Added by on 2013-10-01

Oregon Girl Receiving Cannabidiol For Leukemia

cannabis beats cancer

One year updated photo MyKayla cancer free!

The photograph of the little girl and her mother outside of a building, where the little girl is holding a sign that reads “cannabis cured my cancer” is famous in the stoner community. This little girl has been a cannabis patient for over a year now, as part of her treatment for an aggressive form of leukemia. She was diagnosed in July of 2012 and her father put her on a dose of cannabis. MyKayla gets a small amount of concentrated THC in pill form every day, along with her required chemotherapy treatment.

Mykayla Comstock holding sign cured cancer

The amount of improvement shown by this brave little girl is incredible. While some doctors credit her improved health to the chemo, the girl’s father and his girlfriend believe in the power of the plant. MyKayla uses the CBD to help her cope with the awful effects of the chemo. I believe that a child, especially, should be allowed (under doctor supervision) to be allowed to ingest cannabis to help with cancer and like illnesses. Chemotherapy is a severe way to treat cancer. Killing the good cells as well as the bad seems slightly futile to me. A child should be able to have a childhood, rather than spending it hooked up to machines and on a regimen of nasty pills.

nasty pills stonerdays

If cannabis continues to assist in the remission of cancer patients, then people will no longer be able to deny it’s ability to cure. There are other child patients that are benefiting from cannabis use, like Landon Riddle, a young boy in Colorado Springs. But, like Landon, MyKayla hasn’t improved without some speed bumps. Both children’s parents had CPS called on them when the cannabis treatment began. There are still some people that need convincing that replacing chemo with cannabis is an extremely positive thing.

Homemade capsules containing a Cannabis oil extract have successfully helped Mykayla Comstock, 7, of Pendleton, OR. USA treat her acute t-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. With her blood cell counts returned to normal, Comstock is not hospitalized like many ca

We should all understand that if we are diagnosed with any type of cancer we are faced as an individual with some significant decisions. We will have to choose a cancer specialist, a hospital to be treated at, and how to cope with your family & friends while dealing with your treatment, but no one should have to decide on treating his/her Cancer by taking painful chemo therapy treatments while there is proven treatments through Marijuana that is pain free and efficient. Cannabis becomes a more believable cure every day and not just for cancer. As the patients using cannabis improve, the cause becomes more legitimate. We’re not just ranting protesters. There are facts to back up our statements and it’s time that people start to listen.

Homemade capsules containing a Cannabis oil extract have successfully helped Mykayla Comstock, 7, of Pendleton, OR. USA treat her acute t-cell lymphoblastic leukemia. With her blood cell counts returned to normal, Comstock is not hospitalized like many ca

If children like MyKayla and Landon are getting help from cannabis, then it is possible that it’ll work for everyone. Curing cancer would be a huge win and would save so many lives, not to mention a lot of money. People would be able to live normal lives, even if they were going through chemo. Cannabis helps the patient to eat, sleep, and feel more healthy than without it. People will start to believe in the power of cannabis, whether they support it or not. Facts can’t be denied for long.

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Oregon Girl Receiving Cannabidiol For Leukemia