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4/4/2013 11:10:57 PM

Saul: Do Not Allow Your Doubts and Anxieties to Discourage or Alarm You

SaulAs channelled by John Smallman – April 4, 2013

John’s reading of today’s post:

Humanity’s awakening process is proceeding apace. At the beginning, many eons ago, it was slow and arduous for you, but now it is like a river flowing rapidly in full flood, sweeping all before it to the Ocean – Reality, Heaven, your eternal Home – and it is utterly unstoppable.

Let go of your doubts and anxieties, which tempt you either to try to swim upstream, or at the very least, arrest your progress by holding on to outdated attitudes and behaviors that no longer serve you. Release all that unloving emotional baggage which weighs you down, seems to be dragging you down, and skim along in exhilaration like surfers or water-skiers on the surface of this tide of Love as you race towards the Ocean where the most magnificent welcome awaits your swift and certain arrival.

Dear Light-bearers and wayshowers, sisters and brothers, siblings, children of God, do not allow your doubts and anxieties to discourage or alarm you. Over the eons, you have endured much suffering and many disappointments which have left you with deep emotional scars, and the “stuff” that is arising for many of you now is old, very old, and just needs to be recognized and released. There is no need to investigate its origins; the past is well and truly gone. What you are experiencing — and it can be very uncomfortable and unsettling — are the scattered remnants of old and half-forgotten memories, fragments of misused energy.

You are effectively in the process of “spring cleaning,” and as you enter rooms that have been closed off for a long time, opening doors, windows, drapes, and blinds, all the dust and debris (frozen energy) which has accumulated over time, gets stirred up. And indeed, there is an amazing quantity of it! It contains nothing of any value; it simply needs to be discarded, deposited on the compost heap so that its energy can be recycled, returned to the pristine state of beauty with which it shone before it became corrupted through eons of conflict and confusion.

Energy is power and can be used to drive many beliefs, philosophies, social movements, or campaigns which can have widely differing aims, and over the eons this has led you into many conflicts. The stuff that so many of you now have rising into your conscious awareness are the remnants of the emotions that were stirred up long ago when you became engaged in these often-painful activities. You are in a space where forgiving and releasing can occur easily and quickly if you choose to allow it, and doing so lets in the Light, your Light, shining with brilliance and beauty on all that lies before It. The memories of who you truly are will then come pouring in, filling your hearts with joy and wonder, as the old fragments which you have effectively been hoarding melt away.

As you know, your divine destiny is to awaken into Reality. And that destiny, which is inevitable and unavoidable, will bring you nothing but joy. Holding on to old memories of victimhood, unjust punishment, shaming, or suffering that you may have undergone, or any desire for restitution made available to you by judgment from a “higher power” that condemns others for wronging you – even if it is simply a desire on your part for them to know that they have wronged you – simply delays your awakening. Let go of all that is unloving and speed towards your awakening.

Love is all-encompassing and can bear no grudges, It knows not what grudges are. It embraces and accepts all, unconditionally. The intensity of Love overwhelms; in fact, It terrifies those who would judge or condemn, and they flee from Its presence in complete disarray because It is utterly uncompromising in Its acceptance of the good in all that has been created. It neither sees nor acknowledges anything else. What is not good does not exist, so judgment and condemnation do not exist, and that is a fearful realization for those who would engage with it, which is why they flee from the purity of Love.

When you release all that old emotional baggage — baggage that you have been carrying with you for eons as evidence of the multitudinous mistreatments that you have suffered — the sense of lightening that you experience will absolutely astound you. You will think: “It was only justifiable memories that I needed so that I knew who I was, for without my memories who am I? I need my photograph albums, they are too precious to lose or discard.” But truly you do not, because you are about to awaken into the infinite wonder of our Father’s divine Presence, Reality, where you will know without the slightest shadow of a doubt precisely who you are, and you will revel in that knowledge eternally.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/4/2013 11:12:38 PM

Video: UFO Disclosure on SBS News Australia – April 2, 2013

Stephen: We originally ran a mainstream newspaper story on this over Easter (see link below). Now reader Andrew has recorded free-to air channel SBS Television’s more recent coverage of the famed 1950 FBI-Hover UFO Memo.

Andrew writes: “Disclosure ramps up! More and more newsclips on mainstream news all over the planet at the moment as part of the official drive to get us used to the fact that our galactic neighbours are real, and in contact with our governments. Once enough acceptance has been achieved, and fear (caused by Hollywood attack movies and disinfo) has subsided to an acceptable level, official announcements will commence.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/5/2013 12:47:26 AM

Jim Carrey fires back at his gun-control critics

By Tim Kenneally | ReutersWed, Apr 3, 2013 3:35 PM EDT

Cast member Jim Carrey poses at the premiere of "The Incredible Burt Wonderstone" in Hollywood, California March 11, 2013. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
By Tim Kenneally

LOS ANGELES ( - Jim Carrey, who raised the hackles of the right wing by calling Fox News - or, rather, "Fux News" - a "giant culture fart" and with his criticism of assault rifles, has fired off another round in the debate, calling some of his harsher critics "thugs" and "a minority."

He also says that he doesn't want to infringe on anyone's Second Amendment rights.

Bemoaning the lack of civility he says he's encountered, Carrey writes in a column published Tuesday on the Huffington Post, "It is shocking to see this concerted effort to brutally intimidate anyone who speaks of a compassionate compromise ... These thugs, though menacing, are a minority, but they will have their way if good people don't step forward now and make a difference."

Carrey also emphasized, "NO ONE IS ASKING ANYONE TO GIVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS." Instead, he says, he hopes "we can limit" access to weapons that cause "massive devastation to good and innocent people."

"No one is allowed to own a bazooka. In a movie theater an assault rifle with a 100-round drum magazine can cause just as much damage," Carrey writes.

The actor stirred up the gun-control debate last week with his Funny or Die music video "Cold Dead Hand," which criticizes gun-control opponents.

Carrey released a statement later in the week, claiming that he'd seen "Fux News" - presumably, a reference to Fox News Channel - "rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles.

"I would take them to task legally if I felt they were worth my time or that anyone with a brain in their head could actually fall for such irresponsible buffoonery. That would gain them far too much attention which is all they really care about," Carrey added while giving the network's commentary attention.

Fox News personality Greg Gutfeld subsequently took a shot at Carrey on "The Five," calling Carrey "washed-up."

"I guess Jimmy thought he couldn't lose a debate to a dead man," Gutfeld said, referring to deceased actor and former NRA president Charlton Heston. "That's what's really funny - he did and now Charlton Heston has a brighter future in films than Jim Carrey."

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/5/2013 1:20:08 AM

Emmanuel Dagher: Energy Forecast April 2013 – Reclaiming Our Power

Emmanuel Dagher 2013By Emmanuel Dagher – April 3, 2013

Note from Emmanuel: These monthly updates are created with the intention of providing clarity to what’s going on energetically on the planet as a whole. As things continue to shift quickly, may these energy forecasts provide you with clarity and comfort.

Peace and blessings,

It’s such an honor and a joy for me to connect with you again! I feel so grateful knowing that no matter where we each are on our own personal journey, we can always pick right up where we left off and align with each other as if barely any time has passed by. It just confirms that we are all truly in this together.

So, how have you been feeling my friend? Are you noticing the energetic temperature being turned up another notch, both in our personal lives and in the collective consciousness? The high amount of movement and activity happening in the ethers is directly sparking a great deal of movement and activity within and all around us.

We have most definitely moved past the time of hibernation and isolating ourselves in deep contemplation for long periods of time. If we haven’t been heeding the call already, then it’s time to come out of hiding to play and commune with the world again.

Hiding ourselves in any way, and that includes hiding our gifts, talents, wisdom, message, and any other part of our presence, will simply feel impossible. And those who used to find comfort in hiding will find themselves rocked in every way, because what they have been so used to as their default just doesn’t work anymore. Although at first it may feel like one’s whole identity is being stripped away, this shift moving us out of hiding is creating a new path to ways of being that better aligns with the highest aspect of ourselves.

When the energetic temperature rises as it is now, a call to action usually follows. This call to action is simple: We are being asked to let go of the facades, structures and stories that we and our ancestors have created for ourselves; we are being called to move simply into love.

While being recalibrated to a new heart centered way of existence, it’s completely normal to experience our energy and emotions as being all over the place. The key is to allow these energies and emotions to come up as they need to without judgment or trying to contain them. It’s also helpful to remember in the back of our minds that our emotions do not define who we really are at our core. If we can just view them as being similar to puffy white clouds in the sky that pass us by, then we can allow them to just move on without attaching ourselves to them.

Releasing the Role of the Victim

Right now, we are being presented with an extraordinary opportunity to retire the victim archetypes that we and our ancestors have identified with all this time.

It’s important to take a moment to honor these archetypes for serving in keeping us safe and protected in a world based on survival. However, we now know that a world of only survival is a world that is no longer in alignment with who we are at our core: a Divine Love Being.

As Divine Love Beings we are here to thrive our way into love with ourselves and the world around us. This divine part of ourselves has always known that we are constantly safe and protected, even when the survival based mind may have thought otherwise.

So now, as we thank the victim archetypes that served us up to this point, we can let them go with joy and welcome in our Higher Selves.

Releasing the role of the victim is made up of several important components. The first component to releasing victim consciousness is to accept every person, experience and thing as it has shown up in our lives without trying to change it. By accepting these things, we are not necessarily affirming that we resonate or agree with them, however we are giving ourselves permission to not allow them to define who we really are. Through acceptance we also release the need dwell on the past and what may have been.

The second component to releasing victim consciousness is to let go of blame. Blame comes from a need to make something or someone right/wrong, or good/bad and somehow responsible for what we have experienced. In truth we are the Creator of all of our experience. When we operate from our Highest Selves, and acknowledge ourselves as Creator, we transcend these judgments. From our Highest Selves we navigate our way forward by what feels in alignment for us at that time and what doesn’t. Can you feel how this insight alone already feels lighter? By blaming, we keep ourselves held in a time and place that hinders us from evolving and reconnecting with our Highest most Divine Self.

The third component to releasing victim consciousness is to take full responsibility of our lives and well being. Sometimes the victim mindset may display resistance when it hears that we are responsible for our lives and well being, because it had taken comfort in separating itself and buying into the illusion that whatever we need has to come from outside ourselves. It’s absolutely normal when this happens. However, by taking responsibility for our lives and well being, we are able to move out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness. It is in our Creator consciousness where we are able to move mountains. It is here that we are able to manifest from the most authentic and powerful aspect of ourselves.

By integrating these three components into our lives, we are sure to support our transition out of victim consciousness and into Creator consciousness more smoothly.

Reclaiming Our Power

The greatest power in the world is LOVE. When we embody love, we are the most powerful being in the Universe. Contrary to what we may have been taught, being loving does not mean we are weak, pushovers, or that we look the other way when times get tough. Real love does not hurt, feel hard, or have us giving up or hiding some part of ourselves away. Those are mind structures that simply distract us from real love. Real Love is the constant that flows through all of life. When we choose to be love, we have the whole Universe behind us flowing in the same direction.

Because of societal conditioning, many of us have been hesitant to reclaim our power, because we associate it with being corrupt or controlling. This kind of false power, also known as egoistic power, moves in the opposite direction of love. It likes to separate itself from the whole. Although this kind of power can appear quite real and convincing at times, the truth is that it’s not.

Egoistic power is fleeting and will always at some point self destruct in its attempt to push against the natural flow of love and life. Egoistic power thrives on the energy of fear, because it’s the only thing convincing enough to move a person out of their true Divine power. Of course this forgetful period is temporary, but we’ve got to hand it to the energy of egoistic power for putting up a great show in trying to make itself last as long as possible.

Life is always here for us and never against us. We can take comfort in knowing that by choosing not to buy into fear, we have every ounce of the Universe supporting us. Anything that tries to convince us otherwise, such as an idea that we are some small little helpless human being, or are lacking in some way, is just a fleeting illusion.

By surrendering to love, we empower ourselves and those around us to such a degree that we are able to transform even the most egoistic of powers into love.

Power in Numbers

As we move forward, we are being asked to unite in love. That is what’s happening right now. We no longer have to be on this journey alone. We no longer have to separate ourselves from each other by race, gender, roles, job titles, sexual orientation, etc. The Universe is consistently giving us opportunities to align with others who share a similar intention of uniting in love. “For where two or more are gathered in love, the greatest power resides.”

This is the time to say “YES!” to reclaiming our power and to sharing our gifts with the world.

We are all in this together,

Till next time,

Miraculously yours,


©2009-2013 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/5/2013 9:13:38 PM
Dear friends, bad news from Mike Quinsey: he is okay, but SaLuSa's messages will not be coming for a while

Message from Mike Quinsey Regarding His Stroke

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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