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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/22/2013 5:01:23 PM

Pope urges dialogue with Islam, more help for the poor

Reuters/Reuters - Pope Francis greets foreign diplomats during an audience with the diplomatic corps at the Vatican March 22, 2013. REUTERS/Tony Gentile

By Philip Pullella

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis urged the West on Friday to intensify dialogue with Islam and appealed to the world to do more to combat poverty and protect the environment.

Speaking in Italian, the new pontiff said richer countries should fight what he called "the spiritual poverty of our times" by re-forging links with God.

"How many poor people there still are in the world! And what great suffering they have to endure!" he told the diplomats in theVatican's frescoed Sala Regia.

Some critics of the Catholic Church, which has been struggling with scandals and internal divisions, say its rejection of contraception in particular harms the poor.

Others say it does much good in the developing world, running thousands of hospitals, schools, orphanages and hospices.

Francis made his appeal in an address to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, sending a message through them to the leaders of the 180 states with which the Vatican has diplomatic relations.

He urged them to help keep religion central in public life and promote inter-religious dialogue as a catalyst for efforts to build peace.

"In this work (peace building), the role of religion is fundamental. It is not possible to build bridges between people while forgetting God," he said.

"But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God while ignoring other people. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam."

Francis, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, said he was grateful that many Muslim religious and civilian leaders attended his inaugural Mass on Tuesday.


Dialogue, he said, "should help to build bridges connecting all people, in such a way that everyone can see in the other not an enemy, not a rival, but a brother or sister."

He underlined the importance of defending the poor when he explained why he had decided to take the name of St. Francis of Assisi, who is associated with austerity and help for the poor.

"Fighting poverty, both material and spiritual, building peace and constructing bridges: these, as it were, are the reference points for a journey that I want to invite each of the countries here represented to take up," he said.

In his speech, the pope thanked Christians in the developing world "who dedicate themselves to helping the sick, orphans, the homeless and all the marginalized, thus striving to make society more humane and just".

African Catholics have said they want the new pope to champion traditional Church teachings, such as opposing contraception, abortion and same-sex marriage.

Since his election, Francis has drawn attention to the need to defend nature and included it in his speech to the diplomats.

"Here too, it helps me to think of the name of (Saint)Francis, who teaches us profound respect for the whole of creation and the protection of our environment, which all too often, instead of using for the good, we exploit greedily, to one another's detriment," he said.

Francis has set the tone for a humbler papacy. The Vatican said he will hold a Holy Thursday ceremony next week in the chapel of a youth prison instead of in the Vatican or a Rome basilica where it has been held before.

He has also begun inviting outsiders to attend his morning Mass, something which Pope John Paul II did but which Benedict XVI, who is now "pope emeritus", discontinued.

On Thursday, France invited staff of the Santa Martha residence in the Vatican and on Friday it was the turn of Vatican gardeners to attend the morning Mass in the chapel of residence, a spokesman said.

On Saturday, Francis will fly to the papal summer retreat south of Rome to visit Benedict, who last month became the first pope in 600 years to abdicate instead of ruling for life, saying he no longer had the strength to carry out his mission.

(Reporting By Philip Pullella; Editing by Hugh Lawson)

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/22/2013 10:52:59 PM

Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 289

freedomAs channeled by Aisha North – March 22, 2013

Today is another great day indeed, but one that will be met with indifference from many, for this day will be all about integrating what you have already been injected with, but also one that will bring with it new and improved levels of understanding.

But again, this does not pertain to all humans, as this only pertains to those who have already opened their hearts to this, and who are welcoming these heavenly injections of light and hope. For the rest of humanity, it will seem to be more of the same old, same old, as they continue to drag themselves through another day of this mortal coil.

Make not mistake, life can seem to be much less than bleak for many of your fellow men and women even without these injections from above, for all is not pain and unhappiness. But their joy cannot be compared to the joy that is yours, as soon as you have opened the doors within that let in these heavenly emissaries.

For then it is as if the volume has been turned to max, and the mufflers have been removed, and as such, the exhilaration will be multiplied many times over. In addition, when you reach out and connect to other open souls as you are doing here in the space that has been set aside for such a purpose, you will feel that this also heightens the intensity of all of these positive vibrations another notch or two. For that is what this truly is at heart, good vibrations. But if you refuse to reset your receiver and tune into this new channel, you will not be able to pick it up, and all this heavenly music will literally pass you by.

So again we say stay tuned, for there is more to come, and even if it at times can be a little bit taxing to receive these heavenly signals, know that the outcome is certainly more than worth it. For the choir you have set up has already acquired many new members, but the roster is about to multiply even further as you yourselves have started to emit this wondrous voice from heaven from your own hearts.

And now, this song is being picked up by more and more eager ears, or rather hearts, and they will be attracted by this tune and come knocking on your door, ready to hear more. And as long as you keep singing in tune with this new vibration, you will be able to make even more join in and harmonize alongside you. And they again will entrain others with their new vibration. And on and on this goes, like a veritable train of love where new cars are being hitched on one by one.

And so again we say look around, and see that you are already swimming in a sea of love, created by each and every person who has had the courage to open their own heart and pour our the contents within, increasing the size of this beautiful pond beyond belief. But this is only the beginning, dear ones, and know too that there are other ponds just like this, already brimming over with the love that has accumulated there.

And soon, these ponds will start to merge and intermingle, growing outwards and covering more and more of the surface of this little blue planet of yours. And soon, when you look from above, the waters of these small ponds will have outgrown even the vastest of oceans you can see from outer space.

So we thank you all, for doing what you do, and for being what you are. For you are the ones making all this happen, step by step, song by song, choir by choir. So sit back and listen well, for you are indeed already an integrated part of this heavenly choir, already being heard near and far throughout the lands. And the song that you sing, is indeed the song of freedom, finally being sung by those that have attained that freedom.

It is not a song of longing any more, it has become a song of being. And with that, we will leave you for today, but we will return again and again to continue to sing your praise. For it is well deserved, more than you can know, and so we stand here today, applauding your efforts. For the sound you are all making is soaring through your universe and beyond, carrying with it the confirmation that mankind is about to break out into a song that will break all the records hitherto set by this human race.

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/22/2013 10:54:34 PM

SaLuSa: March 22, 2013

SacredSaLuSa: March 22, 2013

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

So much is happening on your planet that it is becoming very apparent to many more people that the promised changes are well under way. It is by no means an easy time for you as you are at the hub of much that is taking place. However, you chose this time to be on Earth as an important part of your experiences that will prepare you for your future assignments.

In time many of you will put yourselves forward as Mentors, to other emerging civilizations. It will be your way of service having reached a higher level of understanding that brings you the status of a Master. This is your natural progression as you become more of the Light, and seek to lift others up with you.

The order you see in the Universe comes from all souls reaching a point when they come to the realization that, in the ultimate, there is nothing but Love and that all life revolves and has its being within it. Even now you are rising up and your awareness is such that you understand the amazing power of Love. It is life itself and the most powerful force in the Universe that will enable you to continue rising up through the dimensions.

As you have so often been informed, your levels of experience in the lower dimensions are in the way of an experiment to see how, as Beings of Light, you could find your real Selves again. They are not and never will be your true reality, because your original home in the stars is one where you lived in total Unity and Love as One. Duality was the means of allowing separation and experience of both darkness and Light in the same dimension.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light find that in recent times, there has been such a rapid advancement in your levels of consciousness that you can already perceive and visualise the Golden Age. That is a wonderful achievement because, as you maintain your focus on it, you are hastening the time when it will manifest for you.

The Light is taking over your Earth and you no longer need to be concerned about the remaining darkness, as it is being transmuted by a massive outflow of Light. The answers to your problems have already been found, and through our allies are gradually being adopted. The benefits of them are being introduced and free energy is at the forefront, although you must not expect too much at a time, but a steady and well planned introduction. We cannot force the issues but will give support, sustenance and protection to those involved.

You have waited a long time for some visible changes, whereas much has occurred behind the scenes and had more to do with influence and inspiration. When you are open to our guidance be assured that we give it, and you can call upon us at any time. When your requests are for the benefit of others we will do our best to ensure you get the help you need. We are often the unseen Lightworkers alongside you, and we give you our Love and guidance.

We are of course continually involved in helping Mother Gaia, and you will have noted that events connected with her and the physical changes have been calmly taking place. Indeed, the more you raise your conscious levels on Earth the easier it is going to be all round.

You are receiving more energy from outside of Earth, and it comes from many sources. Your Spring Solstice is one such powerful example and many, many people will have felt the effect. It is an uplifting energy that gives you what you sometimes call “the feel-good factor” and a beautiful feeling of calmness and happiness. Hold it and you will find that some people can sense the change in you, and very soon it will become your normal way of being.

Imagine a world full of souls who have all become as One and live permanently in the Light and Love, because it will come as you progress into the 5th dimension. Some of you are there or are so near already, and you are the ones who lead the way. By your example many will follow where you have created the pathway. You are in such wonderful times when virtually anything is possible, so do not in any way limit your ambitions or belief in yourself.

As the darkness and those behind it are exposed, we ask again that you allow natural justice to take its path. Know that every single soul will answer at some time for their crimes against Humanity, but simple mistakes are accepted as part of your learning process. We stress that there is no punishment involved and you choose how to rectify or overcome them.

God does not give you freewill and then hold genuine mistakes against you. It is only where there is a deliberate attempt to harm or kill another soul that calls for further experiences that teach the error of your ways. It is karma and will be a part of your life plan when you undertake to go through it. All is conducted with the greatest love and attention to help you through your experiences. Your Guides and Angels do far more for you than you are normally aware of and are always with you on your journey through life.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light have been impressing high profile people to push on with their efforts to bring some form of Disclosure about. In some ways it is hardly necessary with our presence in your skies and so many reports and articles around about us. It will not surprise the vast majority of you but then it depends on how far the revelations go to reveal our association with you.

In this century alone you have discovered much more historical evidence about us and our contact with you for many thousand years. It can no longer be ignored or denied except by those with the most rigid beliefs. We would like to see a situation where your governments admit to having had contact with us for almost 100 years, and confirm that we have always approached them in Love and Peace. That would alleviate any doubts some people still hold who have been led to believe that we are like the monsters depicted in your science fiction and films.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must congratulate the Lightworkers for having settled into a new vibration that will carry them forward to the New Age. You have just as much important work to do as previously, if not more so, as you prepare people for the last lap and cross the finishing tape. The victory is yours, and the prize is yours – never again to have to experience separation from God and your real home amongst the Stars.

We love you and your intent to find your future and place with us as true Galactic Beings.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2013 11:17:22 AM

ND lawmakers define life as starting at conception

Associated Press/The Bismarck Tribune, Mike McCleary - Rep. Gail Mooney, D-Cummings, speaks against division A of SB2303 during floor debate, Friday, March 22, 2013 at the state Capitol in Bismarck, N.D. Long dismissed as cold and inconsequential, North Dakota is now trying to enact the toughest abortion restrictions in the nation. The newly oil-rich red state may soon find itself in a costly battle over legislation foes describe as blatantly unconstitutional. (AP Photo/The Bismarck Tribune, Mike McCleary)

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — North Dakota didn't set out to become the abortion debate's new epicenter.

It happened by accident, after a legislative caucus that once vetted abortion bills languished, leaving lawmakers to propose a flurry of measures — some cribbed from Wikipedia — without roadblocks.

Long dismissed as cold and inconsequential, North Dakota is now trying to enact the toughest abortion restrictions in the nation. The newly oil-rich red state may soon find itself in a costly battle over legislation foes describe as blatantly unconstitutional.

"It had to happen some place," said Sen. John Andrist, a Crosby Republican who has served in the Legislature for more than two decades.

"I'm from the group who hates voting on abortion issues and who don't like to play God," said Andrist, who describes himself as "moderately pro-life" and has voted for some but not all of the restrictions North Dakota has taken up this year. "But we have some strong-willed people in this state who do."

Lawmakers on Friday took a step toward outlawing abortion altogether in the state by passing a so-called personhood resolution that says a fertilized egg has the same right to life as a person. The House's approval sends the matter to voters, who will decide whether to add the wording to the state's constitution in November 2014.

It's one of several anti-abortion measures to pass the Legislature. Most are awaiting the signature of Republican Gov. Jack Dalrymple, who hasn't yet indicated whether he supports the laws. Even if he were to veto them, some could have the support for the Legislature to override him.

One bill would prohibit abortion if a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which can happen as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. Another would make North Dakota the only state to prohibit women from having the procedure because a fetus has a genetic defect, such as Down syndrome.

Though similar proposals in other states have faced fierce opposition, almost all of the anti-abortion measures in North Dakota this year have passed with little debate and with overwhelming support. One Democrat, Sen. Connie Triplett, walked out of the Senate in a silent protest during debate last week on the genetic abnormalities bill, knowing her vote wouldn't keep the measure from passing.

The only significant measure to fail so far was a second personhood bill debated Friday that would have automatically defined in state law that life begins at conception. Lawmakers worried the wording would jeopardize couples' efforts to get pregnant using in vitro fertilization.

So why is this happening in North Dakota, and why now?

The answer lies in part with the disintegration of an anti-abortion caucus that used to take the lead on introducing bills aimed at the procedure. Longtime Sen. Tim Mathern, a Democrat from Fargo who once led the caucus, said the group favored a more gradual approach to ending abortion in the state, focusing on measures it thought would withstand legal challenges. Without the caucus, some of the Legislature's most ardent abortion opponents are taking up the cause, introducing bills crafted by out-of-state organizations or from examples found on the Internet.

Mathern, a Roman Catholic, fears the approach could backfire in the courts and with the state's residents.

"In the long term, no question, it hurts," he said.

The caucus that once helped organize and streamline anti-abortion proposals didn't formally go away. Mathern said it just "petered out little by little" in recent years, amid disagreements over what approach to take with legislation.

The group often whittled proposals down to just a few, if any, bills each session that had the backing of lawmakers and national anti-abortion groups.

"The problem was we could never get all the groups on the same page," Bismarck Republican Sen.Margaret Sitte said.

Sitte introduced some of this year's anti-abortion measures, including the "personhood" resolution. She said the idea came from her heart — with inspiration from former President Ronald Reagan and legal language lifted from an online encyclopedia.

"There was no grandiose plan," Sitte said, adding that the template for the personhood resolution came from a quick web search. "It came from Wikipedia."

Sitte and other abortion foes acknowledge they want to shut down North Dakota's only abortion clinic, which is in Fargo, the state's largest city. They also hope to challenge the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion up until a fetus is considered viable, usually around 22 to 24 weeks into a pregnancy.

Jordan Goldberg, state advocacy counsel for the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights, said the measures are backed by large anti-abortion organizations or smaller "fringe" groups.

"None of the bills originated in North Dakota. All the bills came from out of state, every single one of them," Goldberg said.

Critics of North Dakota's proposals say the state of about 700,000 residents is setting itself up for a costly legal battle that would be tough to win.

North Dakota is uniquely positioned to undertake an expensive legal fight. Fueled by the unprecedented oil bonanza in the western part of the state, North Dakota boasts a nearly $2 billion state budget surplus and has the lowest unemployment rate in the nation.

Still, the record production that has thrust the state to the nation's No. 2 oil producer behind Texas also has brought challenges, including more crime brought on by an exploding population and torn-up roads from increased traffic. Hundreds of millions of dollars in new housing construction and infrastructure improvements haven't kept pace.

Rep. Kathy Hawken, a Republican from Fargo who supports legal abortion, said she believes most of the state's residents would prefer to see lawmakers focus on other issues, such as taxes and education.

"This is not coming from here, from the people of our state. It's coming from out of state," she said of the anti-abortion legislation.

Hawken is among a bipartisan group of about 10 lawmakers who have urged Dalrymple to veto anti-abortion measures.

"We're clearly not the brightest bulbs in the bunch if we take a legal medical procedure and try and make it illegal," she said.


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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/23/2013 11:20:17 AM

Analysis: Obama scores unexpected successes on Middle East trip

Reuters/Reuters - U.S. President Barack Obama is greeted by Bedouin Jordanian honour guards upon his arrival at Amman airport, March 22, 2013. REUTERS/Ali Jarekji

By Crispian Balmer

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama flew out of Israel in a duststorm on Friday, leaving behind a trail of symbolic gestures and fine oratory that should help preserve the status quo at a time of regional upheaval.

In an unexpected diplomatic flourish, he also facilitated a surprise telephone call between the prime ministers of Israel and Turkey, putting two U.S. allies firmly on track to revive a once close relationship that had become badly frayed.

Obama set such low expectations for the three-day trip that he can easily proclaim it is mission accomplished, having wooed skeptical Israelis, eased their fears over Iran and shown Palestinians that he had not forgotten their aspirations.

True, many Palestinians remained disillusioned, feeling that Obama had buckled to Israeli pressure and backtracked from his previous demands for a halt to Jewish settlement building in the occupied West Bank on land they want for a future state.

But after a bruising first term of failed Middle East diplomacy, Obama's prime concern seems to be that the situation does not get any worse, while keeping alive slender hopes that a comprehensive Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is still possible.

"This visit marks a resumption of American attention to the conflict, which is very important after two years of utter absence from the scene," said Ghassan al-Khatib, an academic and a former Palestinian government spokesman.

"It probably won't lead to any new negotiations, which in any case would be meaningless given the huge gulf between the two sides. But it might bring some accountability to the Israelis."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared highly satisfied by the public show of joviality displayed by Obama during their meetings, dispelling the frosty scowls and sniping that marked encounters over the previous four years.

"The atmosphere was much better than in all their meetings before," said a senior Israeli official. "He gave the impression that he really wanted to start afresh," he said of Obama.


Obama has already spent more time talking to Netanyahu than to any other world leader, according to the White House, and the pair put several more hours on the clock through this week.

Iran topped their initial agenda, aides said, with Obama seeking to build mutual trust and convinceIsrael that he was serious when he said he would not let Iran get nuclear weapons.

As a joint news conference on Wednesday, Netanyahu repeated that Israel had a right to defend its own national interests, but added that he was "absolutely convinced" Obama meant what he said - a strong statement seen as significant by some analysts.

"Now I think there is almost complete understanding between Israel and the United States on the Iranian issue," said Amotz Asa-El, fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem.

"Specifically, they are waiting to see if the June election in Iran ignites some kind of social upheaval, a prospect that both Washington and Jerusalem obviously prefer," he added, referring to a mid-year presidential poll.

Israel and Western powers believe Iran is looking to prepare a nuclear arsenal - something Tehran denies, while defending its right to enrich uranium for civil uses. Netanyahu has set a "red line" across Iran's progress on enrichment, which he has said could be crossed in the spring or summer - hinting at unilateral military action unless the Islamic republic backs down.

Giora Eiland, a retired general and former Israeli national security adviser, said the prospect of such an attack was receding: "I think that the option still exists," he said, "But that every day that passes lowers its chances of success."

Reflecting Israel's isolation in a largely hostile region, Obama engineered a call between Netanyahu and his Turkish counterpart on Friday, enabling the two U.S. allies to overcome a diplomatic crisis sparked by the deaths of nine Turks in 2010 during an Israeli commando raid off the Gaza Strip.

The move to normalize relations with a NATO member state that was one of its few Muslim friends in the region could help coordination to contain spillover from the Syrian civil war.

"Given what we see in the Middle East, we see a situation in which our relations with Turkey can be very, very important for the future, regarding what happens with Syria, but not just what happens with Syria," said a source in Netanyahu's office.


Yet if the tensions with Turkey unexpectedly eased, Obama's visit did little to raise hopes that the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict was any nearer resolution.

Going over the heads of Israeli leaders, who have questioned whether they have a viable negotiating partner on the other side of the separation barrier that twists through the West Bank, Obama appealed directly to ordinary citizens to push for change.

In a powerful speech to appreciative students, the U.S. president warned on Thursday that the Jewish state risked growing international isolation without a peace accord.

However, he did not bring any proposals on how to resume negotiations, which broke down in 2010, and he backed away from a previous demand for Israel to end settlement building, simply calling the construction an impediment to peace.

He promised that his new secretary of state, John Kerry, would dedicate much time and energy to the problem, but many Israelis saw his comments as a sign Washington would distance itself from a diplomatic quagmire familiar to his predecessors.

"The era when the USA pushed Israel and the Palestinians into a political process is gone," said Gidi Grinstein, president of the Reut Institute, a Tel Aviv-based think tank.

"In the absence of American vision and strategy, considering Obama's priorities and with the present positions of Israel and the Palestinians, the USA is basically saying: 'You call us. We won't call you'," he added.

Although Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas welcomed Obama's speech, some of his political allies were more damning.

"Obama's visit provides no clear way forward for a serious solution to the conflict," said Wasel Abu Yousef of the Palestine Liberation Organisation. "It seems the U.S. is not interested in solving the conflict, but rather managing it."

(Additional reporting by Dan Williams and Noah Browning; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)

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