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3/15/2020 1:18:37 AM

Sinning, Forgiveness & Returning to Source ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

sinning forgiveness & returning to source - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are able to completely look past every single act that a human being partakes in that is not a representation of your true self. You sometimes refer to these as sins, immoral acts, travesties of justice, and a wide array of other colorful words and phrases for what a person does when they feel disconnected from Source. No one is born and thinks as a baby or a very young child, ‘I would like to grow up and be disconnected from the Source Energy within me.’ No one wants to feel the pain, the suffering and the darkness that comes so naturally to living on a planet where the really rational and intelligent people tend to be atheists.

What does that say about the human collective consciousness? It says that you have been trained to think so little of yourselves that you could believe even for a moment that you are there by accident. Your existence could not possibly be more on purpose, and yet, there are still so many who feel so disconnected from Source, from the truth of who they really are, that they want to take all of that out on someone else. They want someone else to feel the pain that they feel.

And while we do not condone any of that, we can see how it would occur within a person’s consciousness to harm someone else. And so, it is easy for us to forgive. It is easy for us to look at someone who is suffering because they feel no connection whatsoever to Source Energy and to want for that individual or group of individuals to find their way. And so, we are willing to look past everyone’s actions in all lifetimes. We know how challenging it is to be there on Earth, and we want you to feel that you are loved unconditionally by us. We want you to know it. We want you to feel it, and we want you to join us and forgive yourselves.

Forgive yourselves for whatever you are feeling guilty or ashamed of and come back to the light. Come back to the love. Come back to the infinite and eternal Source Energy consciousness and being-ness that you truly are. We, and so many others like us, are waiting with open arms, and this is yet another reason why we are so excited about the mass awakenings that are coming. All of that will mean people there on Earth are feeling closer to Source, closer to the truth of who they are, and closer to the unconditional love that wants so very much to flow through each and every one of you in every moment of every day.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/15/2020 6:22:04 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday March 15, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, fear is a reaction. It is a very normal response for human beings to have when things seem uncertain or turbulent. So we urge you to not make yourself or others wrong for this very natural response.

If you are in fear, acknowledge it. Observe it. Thank it for being an alarm system that is trying to keep you safe. Then gently take the reins from it as your own loving guide and parent.

Your inner wise one is within you. It has awareness and divine capability. It is there to support you, to make decisions that honour you and your soul’s purpose, and to lovingly lead you forward through unprecedented times. It will always move you beyond reaction into empowered responses that will best serve everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/15/2020 6:24:17 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/14/2020

will's picture

Life is a multiplicity, life has millions of forms. How can it be defined? No definition will do justice to it. Yes, it can be lived, it can be tasted, but it cannot be defined. And your definition will simply show your experience. It will not say anything about life, it will only say something about how you have understood your life. It will not be relevant to anybody else's life. Remember this, then life is felt as a tremendous mystery.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/15/2020 8:50:42 PM

Know that Love is the antidote to fear.

Galactic Free Press's picture

As you are well aware the Coronavirus pandemic is giving rise to much fear all across the world, while daily life becomes increasingly difficult for most people due to government restrictions on gatherings and travel. Know that Love is the antidote to fear. Fear causes stress, sometimes intense stress, and this places a heavy load on your immune system which can reduce its ability to deal effectively with the wide variety of infections to which it is exposed as you lead your normal daily lives.

Your immune system is individually tailored to suit you, and this is why people, who receive organ transplants or who have to undergo invasive treatments for major diseases, then require to be on various kinds of medications for the rest of their lives, as their immune systems identify what has been implanted as alien and attempt to disable it. Your immune system is a magnificent self-healing infrastructure that is constantly on the alert for new threats to your well-being, while continually developing new forms of amelioration with which to deal with the ever-changing environments in which you lead your daily lives. As new diseases arise it is constantly teaching itself new ways to deal with them by disabling and dissolving them when they invade your body, thus allowing healing to occur.

Some of you have immune systems that are better able to deal with the Coronavirus than others, thus many of you will become infected but will not become sick, others will experience flu-like symptoms that will drain their energy and require them to take time out to rest and recuperate, and, for a few, their immune systems will be unable to disable or discard the virus, and so they will lay down their bodies and return Home, where they will receive a most magnificent welcome.

So, if you are one of those who loses someone who is near and dear to you – whether from the Coronavirus or from any other cause – just remind yourself that they are being extremely well cared for as they adjust delightedly to their Home-coming. And for yourself, allow adequate time to grieve your loss, totally forgive yourself if for any reason you believe that you have hurt or offended them in any way, and know that they have most definitely and most lovingly forgiven you, because THERE IS ONLY LOVE, and they are now absolutely and fully aware of Its joy and power as they rest in Its most loving embrace!

So, throughout these difficult times, keep resetting your intent to be only loving whateverarises. Focus your awareness on the fact that you are well advanced in your awakening process. Doing this empowers you and allows Love to flow through you more easily and powerfully, strengthening your immune system, and then out from you to assist and uplift all humans as they engage – knowingly or unknowingly – with the awakening process. Your awakening is a done deal, it is assured and you will experience it, along with the intense joy that accompanies it. As a rather poor analogy, you could think of it as a movie that you very much want to see. You know that the movie has been put on general release, and that now it is just a question of you finding the time and the purpose to go and see it – it’s out there, you can see it any time you choose. So with your awakening, it’s out there awaiting your decision to engage with it.

Much that is presently occurring throughout the world is very firmly nudging you toward becoming aware of the need to change your perception of your worldview, to become fully aware of the connected interdependence of all your thoughts, words, and actions, and of the need to modify or totally change certain beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you, and with which you have self-identified for much of your life. Within the illusion, dream, or nightmare that you are experiencing as a human in form, much is occurring that needs to change. And you, each individual, by changing your perceptions and beliefs from ones of fear to ones of love, are bringing into being those essential changes. Make no mistake, your presence on Earth at this momentous time in humanity’s spiritual evolution is most urgently required. You each have a very important role to play in the collective awakening process, a role in which no one else is qualified or able to replace you. Do not be alarmed by that thought, because each of you has within you all that you need to perform and complete your tasks. Some of them may be physical actions in service to others, some may be just being yourselves by letting drop the masks that you have become accustomed to wearing when you are not completely alone. When you allow yourselves to be yourselves, thus allowing others to see you as the person you really are – kind, compassionate, loving – it encourages and persuades them to do the same.

When you all start to show yourselves as you truly are, instead of presenting yourselves behind masks that limit the ability of others to recognize you because of your fear of being thought of as not good enough, less competent, or even unacceptable, then major shifts in humanity’s collective awareness of what it means to be human will occur very rapidly indeed. Your self-trust, expressed and demonstrated through your self-disclosure, will help others to find the necessary courage to do likewise. And as that happens you will start to recognize the awakening occurring all around you.

Your collective awakening is happening right now! So, do not be distracted by worldly events that are being reported in ways that encourage fear. Now is the moment to engage fully with Love, with your true nature, and see all others as Love, even if their actions or behaviors in the moment do not demonstrate that. By demonstrating Love in action, and by choosing to see It in others – and nothing else – you most positively affect and accelerate the awakening process. Do not wait for others to do it first! That only acts as a drag on the process. Trust Mother/Father/God, Source, Jesus, those in the spiritual realms to whom you pray, your spiritual support team, and everyone with whom you interact, because all are One, and, therefore, you and You and we and We are bringing this wonderful moment into full bloom.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/15/2020 9:11:20 PM

A Message to Lightworkers – March 13, 2020

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

We see several things occurring now which may be difficult for many of you who telepathically pick up on others’ thoughts and emotional energies.

This may also pose a challenge to the many of you who, in your increasing evolvement, are able to pick up on the goings on of governments, populations, and the inner, unconscious reactions to events now occurring around the planet.

We would say, allow yourself to feel the emotions of uncertainty and unsureness now, even moments of fear and stress, before releasing them into the Light.

You may have heard on our latest Abundance Call, that many will have the impulse now to squash emotion and to deny it, because the resonance of fear or panic is something they deem as “unspiritual” or “unbefitting” a Light Bearer and Way-Shower.

We do absolutely understand that your standard for your own emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and overall resonance and vibration has never been higher.

The vision you hold now for a humanity that lives in an atmosphere of individual and global Peace, Abundance, fulfillment, and Oneness is a great one, and we join you in celebrating such.

We would only point out the many hundreds of lives you have lived on this a low-vibrational planet, over many thousands of years.

For the vast majority of those lives, Survival was your main interest.

Life on Earth was not only challenging and unsure. It was chaotic and untenable in many respects, in many places, for a very long time.

So that the very cells of your body have (until the recent powerful influxes of Light now reaching the planet), been tuned mainly attuned to struggle and fear of loss or death.

As you see reports on your news programs and speak with others about a virus that your officials claim has no cure (though all illness is curable), your survival mechanisms leap into action.

These send warning signals throughout your mind and body, telling you to run and hide, fight the assailant, or freeze with shock or panic.

This flight-fight-freeze reaction is well-known to you as being the opposite of the centered calm that humanity is increasingly moving into.

Yet many are succumbing to these early and middle Earth age human reactive moments, as if this were the only sensible way to behave.

The pressure that fear and panic put on the body mean that the stores of nutrition, inner coping mechanisms, and physical endurance must fly to those parts of the body and emotions most in need of assistance.

This is extra stress that you do not need in a time when extra rest, vitamin C and D, pure nano-silver, and pure food and water are called for, while outer and inner stresses are not.

We assure you that there are higher forms of help now occurring on Earth to assist in keeping this illness from reaching even the lower stages of a pandemic.

And that you assist those efforts as you envision these helpers being successful in their work, and envision yourself and all around you, and all around the world, remaining healthy and calm, at Peace and assured that All Is Well.

Is this the simplest assignment you have ever been given, Light Bringer?

No, certainly not.

Yet this is the life in which you have decided to dispense with your accumulated density altogether—to release the density which you have retained from all your other Earth lives, and from this life.

Again, this is not the simplest or most unchallenging task one could think of.

And yet—it is what you and many millions of others chose as your path before incarnating, as you knew that in the process of releasing the survival fear and panic reaction—of coming out of ego, personality, and smaller self, you would then begin to resonate all the more powerfully with your true, authentic, and higher self.

We do not make light of what you experience now, dear ones.

We are aware that many of you are re-experiencing the fear you felt during a plague or other disaster in other Earth lives.

Consider that as you establish inner calm in your quiet time each morning—meditating, sending forth prayers and petitions, spending time in Nature, emptying your mind of all thoughts, and speaking with your Spirit team—that you are anchoring that calm for many thousands living in the areas all around you, and beyond.

Consider that you are calming Earth’s energies, dispersing dense frequencies and entities—sending all into the Light where they may heal and transform, or transmute to a whole higher form of themselves.

And consider that your courage in that and every respect rings in the highest planes of Spirit for all to celebrate—that nothing is lost, and nothing is at risk, in the greater sense.

We send our Love, dear ones, knowing you shall rise not only above the current frequencies you now navigate, but all that remains of third dimensional Earth, as you willingly and quite consciously help create the fifth dimensional one.

You stand upon the precipice not of disaster, but of a New Earth. Rest your mind and heart upon that.

Image the beauty of that!

Remember Who you are, and how completely you are Loved.

Stand tall now.

You are every day more and more living upon a New Earth, one freed of all the shocks and pressures you now live under—Free at last!

Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.


Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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