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1/21/2013 3:07:46 PM

Are you ready to take the red pill, Neo? Let me show you how deep the rabbit hole truly goes...
After you watch this short clip by Russian communist defector Yuri Bezmenov, it will all make sense to you: liberalism, socialism, hollywood, Obama, gay marriage, communism, media bias, useful idiots etc. It can all be summed up in two words: Cultural Marxism!

On demoralization of a nation: "What it basically means is, to change the perspective of reality, of every American, to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information, NO ONE IS ABLE TO COME TO SENSIBLE CONCLUSIONS in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country"... sound familiar?
Keep reading...
"It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into 4 basic stages; The first one being: demoralization. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students"...
On the overwhelming success of demoralization in America:
"Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards"... "as I mentioned before, exposure to TRUE information does not matter anymore. A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell NOTHING to him."
Remember all of this next time you argue with a democrat, or watch the news, or cringe at Obama's intentional incompetence, overreaching with executive orders, and usurping of the constitution. Once more, when your currency comes to a complete collapse in ~2 years as a result of the government's deliberate out of control spending (and along with it your whole economy), they will have achieved their greatest victory without firing a single shot! Checkmate.

"Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press, 1984 - Complete"

Read more on the "Communist Goals" (1964):

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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1/23/2013 8:51:35 PM
Buy USA Made !
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Can they be stopped? MADE In the USA
2/3/2013 10:59:56 PM
I had promised myself after the election I would try and share more germane or business minded stuff. But Gina Miller has captured quite well my sentiments and frustrations in this article.

Made In The USA
Jim Allen III

January 29, 2013
Can they be stopped?

A truly scary and terribly frustrating aspect of the in-your-face communist takeover of America is the fact that perhaps half (or more) of the American population can't see it. There are plenty of wide-awake American patriots who are watching in stunned amazement at the blatantly criminal actions of Barack Obama (or whatever his name is) and his lawless administration. But, there are so many other Americans who are oblivious to it.

When regarding the dullness of the masses of disengaged or otherwise ignorant and deceived Americans, I am often reminded of the opening verses of one of the songs on Pink Floyd's 1977 concept album Animals. The song"Sheep," with its irreverent, creepy mockery of the 23rd Psalm, opens with these verses:

Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away,
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air.
You better watch out!
There may be dogs about!
I've looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem.

What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel.
What a surprise!
A look of terminal shock in your eyes!
Now things are really what they seem.
No, this is no bad dream!

Like sheep set for slaughter, far too many Americans have embraced apathy and ignorance. Apathy and ignorance have allowed the evil-minded enemies of America to cement their power. People who exist in ignorance and apathy are poised for tyranny. We can blame the pitiful government-run, public school mis-education or distracted parents for creating generations of dumbed-down, apathetic citizens, but ultimately American society as a whole has turned from God's moral – and actual commonsense – truths to disastrous moral relativism, which is no morality at all. Whether we agree with it or not, America has chosen the dark path it's on.

Some of us wonder how all of America is not up in arms over the purely evil – yes, evil – members of this administration and Congress, who are hell-bent on dismantling the very foundations and freedoms of our representative Republic. We can see it so clearly, so why can't everyone else? Of course, there are numerous answers to that question, and most of them lead back to ignorance, apathy, deception and even agreement with the dastardly principles of the treacherous, communist Left.

So, can this wicked administration be stopped? How can Obama and his buddies be held accountable for their criminal actions? We certainly know that the Republicans are scared to death of these Chicago thugs. Their actions – or inaction, rather – tell us this. We know that judges all across the country are scared to death of them, at least those who do not already agree with them. So, who does that leave to stop their lawless actions? Good question.

Don't tell me that The People can gather in Washington and demand anything! What did the communists in power do when millions of Tea Party patriots arose and marched on American cities and Washington in 2009 and 2010? They left town and turned a deaf ear, and the rats in the media pretended not to notice the massive Tea Party turnouts. What about when we flood the phones, faxes and emails of our so-called representatives? How do you like getting those generic form letters in reply that say, "Thank you for expressing your opinion. Now, stick it in your pipe and smoke it"?

This is not to say that we should stop letting them hear from us. Of course not! But, I'm looking for real solutions for stopping these leftist enemies of America, and real solutions evade me, especially now that it seems the Left has cornered the market on election fraud.

If we look back on the last hundred years, we can see that the communists have been infiltrating all our institutions – our schools, our federal, state and local governments, our military, our "entertainment" industry, everywhere that power and influence are to be had. The communists (for that is what they are) have a major lead on us America-cherishing constitutionalists. We now see that with the installation of Obama in our presidency, the communist infiltration is complete. And, with his second term afoot, we are witnessing a no-holds-barred enemy assault on our nation.

We are seeing the assault on our God-given right of self defense with Obama's criminal, anti-Second Amendment executive orders and the congressional push to ban certain guns and all but low-capacity ammunition magazines. All this is happening while the government itself is procuring billions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of rifles for the Department of Homeland Security. What are they planning on American soil? We can surely imagine, and it's not good.

We are seeing the insanity of congressional attempts, by both Democrats and worm Republicans, to grant amnesty to illegal aliens – this, after Obama's criminal executive order doing the same thing just prior to the last "election." Who will stop them?

We are seeing Obama's lawless Environmental Protection Agency waging a war against our own energy supplies under the Marxist ruse of "saving the planet" from the global warming hoax. Who will resist them?

We are seeing Obama siding with the enemies of America in the Middle East, and going so far as to allow our own Ambassador and three other Americans to be murdered by Muslim animals on September 11th in Libya. Not only has Obama not allowed our men to go in and annihilate the Muslim terrorists who did this, but he is going forward with his gift of our military's war planes and millions of dollars of our money to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Who will stop him?

We are seeing the destruction of our military. These commie dirtbags have done all they can to drive out the patriots and install their own people in military leadership. They have broken down the rational prohibition of openly homosexual people serving, and now they have taken the ludicrously insane step of permitting women to serve in combat.

We are under a daily barrage of outrages coming from this administration and the tools and goons in Congress. There is no doubt that this is certainly by design, intended to keep us off-balance and in distress at the overwhelming flood of sick-as-Hell, lawless power on display by these seemingly unstoppable dictators in Washington.

Can they be stopped? I don't know. The hearts and minds of too many of the American people are inundated and swayed by leftist media and entertainment propaganda, and the Left is winning its misinformation war. This is a huge deficit for conservatives. The leftist media message machine has a near-monopoly on American households. How do we reach the sheeple with our message of what America is supposed to be and what true freedom means, and the truth about where the communist Left's plans will ultimately lead?

I don't have the answers. But, I am certain of one thing: we no longer have the "luxury" of sitting idly by and watching the world go 'round. It has come to the point that we must resist or be assimilated. We must resist this lawless federal government and its unconstitutional edicts. The federal government has come completely untethered from the constitutional bonds on its power. This is a lawless President and a lawless administration being aided by a criminally negligent Congress and judicial branch.

Our remaining outlet – short of starting at the bottom to retake our institutions at this late hour – is to resist, and spread the word. We must not allow ourselves to be disarmed and silenced. Tyranny is at our doorstep. We must not give our nation over to it. We must firmly resist this tyranny, or we can kiss our country and our freedoms goodbye forever.

© Gina Miller

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: MADE In the USA -- Aaron Russo's Documentary ''America Freedom To Fascism''
3/12/2013 4:51:20 PM
Aaron Russo's Documentary ''America Freedom To Fascism'' Dir cut.
Published on Apr 23, 2012
''PLZ I DO NOT SUPPORT OR GIVE PEOPLE IDEA NOT TO PAY TAXES''[this is for educational purpose only, its your free will to do what you want of course]there are many reviews of this documentary most are positive this is one review, i found this on the Net.this is the Dir cut. this review is from the normal documentary. .Russo's films have been nominated for six Academy Awards, as well as seven Golden Globes. His films have won three Golden Globes and the Image Award. His latest film is a documentary entitled, "America: Freedom To Fascism." The film begins with a critical review of two monumental events that happened in 1913: the adoption of the 16th Amendment, which has been interpreted to authorize the forced taxation of individual income and the creation of the Federal Reserve, which turned the governance of America's financial system over to a centralized private banking interest. The film intelligently and convincingly makes a strong case for the opinion that both the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve System are flatly unconstitutional and may not even have been legally adopted.

Russo's film then factually demonstrates how modern presidents (especially Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II) have led America out of the light of liberty and into a dark alley of fascism (hence the film's title). The film provides many examples to prove the reality of that statement.

Many very credible personalities are interviewed in the film including Texas Congressman Ron Paul, constitutional scholar Edwin Vieira, Jr. Esq., former IRS special agents and investigators, and several others. Russo also interviewed former IRS commissioners, and reviewed copious court cases, including Supreme Court cases. Predictably (for such a documentary), notable tax resistors such as Bob Schulz and Franklin Sanders were also interviewed. And, frankly, their arguments are compelling!

The overall arguments and conclusions of the film are more than convincing! It will be very difficult for anyone objectively viewing this film to attack the facts and evidence presented. And for that reason, I'm confident that both the political and financial interests of this country will hope that no one watches it!

Russo also rightly connects the dots between developments such as the USA Patriot Act, the so-called "free trade" deals such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and the business and political alliance promoting illegal immigration with the overall push toward globalism and fascism.

Congressman Paul makes a compelling argument for the proposition that America is already in the process of becoming a police state. Russo also includes some disturbing police video which helps augment Paul's point.

Russo, in thorough investigative form, interviews many people ranging from everyday folks on the street to high level government officials. He also gave people from both sides of the tax debate an opportunity to present their case.

There were only a couple of disappointments with the film. I noticed two words that will be offensive to Christian audiences. Plus, had Russo added the cross-examination by the inquisitor-esque Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, churches and pastors would more quickly be able to identify with this film. And if any group of people needs to see and comprehend Russo's film, it is today's pastors and churches!

My other disappointment was with the way the film ends. I won't spoil the ending for those who have yet to see it, but, personally, I felt Russo could have done a better job with the film's conclusion. .

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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3/12/2013 4:54:05 PM
Nothing has changed

Aaron Russo's Documentary ''America Freedom To Fascism'' Dir cut.
Published on Apr 23, 2012
''PLZ I DO NOT SUPPORT OR GIVE PEOPLE IDEA NOT TO PAY TAXES''[this is for educational purpose only, its your free will to do what you want of course]there are many reviews of this documentary most are positive this is one review, i found this on the Net.this is the Dir cut. this review is from the normal documentary. .Russo's films have been nominated for six Academy Awards, as well as seven Golden Globes. His films have won three Golden Globes and the Image Award. His latest film is a documentary entitled, "America: Freedom To Fascism." The film begins with a critical review of two monumental events that happened in 1913: the adoption of the 16th Amendment, which has been interpreted to authorize the forced taxation of individual income and the creation of the Federal Reserve, which turned the governance of America's financial system over to a centralized private banking interest. The film intelligently and convincingly makes a strong case for the opinion that both the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve System are flatly unconstitutional and may not even have been legally adopted.

Russo's film then factually demonstrates how modern presidents (especially Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II) have led America out of the light of liberty and into a dark alley of fascism (hence the film's title). The film provides many examples to prove the reality of that statement.

Many very credible personalities are interviewed in the film including Texas Congressman Ron Paul, constitutional scholar Edwin Vieira, Jr. Esq., former IRS special agents and investigators, and several others. Russo also interviewed former IRS commissioners, and reviewed copious court cases, including Supreme Court cases. Predictably (for such a documentary), notable tax resistors such as Bob Schulz and Franklin Sanders were also interviewed. And, frankly, their arguments are compelling!

The overall arguments and conclusions of the film are more than convincing! It will be very difficult for anyone objectively viewing this film to attack the facts and evidence presented. And for that reason, I'm confident that both the political and financial interests of this country will hope that no one watches it!

Russo also rightly connects the dots between developments such as the USA Patriot Act, the so-called "free trade" deals such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and the business and political alliance promoting illegal immigration with the overall push toward globalism and fascism.

Congressman Paul makes a compelling argument for the proposition that America is already in the process of becoming a police state. Russo also includes some disturbing police video which helps augment Paul's point.

Russo, in thorough investigative form, interviews many people ranging from everyday folks on the street to high level government officials. He also gave people from both sides of the tax debate an opportunity to present their case.

There were only a couple of disappointments with the film. I noticed two words that will be offensive to Christian audiences. Plus, had Russo added the cross-examination by the inquisitor-esque Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor of Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, churches and pastors would more quickly be able to identify with this film. And if any group of people needs to see and comprehend Russo's film, it is today's pastors and churches!

My other disappointment was with the way the film ends. I won't spoil the ending for those who have yet to see it, but, personally, I felt Russo could have done a better job with the film's conclusion. .

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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