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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/25/2020 6:21:30 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 25, 2020

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If you are being offered a time of reflection through isolation, you can gain much clarity through asking yourself the following questions.

You are being offered the gift of exploring your connections, both inward and outward. Do your connections honour you and your well-being? Are they supportive? Do you honour yourself, or is this time serving the purpose of showing you how out of balance your life has become? Do you give and receive love? Giving and receiving love are an essential part of balance and living a satisfying life expression. Are your connections based in the heart or out of obligation or habit?

Do you trust and have faith? Do you really walk your talk? This is an opportunity to explore your authenticity. Do you lead through your own truth and energetics? Do you take the time to tend to yourself if aspects are coming up that need your love and guidance?

While it may seem like a lot, you are being given the space to explore, to reevaluate, and to give yourself a much firmer foundation before you move out into the world again. The wisdom and clarity that can come from this enforced time out is a wonderful gift that will serve you and others well when you move out of the ebb phase of internal expansion into the action phase of external expansion. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/25/2020 6:23:30 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/24/2020

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Any action that happens through awareness is right; any action that happens through unawareness is wrong. But see the emphasis. The emphasis is not on the action itself, the emphasis is on the source -- awareness or unawareness. If you act fully aware, then whatsoever you do is right. If you move mechanically and do things unconsciously as if you are a sleepwalker, a somnambulist, then whatsoever you do is wrong.

Awareness is right, unawareness is wrong.

But if you go to the priests, they will teach you what is right and what is wrong. They will not give you insight, they will give you dead categories. They will not give you light, so that you can see in every situation what to do and what not to do; they want you to depend on them. They don't give you insight into things, so you have to remain dependent forever. They give you crutches, but they don't make you stand on your own feet.

Avoid the priests. Whenever you go to any kind of experts, their whole effort in fact is how to make you dependent on them.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/26/2020 2:47:30 AM

Do You Feel It? Is “The Event” Beginning to Happen?

It’s totally irrational. Serious illness and death are occurring across the world; people are in fear and despair. Political squabbles are worse than ever.

And yet…and yet…if you tune in, you may become aware of…

*a feeling of profound joy and excitement bubbling up inside you
*a sense of deep inner peace
*a knowing that all truly is well, despite what it may currently look like.

Do you feel it?

There’s a sense of pause in the ethers around us…a stopping and a resting…

…as if the proverbial hamster that’s been running on the wheel for centuries has suddenly stopped – and is now set free, finding itself in a field of golden sunshine and wild flowers. There’s an amazing lightness in the air.

How can this be possible? It all seems so irrational, given the circumstances; and yet, many of us are feeling it. Something profoundly magical seems to be happening.

Surprisingly Positive Things are Happening

One factor that is likely contributing to this experience is that we are now spending more time at home; we’re less hurried, less distracted by outer events and responsibilities. It can feel as if all worries and stress have somehow been temporarily suspended. In stopping all the usual activity in our lives, there’s more time to relax and drop into a deeper experience of reality, in the moment.

It’s especially easy to feel this out in Nature. Have you noticed how everything outdoors somehow seems more vivid and vibrant?

It actually is: There are signs that Nature is reviving herself amazingly rapidly, now that humans in so many places have sequestered themselves at home. Dolphins and swans are returning to the Venice canals; birds are returning and blue skies are appearing in places that haven’t seen them for decades. Chemtrails seem to be vanishing everywhere.

The crisis has also encouraged people world-wide to gather via phone and internet to support each other. And to assist others in danger or fear. The best of humanity is blossoming on so many different levels; it seems people are waking up in ways they probably couldn’t have, had a huge global crisis not occurred.

And, further, if you’re part of the “disclosure” community, you’re hearing from the alternative news about what is going on behind the scenes in the world – and this too is reason for celebration. It’s very probable that the “mass arrests” of Deep State figures will finally be occurring in the near future, along with a possible global currency reset and debt jubilee.

But Is There Something Else?

So, all these outer events are most likely creating a greater sense of joy and excitement for many of us. But I believe there is something beyond all these outer events and manifestations of positive change that is creating what we are experiencing. There’s an even more subtle energy we can tune into, below the obvious outer causes for love and joy.

It’s an energy of higher-dimensional Light that is suddenly streaming onto the Earth in greater force than ever before, helping people to wake up spiritually and heartfully. It’s a clear, soft and gentle energy of joyous celebration that lifts and expands both mind and heart.

When you tune into this energy, it’s as if you’ve landed in a space outside of time, a space in which you can simply BE. There’s a sense of quiet expansion into a timeless spaciousness.

You find yourself in a world that is somehow more profoundly silent on a level you were never fully aware of before. Indeed, it’s almost as if some global energetic control mechanism that had been constantly pushing us down emotionally has been shut off for the first time in history. It’s somehow easier to stay positive than before, easier to stay connected to Source.

Is This “The Event” Happening?

Hmmm…all of this is sounding a whole lot like descriptions of the Fifth Dimension, isn’t it? Could this be an obvious sign that we are now, at long last, approaching the long-awaited “Event” – the monumental transformational shift of the Earth into the Fifth Dimension? Are we getting a small taste of it at this point?

I have expressed in previous posts and books that the Event would probably be both a gradual process and an abrupt one that would take place in a moment of time, brought on by what’s been called a “solar flash” from the sun. This still seems accurate, and that what we are experiencing now are increasingly powerful waves of light designed to gradually prepare us for the final experience when all on Earth will be transformed.

If you’re experiencing the energies I am describing here, even just once in a while, you can probably see that we are receiving early transmissions of the grace we will at some point be experiencing in the near future. We are being energetically prepared to absorb the astronomically-higher frequencies when they arrive, with greater comfort and ease.

So, take time to tune into these extraordinary energies and enjoy them, if you can! Allow yourself to be lifted into the frequency of joy and love they offer and ride the waves with the natural joy that emerges from within the depths of your being. These waves of light are here to offer us this gift.

Transitional Times

And if, at times, you still feel yourself getting pulled into a downward spiral of despair and fear about the state of the world, don’t worry.

Remember that all prophesies about these “transitional times” leading up to the time of the Event have foretold utter chaos, disruption, and collapse of global structures that would occur in order to make way for new, humane structures to be birthed into a new world. These events are frightening to live through, but they will be ultimately liberating.

The prophesies have also indicated that every human being would be experiencing the same kind of chaos and disruptions in their personal lives.

If you are deep in the process of meeting your own personal challenges during these times, be aware that this is an experience to be expected, no matter how awake you may be. Know that you are on track in your ascension process. It’s a time of clean-out for many of us: everything that cannot go with us into the Fifth Dimension has to be faced, accepted, and balanced, so it can be released.

The high-frequency waves of light coming in are bringing these issues up to be healed and released; but they are also carrying profound love and joy to make the healing faster and easier. Tune into them, and you will see: it’s now much easier than ever to let go of old patterns and traumas and to experience healing and relief. No more need for long, protracted healing processes.

Also pay attention to your dreams. Are they more vivid than usual? Are they actually out-of-body experiences? Perhaps, like many lightworkers, you are extremely busy on the Other Side, bringing light and understanding to people across the world in the sleep state.

Be aware too of intuitive abilities that may also be turning on during these times. Watch the synchronicities happening. Allow for multidimensional realities to be happening simultaneously. Remember: you’re not crazy — you’re simply waking up to who you are and always have been.

Humor and Laughter are Important

It’s also important to keep your sense of humor going about the chaos and confusion everyone is experiencing. Find things that make you laugh. Laughter both raises your vibration and boosts your immune system.

And keep remembering: we are going to make it through this as a collective human consciousness, and we will be stronger and wiser for it. The world will never be the same again. And, in fact, it will eventually be fully vibrating in love and peace and harmony – a world so many of us have been waiting for, for eons of time.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/26/2020 6:22:18 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday March 26, 2020

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You have all heard how self love is a very important aspect for you moving forward. We would like to explain why this is so.

Loving others without loving yourself as well is an incomplete and unsustainable model. It is based on the martyred service paradigm, which is an old structure that you are now evolving beyond. It is choosing to exclude yourself from the love and support you have always deserved.

In order to move fully into who you are and the balance and authenticity that comes from it requires inclusion, and that means making yourself equally important as everyone else.

By denying yourself your love and care, you are giving a loud energetic no to receiving the love you deserve. You are, in effect, practicing separation. You cannot fully be the love and deny love at the same time.

Further, it is through being the love for yourself that you are able to soothe any fears that are looking for your care and reassurance, which will create a space for healing, congruency, and far greater ease moving forward.

So be the love, Dear Ones, but be sure to include yourself in your own love, too. By being willing to give and receive love, both from yourself and from others, you will open the door to experiencing far more love in your life than ever before, which can only lead to a far more satisfying life expression. This will create the shift into joyful, supported service, that is built on the safe and solid foundation of inclusion and the empowerment of all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/26/2020 6:24:58 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/25/2020

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There are people who live on finding something wrong with you. Their whole trade secret is to find something wrong with you. They cannot accept you as you are; they will give you ideals, ideas, ideologies, and they will make you feel guilty and they will make you feel worthless, dirt. In your own eyes, they will make you feel so condemned that you will forget all about freedom.

In fact you will become afraid of freedom, because you will see how bad you are, how wrong you are -- and if you are free, you are going to do something wrong, so follow somebody. The priest depends on it, the politician depends on it. They give you right and wrong, fixed ideas, and then you will remain guilty forever.

I say to you: There is nothing right and nothing wrong. I don't want you to depend on me, and I don't give you any fixed ideas. I simply give you indications, hints, which have to be worked out by you. And the hint that I give to you is awareness. Become more aware, and it is a miracle....


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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