Quote: Hi Barry, Myrna, Sara, Pauline & All Who Have Offered Help, Y'all know that I could never leave Adland. What would I do without all of my Friends? It just gets frustrating sometimes.  Thanks Again For Your Help & God Bless, Phil Phil and others who use email servers like Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL, and some others - when they get mail from communities such as Adland, they collect them for a period of time and then mail them all out at once. It is not something Adland has control over, but we apologize anyway. Using Adland's own email service or as in my case gmail, I get messages immediately. Gmail offers RSS so you can have each message popup on your desktop. Since I have been using them, I have had no problems receiving any messages. I hope this helps and Phil we will just count on our Adland Cheerleader Myrna to keep you informed! Happy Monday, Sara