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7/10/2013 11:00:14 PM

NAACP's Justice for Trayvon Martin rally -- March 31, 2012

On Wednesday, Judicial Watched announced that the Department of Justice had turned over documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act request showing that the Community Relations Service (CRS), a small division of the DOJ, was sent to Sanford, Florida after the Trayvon Martin shooting to help manage rallies and protests. The documents show that from March 25 through April 12, 2012, the CRS spent thousands of dollars helping organize and “work” marches and demonstrations regarding Trayvon Martin. Tasks included:

  • Working “marches, demonstrations, and rallies related to the shooting and death of an African-American teen by a neighborhood watch captain”;
  • Providing “support for protest deployment in Florida”;
  • Providing “technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31”;
  • Providing “technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford.”

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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7/10/2013 11:04:01 PM


The Obama administration may have had direct involvement in shaping the Trayvon Martin shooting narrative, including direct involvement in forcing Sanford, FL sheriff Bill Lee to temporarily step down.

An Orlando Sentinel article detailing how the Department of Justice’s secretive Community Relations Service worked to bring about Sheriff Lee’s ouster raises troubling questions about the Obama administration’s involvement, especially when coupled with the cozy relationship that Attorney General Eric Holder has with one of the lead Trayvon Martin agitators, the Rev. Al Sharpton.

What is the DOJ’s Community Relations Service? The Sentinel article, entitled "DOJ 'peacemakers' helped Sanford stay cool amid rising tension," paints a generally rosy, if slightly creepy, picture of the organization and its role during the Trayvon Martin shooting and the aftermath:

In their Navy blue windbreakers, polo shirts and dark sunglasses, they look like federal agents.

Their caps are embroidered with the Justice Department's seal. They watch and listen silently. But they say little publicly.

When reporters try to chat them up, they remain stoic, saying simply they cannot talk to the media.

The peacekeepers have a specific mandate outlined in the 1964 Civil Rights Act to go into conflict zones within American communities that perceive discrimination or feel wronged because of their particular race, color or national origin.

However, the original mandate of the CRS was expanded with the passage of recent hate crime legislation. A 2010 article by liberal journalist Ryan Reilly on Main Justice quotes former Community Relations Service director Ondray T. Harris as saying the CRS had become more ‘preventative’.

Others give a less positive view of the CRS. One source familiar with the division describes them as “federal spies, federal muscle, all in the guise of mediation.”

The Sentinel quotes a number of people saying positive things about the CRS and their role in Sanford, but all of them appear to be people or organizations who were calling for George Zimmerman’s arrest, such as the Seminole County NAACP.

Despite claiming to be unbiased, DOJ head Eric Holder recently spoke in praise of Al Sharpton, one of the main agitators in the Trayvon Martin story, at an event hosted by Sharpton’s Nation Action Network--at the same time Sharpton was calling for increased civil disobedience.

According to the Sentinel, the Department of Justice and CRS had a hand in bolstering Rev. Al Sharpton’s claim of Police Department bias by helping to facilitate the temporary resignation of Sheriff Bill Lee Jr. from the Stanford Florida Police Department, just two days before President Obama’s Rose Garden statement about Trayvon Martin.

As the Orlando Sentinel reported:

They helped set up a meeting between the local NAACP and elected officials that led to the temporary resignation of police Chief Bill Lee, said Turner Clayton, Seminole County chapter president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

"People are more relaxed and satisfied when they know they have someone from the outside, like the DOJ who have no ties to the community to try and relax the emotions," Clayton said

We have previously reported that in 2006, then Senator Barack Obama was involved in a Florida case with Martin’s attorney Benjamin Crump and Rev. Sharpton that acted as the publicity blueprint for the Martin case.

That connection has still not been reported in the mainstream media, and itself raises serious questions about the level of coordination between the Obama administration, Mr. Crump and Rev. Sharpton.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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7/11/2013 12:35:50 PM

DOJ sends secret “peacekeepers” where Trayvon Martin was killed

Last Updated: July 10, 2013


Judicial Watch, Inc. on April 24, 2012 launched an investigation into the Trayvon Martin case based on reports that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) had sent a secret team of “peacekeepers” to Sanflord, Florida, where Martin was shot on February 26, 2012 after wandering in a gated community after dark. George Zimmerman, a resident of the community and its neighborhood watch captain, is currently on trial for Martin’s death though he maintains he acted in self-defense.

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Records obtained by Judicial Watch in response to local, state and federal public records requests show that the so-called peacekeepers are part of a large and growing division within DOJ called the Community Relations Service (CRS). Though CRS purports to spot and quell racial tensions nationwide before they arise, the documents obtained by Judicial Watch show the group actively worked to foment unrest, spending thousands of taxpayer dollars on travel and hotel rooms to train protestors throughout Florida. The peacekeepers also met with officials of the Republican National Convention, scheduled for several months later in Tampa, to warn them to expect protests in connection with Martin’s death.

  • CRS employee spent $1,142.84 to travel to Sanford, Florida from March 25-28, 2012 “to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies”;
  • CRS employee spent $751.60 to travel to Sanford, Florida from March 30-April 1, 2012 “to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31”;
  • CRS employee spent $1,307.40 to travel to Sanford, Florida from April 3-12, 2012 “to provide technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford”;
  • CRS employee spent $672.24 to travel to Tampa, Florida from April 18-20, 2012 “to meet with RNC official related to possible protests and demonstrations during the RNC”

In response to a Florida Sunshine Law request to the City of Sanford, Judicial Watch also obtained an audio recording of a “community meeting” held at Second Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church in Sanford on April 19, 2012. The meeting, which opens with a gospel hymn and organ music, is reported to have led to the official ouster of Sanford’s Police Chief Bill Lee. A week earlier, a group calling themselves the “Dream Defenders” had barricaded the entrance to the police department demanding he be fired for failing to file murder charges against Zimmerman. The church meeting produced a nine-point plan, the main demand being the firing of Chief Lee.

For additional background and reference:

April 19, 2012: Church meeting produces 9-point plan, led by firing of police chief

April 17, 2012: Who are the Peacekeepers?

April 10, 2012: “Dream Defenders” block entrance to Sanford Police Dept.

March 31, 2012: Narrative of Martin-Zimmerman dispute

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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7/11/2013 1:06:47 PM

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

HERE IS THE TRANSCRIPT: Mark Levin Introduces His New Book "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring The American Republic"
Unlike the statists who defy, ignore and rewrite the Constitution for purpose of evasion -- as they push their big government rules and regulations -- I propose that we, the people, take a closer look at the Constitution itself for our preservation. The Constitution provides the means for restoring self-government and averting societal catastrophe. Or, in the case of societal collapse, resurrecting the civil society in Article V.

Article V sets forth the two process for amending the Constitution, the second of which we're going to focus on. Article V says, in part:

Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress

Importantly, and I want to emphasize this, in neither case of amending the Constiiution does Article V provide for a Constitutional Convention. This is important, because you'll hear critics say, "We don't need a Constitutional Convention! We'll never get anyone better than the Framers!"

And they're right! This isn't a Constitutional Convention. This is a convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution.

In other words, Congress can propose amendments to the Constitution -- and has in 27 cases that have been ratified -- and the states can too, through the convention process. The first method, where two-thirds of Congress passes a proposed amendment and then forwards it to the state legislatures for possible ratification by three-fourths vote. And that has occurred 27 times.

The second method, involving the direct application of two-thirds of the state legislatures, for a convention of proposing amendments -- not a Constitutional Convention, a convention for proposing amendments, which would thereafter require three-fourths of the states to ratify -- has been tried in the past without success. And today it sits dormant.

The fact is: Article V expressly grants state legislatures significant authority to re-balance the Constitutional structure for the purposes of restoring our founding principles should the federal government shed its limitations, abandon its original purpose, and grow too powerful as many delegates in Philadelphia in 1787 at the Constitutional Convention feared.

Which is exactly why they provided for two methods of amending the Constitution. On June 11, 1787 -- at the Constitutional Convention -- George Mason of Virginia, one of the most underrated of the Founding Fathers and one of the greatest men in American history, who had drafted Virginia's "Declaration of Rights", the precursor to the Declaration of Independence... he responded to some of the delegates who didn't see the necessity of having the states propose amendments. Which Mason strongly advocated for!

In [James] Madison's Notes from the Constitutional Convention, he writes about Mason's comments:

Colonel Mason urged the necessity of such a provision : "The plan now to be formed will certainly be defective, as the Confederation has been found on trial to be. Amendments, therefore, will be necessary ; and it will be better to provide for them in an easy, regular and constitutional way, than to trust to chance
and violence. It would be improper to require the consent of the national legislature, because they may abuse their power, and refuse their assent on that very account. The opportunity for such an abuse may be the fault of the Constitution calling for amendment."

And so there was some debate. And two days before the end of the Constitutional Convention -- on September 15th -- Mason was back at it. Mason, concerned that Congress would have the sole power to propose amendments, continued to insist on state authority to call for conventions. George Mason explained that an oppressive Congress would never agree to propose amendments curtailing its own tyranny.

Back to Madison's Notes, citing Mason, "thought the plan of amending the Constitution 'exceptionable and dangerous. As the proposing of amendments is in both the modes to depend, in the first immediately, and in the second ultimately, on Congress, no amendments of the proper kind would ever be obtained by the people, if the government should become oppressive, as he verily believed would be the case.'"

Quote, unquote, Madison's Notes, September 15th, 1787.

Mr. Governeur Morris, Mr. Eldridge Jerry of Massachusetts moved as to amend the article as to require a convention on application of two-thirds of the states.

And there you have it.

Under both amendment procedures, the Constitution requires at least three-fourths of the states ratify the amendment -- either by their state legislatures or by the state conventions. So again, rather than Congress proposing amendments, what's suggested here is that the states can and should convene to do the same thing.

Now: I was originally very skeptical of amending the Constitution by the state convention process. I, like many of you, was concerned that it could turn into a runawy caucus, And, as an ardent defender of the Constitution who reveres the brilliance of the Framers, I presumed this would play disastrously into the hands of the Statists.

But today but I am a confident and enthusiastic advocate for the process. The text of Article V makes it abundantly clear that there is a serious check in place, whether the product of Congress or the state convention, A proposed amendment has no effect at all unless ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the states or by the conventions in three-fourths thereof.

This, ladies and gentlemen, should extinguish concerns that the convention process could hijack the Constitution. It is impossible. And after more research and reflection, the issue crystallized further for me. If the Framers were alarmed that states calling for "a convention proposing for amendments to the Constitution" could undo the entire undertaking of the Constitutional Convention, then why did they craft, adopt and endorse the language?

And it was strongly endorsed in the Federalist Papers -- by Madison and Hamilton in Federalist 43 and Federalist 85.

And here's the beauty of the process: Congress' role in the state application process is minimal and ministerial. And it couldn't be otherwise, because the Framers and Ratifiers adopted the state convention process for the purpose of establishing an alternative to the Congressionally-initiated amendment process. That was the point.

Now you can see why the ruling class and their little mouthpieces are going to hate me: because this removes power from them.

It gives power to the state delegates and state senators, who you will have an effect on one day. And this is what my new book is about: The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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7/14/2013 2:37:45 PM


Posted by Shake and Bake Crew at 10:00a ET
Danica Patrick

(Getty Images)

While drag racer Courtney Force dazzled race fans with a smoking hot nude photo spread in ESPN The Magazine’s latest Body Issue, don’t expect Danica Patrick to follow suit anytime soon.

Yes, Danica had a sizzling shoot in FHM a few years back, and she has appeared in Maxim and the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated as well. But the nude thing? It isn’t happening anytime soon.

“I just never felt like that was something I needed or wanted to do,” Danica said Friday at New Hampshire Motor Speedway when asked about appearing in the buff. “A lot of the stuff that I’ve done that has been scantily clad has all been swimsuit stuff. I was also asked to do the painted section of the swimsuit issue. I was asked to do that the second year after I was in it the first time. I asked one of my most liberal friends if I should do it and she was like, ‘Um, that’s naked right? Last I checked that’s naked.’ Would I feel comfortable? I’m sure it’d be a little bit borderline.”

But a girl has to draw the line somewhere.

“There’s a difference to me between going to the beach and wearing a swimming suit and going to the beach and wearing nothing or paint,” Danica said. “That’s just pushing the limit a little bit. I mean as far as artistically I think it’d be really fun but it’s not things that I need to do to push the issue with my brand. There’s already enough stuff that I do that pushes that. So, I’d rather stay in my full comfort zone than go that far.”

At least for the moment.

“I might change my mind one year,” Patrick said. “And it might be something that parallels something else I’m doing, or where I’m at, or how I’m feeling. But just not right now.”

And don’t expect her to do a couples pictorial with hunky boyfriend Ricky Stenhouse Jr.

“I think the swimsuit issue tried the couples thing and that didn’t work. So, I’d be surprised.”

For now, we can admire photos from Danica's past shoots.

And if you're curious, here's a look at Force's ESPN The Magazine shoot.

(ESPN The Magazine)
(ESPN The Magazine)
(ESPN The Magazine)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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