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3/26/2013 9:42:49 PM

Jennifer Hoffman: Do You Have Crystal Energy?

jennifer-hoffmanDo You Have Crystal Energy?

By Jennifer Hoffman – March 25, 2013

Crystal energy is a profoundly spiritual, highly empathic energetic imprint that has come to the forefront with adults born in the 1950s and 1960s and the younger generations born after 1976. The early Crystals brought a highly concentrated form of the Crystal energy to the planet, preparing it for the children who would come later.

Crystal energy is thoughtful, sensitive, highly intuitive and very spiritually connected. This energy does not integrate well into the third dimension and having it can be burdensome, especially in a world that is so materially focused.

Crystals are highly empathic, which compels them to stay out of the mainstream because they simply feel too much. While Indigos are rebels and action oriented, Crystals are more quiet, patient and while they are not as aggressive as Indigos, they are no less persistent. They prefer to act when they feel the energy is right for them, rather than leading the charge.

Crystal adults began the spiritual movement in the 1970s and 1980s, writing about topics that no one knew about or understood, but persisted in their efforts, content to stay in the background, knowing that eventually what was once considered ‘weird’ would be mainstream, as it is today.

Crystals are here to create spiritual balance, to teach us how to integrate our spiritual and material aspects, to live in Heaven while on Earth. But the increasing polarity of the Ascension process has been hard for them and they felt that they entered the Earth’s energetic space long before it was ready for them. They are more comfortable in an inviting, welcoming, gentle, and highly spiritual environment and what they encountered feels like anything but that. They can feel like they are living in two worlds, the quiet, safe world of their own energy and the outside world they feel doesn’t understand or appreciate them.

Being energetically sensitive can create a false sense of fear as they don’t often know how to separate their energy from that which they feel is around them. Being natural healers compels them to rush in and heal energy, rather than stepping back and applying healing energy at a higher level that they are more comfortable with.

More than others, they feel today’s powerful energy shifts and releases, and the fear that many people are going through at this time. Because they are so empathic and have such strong healing potential, they must work hard to not integrate the negativity around them and try to transmute it themselves, which can create depression, anxiety, physical distress and illness, and energetic burnout.

Crystals feel like old souls, wise in spiritual matters, but often very child-like when it comes to matters of the material world. Their biggest life challenge is to stay grounded, focused and within their energy, but not exclude the world and retreat into their own safe energetic space. By balancing their empathy with detachment, setting strong energetic boundaries and using their healing abilities from a point of empowerment, rather than as martyrs, they offer solutions to many of the world’s problems and can help others find empowerment from within their own spiritual centers. Without detachment though, they can easy lose their focus, become ungrounded and float through life in a sort of energetic limbo.

Crystal and Indigo energy work together to offer a complete solution to the world, identifying challenges and providing transformational alternatives. Given time, space and encouragement, Crystal energy enlightens, supports, guides and directs profound transformation of the most dense energy into its highest octaves. The Crystal message emphasizes healing and Unconditional Love, when they can stay focused on the value of their gifts and use them to uplift the world around them. Their gifts lie in the arts, music, sharing information, teaching, channeling, empathy, compassion and healing at a soul level.

Encouraging the expression of Crystal energy in yourself, your children and others creates energetic openings into a world that is being birthed as the old world is dying to create the powerful transformation of Heaven on Earth, emphasizing empathy and compassion, and finding spiritual balance in a materially focused world.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, translate or share this message as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses is strictly prohibited.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/26/2013 9:45:05 PM

BRICS Summit: Creating New Development Bank to Rival World Bank

BRICS 2013BRICS Summit: Creating New Development Bank to Rival World Bank

Stephen: Is this THAT moment we’ve been waiting for? Is this trigger that sees the banking system click over from West to East?

China and Brazil have signed a major deal in their own currencies – not US dollars – at the BRICS Summit in South Africa.

And now comes this announcement, that a new development bank is about to be launched as an alternative to the long established World Bank.

Something has certainly shifted – and just before Easter (and tomorrow’s full moon).

BRICS Wrangle Over New Development Bank

Source: Al Jazeera and agencies – March 26, 2013

Leaders of world’s emerging economies gather in South Africa to discuss proposal to challenge World Bank domination.

BRICS emerging powers sought a deal on setting up a development bank that would rival Western-backed institutions, trying to iron out significant differences ahead of a leaders’ summit in Durban.

The grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and hosts South Africa are racing to elaborate on proposals for an infrastructure-focused lender that would challenge seven decades of dominance by the World Bank.

Just hours before leaders kick off the summit at 17:30 GMT on Tuesday, finance ministers were still working to agree key elements of the plan.

Disputes remain over what the bank will do, with each side trying to mould the institution to their foreign or domestic policy goals and with each looking for assurances of an equitable return on their initial investment of about $10bn.

Failure to secure a deal would be a major embarrassment for many of the participants and would play into the hands of those who argue that the BRICS have little to bind them together.

‘Positive headway’

Xi Jinping, who has underscored the growing importance of the group by making Durban his first summit as China’s president, earlier expressed hopes for “positive headway” in establishing the bank.

In a keynote speech in Tanzania on Monday Xi pledged Beijing’s “sincere friendship” with the continent, and a relationship that respects Africa’s “dignity and independence”.

Meanwhile, host President Jacob Zuma has lauded the summit as a means of addressing his country’s chronic economic problems including high unemployment.

“BRICS provides an opportunity for South Africa to promote its competitiveness” Zuma said in a speech on the eve of the summit.

“It is an opportunity to move further in our drive to promote economic growth and confront the challenge of poverty, inequality and unemployment that afflicts our country.”

A failure to take concrete steps would raise questions about whether the BRICS grouping can survive.

“Ironically it may be the cleavages within the BRICS grouping that more accurately hint at the future of the global order: tensions between China and Brazil on trade, India on security, and Russia on status highlight the difficulty Beijing will have in staking its claim to global leadership,” said Daniel Twining of the German Marshall Fund.

But if the leaders succeed it would be the first time since the inaugural BRICS summit four years ago that the group matches rhetorical demands for a more equitable global order with concrete steps.

That would send a loud message to the US and European nations that the current global balance of power is unworkable.

Together the BRICS account for 25 percent of global GDP and 40 percent of the world’s population.

But members say institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the United Nations Security Council are not changing fast enough to reflect their new-found clout.

Diplomats say it could start with $10bn seed money from each country, but the exact role of the bank is up for debate.


Economic data shows that the grouping of Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa now account for 25 percent of global GDP and 40 percent of the world’s population.

China has become the informal leader of the group. With a GDP of $8.25 trillion in 2012, the IMF estimates that the Chinese economy will climb by a whopping 8.2 percent in 2013.It remains the globe’s most-populated country, with 1.34 billion inhabitants.

Brazil: With a GDP of $2.425 trillion in 2012, Brazil is the world’s seventh largest economy. It holds only a modest place in world trade activity, however, and experienced sluggish growth of one percent last year.

Russia: Ranking ninth on the list of the world’s biggest economies, Russia accumulated a GDP of $1.953 billion in 2012, boosted mainly by its gas exports, making it the world’s eighth largest exporter.

India: Despite its population of 1.24 billion, India remains a smaller player among the world’s economies, falling into a 10th place with a GDP worth 1.946 trillion.

South Africa: Smallest of the BRICS economies is South Africa. Placing 41st world exporters, the country has a GDP of $390 billion and a population of 50.5 million.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/26/2013 9:47:27 PM

Synopsis of An Hour with An Angel: Archangel Michael on Current Events, March 24, 2013

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/26/2013 9:50:22 PM

Blossom Goodchild: March 23, 2013

Blossom Goodchild: March 23, 2013

Anthony: Great to see Blossom return to us after her trip abroad and her break from channelling.

The Galactic Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild – March 23, 2013

Blossom: WOW! It seems so long since we spoke and I feel like I have been on an enormous trip, both mentally and emotionally whilst away these last five weeks. I haven’t been following any worldly goings on so I shall be keen to know what you would like to talk about. Definitely FEELING some strong High lifting energies about … very comforting and encouraging. So … are you there?

Federation of Light: Indeed we are and happy to be conversing with you once again. We have moved into a HIGHER place of residence for now.

Can’t let that one slip by … meaning?

Meaning … oh inquisitive one … that for now whilst energies are settling … those of us who reside within Higher energies are allowing ourselves to do so. As your planet is experiencing this newness … we too allow ourselves to be where we belong. It is indeed comforting to sit well within ones special ground and know that one is at home.

So where are we then regarding what is happening for us and where do you fit in?

What is happening for you depends very much on what one chooses to BE? It really is as simple as that. You will discover wonders of the self and how quickly these wonders attract to you … should you so decide to have them. That is the way it is. If you decide to be of joy and allow it to be … then joy you shall have. If it is of a moaning groaning disposition then as always that shall be what you are offered. It is up to you. The difference being NOW that it is almost instant … depending on your vibration in fullness of yourself. Take time to breathe deeply whenever you think about it and be aware that during those breaths you are connecting up with who you are .

YOU CANNOT BE DISCONNECTED … yet at times it may FEEL this way.

Yes … I felt that way when I was in England. My soul felt so far away from home, both my Earthly one and spiritual one. I felt in some respects … I had taken a few steps sideways and was unsure of who I was! Still not really sure to be honest and haven’t fully stepped back on track … but I am getting there.

This is all part of the way things are moving. One is reassessing who they have been in order to become who they Truly are. If one does not revisit how can they see how far they have come? We would suggest to you all … that you keep on in the KNOWING that indeed things are moving forward splendidly . Can you not FEEL this Blossom?

I certainly can feel a difference now home … in me … and the Universe seems to be shooting out all kinds of opportunities that are raising me Higher.

And this is the way it shall be. It shall keep on doing so. So many of you are ready now. You waited so long and some felt disappointed when a mighty warrior of some form did not present itself in whichever aspect one was hoping for. Yet NOW you are NOTICING that although THE CHANGE was not as you imagined … indeed there was a VAST CHANGE.

Some of you will have eased into it more astutely than others. It matters not the pace in which you engage in your new self. That is up to you … yet it is of importance that you KNOW it is happening and FEEL the energies around you … becoming part of you .

You may find also a little turbulence! The contrast of recognising in full that which serves and that which does not. Be Light hearted in this process … for beating oneself up within the mind is not of value … or service.

And how is life with you then? What have you been up to?

We have nurtured new avenues of service.

Such as?

Experimenting with progressive undertakings that will in time make transitions smoother as one comes across them.

Ok … with all respect … may I just let you know that many people ask me why you can’t just say it how it is? I mean … that last sentence of yours … does and yet doesn’t really answer my question. Why is it you are unable to give a straight forward answer? It would probably satisfy many minds if you were to do so . That which you said could mean a thousand things.

That which we said is exactly what we have been doing . We have tried all we can to explain to you that we are existing in different dimensions. The way we ‘behave’ is far from your thoughts. Because we are different. The progress of yourselves and your planet is part of our mission.

WE LOVE YOU. Yet ‘our ways’ are far more advanced in all aspects that it really is not conducive to even try to put what we are actually doing into basic facts. It simply is not possible.

So … are you physically active? Or do you sit and ‘Om’ all day? I would just like to get a broader picture of who you are and how you spend your days. We have known each other for so long now … surely we can establish that?

We do not have days to spend. As you know time does not exist for us. Therefore we are not sticking to a timetable and living in the way that you do with night and day and appointments and timeframes.


And … who are you?


Whoa! Nice answer. Please continue on that note.

We are Life … In all its forms . We can ‘pop in’ to an experience and be any form of life … should we need information on a particular source.

Struth. That’s huge. You certainly must be very ‘aware’ and advanced to be able to do that. So you … your ‘band’ … THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT … that I communicate with … are not as many see or imagine ‘galactic friends’ … as in quite humanoid , catlike … whatever species one may be within the galactic Federation. You are?


I’ve tried to get an answer from you before as to what your True form is … You have mentioned you can take on form to suit … yet I hadn’t looked at it in the way you described it just now. So … YOU … when not taking the form of something else … when you slip into something more comfortable … what guise is it? Or is it not a guise but the real form of who you are?

We would express that slipping into who we are in our True form is that of Light. This is our most comfortable understanding of ourselves.

And do you actually reside in a vast ship?

That is an enormous complex matter … yet we shall give it our best shot … as you would say .

We do not HAVE to reside in a ship. We actually do not have to reside anywhere. As Light we can be anywhere and everywhere and … Nowhere. Yet … Being of this Light Energy … we desire to be of service . Therefore we are able to transform ourselves into that which is most applicable to a given situation.

Let us talk about our ships. These vessels that some have perceived in your skies are a True representative of what they are … as you see it. Yet … come aboard …and one would be blown away by the material of such a vessel and indeed more so … the workings of. Understand also that as with your transportation … you have many different makes of cars, bikes, planes etc. … there is no one certain ‘type’. Allow the prospect also that these vessels can change their form in an instant. Because it is energy we are working with …. Living with.

WE ARE ENERGY OURSELVES and we KNOW how to blend with it and use it to our advantage.

Do you eat or sleep. You… your merry band?

We have no need. We do not have bodies that need sustenance or need of rest.

So … any hobbies?

Emanating Light.


May we add here that it is of such joy to us to see the advancement that is occurring within your world.



You ARE in a NEW TIME. Yet it is just the beginning. Remember in a good moment … how exhilarated and excited you FEEL about who you are becoming and what your service is … and then remember that you are taking your first baby steps. Imagine then … dearest friends of ours … and we are honoured to call you so … that which lies ahead when you have learned to hop skip and run!




And imagine the BLISS as you FEEL this Higher level of LOVE in every moment. YOU are becoming the TRUTH of yourself and you are now able to catch glimpses of what this may possibly entail. Far greater than your wildest imaginings. Far more to LIVE FOR than you ever dreamt. For it is only as you lift yourselves Higher … then you are able to FEEL that which is beyond. With every level to which you evolve into … you can FEEL the next few levels awaiting you above that.




That which you came to achieve … that which you volunteered to do … that which you came for … your purpose … your passion … is commencing. Follow your hearts and follow your dreams. For by living out your dreams in your reality and LOVING EVERY MINUTE of BEING IN IT … your hearts and minds and FEELINGS of KNOWING that you are FULFILLING the reason for which you came to this planet … shall continue to allow what was planned … to BE.


Everything shall become easier dearest ones. Life was not designed to be a struggle and yet it has presented itself as such … due to the offset of dark energies that could not grasp what was there for the giving!

IT … LIFE … is not as you have been shown it to be.


You KNOW inside of you the FEELING of TRUTH and LOVELIGHT that is You . And as you return to yourselves … you remember … and as you remember … you let go of the old that was destined to be released and you welcome in THE NEW.



You bring it in or push it away. Yet so many of you are bringing it in … that the energy that is being created is rubbing off onto those who sleep. Like a fairy mist that wafts over one’s senses and gradually they open their eyes and SEE how things REALLY are





Wilco. Roger over and out. A pleasure to be back in your company my friends. In Love and thanks.

The pleasure is all ours

Oh I don’t think so!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/26/2013 10:06:19 PM

Suzanne Lie: Pleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 2

Landing PartyPleiadian/Arcturian Alliance – The Landing Party, Part 2

By Suzanne Lie – March 25, 2013

Mytre Speaks:

Mytria and I were deeply moved by the Arcturian’s compassion for their friends in human disguise. However, we were certain that we would not get lost in a reality that was almost archaic in comparison to the one in which we had lived our entire lives. I was to pay deeply for that arrogance. This arrogance was just the first of many mistakes I made during this mission. We, our team from the fifth dimension and beyond, could not begin to conceive of the power that a planetary illusion could have.

We soon forgot about all concerns of being lost in illusion and continued with preparations for our mission. Mytria and I were among the first Landing Teams, as were ninety-eight others. All of us were male and female teams of Divine Complements. It was decided to use teams of Divine Complements as one Complement could remain on the Ship while the other one would make the contact.

This decision was made because we all knew about the possibility of becoming ensnared in the forgetfulness of the 3D Frequency Net. Hence only one of the Complements would leave the Ship, while the other would be in constant contact with their mate in the Landing Party. This was a good plan we thought, and it did work quite well – for a while. However, “a while” had a much different meaning on a time-bound planet than it did on the Ship or even on our Pleiadian planet.

With that said, I will go back to the very beginning of our Mission. There were many of us who had trained for this Mission. Of course, we had been training for this Mission much longer than we knew, but the official training had just finished. There had been five hundred of us and we were to be split into five teams of one hundred. That would leave two hundred and fifty in the Ship and two hundred and fifty on the planet.

However, before we launched the entire campaign, we wanted to start with one Ship, which was the Ship that Mytria and I were on, as a “trial” run”. The members of our crew were hand-picked for this trial run, as we had had the most training by the Arcturians who were orchestrating this Mission. Because of my abilities as a pilot, Mytria would be on the landing team. Also, Mytria had had many years as a Keeper of the Violet Flame working with those who came to the Temple.

I realize that this part of Mytria’s story has not been told, but it will be told later. I would like to take a moment to try to explain how these different Timelines are simultaneously occurring. Mytria and I are simultaneously experiencing the Ascension process of Earth and our Pleiadian world within the same NOW, even though in sequential time these events are many years apart. This concept can best be described by a metaphor.

Therefore, please think of time as a huge ocean. Each Timeline is floating on the surface of the ocean, as well as extending deep into the “water”. Each Timeline would appear as a resonance of Light that appears to be floating on the surface of the water, with this resonance actually serving as the portal into each Timeline. These Timelines, which appear as floating images of Light, seem to be separate, yet the ocean that they share unites them all.

Each Timeline is moving with the flow of the “water” and operates independently of the other Timelines. Hence, Timelines will flow next to certain other Timelines for a while, then they will gradually catch a different current, flow away from that Timeline and move closer to other Timelines. When two different Timelines touch, the members of each Timeline can most easily visit each other.

An example would be many boats floating on the ocean, with each catching their own current. When any two boats move closer, it is easier for the members of each boat to visit each other. However, similar to the case of my parallel Self of Almon and my Self, one member may be too involved to visit the other boat and would choose to send a parallel expression of their Self to see the other boat.

I also share the confusion that Mytria expressed about the differing Timelines of our meetings. For example, when Mytria and I finally re-connected on the Arcturian Mothership, I had been studying with the Arcturian for quite a while and Mytria had long been the Keeper of the Violet Fire. When our daughter Alycia was ready to take over that position, Mytria was able to join me on the Mothership.

However, both of us had to learn to bi-locate – be in two places at once – before we could qualify for this Mission. Once we had each accomplished that skill, we could be together again. In fact, Mytria and I bi-located from different Timelines to be with each other. I chose to bi-locate to the Timeline when Mytria opened the Portal to the Mother because that was when she needed me. Then, Mytria bi-located to me while she was on her way to join me to prepare me for her arrival.

In other words, it was easier to bi-locate to a place where a person was thinking about you and would love to meet you. Hence, the members of the Landing Team would choose to bi-locate to “humans” on Earth who are actually Arcturians and/or Pleiadians in human disguise. We are meeting those who are awake enough to yearn for and welcome a visit from their Homeworld. Furthermore, even the landing party will not “leave the ship,” as they will bi-locate to the surface of the planet.

However, the one who is bi-locating will need to remain in a trance state and guarded by their Complement while they are bi-locating, as we have been fully briefed about the many dangers on physical Earth. We have attempted contact with Earth many times in the past, but found that the dark rulers would happily murder us, take us captive and even experiment on our bi-located form.

Therefore, we will bi-locate rather than actually land. However, any harm done to the bi-located component of our Multidimensional SELF can still cause us great harm. I say our Multidimensional SELF for we are no longer accustomed to wearing a third dimension form. Hence, we will bi-locate our fourth dimensional form to meet our Earth Representatives in their dreams and meditations.

I hope that I have presented a very complex concept in a manner that our Earth Representatives can understand. Some of you will be able to understand my explanation in your 3D consciousness, and others will only understand these concepts while in your fourth dimensional night-body or in the higher states of your meditation.

If the only thing that we are able to do is to ignite the flame of your memory that YOU are actually a member of our great Galactic Society, then our Mission will be a success. Once you remember your true, higher dimensional SELF, you will know that YOU are only temporarily wearing an Earth vessel in order to assist our dear friend Gaia. With this recollection, you will be well on your way to remembering your Mission.

Gaia, the Multidimensional Being who has taken the form of planet Earth, is also ready to return to Her higher state of expression. Her journey into the physicality of the third dimension has been extremely difficult, but not without bountiful rewards. Gaia functions via planetary time, which is quite different from the concept of time among Her humans. Thus, humans who are not ready to recall their SELF will still have “time” to remember.

Fortunately, once you release your attachment to third dimensional sequential time, you will begin to think multidimensionally. With this expanding thinking your multidimensional thinking and communication can interface with your third dimensional brain to facilitate your conscious return to your SELF. Once you can think multidimensionally, you will begin to consciously communicate with your Higher Expressions of SELF. At that point, you will be able to consciously embrace us as members of your greater Galactic Family.

You will experience no fear, but only gratitude and Unconditional Love because you will know that we have come to assist our “away team” who has been serving Gaia for myriad incarnations. What a joyous moment that will be when we can look into each other’s eyes and reminisce all the wonderful experiences that we have shared.

You see, each of us has been assigned to meet with one of our friends in human form with the hope that you will recognize a familiar feeling. We are hoping that this sense of familiarity will activate your higher dimensional memory patterns. However, if you do not remember, we understand and will patiently wait until you are ready to acknowledge that you are not “just a human”.

Then we can remind you that you are a representative from our Homeworld who has taken an Earth vessel to best interface with Gaia and Her inhabitants. We see that many of you are not yet aware of your heritage; nonetheless, you have still found ways to fulfill your pre-birth contract.

We wish that you could all see the glorious Light that you shine even within your state of physicality. We can only anticipate the greater Light that you will emanate into your world when you have remembered your True SELF.

We, your Galactic Family, look forward to meeting with you again,


NOTE: See Part 1 on page 452 of this thread.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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