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Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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Internet Millionaire looking for students
3/29/2012 6:47:17 PM

from the pen of: M Low

I've got a quick question for you...

Have you ever wanted to work from home...?
Own your own business...?
Come on... you know you want that lifestyle... the one that everyone talks about...
where you can "work from home in your underwear..."
or on a "beach with your laptop..."
So... why hasn't it happened for you yet?
Come on... admit it.
This isn't the first time you've been looking for a proven way to make money... is it?
When it is your turn?
My guess is this...
You saw someone online promising you riches untold...
There was a catch... (doesn't it seem like there's always a catch?)
You have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to get started, right?
BEFORE you make any money... (Don't they know that's why you're there...? Because you NEED money?)
Doesn't it seem like if all those "guru's" courses and software worked so good...
and they REALLY believed it them...
Why won't they just GIVE you their money making system...
and then AFTER you've made your money... then they would get paid...
Well, I always thought it was too good to be true too...
Ya... this guy will coach you... on HIS dime. And you only have to pay AFTER you've made money.
Sound too good to be true?
Check it out here:
M. Low
P.S. - it's about time that somebody "got it," don't you think?

Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
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Are you a fast keybard typer?
3/31/2012 7:47:05 PM

from the pen of BV

Are you willing to receive money just for completing the text from images? Well, this is your chance to show yourself how good and fast you are, WITH BENEFITS! Click this link, follow the tutorial , and get paid for your skills! For any other information or payment proof, please email me at

You can also make money by refering people just like me. If 5 of your refferals have made, by the end of the week, at least 3$ each, you win 10 % of their winnings. So let's say, each of them work and make 3$. 10% out of 3 $ = 0.3 $ . 0.3$ x 5 refferals=1.5$ . Of course that is just an example, if you have lots of refferals who really work you could earn good money from their work.

In success


Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Earnings Blog
3/31/2012 7:51:05 PM

from the pen of Gloria

"These are my favorite earning sites as well as some of the traffic/downline builders I use and have had success with.

In success

G. Ferri

Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Are you ready to build Sustainable Wealth?
4/9/2012 10:55:54 PM

from the pen of KB

Look at this.

With just two active sign ups a month
You can become independently wealthy
By 18 months.
Think about that...
Is that such a long time to wait?

18 Months to be Independently Wealthy.

And all it takes is 35 Minutes of your time each day.

Here is a suggestion for you:
Keep your JOB for now
Work 35 mins a day online
in 4 months or so you will have reached
1000 dollars approx.
Think about quitting.

In 18 months you will not even consider it.

Your Friend & Mentor

Kit Burton

P.S. The Support Network is the finest i have ever
come across online. [Go on give it a try & click the link]

Dwight Bryce

925 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Internet Millionaire Still looking for students
4/10/2012 3:23:50 PM

from the desk of: F. Novak

I've got a quick question for you...

Have you ever wanted to work from home...?

Own your own business...?

Come on... you know you want that lifestyle... the one that everyone talks about...

where you can "work from home in your underwear..."

or on a "beach with your laptop..."

So... why hasn't it happened for you yet?

Come on... admit it.

This isn't the first time you've been looking for a proven way to make money... is it?

When it is your turn?

My guess is this...

You saw someone online promising you riches untold...


There was a catch... (doesn't it seem like there's always a catch?)

You have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to get started, right?

BEFORE you make any money... (Don't they know that's why you're there...? Because you NEED money?)

Doesn't it seem like if all those "guru's" courses and software worked so good...

and they REALLY believed it them...

Why won't they just GIVE you their money making system...

and then AFTER you've made your money... then they would get paid...

Well, I always thought it was too good to be true too...

Ya... this guy will coach you... on HIS dime. And you only have to pay AFTER you've made money.

Sound too good to be true?

Frank Novak

P.S. - it's about time that somebody "got it," don't you think?


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