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4/3/2013 5:41:34 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Galactic Federation Manuscript with SanJAsKa – Part 5 (Conclusion)


Concluded from Part 4

Non-Human Galactic Souls

We are each working to reach states of consciousness that we have not accessed in a very long time, as SanJAsKa tells us below before beginning to get into a discussion of the various non-human (but still benevolent and evolved) souls and races comprising the Galactic Federation.

We are told of the evolved animal forms some souls who are a part of the GF take, and we’re told that the comfort level of humanity will be taken into consideration when we are introduced to such souls.

“Higher states of consciousness and understanding for every soul involved will result from the ascension of the entire Universe, and the missions of each of you at present are geared toward reaching states of consciousness that you have not yet traversed.

There are multitudes of different races comprising the Galactic Federation and while so very many of us are indeed human and you will initially be introduced to those of us who are human, there are other races who take their collective form as pure spirit energy, while other races of our Federation choose to express themselves as the evolved form of what you would best know as animals.

Indeed, we would not want to introduce you to beings whom you may refer to as “cat people” initially, because we want humanity to be comfortable enough with our presence and our wish to assist you and when your perceptions have been expanded accordingly, we feel you will be able to handle meting some of our non-human races and again, every race comprising our Galactic Federation is united in service-to-others and to our Creator and there are no malevolent races or agendas associated with us or our Federation in any way.”

I’m sure some of us feel we would be able to handle seeing an evolved “cat person” or even an evolved human, but the Galactic Federation and the Galactic forces assisting our planet in general know of the carefully-established paradigm of limitation that has been established within many of us and as such, they understand something we should perhaps understand, which is that even those of us who have adamantly studied the Galactics and every subject having to do with them may be more overwhelmed with their presence than we might realize.

They do indeed have a lot to offer us but before they can do so, we as a sovereign humanity must become not just individually, but collectively aware and accepting of their presence and if we cannot do that, we will have much trouble actually perceiving of these souls. There will, of course, be a plethora of people in the time ahead who will help to introduce us to these souls in earnest (perhaps one of you reading this will go on to be one of the “introducers”) but it will benefit us now to become open to the presence of the Galactics, so that we will be better able to handle their landing on our world in the time ahead.

Other Planets’ Ascensions

Just as was said above and is said below, the Galactic Federation have formed in an effort to help assist in the evolution of every lower dimensional planet or individual soul who is ready to embrace the next step in their evolution. As we are also told below, the collective ascension of the Earth will actually help to initiate and accelerate collective ascensions on a plethora of other worlds. That will be a unique feat indeed, because collective ascensions are quite rare.

“Our Federation is and was a natural response to the growing number of lower dimensional planets who have increasingly grown ready to see their ascension play out. Collective ascensions indeed don’t happen very often, but as the ascension of the Earth is to kick start that of the Universe, there will be more planets ascending collectively after you dearest souls on the Earth find your ascension.

You will be introduced to each race of the Galactic Federation in due time, and you will learn to work with each of us on specific things pertaining to the rebuilding of your world.

We would like to speak for a moment on the presence of the Galactic Federation upon your world and the assistance we are to be offering. We will indeed be on your world in the time ahead to help you repair aspects of it that a growing number of your Earth populace simply know to be out of resonation with how a world is meant to be run, but we will not be taking the lead or introducing startling changes ourselves that could be seen as an interference upon your individual and collective freewill.”

Indeed, even in our immediate future when so many people will become understanding of the Galactics’ presence, they will still only be able to do so much in the avenue of assisting us with repairing our world. This is ultimately a good thing; or at least I see it that way because personally, I would not want any outside force other than myself taking the reins and working to establish a collective society not in the best interests of the benevolent Galactics, but in my own best interests and yours as well.

Of course, I do not mean to sound exclusionary of the Galactics and will be among the many who gratefully accept their presence and assistance, but it is reassuring to know that they would never attempt to take Creative control of our world and will rather, only be assisting us with everything that needs done.

Giving Humanity the Tools

They will be assisting us in a plethora of ways, some of which being the “tools” they will offer us to help rebuild our world, as is mentioned below. We are also reminded below that despite the Galactics’ wish not to interfere with our experiences in too bold of ways, they will still be here to offer an appreciated helping hand when everything about our Earth needing repaired becomes apparent.

“Rather, when making ourselves known and helping to introduce disclosure and inform you of all that has been done on your world, we will give you the tools to help you build your new paradigm and we will be with you to help guide you on what you can best do to establish such a paradigm but again, because of the law of non-interference and because this is your Earth to heal and rebuild, we will only be lending a helping hand rather than enforcing a rebuilding of your world.

Indeed, if you dear souls wish to see your world rebuilt it is you who must do it but dear children, do not ever think you are alone in this endeavor. Indeed you are not, and you have the entirety of our Federation at your disposal to assist you along your personal Life paths when turning within, and to assist with repairing dearest Gaia when disclosure is made known and we are finally and justly able to be openly with you.”

I noticed that SanJAsKa pointed out the assistance we will be given on the world stage, as well as the personal assistance we will be offered along our evolution. While some reading this may not think the benevolent Galactics would have any care or desire to assist us in our personal evolution, nothing could be farther from the truth and in fact, many of the Galactics we have heard about have also been instated as spiritual guides of plenty of awakening Earthly souls who have become open to them.

They are here to assist us and help us see-out our evolution and along the way, we will be given assistance with every single aspect of becoming Galactic humans and a Galactic society. In the face of all of this, I’d have to say that our future as a planet looks pretty great indeed.

Protection from Disaster

In many ways, we are being prepared for this future with the many channeled (or otherwise) communications being given from the Galactics and in general, from the realms of spirit, as we are told below. We are also told of the protection our planet and many others have been offered from forces with service-to-self based intents, and as well of the protection we’re being offered from ELEs or “extinction-level-events” that, in many cases, would have been cabal-orchestrated were they allowed to happen.

“Again, the creed of the Galactic Federation has been to assist any and all planets in their evolution, and we do this in a myriad of different ways.

As you can see, one of the ways in which we help lower dimensional worlds and civilizations to evolve is by sending our frequencies and communications down, to help inform you about the assistance you’re being given off of your planet and to prepare you for what is to come on your world. We have also protected numerous lower dimensional planets in the past from interests or forces that did not have the best interests of the citizens of such planets at heart, and we have protected your Earth from a myriad of outside forces that could have caused harm or damage to your civilizations.

Indeed, we are not here to brag; only to assist and let you know that there is truly nothing to fear. There will be no “extinction level events”; no catastrophic floods; no tectonic plate shifting that will cause immense natural disaster; none of this will happen because we have long been stationed around your world preventing them from happening.”

On the internet, fear is spread everyday about a catastrophic happening or something else that is meant to drill the “we’re about to die!” mindset into as many people as possible, and I (like many) strongly encourage detaching from any fear as we understand that we are being collectively guided into a harmonious future wherein negativity of any kind will cease to be.

We are growing to the realms of the fifth dimension wherein there will be no suffering or even difficulty, and an aspect of being able to do so is being able to do so in one piece as a collective body.

Truly, we can come together, unite and find a collective evolution and it seems that we’re being helped with doing so in a plethora of different avenues; one of which being the mitigation and outright stopping of potential disasters that could impact Life on a massive level. Of course, because of our aforementioned Law of freewill there is still much the Galactics are unable to do or mitigate (as we are reminded below), but the largest of potential catastrophes have been and will continue to be mitigated.

SanJAsKa’s Conclusion

SanJAsKa offers a conclusion to this Manuscript below, by reminding us that we are protected from large-scale disasters and by letting us know that the pure truth concerning the Galactics will be made known, despite the sometimes-continual misinformation surrounding them and their presence.

“We have stopped and blown up meteors that would have caused immense damage were our interference not given, and we wish for you to know that your dearest Earth and you all are protected. There are things we are unable to prevent because of your collective freewill as a humanity who is Creating the experiences playing out before you, individually and on the world stage, but you will notice that much of what has happened on your world of late has not threatened Life on a widespread level.

In concluding this communication, we hope to have been able to provide you dearest souls with some information about our Federation and about the assistance we wish to offer you at this time.

You will begin to hear so very much more about us, our Federation and that very assistance and while again, there is and has been much misinformation floating around about us on your internet; in due time the truth will be made known and when that truth is known, we will be here for you dear souls to introduce and reintroduce ourselves to you.

Indeed, we have introduced ourselves to you before, and many of you absorbing this communication have actively worked with us in past Lives, as was mentioned above. We Love you all so very much, and we ask you to follow your heart and your intuition, for therein lies your ability to access the states of consciousness we have found as a collective.

We leave you with the Love of the entirety of our Federation. Thank you, dear children, for attending this communication.”

Wes’ Conclusion

Thank you so very much to SanJAsKa for providing the information for this Manuscript. It has been my honor to bring through and discuss your impressions and energies.

In concluding this Manuscript, I too hope to have been able to have my dearest fifth dimensional counterpart offer as much information about the Galactic Federation as possible. I recognize and accept that to a “normal” or seemingly-discerning person reading this, most if not all of the information given here is challenging at best.

I and many others very strongly believe the concepts that have been put forth in a plethora of channeled messages claiming to come from off-world Galactics and while some may wish to laugh away this entire series or again, my seriousness about it and the seriousness of others surrounding this subject; we are indeed very serious about these subjects and, having discovered the reality of realms far beyond our conscious understanding as well as an interaction with the souls inhabiting such realms, we have been exposed to a reality that is much, much different than what we had previously accepted to be normal.

Even if you are one who chooses not to believe much of what is said here, you are still encouraged to embrace the mere possibility of the existence of things beyond your conscious perspective.

There is so very much we haven’t been told and according to the beliefs many have, a complete disclosure of all of these things on the part of the governments and the individuals pulling the strings of various governments (or on the part of the Galactics themselves if governments continue to stall) will strongly help initiate us into a new paradigm of collective cooperation, peace, harmony and understanding.

Certainly, you don’t have to believe in the existence of the benevolent Galactic souls who have spoken with us today to understand that we must find collective harmony or at the very least, really begin talking with each other and allowing old and false barriers between us to dissolve away, if we wish to enter a future anywhere near that which has been discussed here.

This information is yours to take or leave, and I conclude this Manuscript in the hopes that it will help as many fellow awakening Earth souls as possible to learn more about the off-world assistance we are and have been given for centuries.

I’m Wes Annac, and I’m willing to work with as much of myself as possible to help inform every single one of you. Just as SanJAsKa did, I thank you all from the bottom of our One Heart for your presence here.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/3/2013 9:20:04 PM

Lee Harris: Energy Forecast April 2013

lee harrisLee Harris: Energy Forecast April 2013

Stephen: There are two parts to Lee’s energy forecast message this month. The original, which was recorded on March 29, forms the April 2013 video and transcript below. Lee also wrote an update on April 1, which I’ve placed at the end of the original transcript, so you can view and/or read in chronological order. Enjoy.

By Lee Harris – April 1, 2013

Main Message: (Transcribed from video message recorded on March 29th)

Hello and welcome to the April 2013 Energy Forecast.

It’s a funny ‘forecast’ day for me today. I woke up feeling like ‘the walking dead’ and was not dissimilar yesterday. And yet because I’m having a week with my family tomorrow, (which is wonderful) I needed to record this today in order that it come out in time.

So I’m sure this will sound familiar to many of you. Both feeling like ‘the walking dead’ on certain days and just having to keep trucking through regardless of what impetus or energy you feel you do or don’t have.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not at all a fan of pushing yourself through suffering. I don’t think we need to do that. But I wanted to record the forecast today, so I came to an environment that would be supportive to both my own feelings, and in understanding my role as a conduit for some people, I brought us here so that we could all have the water energy and sound and also the shelter of the trees. (In Video Version Lee is standing by a creek, and you can hear running water throughout the video)

The phrase that came to mind for me many times in March when I wondered about the experiences we were having was “Energy Mosaic” – the idea that as human beings and souls we have been in an energy mosaic.

When you look at a mosaic, it is made of many individual tiles and together they make one whole picture. But each individual tile has its own color and its own detail.

The mosaic reference came up for me when I noticed within my own self (and in lots of the people around me and who I was working with) that the common phrase was, “Has anyone else noticed that the energy has been really weird lately?” When I hear that, I do get that on one level it’s a true statement. But having lived through the last few years of that kind of truth being reality, it’s always a little harder for me to go with the “lately” part of that sentence.

But, there has been a difference in recent weeks. In that this energy mosaic has had an effect of meaning in one moment we are very deeply in one tile, one color, one shade from our past, present, future. And then in the next moment we just shunt, often in an abrupt way, into another tile of our lives.

I referred in the March Energy Forecast to the speed that we are now going through. Meaning that we’re going through so many things in one day now, compared to years ago, and that it won’t make sense to our minds that have lived a certain way and speed for many, many years.

Our minds tend to reference the past, and they track the present based on how differently it feels to what went on before. Our minds don’t tend to be able to dimensionally grasp the future until we’re in the future (a.k.a the present!).

So, this mosaic feeling that some of you will have had will have meant that there has been a sense of disconnection within your day. And yet actually, at other times, you feel like you’re just breezing and flowing through a lot of it, whether it’s good, whether it’s bad. The disconnection is the newness of it all – new connections are being made within you.

Some of you will have had the experience that I personally have had. Which has been having many wonderful things occurring, inside me, outside me, very closely followed by a friend or a stranger at my shoulder in crisis or in need, and that the day just becomes a dance through all of those things.

So you go through the tiles. Tile 1 is perhaps a strange experience, Tile 2 may be a difficult experience, Tile 3 a good experience. But your own sense of center through all of it can be (and for most of you will be) stronger than ever before. You aren’t now being pushed or sucked into each of these things. You have a core of yourself that you are now maintaining, which is also why what’s going on around you can amplify and speed up. Because before, if you’d got very involved in what was going on around you emotionally, you would have left your center and gone into that and worked with that and processed that for those around you and of course, for yourself.

So for many of you it will now be a case of, “Well, things feel a little crazy around me but I definitely feel more peaceful and more centered than before.” This is your evolution.

I’ve also spoken in recent months about the rise of love and heart-felt energy on our planet. It’s getting stronger and stronger.

Some of the things that we see in the media would try and have us believe otherwise. Don’t get me wrong here, for I do not believe we live in a perfect world nor a world that doesn’t need help in certain areas right now.

But I’m very conscious when I see images in the media, that sometimes it feels like I’m seeing truth and sometimes it feels like I’m being shown something to get me to think a certain way about a certain issue, or distract me from another issue.

And right now issues are everywhere. As the global issues rise for us, as we sign more petitions for things and as we focus on areas that need liberation in the world, so too does this have an effect on us as a personal individual.

So ask yourself, what petitions have you been signing in yourself this month? What are you re-writing about the areas of yourself that feel challenged or oppressed or suppressed by others around you?

The illusion of what we live in on Earth is here for a reason. You can fully buy into it, if you aren’t somebody who just lives in a completely Zen way. There are people on the planet that do that and who have no attachment to anything, ever. They’ve achieved that state and they are holding that energy for the rest of us who are going through a more human ascension dance. They are holding that balance on the planet for the rest of us.

The group that many of you are in and the group I would put myself in, is those of us who are awake and aware and wanting to bring more consciousness to the actions that we take as humans – the actions on our planet.

When our root chakra, our base, is strong and healthy and working – when you are not going through something or feeling pushed by circumstances – then you have a much stronger propensity to act, to create, to do.

One of the things that has changed in the last month or so is that the energy rising from inside the Earth is getting stronger.

So for a long time we’ve looked at solar flares, we’ve looked at energies coming at us from off the planet and how they are shifting the dynamics of everything on the planet. But when I spoke to my guides this morning, they talked about the Earth now heating up from inside and waves of energy coming up through the planet. This affects us all, and it pulses our base.

So, if you are managing to keep yourself in a healthy alive space, it will likely be because you are attending to the things that I talk about each month – body, mind and spirit – body especially, keeping it light, keeping yourself well fed, keeping yourself moving.

The body is often the piece that (unless you are a natural athlete or a natural nutritionist) many in the mind-spirit community can forget. But without it, we can’t use our higher awareness, so higher awareness without body balance tends to leave many feeling disempowered.

If you’re keeping your body clear, the mind and emotions will follow that lead and you will be finding yourself in better times than if you aren’t right now. So many energies are moving through and around the planet that it is a little like losing your balance or being encouraged to lose your balance faster than ever before.

If you have got the inner balance of your body working, then you will be finding that you will be getting a lot accomplished that you would like to get accomplished – whether it’s relationship intimacy growth, whether it’s a doing of some kind. But as to those things that you feel compelled to do and walk towards, it’s the body’s vibrancy that allows it all.


The more you look after your body right now, the more your base energy can be supported.

The more that base energy is supported the better it can alchemize the energies coming from under the ground and through you.

Thus more flow and fluency will be present in both body and life and you will be better able to create with the energies of this world.

Things are getting faster in terms of physical manifestation and creation, which is wonderful.

But, we are ending today’s Energy Forecast where we began which is that when you have those ‘walking dead’ days, it’s really important to slow it down for a while and to recognize that you need the ebb and flow of life, and on certain days planetary energies will be stronger than others.

Also though, to understand the relationship you have on those ‘walking dead’ days to what you have just walked through in your life and where you’re going next.

The energy matrix on our planet is growing stronger and wider and more connected all of the time – empathically, telepathically, emotionally. Though don’t always believe that you are going to be able to successfully work out in your mind what’s going on on one of those ‘walking dead’ days.

Of course, our mind likes to try and give us a way of understanding how we’re feeling.

Sometimes you’ll be recovering from what you’ve just done. You’ll be bringing yourself into the new balance place that you’ve arrived at because of the changes you just walked through in the last one, two, three weeks. But a lot of the time now if you ask yourself on those days what’s going on, you’re going to be feeling what’s coming up ahead.

You may not mentally know what is coming. But if you track this and you measure this scientifically over your coming few weeks, it will be very interesting for you to see how on the days where you feel a little contracted, a little ‘walking dead’, energy outputs of significant size are about to come through you and into your life.

If your first thought about what I just said is a rise in fear within you, recognize you are on ‘fear-alert’ – believing that fear is always the thing you have to look out for first. This comes from the idea that bad might be coming. That’s a belief and a way of feeling about life that you need to work on. Because you can work on it and you can move it.

It could be past trauma related, it could just be an old pattern – it could be to do with what you’re putting in your body and the chemical imbalance that that is causing for you.

But for most of you when you have these ‘walking dead’ days, be in rest as much as you can and open up to bright futures ahead. Not necessarily in a mental way, e.g. planning an intention (unless you feel to). But just allow those quiet days to rest, look at the trees, look at the sky, know that you’re alive in this moment and so is this Earth and this moment is all you need.

Breathe. Take it all into your body.

And if your mind needs something to do, ask it to get curious about what’s coming next for you as a creator on this planet, and what you as a creator are going to do to help the shift that we as awake people are now beginning to facilitate.

Take care everybody; I’ll see you all next month.

Much love


***April 1st Update (written 3 days after recording the main April Message)***

The emergence of light is stronger than ever, and in this month’s energy forecast I mention how the Earth herself is activating now, pulsing energy waves upwards which we are feeling strongly in our bodies, emotions and actions. These waves are activating our personal internal Earths – root/base chakra and hearts. These chakras are pulsing, cleansing out all that is unwanted or old, and drawing in higher energies for you all of the time.

So the release side of this experience will be broad, but will have a focus for many on;

- anger, unresolved relationship energies, feeling unaligned with your life as a human being, a sense that change needs to happen internally and/or externally.

Then post-release, the activation and intake side will be heartfelt creation/action, feeling truly alive in your heart and senses, and an experience of softness, connection and peace that you had not known before.

So April is an opportunity to be patient with yourself (and the symptoms you may be experiencing) as it all moves through you, for April will power a lot of movement.

If you find yourself in mental resistance or fight (hearing thoughts such as “I don’t want/like this”), this is a mental contraction and unless worked with, it stops the release movement, and traps you in a circle of ‘dislike’. To work with thoughts like these in your head, simply counteract or talk back to those words with a sentence such as “I accept”. Two powerful words that allow the release to flow again, so that balance can sooner restore in you and your body. Saying them aloud will be beneficial to break the thought cycle.

Without exception, we are ALL moving down this evolutionary energy tunnel so rapidly that the analytical mind can’t keep up or assess what is occurring. This is often why it leans to negative, because it is confused as to how to move forward.

The JOY in this is to realize that if you don’t yet feel as free of your mind chatter as you want to be, these times are forcing you to surrender the reins of control back to your body and your senses. Meditative acts (meditation, yoga or your own personal way of calming mind and body), body balance through food and exercise and enhancing the positive energies in your life (people you choose to be with, places you visit, inspiration and heartfelt teachings and events) will all support this process.

If in mental doubt, remember;

“I accept”.

“I accept”.

“I accept”.

If in a good space and riding the waves, words such as:

“I live, I love, I create”

will keep your surf supported! :-)


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/3/2013 9:40:36 PM

Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 5

2WorldsPleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 5

By Suzanne Lie – April 2, 2013

Mytre Speaks:

“Mytria is lost, she is lost!” I cried out to no one. “How could that have happened? She has forgotten me, as well as her true reality. She has so united with the contact person, that she has taken on the human rather than showing the human how to take on her.”

I thought I was talking to myself, when I suddenly experienced a familiar feeling behind me. I turned quickly and saw the Arcturian looking into my heart. “Do not be concerned Mytre. In order to awaken our family members who have taken Earth vessels it is necessary that we fully understand what it is to be lost in the human illusion.

“You have gotten through to her, but she must find her way back through the human’s emotions before she can make a connection with you. You know that she was able to remember the meeting in the briefing room that you had before you started this Mission. You can bi-locate into that timeline and meet her there to give her a message.”

“Thank you for coming to assist us,” I responded to the Arcturian. “I was beginning to lose my composure. We had no idea how difficult it was in the third dimension. How do our Grounded Ones survive all the illusions of fear?”

“Not easily,” replied the Arcturian. “But, you must go now into the timeline that she visited. You can do so by bi-locating, just as you have before.”

I felt the Arcturian’s sense of urgency, so I didn’t ask the myriad questions in my mind. I did not have time to construct a message, so I would have to trust my instincts. I centered my consciousness in my Core and remembered our final meeting before we began this mission. Once I found myself in the briefing room, I focused on the feeling of Mytria sitting next to me.

At first the image was only in my mind, but as I continued concentrating I felt my feet on the floor and the chair beneath me. I saw the Arcturian speaking to us and felt the excitement in the room. Then, I dared to look to my right, and there was Mytria. However, instead of the confident version of her I had always known, I sensed fear and confusion surrounding her.

Therefore, I knew I was in the correct timeline. I was seeing her as I expected to see her, but she was seeing herself as the human she was connecting with. Quickly, before she left, I said, “You must gather together like-minded people and tell them to spread the word that we are coming.”

I tried to follow her to the destination of her bi-location but could only find the general area. Her primary form was in the Ship in a deep trance while she bi-located to Earth. However, it was dangerous to rouse her from such a deep trance. I would have to wait and see if her Earth Self had received my message.

Contact Person:

I must be hallucinating, but when I returned from the trance – or hallucination – I had a message in my mind saying, “You must gather together like-minded people and tell them to spread the word that we are coming.” I had no idea what that message was. Who are the “we” that are coming? Also, if there are any like-minded people, I have not met them. Therefore, I pushed the message, memory or delusion away and went about my day.

However, no matter how many times I pushed the message away, it returned. Furthermore, after I stopped judging myself, I began to realize that there was a very special feeling that accompanied that message. In fact, it was a familiar feeling, as if maybe the tall blond man with the blue eyes had told me that before I fell out of that experience.

Similarly, the room felt familiar, and it seemed that I knew the people there. We all seemed to have our attention focused on a huge Light Being who was radiating pure Love into the room while it spoke with us. The Being of Light seemed almost as if it were my guide or teacher. I say the word “it” as the Being was beyond gender. It seemed to be speaking to all of us at the same time, while it simultaneously spoke into our individual hearts.

The memory of this Being of Light calmed my erratic emotions and centered my mind. Then, as if I suddenly remembered something, I turned to my left and saw the tall man with the blond hair looking right into my eyes. I was overwhelmed with the personal and spiritual Love that I felt this man had for me, and was surprised to realize that I felt the same for him.

The memory of that feeling of Love and safety gave me the courage to find a way to follow his instructions. I did not know who these like-minded people were, but I would need to find them, meet with them and begin some honest discussion about what had been happening to me.

The thought of that monumental task made me tired, and I decided to close my eyes for just a moment. Nevertheless, I went right to sleep and had the most wonderful dream in which I was living in two worlds.

When I awoke, I wondered if I may actually be living in two worlds at once. Could I have another reality that was occurring at the same time as this one? That thought seemed impossible, but it also felt as though I had discovered an important truth. Should I trust my logic and push away that ridiculous thought of living in two worlds. Or, should I listen to my inner feelings?

I know that my logical conclusion made me feel lost and alone. On the other hand, the feelings I had in that dream made me so happy, so fulfilled. In fact, I felt like I had fulfilled some kind of promise, a promise I had made to myself. No, that is silly thinking. I have been lying around too long feeling sorry for myself. I need to get up and prepare to go back to work tomorrow.

However, as I stood up to continue my daily life, I was overwhelmed with loneliness and sorrow. I knew what I was lonely, but why was I sad? “You miss Mytre,” whispered an inner voice. But, who was Mytre, and why should I miss him? I pushed that thought away and set about the business of finally fixing myself some food.

However, the food was tasteless and the memory of the tall blond man with the blue eyes would not leave my heart. Could that man be Mytre?

Note: See part 4 in page 476 of this thread.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/3/2013 9:45:33 PM

Jesus: Humanity is at a Crossroads

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: Humanity is at a Crossroads

Stephen: I totally resonate with Jesus’s message today. Come on folks, let’s rally round. We have much ‘work’ to do!

As channelled by John Smallman – April 3, 2013

John’s reading of today’s post is here:

Humanity is at a crossroads. Many are not ready to surrender to Love, to their divine nature, although at the deepest level of their being they have always intended to do so.

An intense effort on your part, the wayshowers and Light-bearers, is essential now to assist them to remember their God-given intent to accept and embrace their true nature. You are receiving massive amounts of energy from all in the spiritual realms to move you forwards on your path to awakening and homecoming, but many of you were disappointed by the lack of evidence in the world around you of your entry into the New Age in December last year.Consequently, many of you have let your intent and resolve to awaken weaken as you have got caught up once more in the distractions of the illusion.

Remember that it is you who have to awaken; we can only nudge you towards that state, and to awaken you have to focus on doing so. And as Light-bearers and wayshowers your intent to do so is immensely powerful when you choose to engage with it. Also, that intent strongly affects those who remain, at present, unable or unwilling to respond to the stirrings in their hearts which the new energies are arousing. Your intent arouses and strengthens theirs.

Your task is to wake up, to become brilliantly conscious beings, fully aware of and embracing of your true nature, and as you do so, to help your more deeply sleeping brothers and sisters to do likewise. Due to the personal lack of interest or weakening of intent that many have allowed to occur since late December last year, the power of your collective intent has also weakened and needs to be revitalized. You are firmly established on your path home, but you have taken a break for rest and now you need to start moving forwards again. This is what I mean by a crossroads.

The best way to get yourselves moving again is by spending time in your individual places of inner peace and allowing yourselves to listen to your intuition, your guidance, from those in the spiritual realms who can and will assure and show you that you are not alone, that you have not been abandoned. Many of you have been feeling lost, discombobulated, as the new energies have embraced you because they have demanded more from you physically, and you have found yourselves feeling very tired, irritable, and unmotivated.

This is a temporary state of affairs as you adjust to these new energies. It is analogous to learning a new activity like cycling, skiing, yoga, or swimming: first, there is the technique that has to be learnt; then, you have to practice, and while doing this, muscles that are not accustomed to being used in this way have to strengthen and grow more flexible. And that is tiring.

The new energies are powerful and intense, and it has been very demanding and tiring for your bodies as they have been learning to adjust to and work with them. We understand that, and we see how you have been struggling with fatigue. Nevertheless, you are magnificently supported in every moment, so do not allow your doubts and anxieties, enthusiastically offered to you by your egos, to distract you from the task in hand for which you are supremely qualified.

You incarnated in order to assist your sleeping sisters and brothers to wake up and recognize their true nature as perfect divine beings of immense power and beauty with limitless creative abilities waiting to be rediscovered and deployed for their own delight and for the joy of God and all of His creation. That truly is a most wonderful reason to be experiencing life in the illusion, despite all the discomforts and difficulties with which it presents you. Yes, you also have lessons to learn, and you are learning them most effectively and efficiently, and the honors that you have earned will amaze you when you arrive home in Reality.

Today’s message has been to encourage and empower you, and to confirm for you that you are at all times fully supported by those in the spiritual realms. Whenever you feel down, unsure, depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed with doubts then please turn to us and ask for help — you will receive it instantly. Just open your hearts fully to receive and experience the warmth of our loving embrace, and know that your homecoming is inevitable.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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4/4/2013 11:09:52 PM

Red Arcs In Sky Over Europe

r-REDARC-large570Who knows what these phenomena are. We may be able to ask Archangel Michael on Monday. I can’t see how they would not be an effect caused by the galactics or the changes being wrought on the planet itself. But I have no firm or reliable idea. Thanks to Hugh.

Red Arcs In Sky Over Europe, Evidence Of Geomagnetic Storms, Detected By ASIAGO Telescope

By: Charles Q. Choi, OurAmazingPlanet Contributor
Published: 04/02/2013 11:45 AM EDT on LiveScience

Glowing red arcs invisible to the naked eye have now been detected high above most of Europe using advanced cameras pointed at the sky.

When streams of high-energy, charged particles come rushing from the sun to batter Earth, they cause what are called geomagnetic storms. These events are disruptions in the magnetosphere, the part of Earth’s atmosphere dominated by the planet’s magnetic field. The most dramatic effects of these storms are giant, bright auroras in Earth’s polar regions, but the tempests result in other striking consequences as well, such as faintly glowing red arcs high up in the ionosphere. This is the electrically charged part of Earth’s atmosphere, stretching from about 50 to 370 miles (85 to 600 kilometers) above the Earth.

The arcs give off a very specific wavelength of red light, but are too faint to see with the naked eye. They appear at lower latitudes, unlike auroras, which typically occur over higher latitudes.

Scientists had thought there was too much light pollution over Europe for the dim, red arcs to be visible. But now, the new All-Sky Imaging Air-Glow Observatory (ASIAGO), located in northern Italy, is using cameras with highly sensitive sensors and a fish-eye lens to observe these red arcs and faint auroral activity over most of the continent. [Image Gallery: Amazing Auroras]

An international team of scientists watched the sky with the observatory during ageomagnetic storm that struck Earth in 2011. After comparing their observations with satellite- and ground-based observations, the researchers found that red arcs could reach all the way down to Europe, stretching from Ireland in the west to Belarus in the east.

The fact that scientists can now see these arcs over Europe means that, in combination with similar data from the Americas and the Pacific Ocean, researchers can now see how long the arcs stretch across vast distances over the planet “and thus how long it takes the magnetosphere to be drained of its storm-time energy,” researcher Michael Mendillo, a space physicist at Boston University, told OurAmazingPlanet. (Red arcs happen when oxygen atoms in the ionosphere emit light, after being excited by electrons heated at greater heights in Earth’s magnetosphere.)

Such data could in turn help scientists analyze the effects of space activity on radio communications in real time and support projects aiming to model space weather, researchers added.

The scientists detailed their findings online Feb. 25 in the journal Space Weather.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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