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3/28/2013 10:02:18 PM

Denise LeFay: Remember the 12-21-12 Life Review?

800x800 spirals Denise LeFay: Remember the 12-21-12 Life Review?

By Denise LeFay, Transitions – March 28, 2013

Because there’s been a few people writing Comments (Anthony: under another article on Denise’s blog) about the changes and increases in intensity since the March 20, 2013 Vernal Equinox and entrance into the Second Trimester of the “Nine Months”, I thought I’d say a little something about this now.

I’ll write a recap for the Second Trimester near the end of it, but because so many have been getting hit and hit hard with multiple physical Ascension symptoms and/or other life-changing events, it sounds like we all need to remember our 12-21-12 Life Review with Divine Consciousness.

All of my life I’ve had conscious memory of what it’s like when we physically die and then go through what some cultures call the ‘Three Days’ period of leaving the physical body and traveling to and through the fourth dimension (4D) Astral plane and beyond.

Although I’ve never traveled abroad physically in this life, I suspect this after physical death process is much like what it must be like going through Customs and other important check points and such when one is leaving one country and wanting to enter another and again another country and so on.

There are Stair Steps, procedures and transitional points to the after physical death process and one of the later stages of it has to do with us having a heart-to-heart meeting and talk with our High Self and Divine Consciousness.

This heart-to-heart meeting with our High Self and Divine Consciousness is a Life Review that more accurately could be called an Overall Soul Review. As I describe it next, please realize that it is far more complex, huge and…Divine than words can describe.

Also, this process is completely free of all emotions; incarnate human emotions such as fear, fear of more pain, fear of loss, fear of death or dying, guilt, sadness, anger etc. This entire 12-21-12 or Three Days Life Review, and also the after physical death Overall Soul Review(s), are the most honest and to the point sort of business meeting you could ever imagine!

So there you are after having traversed the Astral plane, gone through a few Customs check points, and eventually worked your way towards the higher frequency area where you and your Higher Self have the heart-to-heart meeting with the Boss, Divine Consciousness. You’ve done this many times and it’s no big deal in the way that incarnate humans might think or expect it to be. It is a big deal, but at higher frequency dimensions and states of Beings such as this, it’s just business as usual with a lot of extra awareness about a lot of things!

So you have this higher dimensional meeting and with zero emotions whatsoever you honestly — because there is nothing else but utter, total, and complete honesty at these higher levels — review what you’ve done, what you’ve learned, what you’ve mastered, what you’ve almost mastered, what you really want to master, what you avoided and all the reasons why and so on. Nothing is not discussed or overlooked at these review meetings with Divine Consciousness, nothing.

You and your Higher Self and Divine Consciousness review these past incarnational issues and without any emotional attachments, fears, anxiety or anything else other than an unquenchable soul desire to get it right, utterly honest decisions are quickly reached about what you/You/YOU need to do next. No crying, no resentments, no fears, no guilt about how hard, painful, difficult or scary going back down vibrationally into another incarnation might be.

Not one feeling or thought about any of that at these higher dimensional, higher frequency states of being exists to you/me/each of us. None of it. The ONLY thing that is important to each of us at higher dimensions and levels of being and consciousness is that we individually get it right — whatever that is for each of us in whatever life/lives/timeline/timelines.

Period. Soul only desires to get it right whereas when we find ourselves back in physical bodies again on a physical world where things are painful, difficult and scary it’s a different story for sure. But, to each of us at higher states of our being and awareness none of those lower frequency emotions, concerns and fears exist or matter. Not a one.

After the Soul Review (and in this case the in-body 12-21-12 Life Review) we begin the Stair Steps preparation work for our return journey back down vibrationally into physicality — reincarnation. We have our latest spiritual Soul Curriculum in heart and hand and that is all we want to accomplish once we get back into physical density once again; we need, we want, we desire to complete The Mission and get it right so we can move on to the next Mission and the next and the next…

From the Three Days of 12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12 after we each had this unusual alive, still in-body, we didn’t physically die Life Review, we’ve been going through tremendous (and very intense for many of us) changes both internally and externally; both in our bodies, hearts and minds and for many of us also in our external lives such as our homes, our jobs, our daily physical routines etc.

Some have suddenly found themselves homeless, jobless, moneyless, shocked, exhausted beyond belief and confused, and all of this on top of the already long-running physical, mental and emotional Ascension symptoms! My gawd, how much more of this can we endure? As much as you/You/YOU and Divine Consciousness discussed during the Three Days Life Review of 12-21-12. I know, I know, I’m going through it too in my own unique ways with my own unique Three Day Life Review Soul Curriculum in heart and hand and it is at times very painful.

Why is it so miserably hard and painful now after fourteen-plus years of brutal physical, biological Ascension Process symptoms already? Because we’ve got “Nine Months” left, (actually only six months left now because we’ve just entered the Second Trimester on the Vernal Equinox of March 20, 2013) before the Separation of Worlds and Timelines begins across the board! Said another way, what each of us — you/You/YOU — Reviewed with The Boss, with Divine Consciousness at some point during the Three Days is in full effect now and we’re each feeling the accelerating pressures of it in our own unique ways.

This is us carrying out what we/We/WE and Divine Consciousness all discussed during the Three Days Life Review and it can be or is at times more difficult, hard, and scarier than ever before because so much is changing, being changed and/or finally being dealt with and therefore transmuted into something very NEW and improved. This is us living and embodying whatever it was that we became aware of during our individual Life Review process.

800x800 colored beingsI mentioned in a Comment elsewhere recently that over the past few years I often am laying in my bed at night and hear repeated gunfire only a block or two away from my house. When this happens — and it’s been increasing since 2011 — I lay in my bed in the dark and intentionally, energetically deflect falling physical bullets from physically hitting my house and/or any of us in it.

While this is happening I’m simultaneously aware of small groups of higher dimensional Light Beings, Beings of Light grouped in small circles up above me (from my perspective in this dimension I mean) watching me, watching you, watching all of us and waiting excitedly with profound love and joy in their hearts for all of us and for what’s coming next.

800×800 colored beings Nonphysical Beings of Light, Light Beings hovering overhead while simultaneously certain physical humans kill (which they have) or try to kill and/or intimidate other humans by firing their guns at them or anyone else for that matter. How’s that for the current polarized extremes we’re all packed together in living side-by-side? Separation of World and Timelines? Oh yes please and as soon as possible!

These remaining six of the Nine Months will only increase the growing polarized extremes on Earth between people and groups of people and this is a natural side-effect of the building pressures of the NEW energies, blueprints and Evolutionary Cycle preparing to begin across the board. Those that must and will go their different ways (in different worlds and timelines etc.that are a frequency match to them at this time) will increasingly resent the rest of us going our ways and vice versa.

Six more months of the Nine Months after the Three Days Life Review. We can, are and will do this and more. Use this remaining time very wisely as it’s unfolding so fast. Stay in your High Heart and know that you’ve got this even during those times, those minutes or hours or days when it doesn’t feel like it at all! I had about five hours yesterday afternoon that I thought I might not physically survive… but I’ve felt that many times over these Ascension years and here I am still, working towards fulfilling my individual Soul Curriculum.

Hang in there everyone and help another when you know it’s right to, and lay low and be quiet when you know that is the thing to do at that moment.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/28/2013 10:03:27 PM

Angelic Message via Bella Capozzi: Every Thought Leads To Creation

imageAngelic Message via Bella Capozzi: Every Thought Leads To Creation

As channeled by Bella Capozzi – March 27, 2013

Bella: Here’s a message that came as a pleasant surprise, during meditation this morning. I have no idea of “who” specifically gave it me, but I do know that the energy felt distinctly Angelic. It’s very loving and on point, so I thought I’d share!

The Angels:

Every thought leads to creation. There is precious little that you think that does not, in some way, manifest itself in your outer world. Somewhere, somehow, that seemingly insignificant thought lives on in the form of a manifested reality. Somebody’s reality, if not your own. You are a powerful Creator Being, so take particular care to always remember this.

Remember that you have the power to do anything and to be anything, and also to produce that which you wish to experience as your physical reality.

It is not only your thoughts which have this power, but your words and actions, too.

The spoken word is made up of tone, and tone carries within it highly transformational frequencies and messages. You may not recognize that they are there, and it is not necessary that you do. Much goes unnoticed by you, yet that does not mean it does not exist.

Endeavor, if you will, to be accepting of new ideas and perspectives. Try embracing manners of being which might seem, at present, to be somewhat “outside the box.” For what is radical today shall be the norm tomorrow.

Choose with loving care the words you speak. The way you carry yourself. Be of a nonjudgemental nature. Care for every creature breathing as you would your own – for they are your own. You are entering into a kinder paradigm, a sweeter place, one where all living beings are united as a single consciousness. Fear not, as this does not mean that you shall cease to be uniquely you. Nor does it indicated a loss of your individual spark or personality. It does not mean such a thing at all.

What it means is that what affects one affects the rest in equal measure. Competition shall cease to be, one shall not feast whilst the other starves. No hatred, no war, no vengeance. What pains one shall pain the other, so therefore none shall seek to cause another pain. It is so simple, is it not?

If it is fear of this – this called Unity – which is keeping you from acknowledging the changes taking place around you, then know that such fears are groundless. You needn’t fear that which you don’t remember because it shall all become crystal clear to you in due time. Allow Grace to flow within and around you, fully knowing that you shall never lose yourself, but shall instead find yourself growing into a far more refined version of who you are. Allow, allow, allow… All proceeds as planned. All is right and good, you see.

What shall you create today? Choose wisely. Let each creation be another building block in the creation of the New Earth.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/28/2013 10:08:29 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Galactic Federation Manuscript with SanJAsKa – Part 2


Continued from Part 1

Galactic Craft & Government Knowledge

SanJAsKa tells us about the multiple different races of the Galactic Federation, and begins to tell us about the conscious technologies that are the Federations’ starships and Motherships. We are also told of the inhabitance of star and Motherships by higher dimensional souls, and our governments’ knowledge of advanced technology is discussed as well.

“There are a myriad of races comprising the Galactic Federation, and we Pleiadians are one of them. We could not name all of the races who are a part of the Galactic Federation but trust, dear hearts; there are plenty of us and we are all geared toward helping you to ascend.

Our ships are comprised in so many different and unique ways, and you will find that each one of them looks different and retains their own individual form. We exist harmoniously within our Motherships and starships, who are conscious beings who’ve decided to inhabit higher dimensional technology and help us to travel around and mitigate pollution manifested on your dearest Earth, among many other things.

There is so much advanced technology waiting to be discovered and known by you, the sovereign humanity and for the most part, you could have benefitted from this technology nearly a century ago. Indeed, knowledge of our craft and the technology aboard it has been known by many of your governments for so very long and dear scribe, the very computer you are (channeling) this on is comprised of technology that was taken from a Galactic ship.”

Personally; I’ve actually been able to receive UFO sightings after telepathically asking to be shown the ships of the Galactics, and it makes sense that the ships so many people have been seeing are themselves conscious, higher dimensional beings. While the Pleiadians may discuss this subject a bit more later on, I too wanted to point out the mitigation of pollution being performed by various Galactic ships stationed in our skies.

Humanity has manifested and fed far more pollution than we’ll ever be comfortable admitting, and the beings who are assisting us along our evolution seem to be transmuting and mitigating much of this pollution, from what has been said. I would ascertain that this is so our planet does not meet a destructive fate as a result of the continual pollution we have fed because eventually, our collective would have seen the results of our actions were it not for the assistance we’re being given.

Back-Engineered Technology

We are told of the dense frequencies being manifested through the technologies we currently enjoy, and the link is drawn between these technologies and the Galactic technology that has been back-engineered and reproduced on the Earth. SanJAsKa also tells us of the harm those frequencies being omitted from televisions and computers tends to cause.

“The frequencies of much of the technology you enjoy to this day that has resulted from back-engineering Galactic technology, have been lowered and much density has been added to the energies you absorb from your technologies and make no mistake, dear souls; you do absorb (harmful) frequencies within yourselves when watching copious amounts of television or exposing yourselves to your computers constantly.

We do not say this to put anyone in a state of fear, worry or concern for indeed, you can use the natural Creator Light you have always held within to affirm that such energies be transmuted within you, and you can affirm that they do not have the otherwise-destructive effect they could have if you were not such powerful beings who can use your Light to mend any energetic aliment.”

For the most part, we have been led to forget about our power but truly, we can mitigate any potentially negative effects that the dense frequencies being omitted from our various gadgets would have on us. First, we need to raise awareness of this and so many other things that have been done in an attempt to keep us down and keep our intelligence held back, and the importance of staying away from fear when discussing these things will be very strong.

Yes, a lot has been done to keep us back and hold us in states of mental and spiritual bondage, but so many of us are awakening and realizing the orchestration that has been going on right in front of us. The destructive frequencies being given from our technology can themselves be cleansed, and the higher dimensional technology we will learn to understand as a collective will run off of pure, clean energy and will omit only pure frequencies for our minds and bodies to absorb.

Communicating with Humanity

SanJAsKa goes on to encourage our awareness of what the dense frequencies coming through our technology have been doing to us, and we are also encouraged to disconnect from technology (within reason) to mitigate the scope of harmful frequencies we will absorb.

Getting out in nature specifically is mentioned, and the discussion begins to lean toward the communications being given to humanity at present, from a plethora of Galactic Organizations.

“Your televisions serve to bring density through and clog your chakras, and we hope for you dear souls to see and understand the effect such technology can have on you as we encourage you to disconnect yourselves from too much technology and exposure to too many harmful energies. As we are spiritual beings leading a harmonious and enlightened existence, we understand the importance of connecting with the nature that is harmonious and all around and we understand as well that upon doing so, from a lower dimensional standpoint you can begin to unlock and access the states of consciousness we are delightfully speaking to you from.

Each and every individual soul can retain a connection to the energies of we, the Galactic Federation; to the Ashtar Command and a plethora of other Organizations who are assisting in your evolution and again, the evolution of the entire Universe. We all cooperate and work harmoniously with each other on the many jobs and tasks we have set out for ourselves, and a facet of this overall role of helping your planet to ascend has been to allow our energies and communications to be sent down and picked up on by each one of you.”

Every one of us can receive the energies and encoded communications of the higher realms and specifically, of the Galactic Federation. This fits in with our aforementioned infinite abilities and for the most part, we have allowed ourselves to be held back as we’ve convinced ourselves we are unable to communicate with souls inhabiting higher realms that we’ve been taught do not exist.

We have limited ourselves and given our power away in so many ways and now, we are beginning to discover the multitudes of abilities we possess within as we begin to unlock and understand new perceptions and a resulting new perspective. Obviously, I am not the only one to claim to be communicating with Galactic and ascended souls at present; “channelers” all over the world are bringing these communications through themselves and from what is said here, it seems that the sources delivering them are quite adamant and enthusiastic about doing so.

The information so many are bringing through now is meant to establish and help build upon a foundation of knowledge and revelation, in preparation for the full breaking of the paradigm of deceit and lies. There is so very much we have been lied to about concerning our history, these very enlightened beings speaking to and through us and so many other things, and the Galactic Federation along with so many others are here to help establish and spread the truth about us, our planet and our history.

Purposefully & Constantly Communicating

The Galactic Federation and a plethora of other ascended Organizations are constantly attempting to communicate with humanity and help us break through the veil to find a connection with them, as SanJAsKa says below. As is also said below, the reason for the very presence of some of us on this Earth is so that we can channel and transmit the energies and impressions of the higher realms.

“While this may seem like an exaggeration to some of you, we are constantly sending our signals and frequencies down to you, for your heart to receive and your dear developing minds to interpret, so that you can open up to us if you wish to and receive similar guidance along your paths that your higher selves and future selves will give you.

We are all united in the common goal of assisting in your ascension, and many of you who are absorbing this communication are again, members of our Ground Crew who find yourselves on the Earth to perform the very missions you are performing.

Some of you have come to the Earth to act as transmitters of Galactic energies and communications, while others have taken to more physical and third dimensional means of realizing and spreading truth and change for all to benefit from. All of you are providing a crucial piece of the puzzle, and those who pick up on our energies and impressions will find their abilities expanding as we begin to find more and more of an ease in connecting with you.”

Eventually, all of humanity will be able to pick up on and radiate the impressions of the higher realms as we collectively and individually make strides along our evolution process. Telepathic abilities and abilities to access and work with energies and realms beyond our conscious perception will open up exponentially, and we can begin to reap the fruits of these abilities now by working in every moment to open ourselves up and rediscover them.

We have allowed ourselves to be held back as a planet by accepting and believing in limitation, and the belief that we are only limited and finite human beings with finite abilities has stopped us from realizing and accessing our true abilities, as have many of the unhealthy foods we eat and many of those aforementioned dense frequencies we absorb that serve to calcify our pineal glands and make a connection to our heart difficult.

A clear line of connection to the heart and the resulting Creativity and abilities accessible to us will see us able to transmute the influence of lower dimensionality in any form, as we excel and flourish with the developing of our multidimensional talents and perceptions.

Lower Dimensional Barriers

As is said below by SanJAsKa, we have also been kept from our higher dimensional abilities because of barriers of lower dimensionality in place, which are different from our instated veils of forgetfulness in that they attempt to influence us and our thoughts and feelings in a negative way. We are told as well that the awakenings taking place and the resulting Light we’re finding within ourselves are toppling these barriers as we find ourselves and our abilities infinite.

We are then told of the manner(s) in which the communications of the Galactic Federation are sent to the Earth, and both the Galactic technology and SanJAsKa’s role in bringing the communications through is discussed.

“Previously, very real physical barriers feeding and enforcing negativity and extreme lower dimensionality in the minds and hearts of so many souls who have attempted to open themselves up have hindered such a connection but now, the collective and individual Light and intent you are bringing forth is seeing us so very easily able to get past these barriers, and you are getting past them as well to communicate with us and find our energies as you find that such barriers have less and less of an effect upon you.

At times, we use our higher dimensional technology to send a communication down to Earth and at times we do it in a way that we will jokingly label “old school” which does not involve using our technology, but rather sees us all sending our communications and impressions down through a conduit.

In many cases, to send a communication down to this specific scribe I will act as a conduit for the energies and impressions of our Councils, and we will give collective messages to be absorbed and hopefully benefitted from by you, the awakening Lightworker public.”

We can naturally pick up on not only the frequencies of the higher dimensional souls assisting us in our evolution, but of their conscious technology as well. In the time ahead, as will likely be discussed we will learn to work with such technology as we find ourselves maintaining a strong and clear line of connection to it. Even beyond the natural abilities we will find within ourselves, we will connect and work with advanced technology that will help us to do so very much.

Continued in Part 3 tomorrow.


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3/29/2013 11:13:38 AM

Solar plane plans stops in Phoenix, Dallas, NYC

Play video: Solar Plane Plans Stops in Phoenix, Dallas, NYC

Solar Impulse solar-powered plane is displayed during a press conference at Moffett Airfield, NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif., on Thursday, March 28, 2013. A solar-powered plane that has wowed aviation fans in Europe is set to travel across the United States with stops in Phoenix, Dallas, Washington, D.C., and New York, organizers of the trip announced Thursday. The Solar Impulse is powered by about 12,000 photovoltaic cells that allow it to fly without jet fuel. It has the wing span of a commercial airplane but the weight of the average family car. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar)
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — A solar-powered plane that has wowed aviation fans in Europe is set to travel across the United States with stops in Phoenix, Dallas, Washington, D.C., and New York, organizers of the trip announced Thursday.

The plane, Solar Impulse, is expected to be ready to leave fromNASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. on May 1, although the actual departure will depend on the weather, the plane's Swiss creators said at a news conference at the NASA center.

Solar Impulse, considered the world's most advanced solar-powered plane, will stop for seven to 10 days at major airports in each city, so the pilots can display and discuss the aircraft with reporters, students, engineers and aviation fans. It plans to reach New York's Kennedy Airport in early July — without using a drop of fuel, its creators said.

Between Dallas and Washington, D.C., the plane will also stop at one of three other cities: Atlanta, Nashville or St. Louis, said André Borschberg, Solar Impulse's co-founder, pilot and CEO. Each leg of the flight will run 20 to 25 hours.

"We want to inspire the young generation to become pioneers, to help them find and develop their passion," Borschberg said.

The Solar Impulse is powered by about 12,000 photovoltaic cells that cover massive wings and charge its batteries, allowing it to fly day and night without jet fuel. It has the wing span of a commercial airplane but the weight of the average family car, making it vulnerable to bad weather.

Its creators say the Solar Impulse is designed to showcase the potential of solar power and will never replace fuel-powered commercial flights. The delicate, single-seat plane cruises around 40 miles per hour and can't fly through clouds.

"The more you fly the more energy you have stored in the batteries, so it's absolutely fabulous to imagine all the possibilities the people can have with these technologies in their daily lives," said Bertrand Piccard, Solar Impulse co-founder and chairman.

In 2010, the solar plane flew non-stop for 26 hours to demonstrate that the aircraft could soak up enough sunlight to keep it airborne through the night. A year later, it went on its first international flight to Belgium and France.

Last year, the Solar Impulse made its first transcontinental voyage, traveling 1,550 miles from Madrid to the Moroccan capital Rabat in 20 hours.

Before its coast-to-coast American trip, the Solar Impulse will take test flights around the San Francisco Bay Area in April, officials said.

Piccard and Borschberg are planning an around-the-world flight in an improved version of the plane in 2015.

Piccard comes from a line of adventurers. His late father, Jacques, was an oceanographer and engineer who plunged deeper into the ocean than any other person. His grandfather Auguste, also an engineer, was the first man to take a balloon into the stratosphere.

Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones made history in 1999 when they became the first people to circle the globe in a hot air balloon, flying 25,000 miles nonstop for 20 days.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/29/2013 5:07:51 PM
Has the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin finally been proven?

Shroud of Turin Hits Airwaves Amid New Claims That It's Real

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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