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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/27/2020 6:21:08 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday March 27, 2020

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Loving yourself as well as others is fully surrendering into the flow of unconditional love that is Source. It is finally acknowledging yourself as a vital and beloved aspect of the whole. It is from that space of truth and authenticity all things become possible because you are no longer holding yourself separate, which allows you to receive all of the supports that have been there for you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/27/2020 6:26:15 PM

The Changes…

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Imagine being in a dark room for a very long time then suddenly you walk out into the bright sunlight. You stand there for a moment, blinking while your eyes adjust, then you start seeing what is really around you. When your Earth finishes moving through this challenging time, you will be walking into a different world. Perspective and ideologies will have changed. What wasimportant will seem minuscule in comparison, human connections will be celebrated. Now is the time to expand on this base change, adding whatever else you would like to see for yourself and the world around you. This is your chance to be the change you would like to see in the world! ~ Creator


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/27/2020 10:59:24 PM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 27 March, 2020

Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey: I would imagine that many of you already keep in touch with David Wilcock’s latest video talks, as they are usually very informative and cover information useful to anyone on the path to Ascension. In a recent one titled “End Times” he referred to the present period, giving information as to precise nature of the “Event” that brings it about. I feel it is very important for people to be aware of it and know precisely what it entails. I am therefore giving you an slightly edited extract of the most relevant information that refers to the very nature of it as given, from the “End Times” through David Wilcock.

“The present period will be the last time our civilisation will be in the third dimension. The World will go through a holographic transformation caused by a Wave of Light. A city will materialise above Earth that has already been seen by Man many times in the sky and it is on a different level of vibration. There will also be a 21 degree pole shift and it is also at the times end, and there will be a spiritual transformation as predicted in the Bible – see Matthew 13, 12.43. It will be the day of enlightenment and you will have a luminous body and experience the Resurrection. You will find that it is predicted exactly the same in the Muslim Book”.

Those who have already seen the City in the Sky tell us that it has what clearly look like tall buildings similar to skyscrapers. It seems likely that it may be the same one as visited by Genii Townsend in recent times that is also in the higher vibrations. If that is new to you, she has a website: that is well worth visiting.

The powerful Wave of Light emanates from the Sun as Flash of Light, and it has been speculated that it may even flash three times. As far as I am aware no one knows exactly in which year it will take place, and already almost every year from 2020 up to 2030 has been put forward as being the most likely one. On a personal note I feel that David Wilcock is going to be the most accurate one by giving 2029/2030 as his prediction.

I will now continue with the usual weekly message through my Higher Self:

Mother Earth is in the course of cleansing it and cannot wait any longer for Man to grasp the truth of what is coming. Man’s ways are destroying the Earth and it must now be stopped before it is too late. However, there is no judgement involved as Man has been given freewill but has repeatedly ignored helpful warnings as to the result of his activities. Whilst it is true that some positive changes have taken place it is as you might say “touch and go” as to whether they will be sufficient to avoid a series of dramatic changes that are now needed. Certainly in one way or another Mother Earth has no option but to take whatever measures are necessary, as the situation is becoming urgent. Certainly enough warnings have been given as to the possible outcome, and strong actions have to be taken to keep you on track for the beneficial changes that are soon to take place.

The days of the Illuminati and their followers are numbered and already their power is diminishing. They can no longer control events on Earth to achieve their aims to reduce the population to a manageable number. It means that those of the Light can go about their business with full confidence knowing that the power of the cabal has been greatly curtailed, and in fact the arrests of their followers has weakened their plans. Their chance of success has come and gone and they can look forward to having to answer for their acts against Humanity and slowly but surely that day is approaching. The road to success has been cleared for the Light and preparations can commence to set the scene for a successful conclusion.

Meantime keep your eye on the goal that has been set for which your present actions are intended to lead you ever onwards. Know that events are “organised” so that your progress can continue and fully prepare you for your growth in consciousness. You are great beings that are beginning to wake up to your full potential, having come this far with a lower level of consciousness. You knew intuitively that having passed the marker success was to be yours. It may be hard to visualise with all of the difficulties you are facing but know that the Forces of Light are helping to pave the way for you so that you are assured of success.

Try not to look back and know that the changes are taking place to bring the new into being as the old ways are no longer appropriate. So keep an open mind and give your whole hearted support to those who lead the way, and we give our assurance that we have always been with you since you passed 2012 are allowed to ensure you achieve total success. The fact that you have done so is a remarkable achievement and at times it did not look as though you would succeed. Credit can go to the Lightworkers who with confidence did achieve success, and are set upon ascending to the higher vibrations.

Once things settle down you will find that a new way of progressing will be adopted, ensuring that all of your efforts are put into the right channels that should hasten the coming of the changes that are really overdue. From our side of the veil you may be assured that we are already setting up a plan that will put you on the right path. You are coming out of the lower vibrations and rightly so, as it is your time to leave them behind and concentrate on all that is destined to take you all the way to Ascension. It will be a well-deserved achievement and we congratulate all concerned.

By focussing on it you will help bring about a speedy path to completion. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/27/2020 11:05:33 PM

Help the Arcturians Heal Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

help the arcturians heal humanity - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Help the Arcturians Heal Humanity ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been taking care of humanity energetically at this time. We, and many others like us here in the higher realms, know when you need more nurturing, caring, loving attention, and we always provide it.

There are a few ways in which you all can help us in this time where humanity needs so much help. First of all, you can help by being kind, loving, and nurturing to yourselves and to each other. Secondly, you can open yourselves up more to the compassion that we offer by feeling for it and holding that intention to receive more of it. Finally, you can be one who grounds this compassionate energy into your physical body and into Mother Earth, making it available to all other humans, because the Earth has her ways of distributing all types of energies.

When you recognize that one of the major purposes of this co-creation is to get you to feel for each other, then it becomes easier for you to see that what your fellow humans need right now is some kindness and some compassion. You are the ones to access these high vibrational states of being, and you are the ones to share those high frequency vibrations with your fellow humans because you want to be of service.

And not only do you want to be of service, but many of you have come to us and asked us how you can be of service. Most of the time when you ask that question, you are thinking about something that you can do in terms of physical action. But right now, you are being asked to stay inside, to keep your distance from each other, and that means you get to access your superpowers to help humanity. You get to access your love and compassion. You get to access your healing abilities and the ability that you have to feel connected, to access that oneness, that unity consciousness that you always have access to. But at a time like the one you are living in now, you are more likely to access it.

We will continue to tell you what we feel humanity needs from all of you who are awake, and we know that as the awakened collective, you will be opening yourselves up to us, even more than you usually do. This is a time of working together, whether you are human, extra-terrestrial, physical, or non-physical. We are all connected, and therefore, when anyone on Earth is suffering, that suffering sends a ripple effect, and we all want to help alleviate that suffering. We all want to help humanity take the giant leap forward in your evolution that this current situation is presenting you with as a possibility. And we will continue to assist you in whatever ways that we can.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/28/2020 12:19:08 AM

You’re Not Part of This, Unless You Want to Be

Summary of Brenda’s March 20, 2020, channeled “Creation Energies” show at
Your transition happened while enmeshed in 3D activities. Those now awakening requested a more rapid transition. So it is the world has seemingly come to a standstill. This new normal is frightening, as is any significant change. In the next few days, you’ll begin to accept what is; and discover new joys or explore those you couldn’t in a 3D world. This is a stop, evaluate, and shift time. Not based on 3D shoulds, but personal joy.

We’re in Kansas, Really!” is the title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly channeled blog for

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are concerned about becoming ill, perhaps not. It does not matter for this issue is not part of your drama or Universal transition.

Many of you are concerned we are leading you astray for the 3D messages you receive are about calamity and pain. Such is so in any 3D change. Even if the fear is not spoken.

So it is you are listening to old messages telling you to be afraid.

That is not to say you are immune. As much as it is, you can prevent yourself from accepting the drama by knowing you will do what you need to do. If that means leaving the earth because you are tired of the struggles, you will do so. And if that means you will continue on the earth, you will do so. For you are no longer of earth time or messages.

Your fear is based on what was, instead of what is. You are powerful enough to exit earth peacefully, just as you are powerful enough not to become ill or easily recover if you do. This illness is for those just awakening.

Of course, such a statement returns you to fear for those just awakening. They, too, have the choice of exiting the earth or remaining. Once, they began their Universal transition journey – whether that was months ago or yesterday – they tapped into their inner-powers.

In truth, you of the earth have always had the capability of accessing your inner-powers. You just did not believe you did.

Those veils of forced memory lapses are dropped when the Universal transition is initiated.

So in the past, you thought you could create something but did not know how to do so. Even today, that piece haunts some of you. You have the skills to create, as does everyone. You merely ignored those skills to comfortably fit within the 3D life that WAS the earth. Now that the majority of the earth’s inhabitants are adjusting to a new being, memories of Universal skills are seeping through the consciousness of all those willing to accept new beliefs.

Those exiting earth because of illness, have chosen to do so for a variety of reasons from they are tired of being of the earth, to they wish to be Universal helpers instead of earth beings. There is no need to know why anyone decides to transition. Merely know that such transitions are not accidental or without forethought at, most likely, a subconscious level. You have perhaps learned of ill elderly individuals who have survived this illness, as well as very young humans who have not. The only uniting force of those who exit is they no longer wish to be of the earth.

Those you love have the same choice. But those who are part of your intimate circle will likely choose to stay on earth to help you and to further transition their beings. Such is so for several reasons, not the least of which their earth transition would add to your burdens as you mourned their return to the Universes at a time when you are trying to focus on creation and personal joy.

Again, this virus is not your illness. It is the design of those just awakening. Not as a personal punishment, but instead as a way to quickly move earth in directions not thought possible a few weeks ago. Issues of humanity are at the forefront. Industrial/military growth is no longer the focus of most of the world’s population. Of course, there are those deeply and pleasantly enmeshed in 3D who have not accepted this new normal. But then, they are the earth’s minority.

So it is that honoring humanity above the industrial/military complex is becoming a majority view. Something most of you thought was impossible in this lifetime. And so it will be for the environment. For once, humanity becomes the key focus, the environment is the logical next step.

Many of you reading this cannot yet grasp that such a pandemic can be a blessing, a rapid movement forcing the earth to shift within weeks instead of decades or hundreds of years. Perhaps you are remembering past pandemics and imagining millions of deaths. Such is not going to happen. There will be deaths or transitions. But those who transition beyond earth will do so as planned, rather than as a mistake or tragedy.

It is likely that those closest to you, your personal helpers or assistants, just awakening will opt not to leave for they are supporting your functions until they are capable of doing the same.

This is a ladder of achievement if you will. With you and those who have been transitioning for years or decades pulling up those just awakening. At the same time, they are pushing you forward. Which can be a silly image. Someone pushing up your backside so you can more easily pull them up. Such is why you are now in symbiotic relationships.

The pain and fear exhibited by many need not touch you unless you have something to clear or you are part of the drama. That is not to say you need to pooh-pooh the angst of others. But that you have a different role to play. That of creation – observing the current earth angst and using it to create new parameters and focuses.

Does that mean you can freely mingle with those who are ill? Only you know. If you feel the need to do so, do so. If you feel the need to isolate, do so. Again, you are no longer able to harm others. So allow yourself to function as it feels most right for you. Just know that 3D fear is not something you need to react to – unless you want to do so.

You are a fully functioning Universal adult. Allow yourself to accept that and then follow your inner voice. You know better than anyone who you are and what you wish to create and experience. Allow that to be. So be it. Amen. To receive Brenda’s Blog, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her “Blog & Subscribe” page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright 2009-2020, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But PLEASE maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name: Brenda Hoffman and source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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