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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/21/2013 10:25:16 PM
From Wes Annac's personal blog:

The Ascended Masters: Forgiveness and Love for Every Soul Will be Essential

[21 Feb 2013]

059small-Channeled through Wes Annac-

Various stages of enlightenment follow when a soul begins to awaken and find the growth that is planned out for them to experience during their incarnation and experiences in the lower realms. You all experience various forms of enlightenment that come in various stages and for many of you, the lessons you learn are preludes to lessons that are quite similar, but are lessons which you learn in much more intense manners later on in your growth.

What we mean by this is that many of you are learning the same few lessons over and over again, in more intense ways each time and in ways that will garner you a deeper understanding of the situation and every situation that plays out in your Lives that revolve around it or has to do with it in any way.

Everything you experience in your Lives paves the way for a deeper and greater understanding, and the realizations that can be brought forth by experiencing specific things along your planned growth will garner in you, an understanding of the lessons you have set out for yourselves to undergo and transmute the energies behind.

You will find that many of the lessons you plan out for yourselves partially involve feeding an action or mindset that has been fed by the collective exponentially in the past and in your current moment, and your learning of lessons in that specific avenue will serve to transmute the collective dense energies and vibrations behind the particular matter you would be working through and transmuting.

You have all set out specific lessons to undergo and experience as you continued along a lower dimensional growth that is now increasingly paving way for the higher dimensional perspectives and understanding to be brought forth from within, where it has naturally always resided.

The individual lessons of retaining a clam and balanced center and accepting and respecting the perspectives and opinions of those around you even if they are not particularly your own, are paving the way for a collective understanding that is so very important to be garnered in each one of you, if you wish to unite and repair your world in the ways the plan is calling for.

You will all be working to help repair the condition your world is in, and your getting together and beginning to form groups centered around the restoration of your planet and the establishment of the new paradigm is highly recommended right now.

Everything you do in this moment will set the stage for the already built-upon foundation of higher dimensional understanding and realization to be brought forth within the collective. As so many of you know at this point, everything you do is aimed at assisting the collective and helping every soul on your world to find the higher states of consciousness and the accompanying prosperity that all truly deserve.

Every soul deserves the personal sovereignty, freedom and abundance that should be denied to nobody and when garnering a higher dimensional perspective and understanding, you will see that money and currency specifically is indeed a natural energy that can be worked with and attracted to oneself.

To attract the energy of abundance to oneself, one must first look at how one visualizes the very energy of currency. How do you personally see money, dearest souls?

Do you see it as a tool to get by, to continue Living, or do you see it for what it truly is – a potential energy of unity that can be expressed within your collective consciousness?

As you find yourselves able to get together and establish a new way of Living and being, a new financial system and an entirely-reworked way of exchanging the abundance all will rightfully be given will naturally be garnered, and we and your Galactic brethren will be with you to help you establish such ways of being but for the most part, apart from what has already been done and planned in regards to the planetary finances, you dear souls will be deciding just how the temporary new financial system and every other important worldly matter of concern will be established.

This is because there will be no more souls who desire to control or establish your world in a certain way. We ask you all to realize and see what is to be done on your world, as the rebuilding and repairing of it and your society will be up to you and while we know and can feel that you dear souls can absolutely do it and will do it easily, we wish for you to realize that you will truly be in charge of establishing new ways to Live by and your jobs will be anything but small.

Indeed, you will have the largest jobs that have ever been asked of any individual or collective and while you will enjoy every last bit of the jobs you will perform as you will all fulfill a specific aspect of the collective puzzle you are all a part of, the job is still big and is still there to be done and we wish to ask you not to remain idle.

Indeed, many of you are already standing up to the oppression that has attempted to establish a set way of Living that you did not and do not resonate with, and we will always applaud the efforts each of you as again, what you are doing is paving the way for the widespread change so many of you have worked with so much of yourselves to see established.

We would like for you to imagine a planet truly reflecting the actions and will of it citizens.

Your planet has, of course, reflected the vibrations of density and darkness as well as those of separation that humanity has expressed and fed for centuries, but the true will of the people; of every soul who sees the need to change the condition your world is in and of every soul who is willing to begin working with all of themselves and with everyone around them to actually begin the building of your new paradigm, is a powerful thing indeed and you are all going to see and realize the true power you possess as a collective and as individuals, and this realization will be felt in your collective vibrations.

What we mean by this is that upon viewing the world you have Created after the bulk of the work has been done and you find yourselves able to get a clear vantage point of the good you have done, you will see that what you’ve Created is nothing like the paradigm you currently exist in as you absorb this communication. You will see that what you’ve built is nothing short of a heavenly utopia that has been Created not just by your efforts and actions, but by the thoughts, feelings and emotions that have been fed into the collective conscious and unconscious of humanity.

The planetary vibrations continue in their lightening and refinement process and as so many sources have spoken to, this process will begin to be reflected in such vibrations and the actions and intents you express in any moment will strongly determine the reflections you are given, in your personal Lives and on the world stage.

So many of you are so very geared toward rebuilding your world and feeding positivity and harmony into the collective vibrations and while it’s understandable that you will experience difficulty whilst on the Earth, the feeding of negativity in each one of you can be stopped easily if the lightened perspectives that can truly be felt, can be allowed in.

The beauty of sadness has been spoken of before, and we wish you to know that sadness does not have to be a lower dimensional or dense energy. Indeed, we do not experience sadness in the higher realms as you dear souls do, but we do experience a very strong form of empathy that is bred out of our compassion and Love for every soul who is a part of our One Infinite Creator.

We experience joy ourselves when you feel joy, and we feel for you when you feel the pain, fear or sadness that are for the most part, aspects of the dimension and vibrations you exist in.

Whilst experiencing the lower vibrations, you will feel the lower emotions and tendencies that drive a lower dimensional experience and what is unique about your experience now is that you are finding the higher realms from within the lower ones, and what you have previously fed and accepted as normal is now being looked at from a perspective of understanding all that could potentially hold you back or distort the natural Light so many of you are finding within.

You can find and feel the Light now and so many of you have made your supremely-strong efforts to do so, and as your year 2013 progresses many of you will find the strides along your Life paths that will see you truly ready to integrate massively-pure amounts of higher dimensional Logos energy unto yourselves and unto the collective vibrations.

As always, dear souls, what you do and feel on the inside is done and felt on the outside because again, you are feeding into the collective consciousness.

You always have been and always will be, and in the higher realms you will find that everything that could possibly be thought of, felt or expressed is instantly known by all. Nothing can be hidden and if one would attempt to do so, they would simply be unable as every soul is aligned energetically as individual and collective facets of our Creator.

We so enjoy this harmony and this collective consciousness that is expressed and felt all throughout every ascended realm and echelon of our Creator’s magnificent structure, and we dearly wish for each of you to be able to feel this as well which is why we have been working with so much of ourselves to help your planet ascend.

While some souls may not quite see it as possible or reasonable from their vantage points, an aspect of assisting your world for us has indeed been to issue our communications to humanity, through any scribe or conduit who can become open to our presence and the validity and reality of our decision to communicate to and through humanity at this time.

Indeed, souls have channeled all throughout your Earthly history and those who are doing so now are simply picking up on latent abilities that each of you have always had, to access hidden away parts of yourselves as well as the energies of individual ascended souls and entire collectives who are sending our frequencies and energies down to the Earth for any soul to pick up on. Specifically, we meet with many of our scribes upon etheric planes that are the results of a merging between our realms and those of the Earth.

We extend our frequencies down to certain extents as we broadcast them to open instruments and conduits, and we issue our communications which are encrypted and encoded in the energies we send out to each scribe who picks upon us.

For example, our scribe is currently picking up on the overall energies of our entire collective; not just our impressions or communications. The impressions and encoded communications come within and are results of the energy being absorbed and if one absorbs or feels lower or denser energy than that of the entity they would be bringing through, they can know that they are communicating with a being of a denser consciousness and not the soul whom they would wish to connect with.

If one holds a certain predetermined opinion or belief at the time of channeling and their mind and ego are not property turned away-from as the primary source of influence and communication, than a thought form or entity who represents and mirrors that belief can be present, who is masked as the being they would pretend to be.

However, if in a potent state of open-heartedness and if realizing the ease in releasing mind or ego as the primary interpreter when channeling or performing any other tasks that involve subconscious energy work, one will be able to bring through long, pure and flowing communications from a myriad of souls and collectives who wish so very dearly for all of humanity to be able to pick up on our frequencies and our energy.

So many of you are picking up on our energies already at present and we could not encourage more, the collective awakening to us and to the higher realms in general that is occurring. All of you are finding an easy access to our energies and to so many other higher dimensional energies, and the lower entities whom have had their day in the sun as well as the cabals who have served under them can no longer last or be prevalent on your world, lest they wish to be transmuted and enlisted to assist in the ascension of your Earth, as so many souls are now jumping ship and doing.

We mean this for the cabals and the lower astral entities who are realizing that the time for the Light to become the primary influence upon your world has come.

So many souls who have been a part of dark forces and efforts are now realizing that a true fulfillment and happiness can come from serving the Light rather than serving the fading energies and souls representing the old paradigm, and souls whom you would not expect who were previously apart of the cabals and were even known as key cabal figures are in the process of changing over to the side of the Light and helping assist your planet rather than hold you all back, and this has in part resulted from the containment efforts of the cabal heads that has been ongoing.

Beyond the methods in which the cabal heads have begun to have their perspectives shifted toward those of the Light, souls you would not expect will step to the forefront and offer the perspectives they have garnered and the assistance they could’ve offered if they had not been working actively against humanity.

When this happens, the forgiveness lesson that you as a collective are meant to undergo will be pushed to the forefront of your collective perspective, and you will be tasked with hearing about all that the cabals have done and with forgiving them for such actions, rather than resorting to violence or any other energies of the old paradigm.

Indeed dear souls, the cabals will not be “burned at the stake” or suffer any other type of fate, as we anticipate the collective of humanity coming together and offering forgiveness to the souls who have thought themselves able to control your world when events playing out at present and the energies driving them are showing such souls that they were not correct in this avenue.

Violence, rage and contempt will only feed the paradigm the cabals have wished you to remain entrapped within and while many of them do indeed have karmic lessons and plentiful lower dimensional Lives they will have to undergo, your forgiveness will assist in not only their soul growth exponentially but in yours as well.

This is because, again, the lesson of forgiveness will be an important one for the collective to undergo, as you have remained separated from each other and the energies and mindsets of vengeance have driven a further wedge between so many of you, and forgiveness will mend such separation and the negativity it has caused. Forgiveness and Love for every soul on your world, no matter the extent of the role they have played, will be essential and this is why we ask you dear souls to realize that every soul who is a part of your collective, is just that.

You cannot function if divided, and this is why your sheer realization of your unity is so very important. Division and separation have proven only to hold your collective back, and it is so wonderful to see the lightening of the hearts of each one of you and the resulting realization of your unity and the need for your collective to come together in the strong manner you now are.

While for some it would seem as if events manifesting on your world only continue to reflect darkness and density, we say that much like the belief that nothing is happening spiritually or in an ascension-related manner at this time; nothing could be farther from the truth and this truth will indeed be realized and felt by each of you. Nothing could be farther from the truth because of the nature to which the lightening energies are settling upon and making themselves known within, your collective consciousness.

We ask, as many others have, for you all to gear your vibrations completely toward positivity and toward the harmonious new future you wish to see come about, for we can feel your vibrations and the accompanying wish for you to be able to see and notice a real and concrete change or a sign of such change.

What you are beginning to be able to feel and access within will far exceed any expectations you have.

While many of you are awaiting disclosure, a new financial system and a plethora of other things to happen in your physical reality that will reflect the strides humanity and the Lightworker collective are beginning to make, we say that those prevalent inner-feelings and higher dimensional emotions and heart sets you can now access will introduce you to ascended perspectives, ways of being and inner-held landscapes that you can access and feel the higher vibrations from.

This access is crucial for you each to gain, because with it comes the validations and the inner-proof that you have been looking for. If you look at your history, both recent and ancient, you will see that there have indeed been souls in every time period who found an unhindered access to their inner-realms and to the streaming energies of our Creator.

Such souls have taken to enlightening others around them, and the message of the higher realms has been spread in nearly every time period in your history. Some of you may be wondering why the truths of the higher realms have still not broken through or been fully realized in the collective consciousness in the manners we have been discussing and with this, we return to the discussion of the truths and concepts of the higher realms finally beginning to pervade the collective consciousness of your world in strong and real ways that every soul on Earth will find an enlightened perception of.

This is not to say that the core and solidified beliefs of those around you will change as the perspectives gradually become lighter; rather, the negativity, hatred and separation that has been expressed and that so many of you see the clear need to put an end to, will gradually and at times, rapidly lighten as you all find the unity and harmony between each other and within yourselves that you know to drive your unfolding higher dimensional experience.

At the beginning of your New Year and after the 21st of December, plenty of sources in the higher realms expressed that there is much positivity and many loosened, refined vibrations awaiting you and awaiting your realization of their presence within you, and this is because we could and can see the rising level of energy on your planet and the beneficial effect they are having; not just upon you dear Lightworkers and incarnate starseeds, but upon the entirety of your collective.

This change will indeed become apparent and will be reflected within your outer reality, and the increased public outrage over world events that would have previously held no significance in the minds and hearts of the unawakened public are now being seen in a clear and understanding light, and your world is realizing that they can no longer turn a blind eye to the injustice occurring on your world in every single moment.

Within the overall “New Age” movement, in a select few souls the hope has been bred that we Ascended Masters, the Galactics or another assisting source would be able to make all of the problems of the Earth disappear, and while we will be and are here with you to offer our lightened energies for you to absorb and as well, to offer assistance and guidance along your paths; we are playing the role of encouragers at present and while doing so we are also seeing to a plethora of other matters related to the long looked-toward disclosures and giving of abundance to your world.

While we do not wish to promote a mindset of looking toward us or any other facet of the Light Forces except yourselves as saviors or sole bringers of abundance to your world, we have indeed been working with much of ourselves on securing funds that will first be going out to poorer countries who are experiencing lack and difficulty in much more intense manners than the souls of the more developed countries.

There are very few countries on your world that are not influenced by the cabals in some way, but the will of our Divine Creator as expressed through us and every other facet of the Light Forces is seeing to it that events in your outer reality are able to perfectly reflect the inner vibrations you’re being given.

Everything that manifests on your world has an energetic counterpart to it’s very manifestation, and as we work on delivering abundance to your world and to areas of your world who need it the most, we ask you all to aim your blessings and Lighted energies toward every country and area of your world that you know to be experiencing hunger, poverty and a plethora of other unacceptable Living conditions.

Universal Law is meant to protect these souls, but the freewill of the collective of humanity has allowed you to turn your heads away from a very large percentage of your Earth collective, and the souls who are a part of this percentage have been forced into poverty at the hands of a greedy few who’ve served to gain, financially and energetically, from the poverty and destruction.

We have long stepped into the picture and offered our energies and efforts toward delivering the abundance to these countries that they truly deserve, and you dearest Lightworkers can aide tremendously in our efforts by yourselves radiating your Lighted vibrations and attaching a specific energy of abundance to them, while sending them to areas of your world rife with poverty and difficulty.

You can truly aide us so very much by doing this, and we ask you to do so with Love in our One Heart and with an understanding of your understanding of the need for poverty and widespread difficulty to come to an end on your world.

This is a very strong aspect of the new paradigm and new way of Living and being so many of you wish to initiate for yourselves at this time, is it not? As always, we will continue to be with you to offer the guidance and support that we are meant to offer you at this time.

While you are indeed meant to open up to your inner realms and discover the flowing energies and communications from the higher realms, absorbing our communications is not entirely necessary for your personal growth and inner development but finding and fashioning that ever-important inner connection with us will see you given much assistance along your paths and especially, with difficulties and pains that arise in your Lives and teach you to view everything occurring through a negative or “flattened” lense.

The victim mentality has been employed in many souls and as we make our final impressions for this communication and express joy and appreciation to each of you who are absorbing it, we remind you that the fading mentalities and mechanisms driving your equally-fading lower dimensional experience are small stage props in a grand play that you are running and experiencing in every moment.

What will happen next in this glorious chapter of your Earthly Lives, dearest souls? Only you can decide this, and only you will.

Go in peace, dear souls –we will speak with you again with the same Love in our hearts that we always wish to offer. You will begin feeling such Love in much stronger ways yourselves, and anchoring and radiating the vibrations we wish to have imparted upon our communications and upon each of you absorbing them.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/21/2013 10:44:14 PM

Ascension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” – Part 1/3

ascension symptomsHave you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense?

Or wondering why the people in your life seem to be reacting differently to you? Either they’re more excited than ever to be with you, or the complete opposite, they’re picking fights with you or being upset with you for no apparent reason?

Or perhaps in going through what you consider to be a normal day, at times you feel as if you simply cannot keep your eyes open, like sleep is simply begging you to come and be with it?

Does life at times seem empty and without meaning, even when you’re doing things that you used to love?

Welcome to the ascension process, and the symptoms that many experience along that path. The primary thing to know is that you are not alone, and things will get better.

For those folks who’ve been aware of and consciously involved with ascension, these physical and emotional experiences are all too familiar. Some of these folks have been experiencing the changes for some time, or may have even passed through them by now. For some this may go back a decade or two or even more.

For me personally, I experienced many of these symptoms years before I knew what was going on. No one else in my circle of family, friends, and associates was experiencing what I was. It was a frightening and lonely place to be. If I had known what was happening it would have been so much easier.

Fortunately, enough people have travelled down this road that now there’s a fair amount of information, and more being generated. With the knowledge gained through the trials and travails of those who’ve gone before, and as we continue to discover more of what the ascension journey entails on physical and emotional levels, we can offer each other support, understanding, and solace.

When confronted with these unusual and often unwanted experiences, the first thing we typically want to know is “why?”

Why are these things happening?

You may have heard it said that we’re shifting from carbon-based beings to crystaline-based beings. Perhaps you’ve heard that there’s more to our DNA than we have thought or that science has thus far been able to discover; that what we were told were the “junk” parts of our DNA are being reactivated. Maybe you’ve heard people talking about Pineal Activations and similar things.

These concepts are all very real, and even our physical sciences are beginning to be aware of them. It all has to do with the light energy that’s penetrating us, our world, and everything on it, easing us into the new world and a new way of being. So you could say that it isn’t just Nova Earth we’re building, it’s Nova Human as well.

The subject is far too complex to delve deeply into in this discussion, but here’s a smattering of what’s been said about the changes our bodies are going through:

Matthew tells us that “it is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density.” (1)

Steve Rother and the group add:

“If you would see one of your periodic charts, you would know that the carbon-based structures you currently have and the silicon structure are actually only a few molecules away. With a few re-arrangements, you have a shift from one to another. That is happening not only throughout all of Earth, but also the plant, insect and animal kingdoms are taking on crystalline structures.” (2)

Archangel Michael and St. Germain commented:

“You eventually will not have the carbon-based bodies you have now; they will evolve into crystalline bodies and further along the path, light bodies, with less and less need for physical food to sustain you. Your energy will come directly from Source light and love. You have the ability to tune into this energy now as well. It is just that many of you are not aware of it.” (3)

And this from Mira the Pleiadian:

“As time progresses you will feel like you don’t fit very well into your earthly garments and ways of being. You will be spending your time differently and you will even begin to look different in your human forms. We are merging together into the oneness of who we are and were intended to be. This can appear a little like a checkered pattern that flickers in and out of time and space. However, it is a pattern of sacredness, and change that manifests in a blend of harmony and peace. What does not fit and adapt to the new pattern will find itself on its way out.

“This is akin to someone trying to wear shoes that no longer fit. It all works out in the adaptation to new space and time. The horizons are unlimited and bountiful if you follow the path of Light. Your potential is enormous. You will become the full remembrance of your mastery and your purposeful presence.” (4)

Some of the physical parts of our body that are being activated or enhanced include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thymus gland, and the vagus nerve. While there’s some disagreement about exactly what the changes involve and what they mean, more information about these changes is becoming available all the time.

But one thing is certain: changes are afoot and our bodies are experiencing them, exhibiting symptoms that may or may not make any sense to us. It can be a frightening experience, often feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under us physically, emotionally, or both.

It can be frightening to not know from one moment to the next what the heck is going on, or feeling like something is going wrong.

At the very least, we know that what we’re experiencing is part of a natural evolutionary process, but a process that has been speeded up. A lot. Instead of an evolution that takes centuries or even millennia, we’re living through an evolution that will unfold in a much smaller timeframe – perhaps a few centuries for the full process, perhaps a few decades for significant parts of it.

It all rather depends on how well we integrate the changes, and how willing we are as a group consciousness to welcome these changes rather than fear them or even fight them.

It’s rather challenging, is it not, to see what’s going on with the cleansing process from inside the washing machine? Inside the machine all we know is that we’re being buffeted about, sometimes gently sometimes not so gently. It’s only when we stand outside the machine – examine the process from a different perspective – that we can say “Oh, yes, I see that the clothes are agitating, but I also see that the agitation is getting them clean. Carry on.”

I hope that this discussion will help you to find that different perspective.

About Ascension Symptomsbutterfly09

Many ascension symptoms are simply the body’s way of communicating what it’s experiencing in the only way it knows how. For example, you might physically experience being very tall or giant-like for a few moments or hours. I experienced this off and on over a period of several years. This is the body’s way of interpreting, through physicality, our energetic expansion.

No matter what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing at this time, at some point – through loving yourself, through understanding and through not resisting the process – “this too shall pass”.

And when it does, you, like the beautiful butterfly that you are, will emerge from your human, third/fourth density cocoon and be able to truly spread your wings and fly.

In the meantime, be kind to yourself. Be gentle, be understanding, be compassionate. Be your own best friend and take good care of you. Rest. Relax. Enjoy.

When you’re in the throes of an unwanted experience, find your center, breathe consciously, drink lots of water – energized with your own intent if you’re willing to believe in your own mastery.

Seek help from those who have gone before and those who are going through it with you. Remember that we’re all in this together.

If an experience feels overwhelming, ask your Guides, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, whoever you’re most comfortable turning to for support, to dial it down, or to help you through it. They can intercede with the energy and help you achieve a balance.

As with everything, your own discretion is paramount. If you feel that your symptoms indicate something more profound, or you are fearful of what you’re experiencing, it makes sense to consult a medical professional. Even if the test results show nothing, at least you’ll feel relieved, and your relief is all important.

(In Part 2 we’ll list some of the more common symptoms of ascension.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
2/22/2013 5:30:44 PM

SaLuSa 2-22-13… “It Is More Important Than It Ever Was To Keep Focused On The Outcome Of The Changes”

salusa_star80Another SaLuSa today. I found a good deal of uplift from this one.


  • The pressures you are putting on your authorities, leaves them in no doubt you are not going to sit back and allow the old ways to continue.
  • Fortunately following the recent inflows of energy that have lifted people up, there is a calming affect produced by those who have taken them into their being, and are able to project Love and Light on to situations.
  • Much more will be gained by bringing out the best in people, rather than causing confrontation with those in power.
  • [The dark ones] are being picked off one at the time and it is weakening their ability to carry through with their plans.
  • You still have plenty of work to do bring the New Age into being, but it is becoming easier as you have an immense back up from us and other sources.
  • It is more important than it ever was to keep focused on the outcome of the changes… See all falling into place as has been expected and promised, because you are so near to the final days of the old paradigm.
  • As soon as the levels of consciousness reach a certain point, you will literally force the awaited changes to come into being.
  • We oversee what is happening upon Earth, but nevertheless take something of a back seat as our Allies continue to take more control of what is happening.


SaLuSa 22-February-2013

The pressures you are putting on your authorities, leaves them in no doubt you are not going to sit back and allow the old ways to continue. You are calling for change that will put you on course for the introduction of New Age benefits that have been held back. It is clear for example that there has to be moves towards introducing free energy, as electricity and gas prices are being allowed to escalate world wide to the point where people cannot afford them. We wonder how many demonstrations will take place before the subject is given serious consideration. People have been very patient but there comes a point when they cannot take any more. That is a dangerous time for the authorities who must not ignore what is taking place. Riots are not pleasant and we do not advocate any form of violence, but we do understand when you see such action as the only way to get attention to your demands. It means that we may have to intervene on your behalf if matters get out of hand.

Fortunately following the recent inflows of energy that have lifted people up, there is a calming affect produced by those who have taken them into their being, and are able to project Love and Light on to situations. That is keeping a balance within society, and is helping wake up even more individuals to the need for peaceful activities. Much more will be gained by bringing out the best in people, rather than causing confrontation with those in power. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and we encourage you to use it, and by your example bring people round to your way of thinking. You will notice that as more people awaken they also experience a change in their level of consciousness, and it becomes easier to bring them together to work for a common purpose. That is where your power lays and it will bring positive results.

As you are finding, it is still difficult to make progress when the dark Ones are still holding onto their power. There is however a limit as to how far they can go, as they no longer have the extensive back up that they depended on to be successful. They are being picked off one at the time and it is weakening their ability to carry through with their plans. The lack the co-ordination and leadership that was once always there to support them. Our hope is that they will discontinue their activities and see the Light, and take another path that will lead them out of the darkness. From our perspective it is never too late for a soul to change tracks, and they would be welcomed back as it is not our place to be the judge of their past lives. It is for this reason that we have previously asked you to hold back judgment of any other soul who remains in the dark, but rather be one who endeavors to lift them up by giving of your love. Darkness is the absence of Light, and you who are Lightworkers can change that situation without imposing yourself upon another soul.

You still have plenty of work to do bring the New Age into being, but it is becoming easier as you have an immense back up from us and other sources. There is never a time that we are not with you, and we do our best to inspire you and encourage you to always seek the most perfect outcome in all situations. You hold the banner for all those who are awakening, and they will find you when the need arises. We know that your heart is in the right place and is where you work from, so that your decisions are made in the best interests of everyone. We have such admiration for you all, and are pleased that before not too long you will see the results of your endeavors. Do not despair, as you have really done the difficult bit and have advanced much further than you realize. It is more important than it ever was to keep focused on the outcome of the changes, rather than concentrate on the imbalances themselves. See all falling into place as has been expected and promised, because you are so near to the final days of the old paradigm. It has little or no power to remain in the present high levels of energy, and must break up and return to the lower levels of vibration.

As soon as the levels of consciousness reach a certain point, you will literally force the awaited changes to come into being. The negativity that is holding them up will find that its power has become dissipated, and can no longer dictate the time line that they would like to restrict you to. Already more headway is being made than at any previous time, and fulfillment of the promises made to you are so very near. However, the final divine word rests with God ensuring total success once it is given. Even so we believe that in a matter of some months the direction you are going in will become clear, and we expect there to be massive support from you. Your part will be to spread the good news as you understand it, and bring more souls in to the Light.

We oversee what is happening upon Earth, but nevertheless take something of a back seat as our Allies continue to take more control of what is happening. Naturally we give them our guidance, having a better overall understanding of how matters are likely to work out. We are the unseen helpers who pave the way for your ultimate victory over the dark Ones. We bear no malice or anger where they are concerned, and have compassion for any soul that has drifted away from their Light. We never forget that everything is an important part of the whole, and we give of our Light in equal part to all on their evolutionary path. Everyone has the same potential to find their way back to the Light, and we help where we are asked for guidance.

Dear Ones help keep the peace, and help keep the balance between different sects and races. Sometimes they find it hard to accept the Oneness of the Human Race, and often religious differences are ingrained into their memory from their childhood. Lovingly accept the differences and allow others to follow their own path, providing it does not interfere with another souls freedom of choice. Fear is at the root of most troubles, and of course played upon by the Illuminati and their supporters. Replace fear with love and allow others to follow their dictates until they realize that their experience has been fulfilled and no longer needed.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and happy to see what progress has been made towards bringing peace to the Earth, although we appreciate that many minor wars still take their toll on human life. It will not be too long before peace will be agreed across the planet, and we will ensure that it is permanent.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2013 5:32:53 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: It is a Wonderful Thing and Great Gift You are being Given

central-sun1As channeled by Ron Head – February 21, 2013

It is our purpose this morning to discuss with you your opening to communications of these kinds. In your rising states of consciousness it is becoming more and more common for you who think of yourselves as lightworkers to discover that, in one form or another, you can become the recipient of our thoughts. This is a wonderful occasion which we enjoy quite as much as you do yourselves.

There is, however, a tendency to be so enthusiastic in the discovery that the simple basics of personal protection are forgotten or left unlearned. There will come a time in the near future when that is not a problem, as negative energies and beings are just no longer a possibility where you are living. Regrettably, however, this is not yet the case.

Every reliable teacher of methods to begin these types of communication includes information urging beginners to clear themselves and their surroundings, and most are wise enough to urge their students to always begin each session, or each day, by reaching at least as high as the divine level of consciousness before allowing any communication to take place.

We can tell you that far too many are either ignoring these instructions, or lack any experience of having heard them. They are being taken advantage of in all sorts of ways, up to and including allowing other beings to control their precious bodies and minds.

As fewer and fewer of these lower or negative beings continue to survive in the increasingly high frequencies of your surroundings, they are becoming more and more, shall we say, desperate to hold on. Many of your dear healers are being approached almost daily with these sorts of problems.

Firstly, dear ones, drop your fear. There are no conditions or problems which cannot be healed, cleared, changed. Seek the help of those who know what to do.

But our point this day is to urge you as strongly as possible to, at the very first sign that you are becoming telepathic, clairvoyant, or clairaudient, and this will be happening soon for large numbers of you, seek out that information which will keep you protected from negativity and the influence of those you do not want to be influenced by.

At this time, we wish to inform you that the method which is of the very most effectiveness is for you to begin by going, in meditation, to the very highest source that you can imagine. Learn to find your way to the even higher divine levels than our own. Go to the Creator of All. It matters not by what name you call this being, this energy. Source, Creator, Allah, Buddha, all will do, and other names as well. Reach the level of love and consciousness that has created the All That Is. And there learn to specify whom and what you wish to communicate with.

You are not participating in parlor games here. Your very soul can be involved and that is a serious thing. But we do NOT want to scare you with this. It is a wonderful thing and great gift you are being given. But just as if it were a higher powered vehicle, which is what it is we suppose, some caution and responsibility is in order.

If you are among those who are currently beginning to notice these kinds of openings in yourselves, let us congratulate you and say that we look forward to working with you in every way possible. Approaching this in the proper way can be both enlightening and enjoyable. The joy and love that awaits you will be, we promise, well worth the effort. There are many, many who look forward to working with you.

Please do not be deterred by our words, but please also do not forget them.

Go this day in love and light. We will speak again.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/22/2013 5:34:30 PM

Ascension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” – Part 2

pain neck(continued from Part 1.)

The following list of ascension symptoms and comments comes from Karen Bishop, from a piece excerpted from her book The Ascension Primer. (5)

Karen had graciously offered the full excerpt in PDF form, which at one time could be downloaded from the internet free of charge. However, I’m unable to find that PDF posted anywhere at this time, not even on her new site at Gamma Books. (6)

Nevertheless it’s one of the most informative and complete list of symptoms I’ve found, and it is with appreciation and honor to Karen Bishop for her work that I re-post that information here.

List of Common Ascension Symptoms

Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy; feeling stress.

This is one of the first ascension feelings that a person usually feels. In the beginning, when the energy shifts arrive, they bring with them a new and higher vibration. Old patterns and behaviors are being pushed to the surface for release.

Feeling all this pressure going on inside of you can feel like great stress or that you are on overload. If you are still in a conventional life with mainstream pressures, this New energy can really add to your pile. You will eventually adjust to this higher vibration and much will be activated for release within you as well. More room inside for more of the higher energy!


This symptom is most definitely in the top three and very widely experienced. The ascension process purges so much of the darker and denser energies from us, that we find ourselves in them for quite some time. We may feel like things are simply never going to get better. And to add insult to injury, the outer world is no longer in alignment with the new, higher vibrating you.

It doesn’t feel so good out there and it might feel like there is nowhere to go that does. Therefore everything around us feels just plain ugly and icky. And in addition, when we are vibrating higher and have to wait for the outside to manifest itself in a higher way of being it can seem like it is taking forever. Feeling let down and like things will never change are so very common. This is a long process. An upside-down reality, world, and human are both having to turn right side up.

There is a jewel in the length of the process though, and a necessary and perfectly intended by-product. We cannot create from the ego. We have to get to a place where we are OK no matter what is going on. Feeling disappointment for what seems like forever eventually makes us realize that we will never get anything that we cannot live without.

When we learn to detach and release all attachments, we always get precisely what we want. It is like magic and a very key part of the ascension process to let go of all attachments. When we arrive in this space, we are truly in heaven as nothing can affect us here and we also get whatever we desire, even though we desire nothing. This is a true symptom of “arriving” and one can only feel total peace from this point on.

Anxiety, panic, and feelings of hysteria.

When our egos begin to depart, they literally freak out as they do not want to cease to exist. It may feel as if everything is ending (most of everything is!). Your system is also on overload and you may feel as if you are hyperventilating. Things are happening that you may not understand.

You are also losing behavior patterns of a lower vibration that you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and powerless. These patterns and behaviors you are losing are not needed in the higher realms. When we experience death in a 3D world we can panic and have anxiety as we do not know where we are going.

When I went through “the big leap” I knew I was “going.” My non-physical ascension guide told me to trust and relax, as it was really quite peaceful on the other side. None-the-less, with no frame of reference if was difficult. Now, I totally trust and go with all of it and it greatly helps. When you finally “arrive” you will feel much love, safety, and unity. Just wait! And know that others are going where you are going – you are not going alone.

A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood sugar.

A craving for protein. This is another of the first symptoms that is felt by many. Our bodies are using up an incredible amount of fuel for this process.

As we are literally being turned inside-out, every ounce of energy that we have is being utilized. I have found it best to eat the protein along with being still during this time. These low blood sugar periods come and go for several years, but get much better as our bodies begin adjusting.

Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body.

This is another of the most common symptoms. Manifesting just about anywhere, this is a sign of purifying and releasing blocked energy that is vibrating at a 3D level while other parts of us are vibrating higher. You may feel pain in various parts of your body for several weeks and then it will simply vanish with no explanation.

Continual neck and upper back stiffness and pain.

We are sprouting angel wings and this is where they are emerging. Sounds a bit fairy tale-ish, but this is a reality. Our spines are vibrating differently and also connecting to a higher form of light. This area of our body is where it all happens.

Skin eruptions and diarrhea.

Acne, rashes, and hives, etc. usually arrive when we are in the purging process and adjusting to a higher energy. Rashes are fairly common and diarrhea can last for weeks and even months. If a doctor visit proves you are OK, fiber can really help until this phase ends. And during it all, you still won’t lose weight!

Heart pain and palpitations.

These symptoms are common for many. Our hearts are trying to accommodate a new and higher frequency. At times you can feel as though you are having a heart attack.

When I experienced this phase, I had to literally lie still as any movement added too much stress to my already overstressed heart. An ER visit assured me that all was OK, but it certainly did not feel like it.

In addition, whenever I had a low vibrational thought or fear during this time, my heart would literally grip and stop beating. It was wild, but not a medical condition, and it eventually passed. Our hearts are where we will be coming from and connecting from in the New world, and they must be in alignment as well.

Periods of very deep sleeping.

When the energy is not moving and we are done for awhile, we get to rest. While we are integrating and preparing for the next phase of intense moving energy, we become very lethargic. It can become near impossible to keep your eyelids open in the daylight hours and daytime napping can become a regular and necessary habit.

Even if you think you can exercise your way back into some energy, you will usually find yourself dropping dead on the sofa at every effort.

Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping.

Our emotions are what carries the energy. When we are falling apart (and we are doing just that), we can get pretty emotional.

When we are releasing, we can cry at the drop of a hat. A sad movie can make us cry, or even a sad commercial. We can cry when we experience kindness. We can cry when we feel relief. We can cry when we see any kind of suffering.

These tears are a great cleanser and releaser. I always know when some New energy has arrived because I can simply cry while I am driving along in the car. This seems to be an on-going symptom that is here to stay for awhile. But at least it is fairly painless!

[KS: I have always been extremely sensitive to different energies, and crying at commercials, films, watching others interact in loving ways, has been common throughout my life. I’ve taken a fair amount of teasing and occasionally been admonished for this behavior, so I understand it and have compassion for it. It’s a wonderful thing to see so many hearts opening up, feeling love and compassion so deeply that their emotions are engaged to such a degree.]

Night sweats and hot flashes.

During certain phases of ascension our bodies suddenly decide that they are going to burn off the lower and denser aspects of ourselves. You may wake up in the night soaking wet or become very hot during the day. It may be 35 degrees outside, but you are just fine and dandy in your short sleeves.

Feeling cold with an inability to get warm.

When we are moving into a much higher dimension after much integrating, detoxing, and other ascension processes, we get very cold. We are in between and preparing to move up.

At these times it can be very difficult to warm up no matter what you do. I usually submerge myself in a tub of hot water and then get under a heavy comforter.

Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams.

We are releasing many lifetimes of lower vibrational energy through our dreams. If you are one who receives their higher information through dreams, you will likely do a lot of releasing at night. I consider you to be lucky, as some are doing much of their releasing when they are awake.

These dreams usually do not make sense, but if you are good at dream analysis you can usually figure them out. These acid-trip-like dreams are up and visible because they contain energy that’s on its way out, never to return. Through this process we are releasing all of our past lives.

Dizziness, loss of balance, vertigo, and spinning.

The definition of Merkabah is counter-rotating fields of light surrounding the spirit/body which serve to transport the spirit/body from one dimension to another. And this is precisely what is occurring.

As we connect to our light bodies and begin moving into a higher dimension, we begin spinning and can experience vertigo and dizziness. If you know that this symptom indicates that something wonderful is happening it can be quite fun…like a roller coaster ride.

[KS: Sitting or lying down, along with grounding and circular breathing through such periods is also extremely helpful.]

Overall body pain and days of extreme fatigue.

Our bodies are morphing into a crystalline form in order to enable us to reside in the higher realms and to continually be able to receive the higher light. This process is on-going and it cannot happen overnight. If you feel as though you are 100 years old and barely able to walk across the room, this is why.

Continual fatigue is also an on-going symptom for the same reasons. We are losing our density and going through extreme restructuring.

Gritty eyes and blurred vision.

Very simply, our eyes are adjusting to see in a new way, in a higher dimension and a new reality.

[KS: Friends have reported experiencing this symptom, followed a marked improvement in vision. I’ve experienced a moderate but appreciated improvement in my own vision. This symptom continues for me, and I’m looking forward to greater improvements!]

Memory loss and difficulty accessing words.

So many are having this symptom that we can only laugh as we try to converse with each other. “I was having a glass of…you know what I mean…that white stuff…uh…what’s it called?” “Did you watch the…er…that event where everyone competes from around the world?”

At times we cannot talk at all because we are simply unable to access much of anything. When this occurs you are going back and forth between dimensions and experiencing disconnect.

Another somewhat related occurrence is trying to type words and having the letters become jumbled in the wrong order. In this case, we are not in alignment with time and our flow is disconnected, as part of our energy is here and another part is further ahead.

Difficulty remembering what you did or who you talked to a day or sometimes just an hour before.

In the higher realms, reality is very much in the moment. If we do not hold something in our consciousness, it simply ceases to exist. We have no attachments. We are creating our own world around us through our beliefs and thoughts and what we do not hold onto does not exist.

Everything is brand new as we are starting completely over, moment to moment. We can tap into whatever we choose to at any moment and create and experience just that. This state comes and goes, but is practice for living in the higher realms. It can feel a bit creepy when it occurs. In addition, at times we are neither here nor there, as we are in between dimensions.

Not remembering the meaning of anything.

When I was in an intense period of the transitional process and we were in the throes of a substantial energy thrust into the higher realms, I remember looking at a trash can and not knowing what it was for. I had to access my memory of the “old” and reach far.

What was happening was that I was vibrating at a point where everything possesses only the meaning and identity that we give it. In the higher realms, energy is just energy with no label or meaning. All is fresh and new. Sort of a Course in Miracles undoing process, without the trying.

[KS: When this happened to me, I had just sat down at my computer and I couldn't remember how to use the keyboard. I sat there looking at like it was an alien thing. Eventually I remembered that it was supposed to somehow get information from my brain into the computer, but I didn't know how to go about it.

At some point I recall thinking "This is ridiculous, I know that I know how to use this thing!" so I put my hands over the keys and tried to make them move. My fingers felt like big sausages, heavy and stiff. All my mental efforts to make them do something was to no avail. Fortunately I knew enough not to panic, and the feeling passed after a few (long!) minutes, but it was profoundly strange while it was happening.]

A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense of place.

“Where in the world am I? I do not fit anywhere and nothing seems to fit or feel remotely right! And I do not know where I belong or where I am going or what I am supposed to be doing either!” Ever had this conversation with the Universe!?

You have been knocked out of your old grooves by an energy shift and are in between realities. You have successfully left much behind and are in a very new space but have not integrated yet.

You won’t have much time to integrate though, because as soon as you get comfortable you will be moving on into the next higher vibrating space. And in addition, the outside world does not remotely match the way you are now highly vibrating.

A loss of identity.

You look in the mirror and have a strange feeling of disconnect as you no longer recognize that once familiar image. You almost feel out of body. Once this phenomenon occurs it never ends. You have released so much of your ego self, that you are no longer the same person, and do not have that attachment or connection to your physical vessel.

As you begin to access much more of your soul or higher self, you are not in your body much. You may still use your voice to communicate and other bodily aspects, but you are slowly beginning the process of disappearing and releasing the human form. In addition, you have cleared much of your old patterns and are embodying much more light and a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order…you are OK.

Feeling ‘out of body’.

The same explanation as above. The physical body is the last to catch up. Much of us is now in a higher dimension and residing outside of our bodies, as our bodies are not there yet. They are much denser.

[KS: Again, grounding and circular breathing through such periods is extremely helpful. This ascension process is about being IN the physical body and assisting the body in its journey into higher vibrational frequencies. So continuing to stay grounded in the body and grounded to the Earth cannot be stressed enough.]

‘Seeing’ and ‘hearing’ things.

As we can now access different dimensions fairly easily, it is common for many to see things out of the corner of their eyes or hear things when nothing is there. Many also experience ringing in the ears, which is common when we are going through “the tunnel” and accessing a higher dimension.

Depending upon how sensitive you are and how you are wired, this can be a common experience. Many are seeing orbs and vibrating blobs of color as well.

[KS: Many of our multidimensional capabilities are coming back online - clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc. - so these are some of the more energizing and exciting changes to experience!]

Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of some sort.

We are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly opening. Much is available to us now. You are just not used to it. Your awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone.

This will pass and you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as Home is now here.

Feeling as though you are looking down a long tunnel in order to connect to lower vibrations; feeling as though you are acting or pretending.

When we are residing in the higher realms, anything not there with us may feel far away. If you are still in a lifestyle where you are regularly interacting with the outside or old world, you may feel like an actor in a play or that you are pretending your way through the day. Basically, you are no longer residing in that world, even though you are still involved in it.

[KS: People bumping into you is another clue. Sometimes when you’re out and about you’ll notice that there are people who are not even seeing you. There’s a slight shifting of dimensions wherein you can see them but you’re slightly out of vibrational alignment with them and they don’t see you.]

An intolerance for lower vibrational things (of the 3D), reflected in conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They literally make you feel ‘sick’ inside.

When we begin arriving in the higher realms and in a higher vibration, our energies are no longer in alignment with the old, outside 3D world. Through a severe intolerance to the old, we are being “pushed” to move forward…to be and create the New.

In addition, you may feel like staying home or just being alone, as much of everything “out there” no longer matches the higher vibration of YOU. This is simply a very common experience of evolution. We are moving forward before the outside manifestations are. Being in the old can feel downright awful.

It is similar to having to “go back” after you have had a near death experience. As the ascension process continues, going back to the lower dimensions will not feel good nor will it be possible for long, as it is difficult to drop our vibration down in order to reside there.

This is a simple experience of navigating the dimensional hierarchies. We will eventually become experts with our dimensional navigational skills.

(We continue with more ascension symptoms in Part 3.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
