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5/4/2010 6:17:13 PM

The Mound Builders

Dear Friends,

Continuing our quest, I will present some examples of buildings in the American continent where the sacred character of the universe, represented nearly in all cases by the so-called triple druid precinct form, is perhaps still more emphasized than in the Old World.

In this connection, the following information appeared about a year ago at Myrna Ferguson's "Great Announcement for Native Americans" forum. It included the impressive photo, shown below it, of a great burial mound built in ancient times on the Eastern territory of the United States.

"The ancestors of these people [i.e. those living on the Eastern territory of the United States] were called Mound Builders. They lived there from about 1000 B.C. to A.D. 700, a very long time ago. They built huge mounds that were as high as a ten story building. The mounds were used for temples and as burial sites."

This large, beautiful edification
does not certainly look like it was only
used for burial and ceremonial purposes as the "experts" say.

What was most important to me about the information in Myrna’s post is that it reaffirmed one of my most strong beliefs: namely, that it is respect of tradition alone which enables civilizations to get through all kinds of calamities over the ages, and that it is only those societies which have kept a traditional view of the world by respecting their ancestor's lore and wisdom which, so to speak, will "inherit the Earth." Unfortunately, the primordial tradition has an almost null presence on our current world and lives.

One of the things that caught my eye from the start was the mound’s great similarity with many ancient buildings from both the Old and the New World. I had actually seen this kind of Native American buildings on magazines, but had no idea of their great size. The note said they were used for temples and as burial sites, but if they really were so similar to all other ancient buildings from other times and places, and were built in keeping with the sacred traditional science, then the uses they were intended to must have been very similar - in fact, identical.

Thus among other possible uses these mounds could very likely be intended as observatories, and most particularly as schools where such sciences as astronomy and cosmology would be taught.

One of the methods used for teaching astronomy were small, individual circular pools filled with crystalline water were the stars from the sky could reflect. They were built on courtyards or at the top of such structures as mounds and "huacas" (see below). In this way, at a minimal cost and simply watching an image which was multiplied at all such observatories during the clear nights, all students could follow the movements of the stars and other celestial bodies. No need to watch television there.

I have not invented this; such simple devices have been proved to exist from remote times in Mohenho Daro and Harappa in ancient India, in old Sumer in Mesopotamia, etcetera; and I have personally seen the likes of them atop a huaca of the Lima culture (a "huaca" is a building very similar to the mound above) very close to my own house in Miraflores, where I live (there are hundreds, if not thousands of huacas from different cultures in my country). These devices were not circular like the ones from Asia but square, but I am pretty sure they could serve to no other purpose than this.

Availing myself of Myrna’s feedback, I followed a couple of her links. They took me to other links, which led me to some really curious and fascinating information about other sites and peoples including traditions about giants who might have been among the ancestors of the Native American peoples in the area.

One of the most interesting information I got was about the Great Serpent Mound, a huge ancient construction located in Ohio and the Eastern United States that some of you maybe know about. There is a lot of information at with many articles by Ross Hamilton and Patricia Mason ("The Serpent Mound Mysteries").

Aerial view of the Serpent Mound showing its proximity to
Brush Creek © 2000 William F. Romain

According to a Reverend Landon West, the Serpent Mound in Ohio was built by God. This may be an exaggeration, but it certainly is incredible how whoever it was the people that built it could be so advanced and inspired as to do it around the most sophisticated astronomical data. Also, the extent of their knowledge and human resources was so huge that in spite of the magnitude of the construction, they incorporated such sophisticated information as the lunar alignments and those of the solstices and equinoxes into the mound and the road to it which, by the way, together make a figure very much like the Constellation Draco.

Lunar Alignments at the Serpent Mound

Solar Alignments at the Serpent Mound

The pictures above are from the site I have just mentioned. The information that follows I have taken from the Free, the site Myrna suggested (

The star pattern of this asterism of Draconis fitting with remarkable precision to the Serpent Mound map is demonstrated in such a manner as to date the design of the serpent to a considerably earlier time, i.e. the highest position of the ancient north star, Draconis-alpha (Thuban). This chronology is formulated through observing the law of precession and the position of the pole star Thuban (which preceded the present pole star Polaris) placed at the geometrical center of the star layout underscoring the serpent form, viz. beneath the seventh coil from the spiral tailing. An image of this and other astronomical information regarding the Great Serpent Mound is available through this link:

According to this information, the people who built the Serpent Mound could date back to 3000 BC! If so, they were as ancient as the builders of the great pyramids in Egypt, of the first ziggurats to be built in Mesopotamia, and of the recently discovered city of Caral, the oldest civilization in the Americas, in Peru, my country (see and the video below). In terms of the traditional lore, those people could have received an important amount of their sacred knowledge from the primordial tradition itself, as it is only in the course of this last present age, the Age of Kali, that what little knowledge was left from previous ages has finally become lost.

To conclude with these few observations, I would like to add some reflections concerning the sacred character of the almost omnipresent triple precinct. In this regard, you may remember what I said in my last post:

"The crux of all symbolism lies in the multiplicity of meanings it can convey, and the depth and usefulness of a particular symbol as a support in the teaching of the doctrine is directly associated to that multiplicity. [...] What matters in this specific case is conveying the idea of a supreme center from which the doctrine radiates to the outer world or worlds, and the multiple analogies and correspondences of which such symbolic representation is susceptible can only be enhanced by such magnification."

Now you may ask, what does this have to do with the triple precinct form? Among the multiplicity of meanings it conveys, there is one that comes to mind which applies both to a micro-cosmic and a macro-cosmic level. On the former, micro-cosmic level, other than the vertical sense, that of the chakras, there is the horizontal sense where it is the whole human body that is represented from its center - with the heart as the seat of the soul - to its periphery - the skin and hair, the grossest part of it.
On the latter, macro-cosmic level, other than the vertical sense - that of the higher and the lower worlds of the ancient traditions - it is the whole universe that is represented, with the heart of God at its center, radiating love and life out to every nook and corner of the material world where we live.

In my next posts I will try to further define, based of the traces left by the most ancient civilizations, what the primordial religion was exactly, as well as draw as many valid conclusions as possible as to what a cosmic religion should be in the face of an upcoming New, Golden Age.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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5/4/2010 10:18:25 PM


Be assured, I am reading this with great interest but I am so busy at present that I am unable to pass back my comments or observations. Rest assured, I find this fascinating.


Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/4/2010 11:55:29 PM


Be assured, I am reading this with great interest but I am so busy at present that I am unable to pass back my comments or observations. Rest assured, I find this fascinating.


Thank you Roger, I am so happy to have at least a kindred soul that finds these themes as fascinating as I do myself.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2010 2:45:35 AM

"Paradise Found"

Dear Friends,

One of the most recurring notions among the religious traditions across the world is that of an original paradise where man lived in perfect harmony and bliss with God and all other living beings in the beginning, a notion that is usually complemented with the religious belief that man will live again in the same or a similar Paradise once the current evil state of things has ended.

In addition to this, I have found both notions to be connected with the presence of a religion of a ‘cosmic’ nature in all ancient traditions.

So if we want to abide by the adage that ‘to know about the future we need first to know the past’, we may paradoxically need to find first what a cosmic religion should be like in the face of an upcoming New, Golden Age as expected by many people in the world - among whom I count myself. And if in order to do so we will be relying on the traces left by the auroral civilizations, it is simply by analogy, as those societies were, in fact, living their respective "golden ages" in the image of the last great Golden Age which started, according to my own calculations, some 52,000 years ago in what is now the Arctic region, and which lasted approximately 21,000 years.

Note that we are talking here about the first Age of the current human cycle, which as a whole has continued through the vicissitudes of its successive Silver, Bronze and Iron ages to our days, and which there is every reason to believe is about to conclude now. But before you frown in disbelief at this, you may go to my thread
here for the rationales, including the notion of a Hyperborean civilization located in the North Polar region, the seat of the primordial tradition, where this entire cycle is supposed to have started. Or if you prefer a monumental and, in my opinion, definitive work on this matter, you may consult Paradise Found by William F. Warren (1885) here.

A symbolic representation of the Hyperborean civilization in the North Pole,
with Mount Meru as the world axis going through the center of the Earth
according to the ancient Hindus. Believed to be the original center
and prototype of all posterior paradises as evoked by the
different world traditions, it was the place where the
primordial Golden Age would have elapsed
(From Paradise Found by William F. Warren

You will find more on William F. Warren's extraordinary book in the second part of this post. At the risk of deviating from our target, however, let me tell you now that not only was his work fascinating, but it was also so conclusively convincing about the Paradise's real location, unlike all other studies and theories to ever have been offered with regard to it, that it should have certainly deserved to be greatly welcomed by all kinds of readers. Unfortunately, it went mostly unnoticed to the general public - and if anything, received with utmost coldness by his colleagues and other specialists.

Or was it? I believe jealousy and envy stemming from professional rivalry played the main role in the apparent disinterest the book generally suffered, when not simple ignorance of what a real work of investigation should provide: a serious, comprehensive and plausible theory that can answer every conceivable question about the matter studied - as Mr Warren's book did.

However, we cannot stay on this for longer now; we need to go on with our quest.

So let me elaborate a bit more on this notion of cyclic, descending ages as it is essential to understand the real nature of history - and the extent of the ignorance of "official science" about it.

According to the Greek eighteen-century BC poet Hesiod, who actually was writing about more local and contingent ages than the above-mentioned four, and about cycles already concluded in his time (which, by the way, exemplifies the way shorter cycles will always accurately reflect the longer ones):

"... they [Men] lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods."

Works and Days (109-126)

Now Hesiod is called a deteriorationist, as against the scholars' view of continuous progress of humanity along history. And according to these scholars, his belief, and all other deteriorationist beliefs, in successive, descending ages, would have originated in the primitive peoples’ longing for a natural life, a longing which coupled with considerations about the recurrence and regularity of the disasters that afflict the world, plus speculations inspired in such quaternary cycles as the four yearly seasons, four phases of the Moon, four stages in the life of man, and so on, would have crystallized in the “myth” of the Four Ages of Mankind brought to light by him. (Actually Hesiod added a fifth age, that of "the Heroes," to them, and inserted it between the second, Silver, and third, or Bronze, ages, probably inspired in the great heroes of the Iliad.)

As to the place of origin itself, and of all the other deteriorationist doctrines, some are inclined to believe it wasIndia, considering the manifest identity between the four ages of the Greek tradition and the descending cycle of four yugasof the Hindustan tradition (see
here my thread on the Hindu doctrine of cosmic cycles).

The Arcadian or Pastoral State (1834) by Thomas Cole
Seen as a lost, Edenic for of life, Arcadia was a mountainous Greek region
dating to antiquity whose inhabitants were often regarded as having
continued to live after the manner of the Golden Age
(photo: Wikipedia)

In this connection, however, we would still need to determine if this is also the origin of the many other myths in which the notion of four ages is equally prominent, such as the Maya and Inca and many other traditions; and even of all other “myths of return” where - irrespective of the number of ages - there stands out the universal, most ancient belief in the “fall” of man, a tradition that evokes the decline and alienation of mankind from a golden, paradisiacal condition to one of total degradation – usually ending in a catastrophic deluge – a most familiar and characteristic version of which can be read in the first pages of the Bible, from the “fall” of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from Paradise to the events that led to the Flood.

Curiously enough, all the multiple coincidences in the ancients' view of history seem to have gone unnoticed to the majority of the Western scholars - not to mention the layman, the common man of our time. So it comes as no surprise that the notion of four descending ages, or for that matter of any number of them, may sound unintelligible and absurd to the latter; and not out of sheer ignorance, for he is sure to have read those biblical passages, but because he has from his childhood been instilled the idea, exactly opposite, of a sustained progress of mankind throughout history - and also because it has always been opposed and fought by the Western Church.

For example Origen (185 - 254 AC), the patriarch of Alexandria, a man of deeply-rooted Gnosticism, wrote inAgainst Celso:

"We do not refer the flood or the burning of the world to the planetary cycles or periods, but we declare that their cause is the widespread prevalence of evil and its eradication by a deluge or conflagration."

Actually, Origen assumed that the worlds follow one another in time just like an equal number of schools in which decadent beings are reeducated, a process which would have started with the "fall" of man, which was then followed by the material world.

And Saint Augustine, in turn, in the 12th book of his City of God, questioned the doctrine of cycles based on the futility of an eternal wheel of creations and the absurdity of an endless death of the Logos.

At this point, you may ask, why am I stressing this notion of descending ages in connection with a likely cosmic religion? Quite simply, because this notion, like the related notion of higher and lower planets of the ancients' tradition, was consubstantial to their religion - and I am trying to substantiate my view that to the extent that a cosmic religion follows the characteristics of the primordial tradition, it will eventually be on a par with the task of easing our entrance into the upcoming New Age.

(More on the conception of Four Ages of Mankind

This topic will be continued in a next post.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/7/2010 2:12:59 AM

Ancient Monuments

Dear Friends,

The more one studies ancient monuments, in particular those of the auroral societies, the more one perceives that the use they were supposedly intended for never crossed the minds of their designers. To say, for example, as the majority of archeologists and other so-called experts say, that the monuments and all that they contained was mostly used in the cult of their gods looks more like an excuse for their ignorance of the real purpose, as everything about them mainly points to an astrological / astronomical use around which the ancients' religion mostly gravitated.

In effect, all of them, including the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge in the Old World, and Teotihuacan and Caral in the New, were mainly intended as astronomical observatories at the time they were built. Other uses could of course include their functioning as temples and schools of mysteries, tombs, etcetera, but their first and foremost purpose was always the study of the stars, which involved reproducing their movements by means of sacred dances and processions that periodically were crowned by rites of initiation. This general observation of the heavens constituted a "yang" or masculine aspect versus, and complementing, the more particular study of the earth's "yin" or feminine aspect mainly for divination, or "geomantic," purposes. (Please forgive me if I repeat some of the ideas already advanced here and elsewhere or even copy and paste a few fragments of my posts on other forums in my desire to make they sink.)

Intihuatana Stone (the "Sun Hitching Stone") atop Machupicchu in Cuzco, Peru.
Used during the late Inca Empire as a citadel and residence of the Inca
Royal families, Machupicchu very likely was already an auroral city
and civilization several millennia before that
(photo: Archives)

In this way, the latitude of a site became, in my opinion, the main factor not only in the astrological interrelations affecting its fortune, but mainly in the progression of the seasons in the course of a year, and in the determination of the exact date of the solstices and equinoxes affecting the general area and the labor in the fields. This latter aspect of course involved the knowledge of the precession of the equinoxes and other cosmic cycles and, still more important, the length of the cyclic ages and the likely dates of cataclysmic events that could affect a city or region or, for that matter, the entire planet in the course of lengthy periods of hundreds, even thousands of years.

Kalasasaya Temple in Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. Tiahuanaco
was very likely directly descended from Atlantis
(photo: Archives)

As to the second and more particular feminine aspect, it of course speaks to reason that the place where a city or a monumental building was erected would make the geomantic aspect a most important one, as a good location over underground streams would ensure higher electromagnetic qualities. My idea is, these underground streams, which broadly follow the magnetic lines' longitudinal course, would determine the geomantic qualities of the site including the land productivity, and in certain cases how well it could perform as a stargate. In this connection, many megalithic buildings interspersed in the North of Europe and in Great Britain, for example, have been found to follow the Earth's magnetic lines which usually mark the course of such streams. But in general terms, both longitude and latitude combined, determining the geomantic plus the astrological qualities, would determine how well this or that site could perform as stargates.

In my country, near my place of residence, there are important remains of an ancient city from pre-Inca times that features, in some of its main building rooms, tall vertical niches where if you step in you will distinctly hear, strongly amplified, every word, murmur and whisper uttered from within any niches in other rooms - however remote. It is an eerie experience that I personally have tried. They function as interphones in a huge residential building.

Another ancient monument in the Andean mountain region of my country features a similar niche on its facade that rather looks like, but is not, a door - only an imposing niche in the wall with no opening that you can enter through. Located on a solitary spot in a high desolate area, the monument possess a rare beauty but does not seem built by human hands. It could be just a rocky formation carved out by the winds over millennia, but what about the niche? It looks like it was cut and then finished out using sophisticated electric tools - a niche that on top of functioning as an interphone that can communicate to even remote locales, is regarded by shamans and special visitors alike as a portal to higher dimensions.

If it is like this in these relatively minor sites, then you can just imagine how it is apt to be in larger and more important archeological sites both in my country and in Mayan and Aztec lands, more to the North of the continent, where the huge compound of Teotihuacan not only used to be a great observatory and a scale model of the Solar system itself but, in fact, controlled an immense area in Mesoamerica many centuries ago. Then in territories of Asia and Africa in the Old World, where civilizations like the Sumerian and the Egyptian flourished millennia ago and the Great Pyramid of Giza and other awesome monuments were in all probability great observatories as well. And finally in the North of Europe, where the mysterious Stonehenge watched the stars age after age.

Teotihuacan - View of the Avenue of the Dead and the
Pyramid of the Sun, from the Pyramid of the Moon
(photo: Wikipedia)

Spanning over immense distances, all of these extraordinary realizations of remote ages seem to have been strangely interconnected like Internet portals over a no less immense grid that virtually covered our entire planet. They were built by people that shared a commanding knowledge of the earth and the skies. Their astounding scientific achievements make us wonder whether they were in fact wiser than we are. In many ways, they were far, far better people than we are - for one thing, in their love and respect of Mother Earth. And they were obsessed with a need to know all about cosmic cycles and ages... and the end times.

Many years later, in fact centuries and millennia later, it is known that the Masonic masters who planned and built many of the auroral cities in the United States and elsewhere in the American continent were also in command of the arcane sciences of the earth and the skies, since the hermetic tradition, to which their were ascribed in the first place, was itself derived from the primordial tradition that seems to have been at the root of all ancient civilizations. They are also known to have been involved in reproducing the movements of the stars by means of sacred dances and processions periodically crowned by rites of initiation. And we know that among their other, many interests, which included astrology and the sciences of divination, they were as well obsessed with the knowledge of cosmic cycles and ages... and the end times. Need I say more? They were performing, or at least simulating, the timeless rites of a cosmic religion.

Thank you,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo


Aramu Muru's Doorway in Hayu Marca, Peru
(See more information about it

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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