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Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/3/2012 2:32:17 PM
Too often Kathy,
Folks seem to take offense to the other side of the argument or a different opinion. Often when they cannot clarify or defend a position they name call or make seem as they are being bullied. When in fact it is the other person is very passionate. That's why I offer Kathleen and apology if she felt any of the above.


Jo its awesome to see your support

What I have noticed and heard and this goes for many forums here is that when people post their comments or thoughts or opinions theres always others who want to come right behind them and pass judgement rt say negative things or complain or bad mouth on what ever others reply to so people have given up on posting comments and getting involved. People do not need any one correcting what they say or post. So if each person can just post or reply and feel non threatened maybe we would get more posts. Just my observation.

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Jim Allen III
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Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/3/2012 2:38:46 PM
Thanks Jim
People have been saying they dont like to vote or add comments because their are people who want to bad mouth or say negitive things, no one knows how to just take comments for just what they are, people read into them as a personal attatck. we need to figure out how to get people to just come vote and just add short comment. Years ago everyone looked forward to voteing. Now if someone wins theres always a joy robber questioning the validity of the win,
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Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/3/2012 2:52:55 PM
It just takes 2 minutes to post the voting to your facebook and twitter help spread the word
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Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/3/2012 4:20:22 PM
It appears this thread has been hijacked. What a shame. :(

No No No Evelyn This Forum Hasn't been Hijacked.You have it all wrong.

It's been improved from the old humdrum no Feed Back Forum.

The POTW Votes are on the Rise Things are happening .We need support from anyone and everyone.

Yes if you have something of Value please Share.

Thank You


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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/3/2012 4:24:14 PM
Hi POTW Team,

How about posting the link to this Feedback thread in the election post from now on? Then maybe more people would make feedback here. Also, if there was a cutback on the mantra "negitive, negitive, negitive people", I think more people may feel more comfortable in posting here. Everyone's feedback is necessary in making the election it's very best.


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