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3/8/2020 1:16:26 AM

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner March 4, 2020

V. Donner

Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I greet you today with love in my heart and promises from the light.

We know what you need and how you are being affected by the forces impacting the earth at this time. We are beholden to you, ground crew, for all that you are doing to hold the light in place and for the Ascension of the planet.

What you are doing is quite remarkable. Since we last spoke with you a tremendous amount of progress has been made. Even though you are not aware of all that we can see, we want you to know that your work and your dedication are making a profound difference for all of life.

Your DNA was programmed to be completely activated at this time and it is. You are stepping into your true empowerment and will not let anything prevent you from accomplishing what you came here to do. This is why I mentioned “dedication” for opportunities have come your way to do away with your life on the earth, yet you have weathered the storm.

So, what is happening now with the chaos, the communicable diseases of viruses and fear, along with the other violent attacks from the dark forces, will not to be a deterrent for you in any way. Your Ascension and the Ascension of the earth are a given!

We envelope you with love and a mighty force from the Light Alliance, including a magnificent Galactic presence. The dark forces already know that it is over for them. This is one reason they are stirring up their nastiness. None of their operations will be successful.

Do not let them fool you and please do not believe some of the trolls that would attempt to mislead you. Read deeply between the lines when you garner information. Anything that brings in fear, horror, hopelessness, or depression can be a sign that something is off. We understand your situation is not a pretty one, however, we will tell you that our Creator is in charge and this is changing.

The truth is the dark forces get great pleasure in seeing humanity respond to their fear-based tactics. You have little idea about how much they laugh at humanity and how well they know how they can manipulate you. We know our ground crew think more for themselves than most of humanity because you have been put to the test many times and have strength and wisdom that most humans lack. The dark ones do not favor this gift that you have.

Well we say this is another one of the main reasons that we need you here at this time. Please continue to think for yourselves. Rise above the multitudes and to make your own choices according to what you know and feel. Soon you will be free to fly the skies with the Angels and your Galactic family and friends. We are waiting for you and we will have much to celebrate!

I am Mira sending you love and admiration.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/8/2020 2:40:26 AM

Aligning the Heart Chakra by the Almighty Creator

Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

The heart chakra of a soul and person is such a sacred and precious energy; it is the centre of expression of the Creator's light, consciousness, and love. It is through the heart chakra and higher heart chakra you are able to feel, sense and experience the love of the Creator in its numerous forms, as well as expressing the love of the Creator expansively and abundantly. The heart chakra of the Creator is the core energy of the Creator, it is where you may find the intense love all desire to hold and experience. With focus and intention, you can also retain the intense love of the Creator and your soul within your heart chakra as an abundant, generous, tender, healing and wise energy to emit or share with others. An awareness of your heart chakra and an alignment of your heart chakra with the Creator's heart chakra can manifest a sacred existence that is pure and holy.

When healing is needed or a rise in energy vibration, it is to the heart chakra you can place your focus, retaining it to build the energy of love within the heart chakra. Therefore, allowing it to flow in abundance through the chakras, body, aura and into the soul. This allows a sacred space and existence of love to manifest that is both healing and inspirational. If we are able to recognise the heart chakra as a central tool of expression of the Creator's energy, we realise the heart chakra holds and can wield a great deal of power and light. This power remains focused on love and high vibrations because of the natural purity and tenderness of the heart chakra. The heart chakra naturally holds and focuses on love, to experience any energy other than love causes the heart chakra a great deal of pain. It can also lower the vibration of the person, causing distress or discomfort. Pain within the heart chakra can cause an experience of disconnection with the Creator's energy and light which may leave a person feeling lost or confused. When the heart is pure then we see a great deal of clarity, clear thought and understanding manifesting in the person's reality which aids a deeper unity with the Creator. It is possible for a person to feel pain in their heart chakra, whether it is through emotional, mental, physical or spiritually associated pain, and still hold a high vibrational connection with the Creator. The pain acts as an alert that the potential of a complete connection at your current level of growth has not yet been obtained. It is important to be aware there are numerous levels of complete connection; it is akin to embodying a complete vibration before discovering a new higher vibration of light and love.

When the heart chakra is active in your reality with a pure awareness, the heart chakra can almost exist as your sentient consciousness, seeking out the truth of the Creator, guiding you to light and away from negativity or anything that may cause imbalance. The heart chakra has the ability to absorb an immense volume of love and pour it out in abundance eternally. As soon as an aspect of your energy becomes tainted by negativity or fear then the heart chakra's ability becomes reduced and hindered, restricting the purity and expansiveness of the heart chakra and your divine connection to the Creator.

The heart chakra can be seen as the temple of the Creator within you or a chamber of love that is divinely aligned with the Creator's soul. Many people experience pain and love in their heart chakras without realising or recognising their connection with the Creator, while others can progress along their spiritual path without recognising their heart chakra, its magnificence or ensure that their heart chakra remains closed due to fear. To awaken the natural ability and existence of your heart chakra will assist in your embodiment of the Creator's soul and will aid your realisation of the illusion of separation.

Awakening the Heart Chakra

For many, on awakening the heart chakra there can be a tremendous release of negativity and fears that have been held within the heart chakra restricting its expression of the Creator's light. This is perfectly natural and should be allowed to take its course until the heart chakra feels lighter, more vibrant and stronger on inspection. The process of release can be aided and assisted by asking for the Archangels of Love and Healing to pour their energy into your heart chakra to restore its natural balance and loving presence, as well as assisting, the heart chakra alignment with all chakras and aspects of your being.

At this stage, an alignment with the Creator's soul and heart chakra is needed as this will allow an expression and embodiment of the Creator's energy within the physical body and reality to manifest. With the heart chakra open, aware and feeling a greater sense of freedom, one can ask for the light of the Creator from the heart chakra of the Creator, of the most appropriate vibration, to flow deep into your heart chakra. Every person will feel, sense, become aware of or acknowledge the light flowing into their heart chakra in different ways. It is appropriate to hold the intention of opening or surrendering your heart chakra to the light and love of the Creator knowing you will be safe and secure at all times. To surrender is to allow yourself to relax completely into the blissful light of the Creator forming and building within your heart chakra, circulating within and around your entire being from this core loving expressive point of your being. Allowing yourself to experience this each day will assist in developing the awareness of your heart chakra, its power and ability to be a pure expression of the Creator's light, love, and consciousness. Allow a pure alignment with the Creator to form now, assisting your heart chakra in being the centre of your expression of all that is the Creator. It is from this existence you will discover a greater connection with the Creator and the ability to exist as the Creator eternally while in a physical manifestation.

Why the Heart Chakra is Important Now

It is essential to be mindful that not only your heart chakra is becoming more expansive and powerful, everyone in the world is experiencing the same. Many souls are venturing to open their heart chakras more fully, maybe for the first time in a very long time. They may have waited lifetimes to be ready to allow the truth of their heart chakras to unfold. This means they may have much to release, let go of and heal in order to allow the heart chakra to return to its natural balance. While you may have been working on the expansion and development of your heart chakra for a long period of time, there is always more to let go of and explore within your heart chakra. Can you see now in your current reality and in the world affairs that humanity is going through a powerful heart chakra awakening? This is why there are so many challenges, obstacles, dilemmas, healing crisis and conflicts emerging to be resolved. Humanity is beginning a heart chakra purging.

As a being who is already in connection and conscious awareness with your heart chakra, there is a need for you to use the powers, awareness, understanding and truth of your heart chakra in order to support others in their heart chakra awakening.

How does your heart chakra wish to be of service to humanity?

What energy does your heart chakra wish to emit in order to aid the healing of other’s heart chakras?
Remember you have the understanding of what is taking place for many, why they are feeling and acting in certain ways. You have the power and truth to lead others into a space of truth, acceptance, and love within their beings and heart chakras. What will you do today? How will you think? How will you act in the presence of others? What will you gift?

It is time to realise there is a greater plan unfolding that is leading all to the love of the Creator.

Place your trust and faith in me and I will lead you forward,

With love to every energy, consciousness, and soul on all levels of the Earth.

I am the Creator in Manifestation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/8/2020 3:36:17 AM


The above image of Melchizedek was commissioned by ©Marlene Swetlishoff through ©JanineRoseKeall. All rights reserved.

Beloved Ones,

I come on the wings of love to have discourse on the great and grand opportunity that is now before you. The Cosmic Light of the love of the Creator is pouring into the atmosphere of Earth in waves upon waves of high energy. An awareness of it’s presence in the atmosphere around you will assist you to bring this greater Light into your very cells to assist in the further transformation of your four body system. Take time each day to acknowledge this Light that is flowing from the invisible realms and call it down upon you.

There are many channels through whom dispensations have been given in order to assist humanity to gain more Light quotient in various ways. These are now coming into greater prominence and activity. It behooves you, the reader, to discern which particular method given is the most resonant with you. The most important consideration is that you avail yourselves of these opportunities as they come available. By doing so, you assist your Divine Essence to more gently come into your energetic field and complete the merging with you, the outer form of its manifestation.

There are many cosmic cycles ending and your place in these times has played a significant role. As we move through these changes, all the ancient human patterns of expression that no longer serve the higher path of consciousness will continue to be changed through the transmutation process. We ask that you, our Beloved Lightworkers, daily direct the energy of love into the collective human consciousness through the coming months.

It is this energy of higher love that can grow into a mighty flame within the hearts of all to enable them to rise up to a greater frequency by being receptive to it. As you, the reader, receive this greater energy of cosmic love, you, in turn, direct it to anchor into the crystalline core of the Earth and to the energetic bands of collective consciousness that encircle the planet.

You do not have to take control of the energies of love you send, just LOVE all your sisters and brothers without any expectations or conditions. Know that you are all connected to the same Source, by whatever name is most comfortable for you. You, as the emissaries of Light, now move into the next level of your service to humankind, the Earth and all her kingdoms. Envision the energies of love that you send out in this way as helping to dissipate all discordant energies that rise to the surface to be looked at and faced by each soul.

This daily practice can help awakening humanity become more free from all the distractions and illusions of the old paradigm so that they may begin to remember their Divine origin and dream a new dream, the beginning of the Golden Age so long foretold. As you hold this focus of unconditional love, see all discord dissolving within the collective consciousness and a brighter Light take its place. Then see great Light burst forth from within Mother Earth’s crystalline core and radiate out into the Universe.

This practice done by many Lightworkers helps set the new Template of Divinity in a way that will facilitate a mass awakening across the entire planet. Your Light will be magnified by the higher spiritual realms as we work in unison to achieve victory and success. Attune to the Earth and give thanks for her coming resurrection into greater Light and consciousness. Take on the mantle of co-creator with the Infinite One with the utmost devotion and integrity and know that we are with you, magnifying your efforts

©Marlene Swetlishoff.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/8/2020 4:13:41 AM

Intuitive Astrology: March Super Full Moon 2020

by Tanaaz

The March 9th Super Full Moon falls in the sign of Virgo. Shortly after this Full Moon peaks, Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury will station direct, signaling the end of its retrograde.

Having these two potent energies back to back allows things to be illuminated so we can see the bigger picture. This is especially so, seeing as March’s Full Moon is a Super Moon.

Super Moons fall close to Earth, allowing us to feel its effects strongly. It is important that we stay hydrated and take the time to recharge our batteries.

This Super Full Moon is going to shine a light on things that have felt foggy or unclear. It is going to leave a trail of breadcrumbs for us to follow so we can find our way forward.

What are you not paying attention to? What nagging signs or symptoms have you been pushing away?

This Virgo Moon is a seeker of truth and will be guiding us to follow the trail of breadcrumbs so we can come to new realizations, healings, and awakenings.

Virgo is represented by the virgin, but this symbol is more about coming into our own strength and inner wisdom. It is about knowing that we have the power to heal ourselves, others, the planet, and our collective heart.

March has bold, potent energy, and with this Moon, big and bright in the sky, we are going to be feeling the intensities and the transformations that this month brings.

There is strong, transformative energy flowing all the way through the month of March, and with this Full Moon illuminating or highlighting things for us, we need to ensure that we are protecting and looking after our own health and wellbeing.

Schedule that doctor’s appointment, go talk to a therapist, take a walk, sit in meditation, get your hair done. Do whatever you need to honor your own healing journey and feel good about yourself.

March’s Full Moon is also preparing us for the start of the astrological year which begins on the Equinox later this month.

It is time for us to enter a new cycle, but before we can step onto this new path that is opening for us, we have to bring acceptance to where we stand today.

We have to radically accept our past, our pains, our grief, our mistakes, our triumphs, our family, our story, so we can move forward.

Sometimes it takes time for acceptance to arise, and that’s ok. But this Full Moon is clearing a path, it is shining a light, and if we want to take that step forward, if we are ready to accept what has come, there is energy supporting and holding us.

I accept. I accept all that has happened to me. I accept the current circumstances of my life. I accept that this is how things are. It doesn’t mean I can’t make changes, but the more I accept, the more I acknowledge the circumstances of my life, the more the answers will find me.

Neptune, the planet of spirituality, is also very active at this Full Moon. It will be guiding us to step out of our ego and into a place of heart and soul.

Its energy may heighten our intuition and give us vivid or prophetic dreams. Take note, as this is how Neptune communicates with us.

Whatever is exposed under this Full Moon, know that Neptune’s energy encourages us to work from the heart and to keep our ego in check. It encourages us to transcend the physical for a moment and to view things through the lens of our higher self.

This can be hard to do. As life unfolds we can get reactive, we can get stuck, we can get upset and triggered. And this is ok. We are human, we need our egos and we need to learn to get along with them.

But we also need our spiritual connection too. We also need to step outside of the mundane and the physical and see that we are so much more.

Life is a temporary journey, none of us are here forever. Earth is like a school where we come to learn, grow, taste, and experience.

All these experiences, no matter how painful or tragic, or wonderful, or beautiful, are here to help us grow. The more challenging the experience, the more growth we can achieve.

It is this mindset that Neptune helps us to create and you have the power to feel in and find your own truth in these words.

You are powerful; you are intuitive; you can tune into the Moon and allow it to guide you.

The March Full Moon prepares us for this new chapter that is awakening. It is a time of illumination, healing, and radical self-acceptance.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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