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5/5/2013 10:36:24 PM

Sekhmet via Ute Posegga-Rudel: I Offer You My Assistance

SekhmetMay 4, 2013 at

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Dearest friends,

As long as I can remember Lion Beings have been very dear to my heart. And my relationship with Sekhmet is ancient.

If you don’t know who She is: She is a most beautiful Lion Being Goddess from Sirius A. Her Love is extraordinary, incredible warm and full. I always have tears in my eyes when I feel Her presence. Her Wisdom is Cosmic and absolutely other-dimensional. Her Consciousness all-embracing.

Today She asked me whether I would convey Her message to humanity. And of course, I agreed! And this is Sekhmet’s message:

I Am The Protecting Goddess-Force For Those Who Call Upon Me.

I belong to the Mighty Lion Beings and at this special time I Am at service to humanity to assist with your adaptation to the new incoming frequencies your planet is presently receiving. It is Light from the fifth dimension which is now available for all those who can locate these frequencies with their conscious feeling awareness.

I Am here to offer you My Loving assistance with the vastness of my Consciousness to let go of all density in your thoughts and feelings and physical bodies.

Merging with My Loving Consciousness, while allowing me to merge with your heart, draws you into the light of the fifth dimension and out of the lower vibrations that the controllers of your world now are feverishly trying to intensify in order to keep you there and to prevent ascension.

But if you choose so, with My help these lower energies can no longer hold their grip on you as I offer you to draw you beyond them.

Please accept My help if you feel you need it. Many of you lightworkers are at this point targeted by the negative forces who don’t want to give up their power over your planet.

Who is asking for My protection in this intense battle occurring now on earth will immediately given support.

The remaining forces of the old world are now increasingly reaching out for your unresolved content. It might be content which you have not yet surrendered to the light. This could be childhood memories, old traumas or shocks which are still sitting unconsciously in your cellular memories, or it could be issues from former life times and any weakness you have not yet overcome.

The controllers are trying to regain influence over you by using their technology to magnify these energies. They hope this would save them their vanishing empire.

But do not be afraid! Know that they actually are really serving you, because you can release what becomes conscious to you!

With My loving help you can let go of these dense energies, not only in an instant, but also withdraw fully from their domain of influence: you become invisible for them as you leave fully the vibrational dimension of their reality.

So I offer you help to rise your vibration forever, to release what belongs to the frequency of your old world.

When you allow this you are doing a great service, not only to yourself and humanity itself, but also for your Sacred Beloved Planet Earth and ultimately, the whole universe!

We are here in this all together! The power of the past is no longer meant to hold territory in your realm.

What is necessary now is your full agreement to merge entirely and without restriction with the new higher dimensional light that is pouring into your reality.

If you can do this on your own, I salute you for your accomplishment! But if you need assistance, ask for it! We Are One at Heart and what I Am, is just a still unconscious aspect of Your Divine Self.

Therefore, by calling upon Me as your Ally you are calling upon a mighty Part of Yourself that you have forgotten. To remember It, is the Power that you now require for your victory in this battle.

I Am Here!

Your Loving Lion Being Sekhmet!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2013 10:37:30 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: You Are Also Doing Cleansing for Humanity and the Planet

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus via John Smallman: You Are Also Doing Cleansing for Humanity and the Planet

May 5, 2013 –

You can enjoy John’s reading of this post here:

Here in the spiritual realms our pleasure is intensifying as the new energies flow across the Earth, connecting all of humanity to the divine field of Love more securely than has been the case for a very long time. Because its connection to you all has become so strong it is practically impossible for anyone to remain unaware of it.

Of course, vast numbers of your sisters and brothers who are very deeply asleep still do not know what is going on, or what is causing the internal emotional upheavals they are experiencing. Over-the-counter medications are not helping to suppress these unwelcome sensations, so they are having to address them, often for the first time. Be patient, therefore, when you encounter people who are behaving strangely – angry, depressed, sad, exhausted – and be prepared to lend them an ear if they need to talk. Otherwise, intend to send them love, compassion, forgiveness and healing because it is what they need in the moment, and your intentions in this field are now very powerful.

You are all here to assist in the awakening process, as you very well know, but it still needs to be brought to your attention regularly and frequently, because many of you are also undergoing intense personal emotional cleansing that tends to distract you from the task you have taken on for this lifetime. Effectively you are doing your own cleansing, and you are also doing cleansing for humanity and the planet, which is why you are so honored.

Quiet time alone in prayer, contemplation, or meditation needs to be an absolutely essential part of your daily routines, regardless of how busy you are – and we know that some of you truly are extremely busy. While in that safe and quiet space – and you might be stuck in slow-moving traffic while taking that time out – just remind yourselves and say “I am Love,” because there is nothing else, and it need only take you a moment. This is a very powerful affirmation because it is absolutely and undeniably true, as you know at the depths of your being, even if you to tend to discount it out of a false sense of humility.

This time on this day is the only time there is because, as you know, time is part of the illusion, so the only time that exists is Now! For humanity experiencing life in the illusion, that statement makes no sense, and yet it is true. When you wake up, you will move out of your awareness of time and the deadlines and limitations that it appears to impose upon you and settle into the eternal now moment where all that exists, all of creation is eternally present. So that moment in the traffic jam, when you say “I am Love,” is the eternal never-ending now, when all that occurs does so.

By focusing on the now moment and on the truth that you are Love, inseparable from your Father, you effectively make the intention to awaken from the sleep of the illusion into the glorious brightness of God’s eternal day. The illusion — an egoic idea to which you cling ferociously because it has convinced you that without your bodies you no longer exist — has only the power over you that you have given it, and you are very powerful beings. Focusing on the now moment is a very powerful intention that helps you on your path to awakening, because it is You focusing on being fully aware of your divine nature, and during those quiet moments you will get occasional enticing glimpses of Reality.

Reality is your eternal Home, and you never left it. However, you have done an extremely good job of convincing yourselves that you did. That is a demonstration of the enormous, in fact prodigious power, with which your Father endowed you at the moment of your creation. Within the illusory environment that appears to be your worldly home it is very easy to be distracted by the physical, by rocks and bodies and trees, because you look for and see their physical representation, and yet, as your modern physics has shown you, there is nothing physical: it is all energy waves or energy fields, temporarily frozen in time. Frozen energy seems very solid, but physicality will dissolve when it no longer serves you, although the energy from which it is composed is everlasting. This is a very difficult concept to grasp as you observe so much death and decay all around you. Rocks just take a little longer to dissolve or disintegrate than biological forms.

So Reality, the Home you have never left and to which you intend to return, is pure energy. You know how powerful electricity can be when it is appropriately organized, or how powerful is the discharge from an electrical storm; well that is as nothing compared to the power of which each one of you is composed. You are more powerful than a nuclear explosion, or your sun, or black holes. You are infinitely powerful beings temporarily “on holiday” from Reality, and it is your destiny to awaken. Your awakening is inevitable, so take time daily to remind yourselves of this, and let go of all the petty egoic distractions that tend to hold you to ransom. Embrace and share the Love that you are with everyone with whom you interact as you race towards Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2013 10:38:31 PM

Saul via John Smallman: Assistance of a Very Wise and Technologically Advanced Order is Now Available to Help You

SaulSaul via John Smallman: Assistance of a Very Wise and Technologically Advanced Order is Now Available to Help You

May 5, 2013 –

Listen to John read this latest message from Saul here:

As spring turns to summer in the northern hemisphere the new energies are blossoming enthusiastically all over the world, and there are now very few among the wayshowers and Light-bearers who remain unaware of the upliftment that they are providing.

Your mood swings may be greater as the stuff you need to address and release comes up more insistently for your attention, but you are mostly finding that it also clears much more quickly and easily, and you do not get stuck in anger, fear, or anxiety to the same extent as you did before the great energy shift of last December.

All that exists is conscious energy, and the basis of all energy is Love from which all was created. Depending on its stage of evolution the consciousness of an energy field varies from almost insensate at the most basic level of matter (as you perceive it in the physical world) to infinite — a vast field in which numerous possibilities for evolution are present and perpetually developing.

There is nothing within creation that is completely insensate; everything that exists evolves to enjoy and avail of the fantastic creative potential with which it was created. Anything a human can imagine is possible, and far, far more besides, because God in His glory is limitless, and His creation is utterly abundant.

In your physical environment you have had access to and used energy in many forms, and because of your lack of wisdom and compassion (aspects of Love) much damage has resulted as abusive practices were encouraged and engaged in for short-term gain.

However, with the energy shift that came into effect late last year your collective wisdom and compassion are growing, along with the intelligence to develop and use the vast array of energy sources that cause absolutely no collateral damage and which will enable you to heal yourselves and the planet which supports you so admirably. Assistance of a very wise and technologically advanced order is now available to help you bring the planet, with her multitude of integrated, interdependent infrastructural systems, back into a state of harmony and balance.

The new energies that now envelop you are in fact a far more spiritually evolved aspect of yourselves into which you have grown because it was your collective intention to do so. They have given you a great boost in awareness which can be recognized as the explosive growth in newly available information that was previously kept hidden by a small group of very intelligent people who arrogantly believed that they alone had the right to control and direct all activities on your planet. They have been disabused of this fallacious and dangerous belief, and their ability to cling to power and control is dissipating rapidly.

New groups of intelligent, wise, compassionate, and loving individuals are forming all across the world and are making contact with one another, sharing ideas, and producing marvelous plans that will enable you to achieve the state of harmony and balance on Earth that you so desperately and deservedly desire.

The New Age is blossoming as spring changes to summer, and the climactic changes that have so worried those who have been studying them will usher in an epoch of more balanced and less extreme seasonal changes for the benefit of all

This is a time of great opportunity, when humanity’s collective intent, ably assisted by the intent of those from other realms of consciousness, is going to permanently alter the attitudes and behaviors that have caused so much pain and suffering over the eons, as misconceived plans and stratagems to conquer and control others have been followed with sadly misplaced vigor and enthusiasm in almost every corner of the world.

The reasons used to justify these activities have been just as misguided because, in your ignorance, you built and used narrow and inflexible ideologies — political, scientific, philosophical, sociological, and religious — in which you firmly and unquestionably believed despite the fact that these dogmas were frequently unconscionable. They were nevertheless enforced, often ruthlessly, in order to crush and maintain control over those you disliked.

Now, inclusiveness and the acceptance of the rights and dignity of all are replacing these insane ideologies. The vast majority of humanity now intends to live peacefully and harmoniously, honoring each other’s ethnicities and cultures, and embracing these differences as prospects for developing cooperative creative ventures which will benefit all of humanity. And this intent is being achieved.

When you take time out during the day to focus on discarding any aspects of yourselves that are not in alignment with the divine field of Love in which you are enveloped, remember also to hold the intent for humanity’s awakening very firmly in your minds, because, by doing so, you are making it happen.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2013 10:40:43 PM

DL Zeta: Eclipses of 2013 Help Us Access the Spaces Between Dimensions

imageDL Zeta: Eclipses of 2013 Help Us Access the Spaces Between Dimensions

May 4, 2013 at

We are in a time of endings and beginnings ushered by a series of eclipses designed to help us gain traction in any stuck areas and take significant steps on our chosen path. The eclipses of 2013 kicked off with the April 25th Scorpio lunar eclipse and will continue this month with the May 9 Taurus solar eclipse and the May 24 Sagittarius lunar eclipse.

Key Eclipse Issues are Abundance and Personal Power

Key issues emphasized in this time center on abundance and personal power. These eclipses ask us to examine our beliefs around these core issues. If we are invested in thought viruses based on lack and scarcity in any way, this will come to the forefront during this time. Issues that may arise encompass a broad spectrum of topics, all of which share the core issue of scarcity. These issues include relationships, health, resources, spiritual insights, inspiration, creativity and much more.
If there is any area of pain, conflict or struggle in one’s life, it can likely be traced back to thoughtforms along these lines: “I don’t have enough,” “options are limited,” or “I am small and limited.” These are indicators that old programming is still in place around issues of abundance and scarcity. If we keep following the thread of a scarcity thoughtform, it eventually translates into thoughts such as “I’m not enough,” “I am nothing,” or “I am unloved.”

Love and Gratitude are Antidotes to the Scarcity Thought Virus

We can counteract these thoughtforms with “I am love,” “I love myself unconditionally,” “I am a wise and empowered being with access to the vast resources of the universe.” Meditate on love whenever these feelings arise. To get in touch with feelings of unconditional love, hold before you the image of someone or something that evokes this unconditional feeling within you. Once you connect strongly with this feeling for a loved one, practice extending it to yourself and all others.

Gratitude can also help break the spell of a thought virus. As you meditate, bring your focus to everything you’re grateful for. Keep expanding the list of things you’re grateful for by finding the silver lining in every situation in your life, both past and present. Unconditional love and gratitude are the two best antidotes to the scarcity thought virus.

The April 25 Lunar Eclipse

The April 25th lunar eclipse occurred at 5° Scorpio and its effects are still being experienced by many. The effects of some eclipses can be felt three months or more prior to an eclipse and for up to a year afterward.

A lunar eclipse occurs during a full moon when the earth moves exactly between the sun and moon, effectively short-circuiting their natural connection. The period of a lunar eclipse is a good time to change destructive emotional patterns. This can be anything from toxic relationships to addictions to sacred wounds we’ve carried with us since childhood.

The energies of a lunar eclipse have a way of magnifying any unresolved emotional issues so we can shine the light of our present-moment awareness on them. Our spiritual communion and insights are intensified during a full moon and even more so during a lunar eclipse, heightening our powers of spiritual perception. Combined, these allow us to heal and release emotional energy held in past traumas.

Our Astrology Chart Depicts the Personal Impact of an Eclipse

Everyone feels the effects of an eclipse differently. The type of impact and its intensity and duration depends on where an eclipse falls in a person’s astrology chart. If an eclipse falls within 3° of a planet or an important point in your chart by conjunction or opposition, it is of special significance to you. The nature of the planet impacted by the eclipse offers clues to the experiences that lie ahead
For example, in the case of the April 25th lunar eclipse, if you have a planet at 5° Scorpio or within 3° of it, or you have a planet in Taurus which opposes Scorpio within orb of 5°, you will feel the effects of the eclipse more intensely
Scorpio delves into intense passions, secrets and desires. It is also important to consider what house 5° Scorpio falls in for you. If, for example, 5 degrees Scorpio falls in your 11th house, the upcoming experiences will center on the major themes of the 11th house – friends, social groups, long terms hopes, wishes, ideals and creative goals.

The May 9 Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse takes place during the new moon when the moon blocks the sun’s energies as it passes directly between the sun and earth. During the month of a solar eclipse, you will likely start noticing the energies of an upcoming eclipse right after the previous new moon and full moon. We are already feeling the energies of the May 9 solar eclipse
Entering the Space between Dimensions

This solar eclipse falls at 19° Taurus and sits in the doorway of a powerful spiritual portal at Orion’s Belt, which leads to the Great Central Sun. Many will experience an upsurge in spiritual abilities and visions during this time. Those who have planets within 3° of 19° Taurus will feel this most profoundly. For those most powerfully impacted, it may seem that vortexes into universal knowledge spontaneously open for glimpses into spiritual realms. It is possible at such times to feel oneself standing in the spaces between dimensions. Learning to move seamlessly between dimensions allows us to become more effective at bridging consciousness into the new time.

Lucid dreams are more likely to happen when one is under the powerful influence of a solar eclipse. To make the most of this time, set your intentions to embrace whatever comes up during this time and make time to meditate the day of the eclipse. Creating an eclipse ritual for yourself can help you focus the energy for a breakthrough. It is easier during this time to shift to higher-vibrational timelines. This eclipse series will assist many in finding firmer footing in the new time.

Remain Calm during May’s Wild Ride

Due to the eclipse energies, this month is likely to be a time when deeper truths surface and emotions run high. It will be difficult to remain objective as emotional wounds and any issues around which we hold strong emotional energy come front and center. Events in our day to day lives can trigger unhealed emotions that suddenly rise to the surface with power and force. It will help during this time to remain calm and trust that whatever is happening is according to divine plan. These energies by design are helping us gain traction in stuck areas and grow in our spiritual understandings. It should be noted that this is not the time to make life-changing decisions as things may appear different on the other side of the eclipses.

Eclipses are major turning points at both the collective and individual levels. The sign of an eclipse offers clues as to the themes that are due for a change. At the personal level, the planets and houses impacted by an eclipse offer insights into the transformative changes that beacon to us on the road ahead.

For more on timeline and identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta For more on fifth-dimensional realities, see The Future is Here Now: Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/6/2013 4:36:28 PM
Dear friends, let's start this week with an inspirational message from Hilarion:

Hilarion: It is a New Beginning For All

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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