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Kathy Hamilton

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/5/2012 2:56:12 AM
Hey Jim,
What happened to this site? Now when I log in and click on Networking it does not show "Forums" now if i want to go to any forums I have to go through all the Emails I have been getting to get to the forums, what is up with that? why I cant I find all the forums under networking tab?
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Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/5/2012 3:32:30 AM
Hey Jim,
What happened to this site? Now when I log in and click on Networking it does not show "Forums" now if i want to go to any forums I have to go through all the Emails I have been getting to get to the forums, what is up with that? why I cant I find all the forums under networking tab?

Next to Networking Tab there are two arrows down. Click on them. You will see forums.

Dennis Clairmont

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/5/2012 5:26:26 PM
Here I go again Brainstorm Run For The Hills.
This is a lil off topic for POTW But!

Here in adlandpro the Golden Egg is the Plus Membership and The Gold Membership
The Direct Contact and Credits.These are the main features pointing to the Business Minded Adlandpro members.

People with money can afford these features.People without money can not.
Ok 98% of marketers are not earning a heck of alot this we've seen over and over.
Adlandpro"s only setback is the activity issue.To be honest it is a huge Issue if you take 80,000 members and rate who's active everyday.When a paid member pays for a send to 5000 members and only out of that 5000 sends only 100 members ever see there ads this needs to be a stronger view rate.

What would want you to come into adlandpro every day.What would you want to get up in the morning and first site you want to go to.We need to make it Adlandpro.

Credit points could be set up to all members activity those people with limited funds would be more active.Credit points could be used with the direct contact.Plus and Gold members would see a higher view rate to there Direct Contact sends.
Free members would be more active just to build those credits to use from time to time.
Free members would get a taste of how well the Plus and Gold memberships along with the direct contact can help them succeed in there businesses.
This could be posted on every members main page.with a credit counter adding up those credits keeping the activity rate in the 50% Plus zone.
Everyone knows big business sends out free samples if you never try a sample you will never buy it is unknown no matter what people try to explain it to you.We need to taste it or try it ourselves to know how good it works.By building credits in a few months adlandpro could snowball into the highest membership activity rate in the history Adlandpro ever had.


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Dave Cottrell

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RE: POTW Feedback
12/7/2012 4:01:49 AM
The credit idea is a good one. I used that with my own site, BusybeeSafelist, (until the owner of the server it was hosted on suddenly had it shut down for not paying his bill, and my entire site wiped out and impossible to get back - always own your own script!!)

The credits worked well. Nobody could simply spam like crazy, because they could not send unless they opened their own email first and at least looked for the credits.

The number of opens was very good with this system, as the activity level showed. It also makes it much more valuable for the paid membership.

Let's keep the brainstorming at hurricane levels!

God bless,

Dennis Clairmont

639 Posts
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RE: POTW Feedback
12/7/2012 1:03:33 PM
The credit idea is a good one. I used that with my own site, BusybeeSafelist, (until the owner of the server it was hosted on suddenly had it shut down for not paying his bill, and my entire site wiped out and impossible to get back - always own your own script!!)

The credits worked well. Nobody could simply spam like crazy, because they could not send unless they opened their own email first and at least looked for the credits.

The number of opens was very good with this system, as the activity level showed. It also makes it much more valuable for the paid membership.

Let's keep the brainstorming at hurricane levels!

God bless,


Hi Dave

Can we add the credit feature to adlandpro.As you are saying this keeps people logging in and point gathering.with this and the 100 friends added to new members and POTW winners also with self nomination it could improve Adlandpro activity greatly.

I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits

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