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3/14/2020 2:04:48 AM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 13 March, 2020

Mike Quinsey

As ever time is flying by and is your measure of how it is increasingly going quicker, and you are realising that time is not constant. Once you venture outside Earth and even outside of the solar system it will become more apparent. Eventually you will cease to measure time in your way and be guided by astronomical signs. A human’s life is built around time yet if you were more spontaneous and just allowed things to happen, you would be very surprised at how well synchronised events would be. You have a saying “that old habits die hard” and we realise it will take you quite a time to allow the flow of events to embrace you. You do not have to be a slave to events in your life, but sometimes try and be free and easy. It is of course appreciated that when you are employed you may well have targets to meet, and do not have the luxury of natural progression.

Everything is in the process of change and at the root of it are the continuing higher vibrations. There is much on Earth that is of low vibrations and will have no place after the cleansing has taken place. If you did but realise it, the Earth at times has been a living hell and even so many souls have managed to hold on to their higher vibrations, and come through period s that have been some of the greatest tests they have faced. All credit to those souls who weathered the “storm” and now stand at what may be called the gates of heaven. In your present experiences you have never touched upon the beauty and perfection of the higher vibrations, but it will come with Ascension.

Understand that no one can force their way into the higher dimensions, but there have been occasions when a soul has been given the protection of a Higher Being and taken there more as a sight-seeing trip. We say again, every effort you put in to ascend will be so worthwhile, and you would be so pleased that you focussed and concentrated on getting there. This incarnation really can be your last time in the lower vibrations as once having risen up there is no further need to experience it again.

People ask how they will know if they are on the right track and whilst there is no easy answer, it is a state of mind in which you always feel at ease and in total control of your emotions. You can converse with people without being critical or overbearing. Your opinions are tempered by gentleness and in no way do you speak with outright criticism. It will be difficult to change from what you would call a normal type of conversation, to one where you do not try to be dominant but instead speak from a neutral standing. Old habits die hard but like all things, changes can come with practise and you would soon be noted as a pleasant person who always speaks nice of people. Without control over their emotions people tend to get annoyed and soon an argument develops and then anything can happen.

Humans are fond of making criticism and that is possibly the root of many problems that exist between people. Be kind and gentle with people ad bear in mind that you can always walk away from a conversation that is getting out of hand. All changes have to start somewhere some time and it comes down to intent to change. When you do remember that your Guides will be cheering you on and giving you every encouragement, so if at first you do not succeed try and try again.

Dear Ones, you will end up with many accolades for your determination to overcome the challenges of living through the lower vibrations. Yet when your memories were dimmed and you took up the challenge to overcome your trials and tribulations you had no idea as to what it would be like. It must have been a shock to many souls who were used to peace and tranquillity, but stood their ground and were determined to last the course of events that tested them to their limits.

You have a saying that “all’s well that ends well” and before very long you shall leave the lower dimensions behind and return to familiar levels that you were well used to, and find your memory fully restored. Through your experiences you will have much to offer those who follow in your footsteps and you will know that you have returned a greater being than you were before.

We leave you with love and blessings and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same internal connection with God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/14/2020 2:18:20 AM

Equinox Timelines & Helping the Lightworkers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

equinox timelines & helping the lightworkers - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to explore the timelines that are linked to the energies that are coming in for your upcoming equinox, and we must say that we see many timelines where the probabilities are quite high for the human collective to get a boost from these energies that will catapult you into that next level of consciousness that you have been waiting for. We know that many of you are eager to experience the mass awakenings that we keep telling you are coming, and we want you to know that these equinox energies coming in are going to help with solidifying the up-leveling of the human collective consciousness that is necessary to bring about these mass awakenings.

You are the ones who are ready to take on a bigger role in this ascension process. You are the ones who are going to be helping the masses to feel more safe and secure during their awakenings, and you are doing the necessary work on yourselves to be able to help anyone and everyone who comes your way looking for help during the intense times of those awakening processes.

The energies coming in for the upcoming equinox are also going to surround those of you who are awake with the stability and security that you want and need so that you can be the better lightworkers, gridworkers, and wayshowers that you know you are. We know that you can always use a boost, a little help in providing the assistance that you provide as the awakened collective that you are.

And so, we are happy to add to the equinox energies what we have seen and felt humanity calling for, but we are specifically involved in providing those energies that you who are awakened have been asking for because we see how draining it can be to help a newly awakened soul come to terms with what they are discovering. There are many more discoveries to come, and they will also be triggered by these mass awakenings, as people yearn for the truth in greater numbers, and you will be there to support them, just as we will be there to support you. This will be a group effort. That much we can guarantee.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

3/14/2020 2:56:27 AM

Thank You Luis!

I am anticipating the birth of Grandchild Number SIX 💃
Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/14/2020 9:25:14 PM

Thank You Luis!

I am anticipating the birth of Grandchild Number SIX 💃

Congratulations Jan!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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3/14/2020 9:27:09 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/13/2020

will's picture

Life is not something that can be defined. And life is not one thing, either; there are as many lives as there are people. Life is not a singular phenomenon. My life has a taste of its own, your life has its own individuality.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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