Cruise Critic, 7 Soho Square,
London, WC1D 3QB

We want to use this medium to inform you that our Cruise company has offer employment opportunities for foreigner. We have jobs opening from restaurant, Office-work, to child care section in London, United Kingdom. See below for the list of positions that is vacant:

*Au pair/Babysitting,
*Ship Engineer
*Mechanical Engineer/mate,
*Engine Cadet
*Deck Chief Doctor
*Cabin Staffs
*Chief Steward
*Bar man
*Chief Security
*Sanitation Officer

Job Salary: This will Depend on your specialization, Salary Ranges from 3,500.00GBP - 7,500.00GBP. They are not negotiable and we shall take care of your Accommodation, feeding and a week skill training on arrival.

If you are interested in working with this great cruise company United Kingdom Branch, kindly send your resume to me who is the recruiting Officer ( Mr. Charles) via e-mail (charlesedward001@yahoo.com), phone number (+44 704 573 0127) immediately along with the position you want to hold from the list above.

Mr. Charles Edward
Cruise Critic