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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2020 7:21:47 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/17/2020

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Two lovers support something invisible and something immensely valuable: some poetry of being, some music heard in the deepest recesses of their existence. They support both, they support some harmony, but still they remain independent. They can expose themselves to the other, because there is no fear. They know they ARE. They know their inner beauty, they know their inner perfume; there is no fear.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2020 7:27:37 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday May 18, 2020

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2020 9:55:32 PM

A Shift in Who Holds the Power is Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

a shift in who holds the power is coming - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

A Shift in Who Holds the Power is Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that we see humanity making at this time, and we are very excited to see where you go next. You are experiencing a heightened sense of awareness because of the current conditions there on Earth, and with that heightened sense of awareness, you are capable of fine-tuning your discernment ability. When you are more sensitive, more tuned in to the energies inside and outside of you, you become better creators of your reality. You also become more compassionate.

And so, what you are going to see there on Earth is a shift in terms of who holds the power. You are going to see more compassionate leaders on Earth, because those who have the ability to feel compassion are also more capable than ever of creating their reality. Therefore, you can all look forward to better leaders showing up to guide all of humanity, and we are not just talking about politicians here. We are talking about any and all who have influence.

There are those within your collective who do not like it when an actor, a musician, an athlete, or someone else who is famous for some reason expresses their views, uses their fame for good. There are many who say that those individuals should just keep their mouths shut and do what they are paid to do. However, those opinions do not stop people who have a platform from talking about how they feel. And what you are going to see is more people expressing themselves, expressing their thoughts about humanity and how society has been working and working for the less fortunate, for the average person.

This is a time where more and more compassionate people are finding themselves with opportunities to have a voice and to express themselves, and they do inspire. People get inspired by other people, and we see that as a very good thing. We also see that more of it is coming and that more who traditionally have not had a voice will find themselves being given an opportunity to speak up and share.

All of you are important. Every single person could have their own podcast, and we would celebrate all of you if you did. Now is a time where those of you who are sensitive, compassionate and empathic are going to find that you also have a newfound power coming from within and coming to you because you are sensitive enough to be open to all the energies that are coming in from the higher realms, and we cannot wait to see what you with your newfound power and influence, as well as the heightening of your ability to create your reality.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2020 10:24:26 PM

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - May 17, 2020


Hello to you from all of us down here.

And hello to you from all of us ‘here’.

Which is where?


So, you don’t have an actual ‘place of residence’?

Only if we choose one at a given time.

So, can you just choose where you ‘feel’ like Being?

Yes. Sometimes it is necessary to ‘appear’ to be in a place for reasons of councils etc. Yet, ‘we’ are just as happy … always happy … to be nowhere other than wrapped up in LOVE.

Sometimes I get a visual of meeting you and sitting around a table in a meeting or being in a circle with you … Is this my mind?

Yes … and ours. Anything can take place anywhere, whenever the need suits. As you know Blossom, you are not confined to the physical body and the physical world.

Oh, but how it seems like it!

The restrictions put upon yourselves are consolidated by eons of domination so that the status quo then ‘KNOW’ the restriction to be True. Yet, of course, it is not. Much like so much that you KNOW to be True and it really isn’t.

Are you talking here still about restrictions upon our capabilities or Truths that we have been indoctrinated with?

Both. As the Higher waves of Energy pour into your Planet now … so much of ‘the self-restrictions’ shall be brought to Light. Yet, one must KNOW in their Being of that which one is capable of in order to ‘enjoy’ one’s freedom.

It is so exciting … to/for … us to KNOW that for so many of you, you shall be set free into YOURSELVES.

Yet first, there is much work to be done on the ground level is there not?

Oh, indeed! Yet, we offer encouragement to you … each and every one. We are in much Joy due to so much that is taking place, that most of the populus do not know about. It is all being handled under extreme caution and extreme conditions. Yet, we say to you … Such Light is building upon your Planet from the inside … out.

Do you mean regarding the Underground cities that are being uncovered and destroyed?

We do. Yet, we also mean within yourselves. So many have awoken during these Topsy Turvy times and this is very encouraging. The balance of such is allowing widespread Hope among Nations.

Nations on or off Planet?


A question myself and many would like to ask is regarding the ‘phases’. As in … how many are there? You have said … and White Cloud also, that we are in phase one. I am a little dubious about asking to be honest, as I have a number in my head and I don’t want to have any influence on the number.

And the number you are thinking is three. Correct?

You read my mind. LOL! Am I right?

No. There are to be five.

FIVE?????!!!!!!!!!!!! Well slap me across the face with a wet fish! FIVE!

Why does this shock you so, Blossom?

Because five gives me the feeling this procedure is going to take much longer than expected.

Yet, would that not depend on how quickly some of the phases are dealt with /delivered?

Mmm! ‘Delivered’ intrigues me. Are you speaking of an announcement made?

In particular. Yes.

On all screens?


I feel that is much further down the line. I know you cannot divulge too much for understandable reasons. Yet, are you able to speak more to us of these phases and what each one will entail/involve? … and I know your answer is going to be …


I must be psychic! Not even a teeny weeny hint?

All that we would say, to you who are waiting patiently for things to move on a notch and for confirmation of what you think is taking place to be brought out in the open … is this …

Dearest Souls … that which is taking place behind the scenes … and KNOW that there is a vast amount that IS taking place … HAS to be marked out and ticked off with such precision.

You would know Blossom, that before a performance on a stage … much has to be organized, prepared, and indeed rehearsed before it can be shared with an audience.

It would not be fitting for dribs and drabs, as you call it, to filter through before the time.

The time for what?

The time for all the cards to be laid out on the table.

Much is being ‘leaked’ via the internet and yet again, sometimes one has a hard time knowing WHO exactly is speaking complete Truth and who is not.

There is the danger of this confusion. If one absorbs too much … it can wrap the mind into a knotted ball of string … which then takes unnecessary time and Energy to unravel.

I have to say, for me at the moment, I watch very little now. (Many share a lot with me.) Yet, many are doing so 24/7. As I said last time, it is frustrating … this waiting for the next step. Yet, many of us are understanding the need for patience. For instance, can you say roughly if there is still a lot to be done in phase one or are we getting close to moving on into phase two?

Blossom, Phase two is almost upon you.

Almost? Soon? As much as I Love you … ‘almost’ could mean next year.

Yet, it doesn’t. It cannot. This which is taking place is not to be dragged out.

This which is taking place RIGHT NOW and over the next four phases is THE BIGGEST TRANSFORMATION your World WILL ever experience.

Those who have suffered greatly … have suffered enough. This HAS TO END and it is now so close to becoming an ‘open book’ for the human race to discover.

Ok. In for a penny in for a pound, as the saying goes. Is this announcement that is spoken of, going to be in phase 2?


Oh poop!

Why is this disappointing news?

Because I guess, many feel that when the announcement/s are made … then the ball will Truly be rolling.

There is more to be balanced out and put into place before then.

I am sure. So, this is intriguing as to what phase two will present and how will we know when we are in it?

You will know … There will be no question.

Knowing you cannot give too much away, and so we err on the side of caution … will it be a smooth, almost unnoticed move into phase two or a sudden ‘BAM!’?

It will be a sudden BAM!

And is it something that quite a lot of us are expecting to happen?

Yes. Yet, with added, so far, unknowns.

Ok. My thoughts are definitely not THE EVENT …. Too ‘soon’ for that. Surely that has to be phase five!


I Love the way you cover all angles by making me put both an exclamation and a question mark. You guys are good!

We know what we are doing/up against.

So, if I was to push my luck and say ‘another lockdown yet, more severe’ … you, being so clever … would reply …

… … …

Nicely answered. I think! I don’t think any of us imagined it would be like this. I mean how could we have done? We indeed, have to remain strong on so many levels. It can be so tricky when friends and family are not necessarily in agreement with another’s ‘take’ on this whole thing.

And this is why we say that ‘only the strongest of the strong’ were chosen.

And this is why we have expressed to you that it is going to get a lot more Topsy Turvy than this … a lot more.

Yet, we ask you to look into your Being, right now in this moment. How much stronger do you feel in your TRUTH from when this first began … this dis-ease … this fear pandemic? Ask yourselves now. Feel into your TRUTH.

You have certainly found what YOU KNOW IN YOUR HEART TO BE TRUE … even though you may not know all the intricate details.







And take a look, Dearest Souls … how strong are you feeling? How Bright is your Light shining from within you … reaching within others?

How much stronger now do you feel as One Unit?

How much now, with absolute conviction can you KNOW …







Spheres? That’s new.

Imagine balls of Light shooting out from you at the speed of Light … reaching the desired destination.

You do not need to know where they are going. You just need to TRUST and send them out. They will find their direction with Love as their guide.

Rainbow Spheres! Nice! I like that.

You will like them even more when you see them!

Oh Boy! I AM THE LIGHT. I AM THE LOVE. I AM THE TRUTH. I AM. Many thanks for this chat. In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM.

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/18/2020 10:55:19 PM

Arcturian Group: New Phase

Posted on 05/18/20

MAY 17,2020

Welcome dear readers to the Arcturian Group message.

You are entering a new phase of the evolutionary process. Present "down times" are allowing a quietness during which many for the first time are pondering, questioning, evaluating their lives, and the right way of doing things. Every day more are allowing themselves to honestly examine aspects of their personal life as well as the world in general such as business, farming, religion, health, education, environment, and politics etc.

Much that has always been considered correct and appropriate is being recognized as inefficient, obsolete, and unfair to many and based in convenience and a resistance to change by those who benefit from the status quo. This period of quiet is also allowing nature a respite from the ongoing barrage of pollution and degradation she suffers.

All is proceeding according to plan. You have been hoping, praying, and waiting for a world that more closely resonated with truth and it is coming but will be an unfolding process over the next few years because the third dimension functions in time and space.

Know that things will never go back to exactly as they were because consciousness is changing, and as we have said many times, the substance of the outer is the inner (consciousness). Do not put effort and energy toward attempting to return everything to exactly as it was but rather be open to new and higher expressions of these same things.

Be prepared for change but also be prepared to hear things that will upset you. Much is going to surface regarding the long standing negative activities of some individuals. The denser energies must be exposed for what they are in order to be recognized and acknowledged. There is an element that feeds from energies of fear, pain, suffering, and discord and in order to keep feeding, they promote words, activities, and false information that will serve to keep fear and discord alive.

When you become aware of these types of issues, send these individuals Light while recognizing that they too are Divine Beings who have lost their way. They have chosen to close their hearts to Love energy and have no interest in or awareness of the fact that everything they sought is already fully present within them.

It is easy to get caught up in this type of information and spend a great deal of time and energy studying and researching negative activities. You have all experienced the heaviness of dense energy that comes from getting too involved in these types of issues. As awakened individuals you are ready to move beyond duality and separation and live from the higher levels of consciousness you have attained. Be aware of and informed about negative beliefs and actions, but then release them and align with Reality.

Activities of love are beginning to take place in the outer scene. Although these activities flow from spiritual oneness they are generally understood as activities of kindness, a looking out for neighbors, and the lending of a helping hand where needed. These seemingly ordinary activities are three dimensional interpretations of spiritual Oneness, evolutionary steps that eventually lead to a state of consciousness that understand service to be service to SELF--Universal Oneness.

A sense of camaraderie not possible in the old energy is developing among people simply because all are experiencing the same issues (oneness). Even the small sense of camaraderie you may feel towards a stranger as you walk by is in reality Oneness expressing through you. However, not all are ready or willing to understand this and the loss of what is familiar is causing them to act out with fear and violence as they seek to protect and perpetuate everything that has supported their false sense of empowerment.

Selflessness is beginning to penetrate collective consciousness on a deeper level but selflessness has been misunderstood and falsely taught to mean that the sacrificing of ones's self for some "grander" purpose is spiritual . Sublimating and denying one's self/SELF by believing it to be of less value than another's self represents separation at its finest.

What can one possibly have to give another if they eliminate themselves from the equation? It is only an empowered person, one who knows and accepts themselves to be a spiritual being, that is able to truly serve. Sacrificing one's identity, needs, and dreams in the belief that it is spiritual is a denial of God for is not God every person's true identity?

Never allow yourselves to be guilted, threatened, pushed, taught, or used by others into doing something. When you do this you are automatically surrendering your power. Service must be a free will choice that flows from a place of love rather than an unwanted activity forced onto a someone for the benefit of another or others who appear more powerful and demanding, or are needy, disabled, and dependant.

We recognize that many are presently locked into some service that they did not consciously choose or want. As a result they may feel angry, depleted, unhappy, and trapped seeing no way out. To these dear ones we say; there are no accidents. Every life is planned before incarnation with the help of Guides, to include those experiences deemed necessary for spiritual evolution.

These types of situations are usually karmic in nature and represent a person's spiritual readiness to address some old energy imbalance that may go back lifetimes but which can be balanced and completed through service in this lifetime. The one needing service may have chosen to learn about patience, humility, and helplessness in this life having never expressed it to others in previously. Frequently the server is a dear friend who volunteered to assist with this lesson.

Sometimes it is because the one needing service did the same for the server in a previous life allowing them both the experiences of giving and allowing. Service can be the push a spiritually prepared person needs in order to move more deeply into the empowerment, love, patience, and awareness that they are ready for.

Do not let obsolete concepts of spiritual duty, and self- sacrifice to enter into your activities of love and service. As universal consciousness shifts to new levels of awareness, service to others on all levels of need will become common, ordinary, backed by law, and simply the way life is lived because there will be a sense of oneness that was not present in third dimensional energy.

Realize that in and of yourself you have nothing to give another. God alone is love, energy, appreciation, gratitude, service, cooperation etc. and God alone has these things to give. To believe that self or some other person has spiritual qualities in and of themselves is the belief in a self separate and apart from God. Only God is good, patient, loving, friendly, honest, cooperative, etc. etc.

Both human good and human bad are impersonal, never becoming or belonging to the person. All there is, is God, Source, -- perfect, whole, complete, harmonious, abundance, intelligent, Self sustained and Self maintained Consciousness.

This is why looking or expecting acceptance, companionship, friendship, forgiveness, cooperation etc. from a person is to look where these things do not exist unless they flow through the person. Always seek these things from God, from within, allowing them to manifest as they will which can and often is where least expected.

True selflessness intuitively guides a person to acknowledge and honor their own needs. It will also guide them as to whether their service is actually needed or simply wanted. It is understanding that what one does for another never comes from a personal supply of love, energy, abundance, and ideas, but rather flows through them from an Infinite Source within--from a well that never runs dry.

Present times are calling for more awareness, deeper understanding, and a serious contemplation of how one will continue living their life. "Will I grudgingly go back to the same old, same old that I have outgrown or will I have the courage to pursue something that makes my heart sing?"

This is where fear will jump in and say that you must go back to what you know or you will suffer lack and limitation, your family with starve, and you will be homeless. It is fine to return to what you are used to, but never forget that you are creators. Regardless of what others may tell you, do not allow your dreams to pass into oblivion in the belief that they are hopeless and could never happen.

Allow your dreams to grow and mature silently and secretly within your heart until they ready to be birthed as your new world and identity.

You are creators, creating your world from the contents of your consciousness.

What do I hold as truth in my consciousness???

We are the Arcturian Group 5/17/20


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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