Ashtar Speaks: Rodon from Agartha speaks about his People
Posted by Andrew Eardley on March 24, 2013
Ashtar Speaks: Rodon from Agartha speaks about his People
Channelled by Philipp – March 22, 2013
Ashtar: It is a great pleasure for me to talk to you again. Rodon from Agartha is at my side and he would like to tell you more about his people. Therefore I hand you over to Rodon.
Rodon: I am Rodon from Agartha, and I greet you from Heart to Heart – in our language we say “Alaoh”.
Thank you for the opportunity to be allowed to tell you more about my people. We are always with you. We assist you and we love you, so it is a great pleasure – and an honour as well – to have this communication with you.
The March Equinox has passed and you have felt the energies – for everybody in the way that is best for them and in accordance with their state of development. Firstly, you feel the changes in yourself, so go into your Heart to discover these changes.
People are now learning more and more about us, your brothers and sisters from the Inner Earth. We are a nation who eons ago visited the interior of the Earth. Here we “settled in” and waited, until you on the surface became sufficiently advanced that we could reconnect with you. This time has come now.
We know how much you too are looking forward to this reunion, though as yet you know little about us. But the time has come when you will learn more, because it will no longer be possible to conceal our existence under a cloak of cover-ups and secrets. It is now time for this truth to be revealed to humanity.
You are not alone, neither in the Universe nor on Gaia. Here on Gaia you belong to a bigger human family who is longing to reunite with you, though you have not previously been aware of our existence.
However, this veil is to be lifted. We will be making the first contacts with selected ambassadors that will bring our worlds closer. They will then tell you about us, so that you can prepare for our reunification – which is imminent. As we have already told you, Disclosure also includes the reunion with your Family from Inner Earth.
So, who are we? As we have said to you, we entered into the Inner Realms to avoid Humanity’s descent into the more dense matter. This separation from our beloved brothers and sisters on the Outer Earth has been painful for us.
But we hoped that one day this downward spiral of Humanity would end, and the backlash against it would be initiated. And this has happened, thanks to your development. Congratulations!
We are happy that we are allowed to tell you more about ourselves, and suggest that you inform yourselves by researching about us in your written media and you will thus learn more about us.
There are many dimensional entrances into our realm on all Continents. However, they remain sealed because the human energy levels need first to adapt to ours before we are able to unify.
Life in our realm consists of Love and Joy. We have a Well of Light that provides us with light and heat. Large seas surround the landmass. Our residences and buildings are of crystalline structure of incredible beauty.
We do not experience physical death as you know it, because we have a different “life period” that extends to many generations. When the time comes for us to have new experiences, we just change our body.
We live together in harmony and in mutual Love. Our partnerships are based on the goal of contributing to the best possible development for all. For us, it is crucial when choosing a partner that our connection is sacred because it is to carry on and support the development of our people. Everything is carried by Love. Every action, every thought and everything that is going on, is based on Love. We do not know feelings of jealousy, envy, trouble, fear or anger.
If our bodies need an energetic adjustment we have our healing technologies at our disposal. These are special rooms in which crystals vibrate, emitting light and sound. It serves, for example, to balance our body energy. Like you, we have chakras that we harmonize and balance with our technologies. The sound and light act like a key that balances the connections of our chakras. The incoming frequencies clear our bodies and bring about a balance of any possible dissonances.
You have already been informed about these technologies, and you may also like to use them for your own healing processes. Just ask us and we will take you there in your sleep cycles – it is our pleasure to help you with the healing and balancing of your chakras.
You do need to understand the purpose of these healing technologies available to you. They should assist your transformation, but not do it for you, as it is you yourself that performs the transformation. It is therefore not possible for us, or your Star brothers and sisters, to do this for you as this would be interfering in your evolution, which is not permitted.
This information should arouse interest in your Inner Earth Family. It should open your hearts and encourage our acquaintance, because through this process our reunion will be greatly accelerated.
Everything is Love. Follow your feelings and allow the Love to carry you, because the day will come when your wish to reunite with All-That-Is will be fulfilled.
We love you very much and we are looking forward to our reunion.
Your Brother Rodon