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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2020 11:23:51 PM

Eternal joy awaits your awakening.

Galactic Free Press's picture

To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time. You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion. You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation. Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine. Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.

To awaken is your only purpose, but within the game, within the illusion myriad distractions are constantly dragging your attention away, as, in moments of lucidity, you attempt to remember that purpose. You know that there is a much greater meaning to life than the materialistic and competitive cultures – in which you find yourselves experiencing life as a human – would have you believe. At some stage in their human lives absolutely everyone wonders if life has a higher purpose, but the vast majority believe that they cannot afford towaste time thinking about it because they have work to do, bills to pay, and families to take care of. They may be members of religious or spiritual organizations, and they may spend a few moments each week, or even daily, saying a brief prayer in order not to offend the divine being that the organization tells them they should honor. They may even pray strenuously and desperately for help if some catastrophe befalls them, but mostly they just focus on daily living, while seeking moments of pleasure by engaging with some of the distractions available solely for that purpose. Living like that does not provide satisfaction, even for those who are without any financial burdens, because you each have a deeply buried knowing that you dohave a purpose, and that knowing will continue to nudge you towards wakefulness throughout your lives, unless you totally refuse to pay it any attention by choosing to block it out of yourconscious awareness. Whatever you do you cannot totally remove it or separate yourselves from it, because it is an essential aspect of who you are — a divine being having a temporary experience in form.

Now the nudges that all are constantly receiving are intensifying and can no longer be ignored or denied, because it is apparent to all that something untoward is going on, is occurring right now that demands your urgent attention. And it is, of course, humanity’s collective awakening process. This process has been ongoing for eons, and it has been, and is, leading to a precise moment in time when your awakening will occur whether or not you are ready for it. Humanity’s collective awakening is inevitable! It cannot be delayed, and it will not be delayed, and so the nudges for your attention are becoming ever more insistent in their demands for your attention, for your undivided attention.

The major nudges that all are receiving and experiencing are the realization, the growing awareness of the need for major changes in the way that humans interact with each other and with the Earth, Gaia, whose ongoing support is absolutely essential for your survival in human form. It is the growing awareness that attitudes and behaviors that are not in alignment with Love are, in truth, and without doubt, completely insane. To awaken is to come to full awareness that there is only the ONE, Mother/Father/God, Source from which there is no separation. All sentient beings are, by their nature, divine and One with Source. And even in their experience of individuality there is still no separation. What one individual thinks, says, or does affects all the countless others . . . instantly. How could that not be the case when allare One?

To realize this divine truth, and to know it is to awaken. Many millions are aware of this truthintellectually, and this is a major step forward on the path to awakening. Knowing it is so, andfeeling the truth of it in one’s heart without any doubt whatsoever is to be awakened. Some have arrived at this state, and, in so doing they are powerfully– even though they are not consciously aware of this – assisting others to join them in that magnificent state, a state of Grace, leaving conflict and disagreement behind in the illusion, the unreal environment that seems so real to those who have not yet awoken.

To think with the Mind of God and have individual thoughts and ideas that are never in disagreement with the thoughts and ideas of others, but that only add to them, making them greater and more beautiful, is a wondrous state to experience. It is to be fully awake, fully conscious, fully aware, and fully alive! That is LOVE, It encompasses ALL, because It is All. There is nothing else, in fact there is NO nothing!

If you are having difficulty believing in the truth of this, in believing that Reality is a state of being in which there are no needs, no disappointments, no suffering, and no catastrophes, it means that you are listening to and believing in the unreal but fear-filled ideas that your egos offer to you as you take note of the intense pain and suffering that many are experiencing because they believe the illusion is real. But pain and suffering, although it often seems interminable while it is being experienced, is temporary and does pass. Reality, on the other hand, is eternal!

To relieve and dissolve your doubts, anxieties, and fears, go within at least once daily and surrender to Love by opening your hearts. Yes, the pain and suffering will still be there because you are still choosing to experience the illusory state of separation from Source, but the Love within you will comfort and reassure you, reminding you that you are divine beings who are awakening into the magnificence of Reality, into awareness of your eternal state at One with Source. Eternal joy awaits your awakening, and the wonder of it will fill you with delight.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2020 11:25:31 PM


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During this time of change, many of you have been finding and releasing some of your deeper wounds. The growth and learning you have experienced remain with you for lifetimes. The Universe is inviting you to take all you have learned and help others who have not yet started their journeys. The quiet knowledge and wisdom you possess will draw those who are ready and willing to begin. This is the birth of a new level of understanding and open communication between you and The Universe. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/3/2020 11:38:34 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday May 3, 2020

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The flow is an incredibly efficient system that contains both action phases and lull phases. It is by embracing both you will harness the support and inherent gifts that exist in both phases.

Humans have a tendency to know in their hearts what phase they are in and rather than accept and embrace that knowing, make themselves wrong for it and try to force their way forward in energies that are not supportive. This is another form of resistance that rarely produces desired results because it consists of forcing rather than flowing.

Dear Ones, trust what you know. If your efforts are not being supported in one area, you are not wrong, or bad, or lazy, or permanently blocked. The energies are simply saying, not today. Redirect. What does your body really require? What is the best use of your time? What would you really like to do? What would feel good?

Don’t let the chatter of your mind talk you out of the knowing of your soul. Rest easy in the knowledge that by waiting until your efforts are supported you will be far more efficient in the long run.

If there is one thing you can count on, it is that every lull is followed by a period of forward movement. The greater the lull, the more important it is to embrace your preparation for the great wave of action that is sure to come and sweep you forward in the most profound and amazing ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/4/2020 12:16:21 AM

Archangel Gabriel: Revealing the Truth

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Natalie Glasson

The entire Angelic Kingdom draws close to greet and embrace you through my expression of love and truth today. I am Archangel Gabriel. We embrace you in the purest vibration of love from the Angelic Kingdom to bring forth healing, and most importantly to reveal your truth. As a Multi – Dimensional Ascension Shift is taking place on the Earth with fear being cleansed, so the truth of your being, Mother Earth, humanity, and all creations are being revealed. This is a time of tremendous change and transformation. Energies, thoughts, and actions you were accustomed to experiencing are falling away or even being discarded by you. As people embody fear in order to transform it into love, it may feel that the world is an uncertain place, with confusion and unexpected manifestations. Some people may even feel an emptiness in their lives as old energies and habits they are so accustomed to are liberated. While change and transformation is occurring at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level for all, it is also taking place on a multi – dimensional level. This means that every aspect of yourself on all 352 levels of the Creator’s Universe is experiencing a shift and transformation of some form. While each shift creates and promotes the emergence of the Creator, for those on the Earth it may feel more like an upheaval and a period of hesitation. Shifts are occurring within your being and energy field triggered by other dimensional aspects of yourself. For your incarnate self on the Earth, you may experience the shifts without the comprehension and understanding of what is occurring, creating confusion and restlessness. During this time, it is important to remain grounded, connected to your inner light, and open to the guidance of your inner truth. This will ensure you are able to ride this magnificent wave of ascension with greater ease, awareness, and insights.

A focus on revealing your truth is essential now as well as an understanding of how to do so. I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to share some practices and tools to support your exploration of the truth of the Creator emerging from within your being. In doing so I hope to empower your ascension and awaken within you a deeper sense of happiness, joy, and contentment.

Love Chambers

Throughout the entire Universe of the Creator, there are chambers dedicated to experiencing and embodying the love of the Creator. Each chamber may anchor a diverse frequency and vibration of love as well as a different purpose for embodying love. These chambers are extremely pure as they hold and embody the essence and truth of the Creator, created by diverse beings to aid the ascension of the Universe of the Creator.

To name a few Love Chambers; Quan Yin’s Equilibrium Love Chamber, Djwhal Khul’s Synthesis Love Chamber, Pleiadian Transformative Love Chamber, Venus Pure Love Chamber, Archangel Michael’s Faith Love Chamber, Goddess Evolutionary Love Chamber, Lord Buddha’s Peace Love Chamber, Arcturian Awakening Love Chamber, Saint Germain’s Truth Enfolding Love Chamber, Archangel Metatron’s Creator Emergence Love Chamber, Solar Level Radiance Love Chamber, and the Universal Medical Healing Love Chamber.

You may ask to visit any of these Love Chambers or any other Love Chamber which comes into your awareness. Simply Say out loud or in your mind:

‘It is my wish to connect with and to experience fully …………………. Love Chamber. I invite my guides to transport me now to this Love Chamber during my meditation. Through my experience of the Love Chamber I wish to download, embody, and activate greater love within my being and reality, as well as support the emergence of the truth of the Creator for my acceptance and understanding. I choose to be bathed in love to access a deeper knowingness of my inner truth. May this ground, balance and heal my being promoting peace and new insights. Thank you.’

Experiencing a Love Chamber will support the emergence of truth within your being allowing you to feel more centred with clarity and contentment. The greatest and most powerful Love Chamber within for you is within your heart chakra.

Deep Cleansing System

Within the Universe of the Creator, there are numerous beings and ashrams who offer their own specific Deep Cleansing System to support those wishing to release illusion, fear, stagnant energies and habits, and limitations from their beings. Their purpose for offering this process is to aid the emergence and revelation of the sacred truth of the Creator from within your being. I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to make you aware of this process as I believe it to be extremely valuable in these uncertain times of ascension on the Earth, and will create a space of clarity and simplicity to serve you.

To name a few Deep Cleansing Systems: Universal Medical Healing Deep Cleansing System, Mahatma Fortifying Deep Cleansing System, Lord Merlin Magical Deep Cleansing System, Celestial White Beings Purifying Deep Cleansing System, Archangel Michael’s Awakening Deep Cleansing System, Lady Portia Transformative Deep Cleansing System, Andromedan’s Soul Empowering Deep Cleansing System, Lady Nada’s Happiness Deep Cleansing System, Master Kuthumi’s Love Empowerment Deep Cleansing System and the Archangel’s Sacred Deep Cleansing System.

Each Deep Cleansing System creates different results and will be experienced in a different way. It is a cleansing and healing process unique to each individual gifting the process, so please experience a few as they will influence your being in diverse ways. Some may be more impactful than others. Each being gifting the cleansing will work on different aspects of your entire being in unique ways.

You may ask to visit to experience any of these Deep Cleansing Systems or any others that come into your awareness. Simply Say out loud or in your mind:

‘It is my wish to connect with and to experience fully …………………………. Deep Cleansing System. I ask my guides to surround me and to oversee the entire process. Please work with my being to create a cleansing appropriate for my spiritual ascension and existence on the Earth. I am particularly interested in cleansing, healing, and releasing……………………. I allow myself to be open and receptive to receive the sacred vibrations of cleansing in order to reveal my inner truth into my awareness and embodiment. Thank you.’

Angelic Peace Chambers

I, Archangel Gabriel, wish to share with you the Angelic Peace Chambers available for your use within the Angelic Kingdom. These chambers are created by Archangels and are enthused with the angelic vibrations of peace, tranquility, and serenity. When you enter an Angelic Peace Chamber you can absorb the sacred vibrations in order to access a deeper sense of harmony with yourself and the Creator. Illusions and distractions all dissolve allowing you to simply be present with your inner truth and the truth of the Creator. You can delve into your inner truth, exploring and embodying its wisdom and energy. Thus, you emerge from the chamber with a greater sense of self and a clearer connection with the Creator.

Simply choose an Archangel you feel guided to connect with and ask to visit their Angelic Peace Chamber during your meditation. Then allow yourself to receive all that is shared with you and awoken from within you. Examples of Archangels who have Angelic Peace Chambers are Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Metatron, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Ariel. Their feminine counterparts can also be called upon to visit their chamber.

With these three practices, I wish to support you in aiding and encouraging the revelation of your inner truth to aid your inner awakening and ascension.

Please accept my support and love,
Archangel Gabriel.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/4/2020 8:27:19 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/3/2020

will's picture

Be perfectly clear about it. My effort is not to strengthen a certain mind, my effort is just the opposite of it: to give you a state of no-mind -- a state which has no knowledge, a state which functions from not knowing, a state of innocence.

I use contradiction as a device. I say one thing, out of your old habit you cling to it; the next day I have to contradict it. When I contradict it you have to drop it. But you may start clinging to the new thing that I have said; I will have to contradict it again.

This will go on, you will go on clinging to this, to that. One day suddenly you will become aware what is happening. I don't allow you any certainty, nothing to cling to.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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