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3/25/2013 4:50:14 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 290

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalThe Manuscript of Survival – Part 290

As channeled by Aisha North – March 25, 2013

The song inside of you has changed its tune now, and even if it might be difficult to decipher between all of the clamor these new energies have created, it is there, and it is constant. So do not fall into the trap of thinking that these last few days intense upheavals have thrown you off the track, far from it.

But as we told you earlier, the buttons would be pushed by these incoming energies, and pushed they have been. To the extent that for some of you, a breakthrough has suddenly arrived, as if out of the blue. As breakthroughs go, these have been so profound they will literally change the whole landscape around you, as you seem to have been walking on a foggy moor and then suddenly emerge in a very different landscape where the air is crystal clear and sharp, and everything stands out in vivid detail.

This is not an easy journey for any of you, but for some these last few days have been more challenging than you can mayhaps ever remember, and as such, this process will for quite a few of you still take some time before it all settles down, and you too will be better able to discern all of the details around you.

For this is indeed that last stage in the desert if you will, when you will all start to see something shimmering on the horizon, and this time it will not be a trick of the eye, but it will be the first sight of your final destination.

And what is your final destination? It is not a city of gold and treasures, inhabited by fleet-footed maidens and handsome warriors. No, what we talk about, is that golden city within, the one that has always been there, but one that for years and years has been neglected. Not out of spite, but because you were not even aware that it was there.

But last week’s intense shower of Love has washed away all, or at least the majority, of debris that have been covering up this fabled city, and now it cannot be hidden anymore. Not from you, nor from others. For the lights in that city are coming on, one by one, and they are starting to draw your attention, whether you like it or not. For some, they are already dancing in the streets in a happy reunion with themselves and this inner city of gold, while for others, they have still a little bit left on that road towards it. But you have all, in some ways, been made aware of this fabled place, and you can feel it beckoning inside of you as an irresistible force.

Remember, each one of you have your own way of arriving in this city. For some, it will be through an almost traumatic and painful recovery of the memories that are kept within the walls of this place. For others, it will almost feel like you stumble upon it by sheer luck, and the list is long.

So again we say, do not follow in the footsteps of others if you want to rediscover this fabled city. For then, the road will quickly peter out, and you will leave yourself stranded in the desert. So make sure that you are very present in yourself, and seek the ways that will help you to do this. For only you will know how to look, if you have not yet arrived. So again we say that all is well, no matter on what stage of this final journey you all are. For you are just where you are meant to be.

So breathe deeply, and celebrate, whether you know you have arrived, or whether you are facing that final hill where you know you will be able to set your eyes upon that final resting place. For this is where the true you resides, and this is where you will be reunited with yourself once and for all. So again, we wish you all God speed, on this, the final push within. And if you have arrived, you will know so, because then it is as even the colours start to change hue, and the Light will brighten, and so will you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/25/2013 4:51:35 PM

Tazjima: Another Message from the Angels – Encouragement

imageTazjima: Another Message from the Angels – Encouragement

As channeled by Tazjima – March 24, 3013

It is evident from your reaction to our earlier message that there is a distinct need within the ranks of the lightworkers to know that they are loved. Do you not remember, dear ones, that our mission was to be there as support, to hold your hand energetically when doubt dogs at your heels, when you have lost your sense of direction if only for a moment. We will never let go or let you down.

Whatever disruption or seeming disruption in our connection, know within the heart of your being, that we are truly here for each and every one of you, our beloved sisters and brothers. Many of you are angelic beings, sweet, gentle and kind. It is with compassion that we see you confronted by the edgy dark energies of disintegrating third dimensional matrix. Breathe, dear ones, and know that it is illusion. You are one with us and we are one with you. No thing and nothing can destroy that connection.

Think you now or feel in your heart just how what a sense of loss and being lost it must be for those in your world who are not yet aware of our existence and their connection to us. Such desolation of the soul to feel deserted and cut-off, but this is not reality. And it is for our lightworkers now to be the guides, mentors and teachers to those who have lost their way, after centuries of being re-born into this world, an endless cycle of reincarnation caught up in a time-loop of karma and denial.

As you reconnect to us, your guides and your family, in an increasingly conscious fashion, you will assist energetically for those around you to come into an awareness that something else, another part of themselves exists outside the limitations of their body.

Most people in this world believe that life begins with their birth and ends with their death. They have no awareness of anything beyond what they experience in daily life and have, indeed, been discouraged from seeking beyond what is known. What is unknown, unseen and unfelt has not existed for these ones. Yet you the lightworkers know better. You the sensitive ones have always just known that there was more to life than what was physically manifest and experienced within the limitations of the five senses. You have known this, have held this knowledge within and in part, you have also denied your own knowledge, being fearful of what others would say if they knew you were different.

Well, news flash, dear ones, “they” already know you’re different. And so they look to see how you react to the rapid changes that the entire planet in now engaged upon. Unconsciously or consciously, depending on their own degree of self-awareness, they look to you to see how you manage your day, how you deal with unpleasant confrontations, how you deal with unexpected change. Unconsciously the humans around you know that you are both different and alike and it can bring to them a sense of bewilderment.

For so long, those who have been different have been ostracized or destroyed. The rigid structures of the third dimensional frequency did not allow for ingenuity and inventiveness to be met with anything other than suspicion, betrayal and outright hatred. The underlying constructs of the third dimension that supported this unflinching rigidity have been removed by the Elohim, the ones who created it in the first place. Now, freedom to choose and to be what you truly are has been returned to the people. And you, dear ones, will be some of the first to go forth and engage this new sense of freedom, to be, to experience the fullness of what physical life was meant to offer – an opportunity for God to learn more about itself.

You are that particle of God, embedded in flesh, a living soul encased in a physical vehicle and you are here to experience and to be a part of the transition of this world as it returns into a state of Christ Awareness. This is a state of being that has nothing to do with one man and his ministry or the resulting religious institutions. It has everything to do with the raising up of the vibratory emanations of the planet and the thought-forms of its inhabitants, to stabilize its presence in the higher frequency worlds. It isn’t even about life in the fifth dimension.

When the full transition is complete, a full multidimensionality will function upon this beautiful world. Beings from many worlds and vibratory levels will be able to visit her once, again. And the great dreams of the prophets and dreamers of this world will be surpassed by what is to come, what already exists in the Now.

Long ago the planet descended into physicality as a result of its great beauty and attractiveness being irresistible to all comers, many who took from her without giving back. You are in the process of giving back to her the fullness of her divinity, even as you take upon your selves the fullness of your divinity while being embodied.

For those who still wonder why they have not translated to the higher worlds already, know that you are now in the process of bringing those higher worlds to earth. In other words, you are bringing heaven to earth by being all that you are. And we are here to support this great work of the ages, the return of the sovereignty of the planet and her people, as well as the magnificent diversity of life upon her, a diversity that is unprecedented anywhere in the Universe.

Your mission, should you accept it – it is always a matter of free will on this planet – is to stand strong and flexible within your own power, love and wisdom. It is within you to discover the way to come into balance so you can act as a living demonstration of what all people can be when they come into a full acceptance of what they truly are, embodied human angels and masters. It is for you to fully anchor your Soul and living Presence in your fragile human body and to emanate the light of heaven into the world. By this feat, you will allow the frequency levels of the people around you and that of the planet to rise higher and higher until heaven meets earth truly.

Your magnificence and beauty shine out from you and we willingly act as mirrors to constantly remind you of what you are truly. You are loved and are our beloveds, the ones who stepped forth at the call from Gaia. We chose to remain behind, but are still part of this mission and transition, acting as your mentors and guides when you remember to call upon us. We are your family of light and we do not forget or let go of our connection to you for one moment.

Every one of you is entirely unique and special in the eyes of the angels and your Father-Mother God; each one of you will complete your mission. There are no expectations or pressure; we just know you for what you truly are – what you have, perhaps, forgotten or are still in denial of – it matters not. We are your cheerleaders and helpmates, if you allow us to be, to assist and guide when it is necessary.

We cannot do the work on the ground, as that is your work to do, but we are ever at your side. Our unconditional love for you goes forth to you every moment of every day. We admire your strength of purpose and the resolve to complete the mission that exists within each one of you, even though you may lose sight of it once in a while. Never doubt that you have what it takes to complete the journey. You are the bravest of the brave and were chosen from many for this task. Go now, unafraid to display the glory that emanates from within, the fullness of who and what you are, aware and alive, fully embodied and beautiful human angels.


Thank you, beloved angelic legions of the Divine Mother.

Copyright © 2013 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/25/2013 4:52:59 PM

Hilarion: You are Each Making Great Strides in your Personal Spiritual Evolution and Development

hilarion2Hilarion: You are Each Making Great Strides in your Personal Spiritual Evolution and Development

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – March 24, 2013

Beloved Ones,

There has been a great influx of higher Cosmic energies that have been inundating the atmosphere of Earth, and this energy is working through all of Humanity in a way of cleansing which is not a pleasant process for those who have not been awakened to the knowledge of the evolutionary process that is now occurring.

Knowledge or not, each person on the planet must go through the process, for it is planet-wide. As the mental and emotional upheavals take place within each Soul, a greater awareness of their own power is taking place and much adaptation and acceptance must take – and for the most part IS – taking place.

This is the reason why so many of our Lightworkers who have done this work for so long and have cleared their energy fields have been experiencing a resurgence of these energies within them. It is the collective field of energetic thought forms from every person around the entire planet that is the cause.

Humanity has yet to learn that each one is responsible for their very thoughts and that it is important to become responsible for them. Our beloved Lightworkers have voluntarily agreed to take on some degree of these energies again in order to facilitate the transmutation process in an accelerated manner for all, and this IS being accomplished.

Due to the loving service that the Lightworkers have been voluntarily performing, the world is in a much better and more stable situation than was possible a few months ago.

Although most of you do not consciously remember this agreement that was made on the higher dimensions, know that it was done with the intent of alleviating the potential of greater suffering within the lives of each person upon the planet and so we ask that you not think of yourselves as regressing in your development, for that is not so. You are each making great strides in your personal spiritual evolution and development. All is on track and the field of unlimited potential is wide open for each human on your planet.

Such is the way of each one of you who have chosen to incarnate upon this beautiful planet. Your individual hearts and energetic fields emanate a great Light that has been holding a greater field collectively which helps in many ways. In the days ahead, many of you will begin to know this in your waking consciousness and this will facilitate an even greater evolutionary leap forward for all upon the Earth and indeed, the Earth itself.

Many beneficial changes are and will continue to take place as you hold this energetic space for the highest good for all. We ask that you continue to hold this collective field of Light as these many changes occur, for it is crucially needed in order to bring in and anchor more Light upon the planet.

We are working together for the common good and each day we are making progress. We ask you to accept the possibility that YOU are co-creating these changes, for as you do this, your own power grows and expands and this will create a greater expansion of consciousness within all. Your power is an enabling one that assists others to have the space to awaken and begin to take the reins of their own human operating systems and consciousness and, as they do this, the field of greater possibilities expands even more as their Light is added to it. We are filled with joy as we watch this unfold and add our own Light to your efforts.

Until next week…

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/25/2013 5:03:16 PM
Anyone knows what is the 'C'?

Poofness 3-24-13…”Slight delay of the finish”… (“It really is the end and activity has already begun”)

poofness_matura_font_blue60Link to this Poof message


  • It really is the end and activity has already begun.
  • The old grey mare ain’t what she used to be, fellas. That greed will get you every time. It’s a vice that will no longer be permitted.
  • Don’t be shocked when the announcements begin, truth can be a real humdinger, and some won’t even believe the evidence when it’s put at the end of their noses.
  • The ripping down of the ‘Lie’ curtain is happening folks, for the whole world.
  • The C is in the atmosphere now… The pope got it and signed off straight away.


Poofness 3-17-13…”Slight delay of the finish”

Greetings and Salutations;

Most of what I have to say, is in the song. It really is the end and activity has already begun. Some must have lost their minds to defy the treasury sec, as if they had a choice. The trick is the only choice they had was a new cell to sit in, when they were caught with their pants down around their ankles. The old grey mare ain’t what she used to be, fellas. That greed will get you every time. It’s a vice that will no longer be permitted. There are a bunch of folks sitting at home with ankle bracelets as the finality arrives. The rest will be hustled off to undisclosed locations at the final moment. Don’t be shocked when the announcements begin, truth can be a real humdinger, and some won’t even believe the evidence when it’s put at the end of their noses. This will be the real ‘shock and awe’. The ripping down of the ‘Lie’ curtain is happening folks, for the whole world. Not a hole left to hide in. The C is in the atmosphere now and that’s why there’s all this insanity is happening. The pope got it and signed off straight away.

Love and Kisses,

Poofness []


Led Zeppelin – “The Battle Of Evermore”

(This is a Led Zeppelin song but, I chose this version because of it’s word clarity.)

Queen of Light took her bow, And then she turned to go,
The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom, And walked the night alone.

Oh, dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The dark Lord rides in force tonight, And time will tell us all.

Oh, throw down your plow and hoe, Rest not to lock your homes.

Side by side we wait the might of the darkest of them all.

I hear the horses’ thunder down in the valley below,
I’m waiting for the angels of Avalon, waiting for the eastern glow.

The apples of the valley hold, The seeds of happiness,
The ground is rich from tender care, Repay, do not forget, no, no.
Dance in the dark of night, sing to the morning light.

The apples turn to brown and black, The tyrant’s face is red.

Oh war is the common cry, Pick up your swords and fly.
The sky is filled with good and bad that mortals never know.

Oh, well, the night is long the beads of time pass slow,
Tired eyes on the sunrise, waiting for the eastern glow.

The pain of war cannot exceed the woe of aftermath,
The drums will shake the castle wall, the ring wraiths ride in black, Ride on.

Sing as you raise your bow, shoot straighter than before.
No comfort has the fire at night that lights the face so cold.

Oh dance in the dark of night, Sing to the morning light.
The magic runes are writ in gold to bring the balance back. Bring it back.

At last the sun is shining, The clouds of blue roll by,
With flames from the dragon of darkness, the sunlight blinds his eyes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/25/2013 5:34:53 PM
Dear friends, from Wes Annac's personal blog:

Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Galactic Bases, Interpreting Higher Dimensional Impressions and Humanity’s Creative Responsibility


The following is an automatic writing-based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council.

Wes Annac: Greetings on this beautiful day, dear friends. Per your suggestion at the end of our last communication, I would like to ask you about the underground bases of yours we have heard so much about. Are they associated with the Galactic Federation and/or your Councils?

The Pleiadian High Council: With warm greetings and Love to each of you absorbing this communication and to you, our dear scribe, we welcome you to our collective energies, or our “energetic abode”, as you may call it. Indeed, our bases are a part of our Federation and we act from these bases on a plethora of different missions we have set out for ourselves related to the ascension of your Earth and specifically, to the rising of the colony of Atlantis unto the surface of your beautiful planet.

Benevolent Studying & Taking Care with Sightings

We perform many actions from our underground bases and worry not, dear souls; we do not serve a malevolent purpose or agenda from within these bases and we will happily be showing them to you in the time ahead so that you can explore them and further understand exactly what we are doing. As has been said, many of us are scientists who are studying various parts of your world, and we take bases underground, within large cavernous mountains and under your oceans and even some rivers.

We cannot make ourselves known too boldly when exiting such places however, as we would not want to startle any dear human or animal soul who would not understand our presence or what our craft is, as they see us exiting our bases and in some cases literally coming up out of the water to do so.

We are very careful and cautious of course, with any facet of showing ourselves but an initial aspect of our contact with you will be for us to show you these bases and for us to explain how we have been stealthily entering and exiting them so that your militaries or any unaware soul who would be too overwhelmed by witnessing us does not know of our presence.

Observing & Mitigating “Earth Changes”

Wes: I see, thank you dear friends. So what specifically do you do in these underground bases?

PHC: We study; we explore; we make observations of the ongoing physical happenings presenting themselves that are related to the “Earth changes” many of you have heard of, which we are working to mitigate and heal altogether in the instances that we can. We work from our underground bases to make sure that no event, on your world or outside of it, can impact Life in a negative way or in one that is not in alignment with the future you are heading into.

At present, you are still dealing with a weakening force of individuals who would and have tried to orchestrate natural disasters, as well as the falling down and crashing to the Earth of obscure yet heavy “space junk”, and we have been (largely) instrumental in stopping such things. We monitor every facet of your Earth with the monitors we have in place, which we view from our Motherships, our starships and of course, from the bases we have been discussing with you.

We have also held meetings with your cabal heads, to negotiate the bringing-about of peace and abundance for every soul on your world to find a happy and easy experience of their Lives from, and the meetings that are held amongst the entirety of our Federation are at times, held in our specific underground bases.

Wes: By “your specific underground bases” do you mean bases that are specifically Pleiadian-designated?

PHC: Indeed dear soul, but we do not want it to seem as if other races are not allotted to be in our space as well! (Laughter).

Positions Constantly Changing

Yes, each race has a base under the surface of your dearest Earth and at times, we will convene amongst each other from our respective bases. Though, the “station” we are at upon communicating changes in every moment, and at times we could be speaking from a Mothership while other times we will speak from our bases.

Our positions are constantly reverberating as our mission changes or expands to include something different, and if we see the necessity to travel to a different “station” than where we would currently be, we are able to travel there instantaneously through the enhanced powers of the fifth dimensional mind and heart.

While we do use our craft to travel, we do not always use it to get where we are going and we can travel anywhere with the natural abilities that you will all discover upon ascending.

These abilities are waiting to be made known within you and while we can feel that so many of you will indeed be so very excited to explore our underground bases and the bases we have established within some of your mountains, what you will see will be easily understandable by the time you have evolved to the states of consciousness wherein you will be able to handle witnessing such things.

Our underground bases are very, what you would call, higher dimensional and just as is so with our craft sightings, we cannot overwhelm you dear souls with the pure awesomeness that is many of our bases but in the time ahead when you will have expanded and found your higher states of consciousness again, you will be able to explore and understand our bases, our ships and so many other things you will enjoy and remember exponentially.

Effects of Channeling the Higher Realms

Wes: Thank you for that, dear friends. I have to say that as I’m channeling you, I feel such a state of purity in myself; a state of bliss. Can you offer any comments as to the effect channeling has on the mind and heart of the channeler?

PHC: We would be so very happy to, dear Wesley, and you have already begun to discover what channeling the higher realms can bring forth for you, perspective-wise and feeling-wise. Yes, bliss and joy can permeate the minds and hearts of any soul who becomes opened to the higher realms and the brimming energies and communications we of the higher realms have to offer, and what you are feeling specifically dearest Wesley is the after-effect of our energies having descended down upon you and our communications having come through.

Of course, we do not wish to promote ourselves as being “holier than thou”; it is simply that we have grown into fifth dimensional states of consciousness and as such, the energies and impressions we have been able to find in ourselves are continually radiated out to every soul we come in contact with. We are in contact with you at present dearest Wesley, though you must know that there is a time “flub” between our giving and your receiving of our communications.

Working with the Distortion of Time

What we mean is that we exist outside of your concept of time and as such, are delivering our communications to realms with different and more distorted concepts and temporarily-fixed means of experiencing your Lives, which we work within the perimeters of when delivering our communications.

Wesley, you could see this communication as having already been brought forth and what you are feeling now are the impressions of our collective, having been expressed through dear SanJAsKa and through our technology that is funneling our energies through for you to absorb and pass on to your fellow awakening souls.

Wes: I see, that is very interesting dear friends. So what about when I stop channeling you? Eventually the impressions become even more “lingering” and fade away.

PHC: Indeed, because the impressions of our collective as they are brought through are very strong, and you will continue to feel the after-effects of our communications long after they have been given.

The Heart Receives, the Mind Interprets

You can and will still feel the blissful and harmonious vibrations far after the heart has received our energies, as your mind will spend the extra time decoding them and actually performing the act you would call channeling. Wesley, can you imagine that this entire communication has already been brought forth? Every question you are to ask us and every response we will give has already been given and received by your heart, and your mind is now decoding the entire communication and bringing it forth for others to absorb.

Wes: But what about the question-answer exchange? Has my heart already received the idea of the question I will ask, or is that spontaneous?

PHC: In a deeper sense dear Wesley, your heart already knows exactly what you are going to ask. So yes, your heart has already received the questions you are to ask us; not from us, but from deeper aspects of your Self who wish for you and those who will absorb this communication to know specific things about us, our activities and our technologies that are meant to garner and raise awareness as well as assist you along your processes.

A deeper part of you already knows what you are going to ask and even say to others, before you do. This is because you are all deeply-rooted and multidimensional beings, and you exist in multiple spheres of perception in this very moment.

Wes: Thank you so much for such an understandable answer, dear friends. I recognize that we were getting into complex and potentially mental territory, but I wanted a bit more information about the whole exchange. Thank you for providing it!

PHC: As you know, we are so very happy to assist and to help you reach those “aha!” moments that we know you so enjoy reaching.

The Rapidity & Progress of Free Energy’s Introduction

Wes: Thank you so very much. During our last “interview”, you said that disclosure is being given in small doses at present and that that will continue until the most brazen of manifestations commence. Are there any updates on that front?

PHC: Events are moving along at a fine pace indeed, and you will still continue to notice small and soft pieces of disclosure concerning us as well as other Earth-like planets coming out. Your organization NASA has been established as a front to hide the space activities of the cabals, and that organization has not achieved as much in decades as you are to achieve in such a small amount of time when the technologies that are on your world in this very moment are fully made known.

We wish to stress the fact that (information concerning) free energy and the devices it powers will be a strong aspect of the initial announcements and already, you are seeing many things about free energy and such devices that are showing that humanity is ready for the miracles they will provide and are not slowing down in the production of such things.

While the advances in your most recent society have largely been cabal-controlled and much of the technology you have been given is based off of our technologies and those of the Zeta race, you will notice that in just a few short decades humanity has entered a technological age of proportions perhaps unexpected in your forties and fifties. We ask you to imagine such a technological evolution magnified exponentially and brought about in a much, much smaller timeframe.

Earth’s Restoration will be Continual

By this, we mean that the most brazen and initial manifestations and technologies you will be given will not take decades upon decades to be developed. However, it is important to remember that the full restoration and repair of your world will be an ongoing process and as such, centuries will be spent on the (full) repair of the surface of Gaia but we remind you all that you will be doing the bulk of work from higher states of consciousness, with advanced technology and as a collective. (1)

Whereas Earth’s future does not seem very strong from a point of view of not understanding our presence and the assistance we are here to offer you, the future you are entering into is indeed much more wonderful and advanced than you could possibly expect, and we expect for humanity to be delighted with what you will turn your world into after the initial manifestations are brought forth and some of the harder truths to digest are given and collectively digested.

Crystal-Planet Revelations & Native Home-Planet Bases

More revelations about planets made of diamond and crystal will begin to surface in your mainstream media, and science and spirituality will merge dramatically as more and more revelations are exposed and while some of you feel as if nothing is happening on the surface of your beautiful world at present, nothing could be farther from the truth and this truth is becoming apparent to anyone who looks at how events on the world stage are progressing.

Wes: Thank you so much, dear friends. I think I’ll ask one more question before having you wrap this up: do you have underground bases on your respective home planets too?

PHC: Indeed we do; we have underground bases and bases clearly on the surface of our worlds, and the bases we have established on, in and around your dear planet are connected via a stargate with the bases and ships of our respective races and planets.

We maintain a constant connection with each other, and in the bases on our home planets we perform many of the same or similar tasks we are performing for your world, for our planets.

Indeed, in the fifth dimension (and beyond) we do still monitor things, as nothing will ever shift out of control and no negative potentials exist as they do on your Earth, but we still keep an eye on every facet of our worlds via our bases and via the natural connection you will all discover with every facet of the Life around you whenever you open up to the states of consciousness we are delightfully speaking to you from.

If only, dear scribe, we could launch into a full explanation of our home planets and the various structures and bases on our planets and their purposes, but we will express that many of you who are a part of our Ground Crew and who are absorbing this communication have been exposed to and worked in our bases; both on your Earth and on our (worlds).

Taking Responsibility for your Creations

Wes: Many thanks for the answer, dear friends. I’ll go ahead and let you speak uninterrupted for a while before wrapping this up.

PHC: You have our full appreciation and gratitude, dear Wesley. Beautiful awakening souls, we ask you to open yourselves up to the possibility of truly anything happening for you, because you have entered a time in your evolution where you have been given full Creative control of absolutely everything that manifests in your realities.

Previously, more control of your manifestations was given to subconscious or ascended aspects of your Selves who helped you to steer your Creations in certain ways, but you have been initiated into much purer states of consciousness and this has begun to become evident for so very many of you who are finding harmoniously pure and vibrant states of consciousness permeating every aspect of your being and every cell in your beautiful, evolving bodies.

As you have reached this stage in your evolution, you are truly able to Create and do anything you wish and while for some this may seem as a scary notion, we say that your Creation powers are truly anything but scary as you are casting aside old shackles and illusory limitations that have attempted to teach you that you could not Create your realities and that control of them must be relinquished to those aspects of your Selves who have been happily assisting you for so very long.

Now, you are realizing the illusion that has been cast over you and you are asking for the responsibility of your own Creations back, and with a full responsibility for what you Create will come near-instant manifestation. Absolutely everything you put your energy into or sew for yourselves to experience will come back at you, and we ask for you to aim your positive and Lighted vibrations to any facet of your world or your personal Lives that you feel needs improvement.

Collectively Convening & Frequency-Based Technology

We have and will continue to discuss your power as a collective body, and we will forever encourage your collective mediating and meditating upon so very many issues facing your world at present that too many souls do not understand will be easily solvable with the technology waiting in the wings to be utilized.

This technology we speak of has been shelved and used only for the benefit of the souls who have shelved it, and higher frequency technology with a plethora of benefits has been distorted into lower frequency technology that is used to initiate natural disasters, among dong so many other things that are out of resonation with the peaceful new paradigm you are entering and building in every moment.

Our perspective of events playing out on your world breeds a natural understanding of how quickly events are to manifest once the initial disclosures and revelations are brought about, and this is in part why we are so easily able to continually encourage you and let you know that things on your world truly are changing for the better based upon your collective and individual actions, thoughts and intents in any and every moment.

Enjoy your Experience

Enjoy the experience playing out before you, dear souls, for it is unique and absolutely unlike any other lower dimensional experience that can be had.

Those of you who have accessed and found the Light within have done an enormous and amazing thing indeed, and you are welcomed to enjoy the new perspective you are breeding for yourselves as you see so many aspects of your Earth that reflect the natural, uplifted and harmonious vibrations of the fifth dimension, which is descending upon your current third and fourth dimensional realities as you all grow further and further toward it.

Oh dear souls, so much beauty, harmony and joy await you and while the experiences you’re currently having can indeed be difficult and painful, your transmutation of every last bit of pain, anger and fear will see you Living a Life of joy and bliss unlike anything you have expected to Live.

No lower dimensionality will exist in your minds or hearts any longer, and what were previously clogged-up chakras will brim with the higher dimensional energy so many of you are just beginning to re-familiarize yourselves with. We leave you with our Love and our sincere appreciation for your attunement to our frequencies and impressions during this communication.

You will see us on your surface, when the collective vibrations are sufficiently lightened for us to be able to make ourselves and our technology known. Until then, continue to raise and refine your own personal vibrations, for doing so is affecting the collective much more than you would expect or realize.

Thank you to the Pleiadian High Council.

(1)-We should remember that upon growing into higher states of consciousness, we will no longer run along the distortion of time and will do all of the work we will do from such states of consciousness, in the never-ending moment of Now. I think that the PHC were using the term “centuries” to describe just how ongoing the repairing of the Earth is to be, and not as a literal marker or as a means to suggest that we will still exist under the distortion of time for centuries. I am of the belief that we will not.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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