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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2020 11:27:59 PM

Creating New Timelines with Us in the Astral Plane ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

creating new timelines with us in the astral plane - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Creating New Timelines with Us in the Astral Plane ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have co-created a number of new timelines with those of you who visit with us in the astral plane, and we are happy to report that we see progress in terms of how many of you are choosing to be on one of these new timelines. The new timelines include one in which you are all able to receive enough of the energies coming in from the Pleiadian star system to wipe out the virus completely. Another timeline involves a person in a position of prominence and authority discovering a very natural cure for the virus. We have also co-created a timeline where all of humanity is able to raise your vibration high enough to no longer be affected by the virus.

Now, there are just three of the many new future experiences that we have been able to co-create with those of you who are willing to connect with us in the astral plane. Do you see now how creative you are? Do you see the potential that lies within each of you when you put that creative power you have inside of you to work? Are you ready to create even more beautiful timelines for yourselves? We are, and we are willing and eager to connect with more and more humans in every moment.

Now, you might wonder whether it is necessary for you to come up with these new timelines while you are awake, and we want to say that certainly you can. But we also want to remind you that the best ideas come to you when you are not trying to think of them. So we advise all of you to look for opportunities to participate in life as it is right now in joy and to know that some of the best work you do is while you are sleeping. We also bring you this transmission to remind you of how powerful you are.

We will continue to remind you that you are Source Energy Beings creating all of the various illusions that you play in, and we also want you to remember that the less serious you take all of this, the easier it becomes to step into that power, the power of your Divine and creative selves. Join us the next time you slumber, and we promise you that we will have fun together, the kind of fun you had when you were children and you sought to create all the time, crisis or no crisis.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2020 8:48:21 PM
Invitation from Shanta Gabriel

The Oracle Returns!

Everyone Loved It!

Except those who missed the fun...

It was a really popular event, so for this week's Wisdom Wednesday, May 20, on Zoom, I will be back as the Oracle to answer this question for each person who is there:

What does my Soul want me to know?

The Ancient Art of Divination not only offers deep truth, it is mystical and fun. It is best to keep a lighthearted attitude about the questions and the answers. Using oracle cards is a great way to stimulate your intuition!

Come join us and prepare to have your heart feel blessed! A recording will be sent to all those who are registered.

Live from Mt. Shasta California

Join Us for an Evening of Fun + Wisdom

About Shanta

Shanta GabrielShanta Gabriel is an author, way-shower and teacher,whose life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth using Divine Light. As an energy healer for over 40 years, she offers alignment and connection with the Archangels with whom she has trained for decades. Her mission is to educate, inspire and empower people to create a personal experience of the Divine working in daily life.

For more information about her classes, free resources, private sessions and products, visit her site
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2020 11:03:03 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/18/2020

will's picture

First be. Everything else is possible only afterwards: first be.

Jesus says it in his own way: "First seek ye the kingdom of God, then all else shall be added unto you." This is just an old expression for the same thing that I am saying: First be, then all else shall be added unto you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2020 11:14:10 PM

It is absolutely essential that you love and honor yourselves.

Galactic Free Press's picture

We are approaching the completion or the end point of humanity’s awakening process! That probably does not appear to be the case from your perspective as the news media floods the airwaves and the internet with further misinformation about the worldwide pandemic, along with news of the ensuing dramas. However, humanity is on a roll toward a new way of living that will totally change the ways in which you relate to one another, as your perception of the meaning of life as a human evolves into spiritual awareness of the real purpose of your lives as humans in form. Memory of your true nature is returning, and therefore you are seeing your human lives in a completely new LIGHT!

The Light of Love is arising into your conscious awareness bringing into focus the real purpose of a human life, namely, to recognize, honor, and express your True Nature at all times. And, as you all know, your True Nature is LOVE. When you start to do this, even though at first you may feel reluctant to do so, you will find yourselves meeting and interacting with others who are also doing this. This confirms for you that this is the only meaningful way to live, and arousing in you the confidence – always there but not trusted, because of the sense that confidence in self was felt to be unsafe, unwise – and the courage to set and put into practice the intent to be only loving in every moment, and to allow Love to guide your thoughts, words, and actions at all times.

This is what enlightenment means, it does not mean being out of this world experiencing the intense felt sense of the infinite field of divine Love enveloping and embracing you, as reported by many who have had Near Death Experiences – which is of course totally valid. It means living in the world as humans at peace with yourselves whatever arises, and not being drawn into the drama that others create out of their strong feelings of like or dislike of people, food, activities, organizations, and the beliefs and opinions they attach to them. It is a state of being free from worry, anxiety, or fear of what others may think of you, because you know that who you are is who, with great wisdom, you chose to be before incarnating to experience this life in this moment in order to learn the lessons with which it presents you.

Remember, every sentient being without exception is divinely created in Love, and at One with Source, from Whom they are never for even an instant separated. To awaken is to know this and experience the Reality of It at all times. Yes, stuff will arise that is messy, unpleasant, and painful, but because you know who you truly are, and live that truth at all times, nothing that does arise will discombobulate you to the extent that you become unable to deal with it and consequently sink into depression or victimhood. Instead it will arise as a challenge that you welcome, knowing that it is one of the lessons that you set on your human life path prior to incarnating, and you will, therefore, resolve it with excitement and attain a deep sense of satisfaction in doing so.

You are divine beings having a temporary experience in form, although when life appears to be treating you unfairly or unkindly, it does not feel very temporary. Life just is, it is neither good nor bad except in your own personal appraisal of it. Life happens, life unfolds, moment by moment as you, in human form, experience it while playing the game or dreaming the dream that life in form presents to you. Those moments can seem momentary – a moment of intense joy or pleasure – or interminable when you are suffering and or in pain. A moment is just a moment, but how you experience it is due to the choices that you make – in that moment!

You all know or have met people who are nearly always upbeat, cheerful, and enthusiastic about their lives, and others who never seem to be happy but, instead, are almost always complaining about some aspect of it, or about another person. Both types are living the choices they have made for themselves. The reason for their choices are mostly based on life experiences they have encountered from early childhood right up to the present moment, and most definitely those who have suffered a plethora of unpleasant or severely abusive and damaging events and relationships need your compassion and love, free from judgment or shaming. As all are One, anything you think, say, or do affects you as well as those at whom you direct your thoughts, words, or actions. Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to engage in unloving behaviors of any kind – thoughts, words, or actions– because you are then engaged in directing them at yourselves.

When you make the conscious choice to treat yourselves lovingly, fairly, and compassionately, then it becomes impossible for you to treat others any less favorably. It is, therefore, very, very important, in fact essential that you love and honor yourselves. Vast numbers of people carry a heavy burden of unworthiness, of unlovableness, and this is often expressed in disapproval of others who are mostly just acting as mirrors to them, because, of course, you are all mirrors to one another, and what you see in others is very frequently a reflection of the self you are presenting to them – Love experiences or meets Love, hatred experiences or meets hatred. You always have a choice as to how you will think, speak, or act, but many are either unaware of this fact, or choose to ignore it, and allow their emotions to control their reactions or responses to situations in which they find themselves. Those who choose Love are always far happier and more at peace than those who choose what is not in alignment with Love.

Anyone who is unloving is, in fact, desperately calling out for Love. But often these people are so full of feelings of shame, unworthiness, or self-hatred, that they are unable or find it extremely difficult to accept Love when It is offered to them. They obviously cannot move out of this state without help, but until they are willing to acknowledge that their problems lie within them and choose to seek and accept help, then the only, and very effective thing you can do for them is to hold them silently, quietly, and peacefully in your hearts as you send them Love, whenever you think of them, or remember them.

So, to reiterate, there is only Love, Mother/Father/God, Source, with Whom all sentient beings are One. Therefore sending Love to another is to send It to yourselves, and this is why you are presently incarnate as humans at this moment in humanity’s awakening process. Be Love, express Love, share Love, and enjoy the peace and contentment doing this will bring you if you can set the intent to do so unconditionally, and then actually do as you intend,by putting it into practice. Oftentimes people set an intent, but then fail to implement it, and not realizing this, wonder why it is not achieved.

Trust yourselves, truly trust yourselves, operate from the fullness of your personal integrity as you send Love to all – without exceptions of any kind – and know that this is why you are presently incarnate, helping to bringing humanity successfully and most magnificently through your collective awakening process.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/19/2020 11:45:17 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 19, 2020

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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