my reason is not because of them, it’s because of me,” Mandisa wrote. “I have been struggling with being in the world, not of it lately. I have fallen prey to the alluring pull of flesh, pride, and selfish desires quite a bit recently.”

    She said that putting herself in an environment that celebrates some of the elements she’s trying to avoid was “risky,” so she decided to stay home, as she is trying to renew her mind “to become the Heavenly Father-centered, completely satisfied with Jesus, and Holy Spirit-led woman” she once was.

    While she didn’t get specific about the issues she’s struggling with, Mandisa fully admitted that she’s been hitting some spiritual road bumps.

    Posted By: Crazed Dreamer

Kudos to this young lady and Blacksphere for reporting it and Allen West for sharing.

Christian Grammy nominee walked out of the show – I don’t blame her one bit


I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but I’ve become an old prude.

I don’t think scantily-clad women should spread their legs on tv in prime time.

I wish song lyrics didn’t have to include profanity and overt sexual references.

I think men look awesome in traditional tuxedos, and I wish they would honor formal occasions by wearing them.

And therefore, I completely understand why contemporary Christian music artist Natalie Grant -nominated for two awards – walked out of Sunday’s Grammy show. Hat tip to our friends at The Black Sphere for reporting.

Grant and her husband went to the show to proudly represent gospel music, but left the show early after having heard and seen a bit too much.

I’m with them. I do believe art represents life, and sadly moral decay in our nation was on display on Sunday. I generally watch these shows because I want to make sure I’m up to speed with what’s going on — and I know it’s every generation’s job to try to shock the previous one.

But I’m not shocked. I’m just really, really disappointed. And I haven’t even watched the State of the Union yet…

Read the full story at The Black Sphere.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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