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5/5/2013 12:53:34 AM

Aisha North: I Invite You all to the First Gathering Around the Pond (Repost)

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalThe first Gathering is May 5, 21:00 in the evening Oslo time (9:00 PM), that is UTC+1. (This will be 20:00 in London, 15:00 PM in New York, 12:00 PM Los Angeles, 04:00 AM Monday in Tokyo.

As channeled by Aisha North – April 27, 2013

Dear friends! As some of you may remember, I was told earlier this year that at some point, I was to call for a ”Gathering around the Pond”. In other words, that we were supposed to have a group meditation of some sorts, and that I was to invite everyone here to take part. And now the time has come to set up the first one! I have been guided a little bit about it these last few days, and today I was given this message:

”The time has come for the energies at the Pond to be fused together in a way they have not been earlier. You all carry the same tune, but up until now, that tune has been left to fend for itself as it were. But now, the time has come to make sure that you are all entrained, meaning that your individual voices, or rather, frequencies, are being connected and woven together in such a way it will constitute the very fabric of the future.

Let us explain. As we have spoken of many times before, you are the ones who are actually pulling down those energetic cords that will be utilized, and indeed are already being put into action, in order to construct the brand new world you all dream of being an intrinsic part of.

This work is already in full swing, but now, the time has come to go to the next level. And the next level is this weaving together of all of your individual strands, or strings, into a fabric that is more durable than anything else that exists on this planet.

This may sound strange, but this is in fact a part of a huge process, and just as in this Pond of yours, there are several thousands of these energetic hotspots being activated in the same manner as this in the time ahead. For now, the signal to start this process in earnest has been given, and as such, you can all consider yourselves as members of this taskforce of light weavers.

For just like the spider, you are all busy extracting these strands of light from the ethers, and with our help and your willing participation, these individual strands will now be woven together into a magnificent structure of light. The beauty of this structure is beyond words, and you will all feel into the deepest recesses of your hearts just how amazing it is to be a part of this process. For remember, as it is you and you alone who contribute these strands to this magnetic grid, you will all become tightly connected to the whole piece. And as such, your own powers will be added to it, just as the combined power of this magnetic garment will be fuelled into each and every one of you.

So consider this as the very first beginning of a magical process that will unfold all over your globe. Slowly at first, but as the strands are added one by one, the force will indeed multiply, and with it, the speed at which this whole process will come about. So rejoice dear ones, you are like those builders, tiny in themselves, but capable of constructing wonders of a magnitude that dwarfs everything else in sight.

We thank you all for your willingness to take part in this, the final construction of the very ground upon which you will spend the remainder of your sojourn here. For without you, there would be no new ground to tread upon. So we thank you all on behalf of All of creation, and we invite you all to come together and fuel all of your energy into this beautiful tapestry of light that will literally come to light through our combined efforts. Thank you, that will be all for now, we leave.”

I have been told that this is something we will start to do once a month, and it was suggested that I should call for these Gatherings the first Sunday of every month. So on Sunday, May 5, we will all have the opportunity get together for our very first group mediation here at the Pond. We are all living in different timezones, so I know that the time frame may be a little bit difficult for some of you, but please remember that time is really not an issue here.

You can connect to this event whenever you feel is best for you, but I have been told to give you a specific time frame anyway in order to help you all to focus your intent. So I have chosen the time of 21:00 in the evening Oslo time (9:00 PM), that is UTC+1. (This will be 20:00 in London, 15:00 PM in New York, 12:00 PM Los Angeles, 04:00 AM Monday in Tokyo.) You can find your local time here:

I have already marked these dates in my calendar, and I hope you will do the same:

May 5

June 2

July 7

August 4

September 1

October 6

November 3

December 1

I will of course return with more information as we approach these dates. Much will have happened before we reach the end of this year, but I know we will be closely guided in this important work.

This will be truly powerful Gatherings, dear friends! We will start to build something together that will bring us all joy. And this is not just for us, but for the wole planet. I love the image of us as those busy construction workers, building layer upon layer, making this immense structure of light ”come to light”.

I know it may sound exhausting to many of you, for we are all busy ”rebuilding” ourselves at the same time, but I just know that this communal effort of love will give us all so much strength in return. For now, we will truly be able to tap into this amazing Pond of light we have already created here, and this will literally lift us all up by fusing us so close together we will all become pillars of light. I am so proud to be a part of this, and I am in awe of what we have created together already. I cannot wait to see what this will do for us all!

With love, light and gratitude, Aisha

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2013 12:56:55 AM
Dear friends, this is a serious denounce - and pretty interesting at that!

Former US Senator: White House Suppressing Evidence of ETs

Former US Senator Mike Gravel

Former US Senator Mike Gravel

Stephen: The great thing about this story is that while it’s based on an interview with Top Line, it was widely circulated on Yahoo’s much-read news website. Thanks to reader Stephen.

Former Sen. Mike Gravel Says White House Suppressing Evidence of ETs

By Rick Klein, Olivier Knox, Richard Coolidge, and Jordyn Phelps

Even as most Americans wonder what planet politicians are from, is it possible that the government is squelching evidence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth? One former presidential hopeful says yes – and that the conspiracy goes all the way to the top.

Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) says the White House has helped keep the truth about the “extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet” from the public.

“It goes right to the White House, and of course, once the White House takes a position, ‘well there’s nothing going on’…it just goes down the chain of command, everyone stands toe,” Gravel tells Top Line.

Gravel is one of six former congress representatives who were paid $20,000 by the UFO advocacy group Paradigm Research to participate in a Congressional-style Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington this week, where witness after witness has presented first-hand accounts of UFO sightings and extraterrestrial visits.

Gravel says the strongest accounts of alien encounters are from former military officers, such as retired Air Force Capt. Robert Salas, who testified that UFOs temporarily disabled nuclear weapons on his watch.

“The smoking gun of the whole issue, which is when they saw hovering space craft in Wyoming and South Dakota over the ICBM missile silos that the missiles couldn’t work,” Gravel says.

Gravel says the media has aided what he sees as a government cover-up by not taking reports of ET encounters seriously.

“What we’re faced with here is, in areas of the media, and the government too, an effort to marginalize and ridicule people who have specific knowledge,” he says.

When asked about the fact that he was compensated for his participation in the hearing, Gravel says it did not influence him to agree with the testimony.

“This is an opportunity which I’ve taken to focus on this issue for an entire week and the preparation I made in coming to it, for my enrichment that’s very important,” Gravel says.

For a ride into the outer limits of human knowledge on the possibility of alien life, and to hear how Gravel thinks the world should treat potential alien visitors, come along for this expedition of Top Line.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2013 10:26:18 AM

China's Currency Gains On Dollar

Former top Chinese Communist Party leader Mao ...

China's yuan is gaining on dollar. (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife)

The Chinese currency continues to make gains on the dollar. Some of it is pure market force. Other aspects of the rising currency are actions from within the government itself, which promised around 3% to 5% gains year over year of the yuan.

And as of last week, the yuan is up for a ninth straight week, marking the longest run since November. Who said China’s economy is weak?

The yuan on Friday closed 0.01 percent stronger than Thursday at 6.15 to the dollar, according to the China Foreign Exchange System. The currency gained 0.15% this week and is up from levels of 8 to 1 from five years ago.

“The market is having a greater say in the yuan’s direction,” said Edmund Harris, a portfolio manager at Guinness Atkinson. He runs the China Renmimbi Yuan Bond Fund (GARBX). “The government fixes the currency rate daily, but the onshore rate can trade plus or minus 1 and they are talk about widening the band further. It helps for China to have a strong currency because of all the natural resources they require for growth,” he said.

The central bank on Friday cut the central parity rate by 0.1 percent to 6.2152 per dollar. Some economists are expecting wider fluctuation of the exchange rate due to uncertain foreign capital flow.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2013 4:23:27 PM

Sun Unleashes Spectacular Solar Eruption (Photos)

A burst of solar material leaps off the left side of the sun in what’s known as a prominence eruption. This image combines three images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured on May 3, 2013, at 1:45 pm EDT.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of an M5.7-class flare on May 3, 2013, at 1:30 p.m. EDT. This image shows light in the 131-angstrom wavelength, a wavelength of light that can show material at the very hot temperatures of a solar flare and that is typically colorized in teal.

An intense solar storm erupted from the sun on Friday (May 3) in a dazzling space weather display captured by a NASA spacecraft.

The solar flare erupted from the edge the sun, with NASA's powerful Solar Dynamics Observatory snapping photos of the sun storm. The flare peaked at 1:32 p.m. EDT (1732 GMT), registering as a relatively medium-strength M5.7-class event.

Friday's solar storm was the second major space weather event in three days, but was not aimed at Earth. According to astronomerPhil Plait, who chronicled the flare on his Bad Astronomy blog, the solar storm launched super-hot solar plasma about 120,000 miles (200,000 kilometers) above the surface of the sun before it faded from view.

The sun fired off a May Day solar eruption on Wednesday (May 1) from the same region, which is currently at the very leftmost edge (or limb) of the sun as seen by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The active region will be rotating to face Earth soon, mission scientists said.

"Increased number of flares are quite common at the moment, as the sun's normal 11-year activity cycle is ramping up toward solar maximum, which is expected in late 2013," NASA officials said in a statement.

The strongest solar flare of the year occurred on April 11 and registered as an M6.5-class sun storm, still a mid-level event. Scientists classify solar flares based on their intensity. M-class solar flares are medium-strength events that are the weakest type of storm that can still have an impact on Earth. When aimed directly at Earth, they can super-charge the planet's aurora displays.

The strongest type of solar flare are X-class sun storms. When aimed directly at Earth, X-class solar flares can pose a threat to spacecraft and astronauts in space. They can also interfere with communications and GPS navigation signals, and cause radio blackouts.

A radio short-lived radio blackout was caused by the Friday solar flare, but subsided quickly, NASA officials said.

The sun's current solar weather cycle is known as Solar Cycle 24. The Solar Dynamics Observatory is one of several spacecraft constantly monitoring the sun to track its solar weather events.

Email Tariq Malik at or follow him @tariqjmalik and Google+.Follow us@Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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5/5/2013 10:35:12 PM

Aisha North: Welcome to the first Gathering around the Pond!

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalMay 5, 2013 at

Dear, shining family!

My heart is overflowing today, the joy is just pouring out of me! What a transformation we are witness to! This Pond, this cauldron of love as the CCs called it in a message to me this morning, this space has become something so powerful and beautiful and important, and the reason it has grown into this beautiful flower of light, is the love and nourishment you have all added to it.

For now, it is literally a place of vibrating love, and the ripples from this Pond is flowing outwards and into the web that is encircling our whole globe. People from all over the world have visited this Pond, and today, many of you will be taking part in this Gathering that will bring us even closer together. I have made a screensave from the statistics map showing all of the countries that have been linked to this page at one time or another by a visitor, and as you can see, this is truly a world wide endeavor.

According to this map, people from 163 countries have time visited this Pond at least once. Most of them come from the US (red), UK, Canada and Australia (orange). White means that there have not been any visitors from that country to this blog.

According to this map, people from 163 countries have time visited this Pond at least once. Most of them come from the US (red), UK, Canada and Australia (orange). White means that there have not been any visitors from that country.


Of course, not all of those persons who have at one time visited this blog will be coming to the Gathering today, but I know that they will all in some way be present anyway. For they have all left a small fraction of their light here, like a footprint, and this light will also be activated by the intent we all bring to this ceremony today. For I like to call it a ceremony, or maybe celebration will be a better word for it. For we are truly celebrating ourselves, all of the hard work we have done so far, and also the glorious world we will be creating just by the very fact that we are living and breathing and connecting in this space and on this planet today.

Dear friends, I welcome you all, and I am so proud and so honored to be allowed to say to each and every one of you: thank you so much for being a part of this. For without you, this world would not be going through the changes we see and feel around us every day. For you have said YES to being a part of this momentous day and this momentous journey, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

For today, we will each of us sit down and gather in a circle around this Pond of pristine light, and as we focus our gaze on the surface of this Pond, we will see this light being reflected in hundreds, no, thousands of other hearts, and all of these single beams of love and light will connect and fuse together into a beam of such clarity and intensity it will burn through any old density still left.

And we will do all of this by the very fact that we have all dared to open our hearts to each other, but most of all, we have dared to open our hearts to ourselves. For without having the courage to go all the way inside, to the very bottom of our soul, we would not be able to shine as strongly as we do today. So I thank you, and the CCs have told me that I must do this on behalf of All of creation.

For what you have done, is not only for yourself, but for us all. So as we sit down in love today, know that you are doing so at the request of a power that is beyond anything we can fully comprehend now. For this power of love is only starting to percolate through us all, and the bliss we have felt so far, is only a small taste of the bliss our actions and our intent will bring not only to us, but also to this whole planet. For we are being the change we wished to see, and now, it has come to BE.

Thank you, my beloved family of light! For today, I will become one with you all, and it is a day I have dreamed of since before I came to be here on this planet.

In love, light and gratitude, Aisha

The time that have been chosen for this Gathering, is 21:00 my time (Oslo, Norway)

Remember, you do not need to connect at this exact time, the only thing you need to do to be a part of this, is to choose to focus your intention on this Gathering. As for the duration of this, I would suggest you sit for as long as feels right for you. Personally, I usually sit between 20 minutes and an hour, but as always, I will just follow my inner guidance. I think we will all have our own unique experience of this, and I hope many will want to share it afterwards.

Here are some examples of local time that corresponds with 21:00 Oslo time:

London: 20:00

Helsinki: 22:00

Sao Paulo: 04:00 PM

New York: 03:00 PM

El Paso: 01:00 PM

Los Angeles: 12:00 PM

Singapore: 03:00 AM monday

Tokyo: 04:00 AM monday

Sydney: 05:00 AM monday

You can find your local time here:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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