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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2013 9:41:50 PM

Charles Hall Reveals on Australian TV that American Military Worked with ETs

Charles Hall spent two years at Nellis AFB as a weather observer during which time he interacted with extarterrestrials who were tall and white (Orions?) and a group of Greys from Roswell (Zeta Reticulans). I can’t import his recent interview given on Australian TV, which you can find here, but here is an older two-hour interview from Youtube in which he discusses his experiences.

The older interview is given at a talk especially for people interested in the topic, but the shorter interview above it is on Australian TV so a much broader audience listened to Charles on that one. Discussing the interactions of the American military with two species of galactic beings on national television? Uhhhhh, we are getting there! Thanks to Geoff West.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2013 9:46:18 PM

Meteor Over Manhattan: East Coast Fireball Sets Internet Abuzz

Meteor Over Manhattan: East Coast Fireball Sets Internet Abuzz

By Tariq Malik, Managing Editor – March 23, 2012

A bright meteor briefly outshone the lights of New York City and more late Friday (March 22), according to reports by witnesses who used Twitter and the Internet to report sightings of the fireball streaking over the U.S. East Coast.

“Strange Friday night … a meteor passed over my house tonight!” wrote one New Yorker writing as Yanksmom19.

The first fireball sightings came at about 8 p.m. EDT (0000 March 23 GMT), and sparked more than 500 witness reports to the American Meteor Society. Reports of the meteor flooded Twitter from New York, Boston and Washington, D.C.

”The witnesses range from along the Atlantic Coast ranging from Maine to North Carolina,” Robert Lunsford, the society’s fireball coordinator, wrote in an update.

“This object was also seen as far inland as Ohio.”

The CBS WUSA 9 television news station obtained several security camera videos of the fireball as it lit up the night sky over Washington and parts of Maryland (see second video below).

In New York, some observers reported seeing the meteor low in the sky as it streaked from west to east across the night sky.

“It shot over Manhattan and broke up over the East Village,” observer Ross E. of New York City wrote in his fireball report on to the meteor society.

In fact, the meteor streaked across hundreds of miles and was visible from many states along the Eastern Seaboard.

According to Lunsford, meteors often appear closer than they actually are due to the observer’s perspective.

Fireballs occur every day and are typically caused by small space rocks about the size of a basketball disintegrating as the streak through Earth’s atmosphere, officials with NASA’s Asteroid Watch outreach program wrote in a Twitter post.

On Feb. 15, a bus-size meteor exploded over Russia near the city of Chelyabinsk, shattering windows in hundreds of buildings and injuring nearly 1,500. The rare meteor explosion, which scientists have classified as a superbolide, was the most powerful in more than a century, NASA scientists said.

And the view from Maryland:

The Earth is bombarded by nearly 100 tons of material from space every day, but most of those objects are tiny dust grains that burn up harmlessly in the atmosphere.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2013 9:48:14 PM

Self-Importance: An Occupational Hazard for Starseeds

Arrogance 987On numerous occasions, and through different channels, Archangel Michael has said that Starseeds come from higher dimensions. Here he tells us through Ronna Herman:

“Beloved masters, first of all, allow us to ease your minds. The ascension process is not new to you. You have accomplished it many times before.

“You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing.

“You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys.” (1)

Some starseeds are now making contact with galactics and celestials through channels (and perhaps some in person; I don’t know) and are finding out a modicum about themselves.

Evidently it’s time to awaken. And some of the news can come as quite a shock. Some people are discovering they’re incarnated angels or elohim; others have a galactic background; some played pivotal roles in other periods on Earth.

Several prophets are here, some disciples, others of Jesus’ circle (in the West; perhaps Buddha’s disciples in the East). Why would they not be here? This is an important time in Earth’s history.

Nonetheless, hearing things like these can be unnerving and unsettling. It could unhinge us and have us strut around.

If a person has a script called “I’m not good enough,” when they hear these things, that script can flip and become “I’m better than.” Unless we complete these scripts, which are part of an overall vasana (2) of unworthiness, we run the risk of “taking a left turn,” as Archangel Michael describes it.

The vasana of more than/less than can cause us to lose our way. If we don’t know how to complete a vasana (and completing them is neither simple, nor easy, nor comfortable), (3) to handle the skewing effect of the vasana, we may need to be super-vigilant.

But the mission is what’s important, as far as I’m concerned. Our personal history is not. Service is important. All the rest is fluff.

I personally don’t want to lose my way. I say that here and you can hold me to it. I don’t want to lapse into arrogance or slip into self-importance in a moment of forgetfulness.

If you’ll allow me a little humor, I didn’t come all this way, carry this heavy sack of a body for 66 years, go through all this privation, waiting, and disappointment to start on my mission only to fail in it because I wasn’t vigilant and allowed arrogance or self-importance to claim me.

Self-importance is insidious. It feels good to swagger around. And we think that others don’t see us. But everyone sees us swagger. Only we don’t see it. We’re hugely visible in our arrogance, hugely visible in our self-importance. People can pick it up in our looks, our inflection, our glance.

This may be our most difficult assignment: To make a successful transition from being in total darkness about ourselves to knowing the truth of ourselves without becoming unbalanced or unhinged.


(1) Archangel Michael, “You are Courageous Souls,” through Ronna Herman, August 2011, at For more on the subject see “Starseeds: The Leaven in the Loaf,” at

(2) A vasana is an archaic, often troublesome, usually negative behavior pattern born of earlier traumatic incidents.

(3) See “On Processing Vasanas,” at

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2013 9:49:15 PM

Lebanese Government Resigns

Lebanon's government was led by Najib Miqati, who has announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet. Photograph: Hussein Malla/AP

Lebanon’s government was led by Najib Miqati, who has announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet. Photograph: Hussein Malla/AP

Lebanese Government Resigns

Stephen: And another nation’s government resigns… just as they seem to be collapsing all across the world right now; opening doors for new leadership and new ideas.

Lebanon’s Government Collapses as Miqati Cabinet Resigns

By Martin Chulov in Beirut, The Guardian – March 22, 2013

Lebanon’s government was led by Najib Miqati, who has announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet. Photograph: Hussein Malla/AP

Lebanon’s government fell late on Friday adding more instability to an already volatile region straining to cope with the fallout from Syria’s civil war.

Prime Minister Najib Miqati announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet when it failed to make decisions on the extension of a security chief’s role and the make-up of a commission that would oversee elections due in June.

Though ostensibly local, the issues that brought down the government had both regional roots and implications. The country’s parliament has remained bitterly divided on most issues in the two years since the elected prime minister, Saad Hariri was ousted by a Hezbollah-led bloc, known as March 8, which now holds the majority of seats.

The remnants of the Hariri bloc, known as March 14, has effectively been in opposition ever since it pushed for a continued role for the Internal Security Forces chief, Ashraf Rifi, who it sees as its last remaining link to Lebanon’s security establishment after the assassination last October of the intelligence general, Wissam al-Hassan.

Miqati’s attempts to act as a conduit for the deeply polarised groups had largely failed and he had twice before threatened to resign. David Cameron personally intervened when Miqati tried to quit in the wake of General Hassan’s death, underscoring the depth of British support for his government and fears of what may follow if it fell.

Britain’s ambassador to Lebanon, Tom Fletcher, said: “Najib Miqati has done one of the world’s toughest jobs with great tenacity and skill, at a time of immense challenges. It is now important that Lebanon’s leaders work together to forge a clearer national vision, and to manage contagion from the Syria crisis. We should help them brace themselves against the challenges they face.”

Lebanese leaders immediately tried to douse talk of a vacuum in the country where state control has been sorely tested as the Assad regime’s hold on Syria has steadily disintegrated.

In a televised address, Miqati said: “There will be no rescue [for Lebanon] except through dialogue and making room for the formation of a salvation government in which all groups are represented.” His resignation is expected to be accepted by President Michel Suleiman on Saturday and a caretaker government appointed.

Gunfire echoed through the centre of Miqati’s home city of Tripoli, with Sunni groups battling an Alawite enclave in the Jabel al-Mohsen district. Enmity between the groups is stoked by the Syria crisis, with the Alawites staunchly backing Assad and the Sunnis vehement supporters of the Syrian opposition.

Hardening sectarian positions in the region and a spillover from Syria had threatened to make this year’s planned elections more bitterly fought than ever. Neither bloc has been prepared to compromise on the formation of a commission to oversee the election, or whether it is contested on a law drafted in the 1960s or new legislation. Lebanon’s sectarian demographics have shifted drastically in the decades of war and emigration.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2013 9:50:18 PM

New Documentary: Inside Malaysia’s Shadow State

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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