Intuitive Astrology: March Super Full Moon 2020
by Tanaaz

The March 9th Super Full Moon falls in the sign of Virgo. Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury will station direct, signaling the end of its retrograde.
Having these two potent energies back to back allows things to be illuminated so we can see the bigger picture. This is especially so, seeing as March’s Full Moon is a Super Moon.
Super Moons fall close to Earth, allowing us to feel its effects strongly. It is important that we stay hydrated and take the time to recharge our batteries.
This Super Full Moon is going to shine a light on things that have felt foggy or unclear. It is going to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow so we can find our way forward.
What are you not paying attention to? What nagging signs or symptoms have you been pushing away?
This Virgo Moon is a seeker of truth and will be guiding us to follow the trail of breadcrumbs so we can come to new realizations, healings, and awakenings.
Virgo is represented by the virgin, but this symbol is more about coming into our own strength and inner wisdom. It is about knowing that we have the power to heal ourselves, others, the planet, and our collective heart.
March has bold, potent energy, and with this Moon, big and bright in the sky, we are going to be feeling the intensities and the transformations that this month brings.
There is strong, transformative energy flowing all the way through the month of March, and with this Full Moon illuminating or highlighting things for us, we need to ensure that we are protecting and looking after our own health and wellbeing.
Schedule that doctor’s appointment, go talk to a therapist, take a walk, sit in meditation, get your hair done. Do whatever you need to honor your own healing journey and feel good about yourself.
March’s Full Moon is also preparing us for the start of the astrological year which begins on the Equinox later this month.
It is time for us to enter a new cycle, but before we can step onto this new path that is opening for us, we have to bring acceptance to where we stand today.
We have to radically accept our past, our pains, our grief, our mistakes, our triumphs, our family, our story, so we can move forward.
Sometimes it takes time for acceptance to arise, and that’s ok. But this Full Moon is clearing a path, it is shining a light, and if we want to take that step forward, if we are ready to accept what has come, there is energy supporting and holding us.
I accept. I accept all that has happened to me. I accept the current circumstances of my life. I accept that this is how things are. It doesn’t mean I can’t make changes, but the more I accept, the more I acknowledge the circumstances of my life, the more the answers will find me.
Neptune, the planet of spirituality, is also very active at this Full Moon. It will be guiding us to step out of our ego and into a place of heart and soul.
Its energy may heighten our intuition and give us vivid or prophetic dreams. Take note, as this is how Neptune communicates with us.
Whatever is exposed under this Full Moon, know that Neptune’s energy encourages us to work from the heart and to keep our ego in check. It encourages us to transcend the physical for a moment and to view things through the lens of our higher self.
This can be hard to do. As life unfolds we can get reactive, we can get stuck, we can get upset and triggered. And this is ok. We are human, we need our egos and we need to learn to get along with them.
But we also need our spiritual connection too. We also need to step outside of the mundane and the physical and see that we are so much more.
Life is a temporary journey, none of us are here forever. Earth is like a school where we come to learn, grow, taste, and experience.
All these experiences, no matter how painful or tragic, or wonderful, or beautiful, are here to help us grow. The more challenging the experience, the more growth we can achieve.
It is this mindset that Neptune helps us to create and you have the power to feel in and find your own truth in these words.
You are powerful; you are intuitive; you can tune into the Moon and allow it to guide you.
The March Full Moon prepares us for this new chapter that is awakening. It is a time of illumination, healing, and radical self-acceptance.