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Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/2/2012 12:42:39 AM
Hello Sweety,
I only posted that because Jim was showing his google input for adlandpro so I looked at mine and That article popped up I was just showing that being linked to a community does help the community, it was just a blast from the past, it just happened to be that article that was shown on google it could of been anything and I would of shown it. I was not promoting myself blatenly I was just making referrence to the importance between google and Adlandpro, sorry hun if you took offense to it.much luv
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Potw Team

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/2/2012 3:37:16 AM
Hello Kathleen,

All I can say is we will try to do better. Life throws curve balls and lemons sometimes. I can make lemonade and learn to hit curve balls. Nowadays I just take it in stride and keep forging ahead. You are well aware of doing just that with all you have overcome. Unfortunately today one of my children broke down on the road and I was away taking care of getting him going again.

The POLL Closes at 12 NOON on Thursdays as Plainly stated. Unfortunately I have not found a way to set the time so it doesn't allow more votes. If you know this secret please share.

We know the community watches and there is no reason for anyone to vote after 12 NOON on Thursdays.

Thank You

Hi POTW Team, whoever it may be...

Can we have a definite closing-time posted on the ballot? Barry had it for 12 noon central (1 pm eastern time) and that time of closing has been removed the past few weeks.

Last week it closed very late, and today closed shortly after 11 a.m. eastern time.

I think the community would like to have a definite consistent closing-time posted every week.

Thank you!

343rd: POTW Team closing comment was at 4:39 p.m. on October 11
344th: Last voter comment was at 3:16 p.m. on October 18
345th: Last voter comment was at 10:58 p.m. on October 25 (the winning announcement was made at 9:02 the following morning, was the poll closed on Thursday night or Friday morning?)
346th: POTW Team closing comment was at 11:12 a.m. on November 1
(Those were eastern time)

The community is watching, if last week's poll was kept open late until Friday morning to allow more votes, and this week's poll was closed early to not allow more votes, people will be keeping a close eye on the closing times from now on, and we would like a definite closing time every week.
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/2/2012 7:35:06 PM
Hi Team,

I guess you have to close the electronic ballot manually, I didn't run an electronic ballot, I announced a closing for the write-in election every week at 7 pm in 2009 and then made a comment at that time that it was closed and counted the votes.

It's clearly stated today on the 347th about the closing being at noon, thank you, but wasn't stated on previous elections for awhile. I noticed it appeared on the 345th yesterday when it wasn't there previously, anyways, thank you for posting the time on today's new ballot.
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/2/2012 7:41:34 PM
Hello Kathleen,

All I can say is we will try to do better. Life throws curve balls and lemons sometimes. I can make lemonade and learn to hit curve balls. Nowadays I just take it in stride and keep forging ahead. You are well aware of doing just that with all you have overcome. Unfortunately today one of my children broke down on the road and I was away taking care of getting him going again.

The POLL Closes at 12 NOON on Thursdays as Plainly stated. Unfortunately I have not found a way to set the time so it doesn't allow more votes. If you know this secret please share.

We know the community watches and there is no reason for anyone to vote after 12 NOON on Thursdays.

Thank You

Hi POTW Team, whoever it may be...

Can we have a definite closing-time posted on the ballot? Barry had it for 12 noon central (1 pm eastern time) and that time of closing has been removed the past few weeks.

Last week it closed very late, and today closed shortly after 11 a.m. eastern time.

I think the community would like to have a definite consistent closing-time posted every week.

Thank you!

343rd: POTW Team closing comment was at 4:39 p.m. on October 11
344th: Last voter comment was at 3:16 p.m. on October 18
345th: Last voter comment was at 10:58 p.m. on October 25 (the winning announcement was made at 9:02 the following morning, was the poll closed on Thursday night or Friday morning?)
346th: POTW Team closing comment was at 11:12 a.m. on November 1
(Those were eastern time)

The community is watching, if last week's poll was kept open late until Friday morning to allow more votes, and this week's poll was closed early to not allow more votes, people will be keeping a close eye on the closing times from now on, and we would like a definite closing time every week.


The systems works this way.
If you want ballot to close at 12:00 Pm tomorrow, you post it at 12:00 PM today and set it to be for one day.

The same is true for 7,8 or 9 days. The timer will close it exactly number of days from the hour you have posted it.

Jim Allen

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RE: POTW Feedback
11/2/2012 9:07:54 PM
I, I, I, I, I , Kathleen, It wasn't ran all that perfect during your tenure as I, remember.
Instead of picking at what is wrong how about celebrating the increased participation and interest in the POTW. Making it more difficult is simply not the answer in my view.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Hi Team,

I guess you have to close the electronic ballot manually, I didn't run an electronic ballot, I announced a closing for the write-in election every week at 7 pm in 2009 and then made a comment at that time that it was closed and counted the votes.

It's clearly stated today on the 347th about the closing being at noon, thank you, but wasn't stated on previous elections for awhile. I noticed it appeared on the 345th yesterday when it wasn't there previously, anyways, thank you for posting the time on today's new ballot.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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