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1/6/2014 1:42:32 AM
Discovery at Nepal site

How a hunch led to stunning claim on Buddha birth date


Monks chant under the Bodhi tree, adjacent to the Maya Devi Temple, in Lumbini, some 200 km west of Kathmandu, on April 18, 2013 (AFP Photo/Kyle Knight)

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Kathmandu (AFP) - The two archaeologists had a hunch that the Buddha's birthplace in southern Nepal held secrets that could transform how the world understood the emergence and spread of Buddhism.

Their pursuit would eventually see them excavate the sacred site of Lumbini as monks prayed nearby, leading to the stunning claim that the Buddha was born in the sixth century BC, two centuries earlier than thought.

Veteran Nepalese archaeologist Kosh Prasad Acharya had carried out excavations in Lumbini before in the early 1990s, when Nepal was still ruled by a king and a Maoist insurgency had yet to kick off.

The project ended in 1996 but Acharya remained unsatisfied with the results.

"My belief was that there was another cultural deposit below, which we had not uncovered," the 62-year-old told AFP.

He headed back to his government job in the capital Kathmandu and waited to retire, restless to return to Lumbini.

The Buddha's birthplace was lost and overgrown by jungle before its rediscovery in 1896, when the presence of a third century BC pillar bearing inscriptions allowed historians to identify it as Lumbini.

Since then, it has been designated a UNESCO world heritage site, visited by millions of Buddhists every year, with numbers expected to rise exponentially in the following decades.

Acharya had just retired from his last job, as the director general of the department of archaeology, when UNESCO asked him to co-direct an investigation of Lumbini's foundations.

The cultural organisation asked Acharya and his longtime collaborator, Robin Coningham, Britain's leading South Asian archaeologist, to head a team that would examine the site so conservators could develop it for growing numbers of visitors.

"In 2010, our first year there, we were pretty much the handmaidens to the conservators," Coningham told AFP in a phone interview from his office at Britain's Durham University, which helped fund the UNESCO project.

"The Eureka moment came in 2011, when we came across a brick temple located below the existing Asokan temple, and below that a sort of void.

"It became clear then that there was much more to this excavation."

Over the next two years, archaeologists, geophysicists and hired workmen from Nepal and Britain worked on the site, digging in the presence of meditating monks and nuns.

"It was a very moving, very special experience to dig for traces while pilgrims prayed and paid homage," Acharya said.

They dug for a few weeks each year and sent the samples to laboratories for analysis.

Radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence techniques were used to date fragments of charcoal and grains of sand found at the site.

The archaeologists also found holes, apparently meant to secure posts, in the open void below the brick temple.

"The intact holes suggested that whoever had built the brick temple had taken care not to damage the ancient structure below, suggesting the site was always considered holy," Coningham said.

Lab tests confirmed the existence of roots within the void below the brick structure, suggesting it may have been a shrine where a tree once grew, possibly the hardwood sal tree under which many believe the Buddha was born.

The discovery, revealed in November, sparked huge excitement, but some historians have urged caution, saying the ancient tree shrine could have been built by pre-Buddhist believers.

"The worship of trees, often at simple altars, was a ubiquitous feature of ancient Indian religions," Julia Shaw, a lecturer in South Asian archaeology at University College London told National Geographic's online edition.

"It is also possible that what is being described represents an older tree shrine quite disconnected from the worship of the historical Buddha," Shaw added.

According to Coningham, however, if the Buddhists had appropriated the tree shrine from non-Buddhists, the site would not have survived relatively unscathed.

"Also, the inscriptions at Bodhgaya (where the Buddha achieved enlightenment) reveal a thriving culture of tree worship, which suggests continuity," he added.

Much of what is known about the Buddha's life has its origins in oral tradition. The earliest decipherable written records in the region, the inscriptions of India's Buddhist emperor Asoka, are dated about 250 BC.

Prior to this discovery, most scholars said that the Buddha -- who renounced material wealth to embrace and preach a life of non-attachment -- lived during the fourth century BC, founding a religion that now counts 500 million followers.

Buddhists in Nepal and Sri Lanka, however, have always believed that the sage was born around 623 BC, a date that now seems more accurate.

"It's one of the great puzzles, this discovery reveals the endurance of oral traditions," Coningham said.

"This is one of those very rare times when tradition, belief and archaeology all come together."

Astonishing claim about Buddha's birthdate

Acting on a hunch, two archaeologists dig deep into a sacred site in Nepal and make a startling find.
The Eureka moment

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1/6/2014 10:02:48 AM

21 Most Amazing Archaelogical Discoveries Reported In 2013 – Part 1/2

Stephen: Here are some of the wondrous and intriguing (at this point in time) historical revelations Gaia brought light to in 2013. Thanks to Janis G.

By MessagetoEagle, January 1, 2013 –

2013 was a great year for archaelogists and historians examining our secretful past. Several significant discoveries were made and we have now reason to learn more about our anscestors and the history of planet Earth.

We have put together a list of some of the most eye-catching and interesting archaeological events that captured our attention.

1. Ancient Underground Planetarium With Hundreds Glowing Metallic Spheres

arch1Archeologists have a made an intriguing and puzzling discovery. Hundreds of strange metallic mysterious glowing spheres have been unearthed beneath an ancient temple.

The purpose of these spheres remains an unsolved mystery for the moment. It looks almost like a wonderful underground planetarium. Read more

2. Ancient Golden Treasure Found At Foot Of Temple Mount


A fascinating discovery of thirty-six Byzantine gold coins, gold and silver jewelry, and a gold religious medallion has been made by a team of archaeologists who conducted excavations on the City of David’s summit and at the southern wall of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.

The treasures were abandoned in the context of the Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE… Read more

3. 5,000-Year-Old Extremely Well-Preserved Underwater Skull


Archaeologists have made an astonishing discovery. A 5,000 year-old skull of unknown origin was accidentally found on the banks of a river in Worcershire by a walker who thought it was a coconut.

What makes the skull so unique is how well-preserved it is and scientists find it hard to believe it could have been kept underwater for so long. So where did it come from and how did it end up in the river? Read more

4. 29 Ancient Gold Men Unearthed In Sweden


Archaeologists in Sweden have made an astounding discovery unearthing 29 ancient figurines of gold men (“guldgubbar”) dating back to the Iron Age.

Working in great secrecy, archaeologists made this sensational find in Blekinge at West Vång peasant village northeast of Ronneby, located in southern Sweden. No fewer than 29 anthropomorphic gold foils, gold men so-called “guldgubbar” have been discovered at the site. This is the third largest find of gold men to have been made in Sweden to date. Read more

5. Enigmatic Ancient Crypt Covered With “Magical” Inscriptions And Mysterious Signs


An enigmatic 900-year-old crypt covered with “magical” inscriptions protecting the tomb inside has been uncovered by a group of archaeologists excavating in Sudan.

The crypt was excavated in a monastery at Old Dongola, the forgotten powerful kingdoms of medieval Africa. Inside the tomb were seven mummies, all dressed very simply in linen clothing… Read more

6. Mysterious Sarcophagi Belonging To The Chachapoyas “The Warriors of the Clouds”


Archaeologists working in the Amazonas region of Peru have discovered 35 sarcophagi belonging to the Chachapoyas culture. The mysterious pre-Incan Chachapoyas were known as the “Warriors of the Clouds” or the “Cloud People” what in Quechua means Chachapoyas, those who inhabited cloud forests of northern Peru, above the river valleys of the Utcubamba and Marañon.

The discovery was made this year with the help of a super long zoom camera. Read more

7. A Submerged Monumental Structure In The Sea Of Galilee Israel


This ancient, shallow sub-bottom structure (up to 13 m deep) resembles a burial marker but archaeologists are not certain of its true purpose.

Close inspection by scuba diving revealed that the structure is made of basalt boulders up to 1 m long with no apparent construction pattern. The boulders have natural faces with no signs of cutting or chiselling. Read more

8. 600 Ancient Seals And Amulets Found In Prehistoric Sanctuary In Turkey


Archaeologists have discovered an unusually large find of more than 600 stamp seals and cylinder seals unearthed in an ancient sanctuary in Turkey.

Different themes can be found on the seals and amulets: the spectrum ranges from geometric ornaments and astral symbols to elaborate depictions of animals and people. This includes, for example, praying men in front of divine symbols and a royal hero fighting animals and hybrid creatures. Read more

9. Mysterious “Perfectly Preserved” 300-Year-Old Mummy


Archaeologists have made yet another incredible discovery. When experts opened a 300 year-old coffin they found perfectly preserved body!

What happened next is somewhat of a mystery and archaeologists have begun an investigation. Read more

10. Head Of Unknown Roman God Discovered In Ancient Rubbish Dump


Archaeologists have unearthed an 1,800-year-old carved stone head of what is believed to be a Roman god. The god’s identity remains unknown for the moment. The discovery was made at Binchester Roman Fort, near Bishop Auckland, in County Durham in an ancient rubbish dump.

The carved stone head dates from the 2nd or 3rd century AD and resembles the Celtic deity Antenociticus. Read more

11. Stone Monument At El Perú-Waka’ Reveals ‘Mayan Cleopatra Story’


While tunneling beneath the main temple of the ancient Maya city of El Perú-Waka’ in northern Guatemala, archaeologists have discovered an intricately carved stone monument with hieroglyphic text regarding a little-known sixth-century Mayan princess.

“Here the Snake queen, Lady Ikoom, prevailed in the end.” Read more

Tomorrow Part 2 – Nos 12-21

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1/6/2014 10:04:04 AM

21 Most Amazing Archaelogical Discoveries Reported In 2013 – Part 2/2

Stephen: Continuing the fascinating historic revelations that Gaia brought to light in 2013. Thanks to Janis

Part 1 – No’s 1-11 is here

By MessagetoEagle, January 1, 2013 –

2013 was a great year for archaelogists and historians examining our secretful past. Several significant discoveries were made and we have now reason to learn more about our anscestors and the history of planet Earth.

We have put together a list of some of the most eye-catching and interesting archaeological events that captured our attention.

12. Bizarre Old Ring With License To Kill


The ring wasn’t always only a symbol of wealth, infinity, friendship and a magical talisman that protected from injuries and “the evil eye”. In ancient times, the ring was also a harbinger of doom, the envy of the gods or a bad omen.

A few months ago, archaeologists digging at the ruins of the medieval fortress on Cape Kaliakra, near the town of Kavarna on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, found a well-preserved poison ring. Read more

13. World’s Oldest Calendar Reveals The Beginning Of Time


Archaeologists revealed they have discovered what could be the world’s oldest created by hunter-gatherer societies and dating back to around 8,000 BC. The lunar calendar was found in an Aberdeenshire field in Scotland.

Researchers discovered that a monument created by hunter gatherers in Aberdeenshire nearly 10,000 years ago appears to mimic the phases of the Moon in order to track lunar months over the course of a year. Read more

14. Neolithic Houses And Hundreds Of Clay Figurines Unearthed In Greece


Over 300 clay figurines have been unearthed by archaeologists studying a Neolithic archaeological site of Koutroulou Magoula near the Greek village of Neo Monastiri, around 160 miles from Athens, Greece. The figurines were found all over the site, with some located on wall foundations.

It’s believed the purpose of figurines was not only as aesthetic art, but also to convey and reflect ideas about a community’s culture, society and identity. Read more

15. Special Crystal Offers Evidence Magical Viking Sunstones Were Real


Archaeologists have discovered a special crystal that suggests legendary Viking sunstones did exists in reality.

It is believed that Vikings used so-called sunstones as a compass to find their way in arctic waters. Researchers suggest that sunstones could have been held up toward the center of the sky, allowing sunlight to hit it and get polarized and broken into an “ordinary” and an “extraordinary” beam. Read more

16. One Of The Oldest Treasures Found In Europearch16

The findings, which are almost 8000 year old, contain Early Neolithic jewelry and female figurines. The unique hoard is comprised of some 80 objects made of stone, clay and bone.

“This collection from Belica, in all its completeness, provides a unique glimpse into the symbols of the earliest farmers and herdsmen in Europe… Read more

17. Mysterious Skulls Linked To An Ancient Zombie Apocalypse


Several puzzling ancient skulls with their faces smashed in offer possible evidence our ancestors attempted to fight a zombie apocalypse.

Who were these mysterious feared beings whose skulls were exhumed and detached from their bodies several years after originally being buried? Read more

18. Ancient Tomb Reveals Secrets Of The 17th Dynasty Of Ancient Egypt


Spanish researchers have found the burials of four personages belonging to the elite of the 17th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, who lived about 3.550 years ago on the hill of Dra Abu el-Naga in Luxor (ancient Thebes).

The findings shed light on a little-known historical period in which Thebes becomes the capital of the kingdom and the empire’s foundations become established with the dominance of Egypt over Palestine and Syria to the north, and over Nubia to the south.Read more

19. Scientists Decipher Previously Invisible Texts In Ancient Manuscripts


Using very sophisticated multispectral imaging methods, scientists have been able to decipher up to three text layers in the manuscripts, which were superimposed on each other.

The manuscript in Jerusalem originates from the famous Library of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem. Read more

20. Earliest Complete Human Figurine Unearthed On Cyprus


The age of the statue could range from 10,500 to 11,000 years old based on the fact it was discovered at a site Ayia Varvara-Asprokremnos (AVA) that has been radio-carbon dated to between 8800-8600 BC, near the beginning of the Neolithic Period – also known as the Late Stone Age – when the transition from hunting to farming economies was occurring throughout the Middle East.

The discovery supports a new theory that humans occupied the tiny Mediterranean island about 1,000 years earlier than previously believed — a discovery that fills an important gap in Cypriot history. Read more

21. One Of The World’s Oldest Ancient Egyptian Sundials


A group of scientists have discovered on of the world’s oldest Egyptian sundials. The sundial was found while the team was clearing the entrance to one of the tombs. The researchers found a flattened piece of limestone (so-called Ostracon) on which a semicircle in black color had been drawn.

The semicircle is divided into twelve sections of about 15 degrees each. Read more

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1/10/2014 4:59:36 PM

Fate of Ark of the Covenant Revealed in Hebrew Text

American actor Harrison Ford and actor John Ryhs-Davies on the set of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" in 1981. (Sunset Boulevard/Corbis)

A newly translated Hebrew text claims to reveal where treasures from King Solomon's temple were hidden and discusses the fate of the Ark of the Covenant itself.

But unlike the Indiana Jones movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark," the text leaves the exact location of the Ark unclear and states that it, and the other treasures, "shall not be revealed until the day of the coming of the Messiah son of David …" putting it out of reach of any would-be treasure seeker.

King Solomon's Temple, also called the First Temple, was plundered and torched by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II in the sixth century B.C., according to the Hebrew Bible. The Ark of the Covenant is a chest that, when originally built, was said to have held tablets containing the 10 commandments. It was housed in Solomon's Temple, a place that contained many different treasures. [Religious Mysteries: 8 Alleged Relics of Jesus]

The newly translated text, called "Treatise of the Vessels" (Massekhet Kelim in Hebrew), says the "treasures were concealed by a number of Levites and prophets," writes James Davila, a professor at the University of St. Andrews, in an article in the book "Old Testament Pseudepigrapha More Noncanonical Scriptures Volume 1" (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2013).

"Some of these (treasures) were hidden in various locations in the Land of Israel and in Babylonia, while others were delivered into the hands of the angels Shamshiel, Michael, Gabriel and perhaps Sariel …" writes Davila in his article.

The treatise is similar in some ways to the metallic "Copper Scroll," one of the Dead Sea Scrolls found near the site of Qumran in the West Bank. The Copper Scroll also discusses the location of hidden treasure, although not from Solomon's Temple.

The treatise describes the treasures in an imaginative way. One part refers to "seventy-seven tables of gold, and their gold was from the walls of the Garden of Eden that was revealed to Solomon, and they radiated like the radiance of the sun and moon, which radiate at the height of the world."

The oldest confirmed example of the treatise, which survives to present day, is from a book published in Amsterdam in 1648 called "Emek Halachah." In 1876, a scholar named Adolph Jellinek published another copy of the text, which was virtually identical to the 1648 version. Davila is the first to translate the text fully into English.

A story of legends

The writer of the text likely was not trying to convey factual locations of the hidden treasures of Solomon's Temple, but rather was writing a work of fiction, based on different legends, Davila told LiveScience. [In Photos: Amazing Ruins of the Ancient World]

"The writer draws on traditional methods of scriptural exegesis [interpretation] to deduce where the treasures might have been hidden, but I think the writer was approaching the story as a piece of entertaining fiction, not any kind of real guide for finding the lost Temple treasures," he wrote in the email.

The structure of the story is confusing. In the prologue it states that Shimmur the Levite (he doesn't appear to be a biblical figure) and his companions hid the treasures, "but later on the text mentions the treasures being in the keeping of or hidden by Shamshiel and other angels," Davila said. "I suspect the author collected various legends without too much concern about making them consistent."

Similarities to the Copper Scroll

The Copper Scroll, which dates back around 1,900 years, and is made of copper, shows several "striking parallels" with the newly translated treatise, Davila said.

The treatise says that the treasures from Solomon's Temple were recorded "on a tablet of bronze," a metal like the Copper Scroll. Additionally, among other similarities, the Treatise of the Vessels and Copper Scroll both refer to "vessels" or "implements," including examples made of gold and silver.

These similarities could be a coincidence or part of a tradition of recording important information on metal.

"My guess is that whoever wrote the Treatise of Vessels came up with the same idea [of writing a treasure list on metal] coincidentally on their own, although it is not unthinkable that the writer knew of some ancient tradition or custom about inscribing important information on metal," wrote Davila in the email, noting that metal is a more durable material than parchment or papyrus.

An ongoing story

The study of the treatise is ongoing, and discoveries continue to be made. For instance, in the mid-20th century a copy of it (with some variations) was discovered and recorded in Beirut, Lebanon, at the end of a series of inscribed plates that record the Book of Ezekiel.

Those plates are now at the Yad Ben Zvi Institute in Israel, although the plates containing the treatise itself are now missing. Recent research has revealed, however, these plates were created in Syria at the turn of the 20th century, about 100 years ago, suggesting the treatise was being told in an elaborate way up until relatively modern times.

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A newly translated Hebrew text claims to reveal where treasures from King Solomon's Temple were hidden.
Ancient mystery

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1/23/2014 6:35:58 PM

Ancient Church Mosaic With Symbol of Jesus Uncovered in Israel

This Byzantine mosaic was discovered during salvage excavations in southern Israel.

Update: The article was updated on Jan. 23 at 9:55 a.m. ET to include comments from an archaeologist at the site.

Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered intricate mosaics on the floor of a 1,500-year-old Byzantine church, including one that bears a Christogram surrounded by birds.

The ruins were discovered during a salvage excavation ahead of a construction project in Aluma, a village about 30 miles (50 kilometers) south of Tel Aviv, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) announced Wednesday (Jan. 22). Excavator Davida Eisenberg Degen said the team used an industrial digger to probe a mound at the site, and through a 10-foot (3 meters) hole, they could see the white tiles of an ancient mosaic.

Much of the church was revealed during excavations over the past month. The basilica was part of a local Byzantine settlement, but the archaeologists suspect it also served as a center of Christian worship for neighboring communities because it was next to the main road running between the ancient seaport city of Ashkelon in the west and Beit Guvrin and Jerusalem in the east. [See Images of a Byzantine Mosaic Discovered in Israel]

"Usually a Byzantine village had a church, but the size of this church and its placement on the road makes it more important," Degen told LiveScience.

Remarkable finds

The excavators plan to keep working on the site for another week, but one of the most remarkable finds so far was a mosaic containing a Christogram, or a "type of monogram of the name of Jesus," Degen said.

At the time, Byzantine Christians wouldn't have put crosses on their mosaic floors so as to not step on the symbol of Christ, Degen explained. The Christogram in the mosaic may look like a cross, but it's actually more like a "chi rho" symbol, which puts together the first two captial letters in the Greek word for Christ, and often looks like an X superimposed on a P. There is an alpha and omega (the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet) on either side of the chi rho, which is another Christian symbol, as Christ was often described as the ""the beginning and the end." Four birds also decorate the mosaic, and two of them are holding up a wreath to the top of the chi rho.

Inside the 72-by-39-foot (22-by-12-meter) basilica, archaeologists also found marble pillars and an open courtyard paved with a white mosaic floor, said Daniel Varga, director of the IAA's excavations.

Just off the courtyard, in the church's narthex, or lobby area, there is "a fine mosaic floor decorated with colored geometric designs" as well as a "twelve-row dedicatory inscription in Greek containing the names 'Mary' and 'Jesus', and the name of the person who funded the mosaic's construction," Varga said in a statement.

The mosaics in the main hall, or nave, meanwhile, are decorated with vine tendrils in the shape of 40 medallions, one of which contains the Christogram. Many of the other medallions contain botanical designs and animals such as a zebras, peacocks, leopards and wild boars, the excavators said. Three contain inscriptions commemorating two heads of the local regional church named Demetrios and Herakles.

Other discoveries

The archaeologists found traces of later occupation on top of the church, including early Islamic walls and Ottoman garbage pits. (Aluma is located near the Ottoman and later Palestinian village of Hatta.) The excavations also revealed Byzantine glass vessels and a pottery workshop for making amphoras, cooking pots, kraters, bowls and oil lamps, IAA officials said.

To avoid building over ancient sites, archaeologists are often brought in for salvage digs ahead of construction projects like this one, sometimes yielding stunning discoveries; for instance, a "cultic" temple and traces of a 10,000-year-old house were discovered at Eshtaol west of Jerusalem in preparation for the widening of a road. And during recent expansions of the main road connecting Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, called Highway 1, excavators found a carving of a phallus from the Stone Age, a ritual building from the First Temple era and animal figurines dating back 9,500 years.

Regarding the new discoveries, the IAA plans to remove the mosaic for display at a regional museum or visitors' center, and the rest of the site will be covered back up.

Follow Megan Gannon on Twitter and Google+. Follow us @livescience, Facebook & Google+. Original article on LiveScience.

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