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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/30/2020 4:56:26 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday April 30, 2020

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The greatest co-creators on your planet are the ones who aren’t daunted by the great unknown. They connect into the realm of highest potentials with surrender, faith, flow, and trust, and then allow the process of how it is going to take on form to make itself known to them. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/30/2020 5:21:47 PM

APRIL 30, 2020

Council of Radiant Light: Initiating Oneness

Ailia Mira


Divine Ones –

We greet you in love.

All connections in your world take place within the quality of love, for your world, is energetically structured in the quality of love.

What this means is that the fundamental quality of light, is expressing as love, in everything you know of as your world. This is, in fact, true for your entire universe. Love is the most powerful energy in your world because love is the basis of your world.

Love is made of light. It is an expression of light; the fundamental. The Oneness that is All.

Each of you are here as an emanation of this fundamental light. Your light emanates into forms and your soul is the builder of forms. Your soul brings forth everything into your experience.

This is why going within and building your own direct relationship within yourself is so powerful.

Many humans have a somewhat more difficult relationship with themselves and because of that, they don’t trust or like themselves very much. This is not how you naturally feel about yourself, it is something you learn to think and then feel based on how other people reflected yourself to you – using limitation and separation thought-forms. Patterns of living that are based in judgement, in morality, in right/wrong and most of all, in ideas of accomplishing worthiness, all tend to make one judge another. Many people live their lives in tremendous co-dependence, giving energy to others as a way of receiving love in return.

Although this feels very good in some ways, yet it is also a way of not-knowing who you truly are. For within you is the pure and perfect love you seek and in looking outside of yourself for it, you are often let down. When you are let down by another, you then often stop trusting other people in general, or even more problematic, you stop trusting yourself.

So the very beginning of living wholeness, of coming into the truth of your being, begins by going within and discovering the gentleness, the love, the immense welcoming party that is there for you. You can do this at any time. And the more you do this, the more you will know who you truly are and feel connected, supported and loved, from within.

Deep within you is pure light. The energy within you is unchanging. Perpetual. Eternal light. This is who you truly are. But we want you to know this through your own direct experience, not as concept but as a feeling within, that comes from familiarity with your inner realms.

Let us offer to you a simple approach to this, which you might begin today. Right now, even:

First, find a comfortable position for your body. One in which you are seated or lying and feel truly comfortable. Take a few minutes to adjust your body to make sure you are really able to relax and feel supported.

Then take a few deep breaths, letting your belly expand as you breathe in, and exhaling through your mouth. Do this a few times, then let your breathing be natural and easy.
Next, close your eyes. As you close your eyes, scan your body. See if there is tension anywhere, or any part of your body that you sense could be even more at ease. Put your attention anywhere that could possibly relax more, and simply intend to relax more fully and allow yourself to be supported.

Once you feel as comfortable as you can be, then call light to you. You do this simply by intention. If you want to verbalize something you could say, “I call light to me. Please surround me with light, please flood my body and my energy field with beautiful white light.” Then imagine, sense or feel the light growing brighter within you and all around you.

Then, simply be still and ask: Soul, Divine Self, all that I am – please draw me close to you. Give me the peace, the love, the understanding, the feeling of connection with you. Help me to know that you are here with me and here for me. Open up my relationship to you and help me to trust that everything I need is within me. Within us. Is here for me, already.

Then rest in this connection, in silence. Let whatever occurs, occur.

You don’t need to stay here for very long. Even two or three minutes can be wonderful. Then, do this again, another time during the day. As often as you wish, pause, stand still, close your eyes, go within and invite conscious connection.

In the realm in which you are focused, you must call your Soul, your Divine Self, and light to you. For you are free to choose. Nothing asserts into your experience, you invite it in. With attention, with focus. The more you do this – initiating Oneness by going within and calling upon your own wholeness, the more alive your inner world will become.

This inner world is the true source of everything you experience – all that you think of as the “outer world,” the “manifest world.” As you begin to orient to the Source within you, the Light of the Oneness that is All, feelings of security, love, abundance, happiness, inner peace, well-being will arise more and more. You will start to love the silence and realize that by simply calming down, letting go, relaxing and inviting connection, you are immediately met, and fulfilled.

We encourage you to do this often and to make the focus of this inner connecting one of being in greater unity with your true Self.

The possibilities of this connection, and in this state of inner openness and awareness, are infinite. The choice to go within, to orient within, and open to who you truly are, is the doorway to everything. Everything lies within.

Copyright © 2009-2020, Ailia Mira | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/30/2020 5:33:57 PM

Your Newfound Spiritual Gifts & Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

your newfound spiritual gifts & abilities - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Your Newfound Spiritual Gifts & Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing that quite a few of you are starting to recognize that you have spiritual gifts and abilities, and we also have been observing you not only accessing them but also letting them shine. You have had plenty of time on your hands for not only introspection, but also for sitting quietly and long enough to recognize the gifts and abilities that you have floating to the surface of your consciousness.

This is wonderful news for you as the individuals who are accessing those gifts, and it is even better news for the human collective, as they all get to benefit from the sharing of your gifts and abilities with as many people as you can. You may feel that you are under-qualified or not good enough yet to start sharing, but trust us when we say that humanity needs you and the freshness of your new voice, your new perspective, and the new energies that you are accessing as the new breed of awakened individuals who are ready to step out and step up to a larger audience.

Some of you have been hiding, not allowing your gifts and abilities to be experienced by others, and we understand where that apprehension comes from. We know that it is challenging to put yourself out there, even though you are so desperately needed, and even though your fellow humans have been summoning the new breed. You are the healers, psychics, channels, clairvoyants, and so many other labels that will lead those who are just waking up at this time.

And as we have said many times before, the mass awakenings are upon you and will continue. Therefore, you will be more sought after by those who are just waking up now. And even those who have been awake for quite some time can benefit from those of you who just starting to acknowledge what you have to share, what is burning and shining so brightly inside of you. You are the ones, and now is the time, and if you needed a sign from the universe to start putting yourself out there, consider this transmission that very sign.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/30/2020 9:49:33 PM

You Are Creating the New Earth Manual

April 27, 2020 at 11:42 am

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/1/2020 8:47:14 PM

A Message to Lightworkers – May 1, 2020

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you today.

We wish to say that you have, as they say, “the best seats in the house” for witnessing the ongoing spectacle of powerful Light data flowing into your planet now, such as it has not flowed in many, many centuries.

You may yourselves feel a lift some days in your outlook on life, even though many are finding that their work and income feel uncertain or seem to have disappeared, while so many become ill, and hospital staff work relentlessly under difficult circumstances.

It may appear outwardly to be a time of pain and shock, and yet—there is a greater reality, and you are witnessing it, and perhaps in quiet moments, feeling the Joy and beauty of it.

That is your inner Spirit, rising to greet the Sunlight and fresh air of the New Day that Earth Herself is experiencing now.

That is your love of adventure, and your memory, though tucked deep inside your consciousness, of what you knew you would witness, and had to contribute to, at this unprecedented time.

Our writer is asking us now, Is that why this outbreak was planned for this time—did someone see this time of higher Light coming, so they decided to rig outer circumstances against humanity, even if they couldn’t stop the astrological alignments, and the start of the new era, the Satya Yuga?

Most assuredly, we would answer, there was a small minority upon the Earth—some, as they say, having chosen to wear the white hats, and some having chosen to wear the dark hats in this great drama you have been living—who saw what was coming, and who have shaped their plans accordingly.

And none of you are mere witnesses to that narrative; you have all been deeply involved, and knew what was to occur well before incarnating, seeing the potentials of this particular Earth timeline.

You know it now as well—you’re simply awakening to the significance of the moment more slowly some days than others.

We ask that you remind yourself of that Waking Up moment often, even in the midst of what feels to be a chaotic time of uncertainty, whether you feel stress for your family, your finances, your health and mental/emotional outlook, your country, or all of that.

We do not encourage a kind of “Well, I knew it would be this way before I came in” defeatist moment, but a moment of “Great change is afoot, and my presence is anchoring the Light needed to empower that, every moment I am alive.”

Are we celebrating now because we do not feel the stress, worry, and discomfort of many millions?

Most assuredly not. We are aware of the broad range of human emotion, as ever, and feel such deeply.

And yet, your job is separate and different from those who reincarnated with only their own growth and progress in mind, as vital as that is.

The role you chose has to do with assisting all of humanity to rise in consciousness to where not only will it understand the many traps you have all been subjected to for millennia, but to help it see and powerfully feel a New Reality dawning now, that heralds the sovereignty and emancipation of more than 8 billion people.

This is done through the vibration you radiate, not by mere words or outer action.

Yet in a higher sense, you are finding your voice, finding your note.

It is never the same note that all of you sing, yet all tones ring together in perfect form, in perfect rhythm, as each Earth culture and Earth being who dares to join in the realization of what is occurring now willingly adds their note.

It will take some daring, and some bravery, to be at Peace now, or in Joy.

You have been systematically trained to believe that only what is visibly before you actually exists. This has hidden from you your own co-Creative powers, till now.

We would say, draw them out of the shadows, and out of the depths of your spirit and psyche, and place them before you.

These abilities are yours—claim them!

Use your visioning power; put it to work for you.

If you desire a steady income, more Love, greater health and well-being, more Peace of mind, time in Nature, NESARA enacted—envision that!

Do not wait for outer circumstances to shift to assist you. That time is over, dear ones.

You are co-Creators, and must act as such now.

Take your reality into your own hands, and decide what circumstances would make you Joyful, if your current ones have not.

Take time every single day, and particularly as you are falling asleep, to picture yourself already living that life.

Your physical self, your income, your home, your relationships, your daily comings and goings, your Earth mission—all of this is subject not only to a vibrational upgrade now, but a complete transformation into higher form, based on the far higher frequencies now flowing into your very body and energy systems.

We will not linger on this point, for we wish you to absorb the immense power of it, and to realize the reality of it, whether you see or feel it yet present in your own life, home, and community.

We assure you, it is here, and pouring forth more and more brilliantly at every moment.

You have heard that many billions of starships wait just outside and within Earth’s atmosphere and on the planet Herself now, to witness exactly that which you yourselves are experiencing firsthand.

Find every form of motivation, inspiration, and thankfulness you can possibly find now, if you feel to be missing these in your emotional life, for you do not want to remain closed in your energies to where an Earth-shaking moment is the only thing that will awaken you.

This is your day, dear ones!—the moment you have come in for.

Get quiet, ask for a vision of what is unfolding, and what it is you have come to do.

Then prepare to receive it, for you shall. No need for timidity, fear, or unsureness now.

You are our example of the very finest, most luminous Light Beings who have ever led a planet into an Ascension.

Namaste, dear family!

For every day you are on this planet and beyond, you are never alone.

Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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