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3/7/2020 12:21:05 AM
Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 6 March, 2020

Mike Quinsey

It is the time for reconciliation as you cannot ascend until you have forgiven those souls who have offended you. You must make peace with everyone who has hurt you in any way and the sooner the better. It matters not whether they are one of the most evil souls living, as you do not help them or yourself if you continue to put up barriers against them. Life is something of a pantomime except that you rightly take it very seriously. However, the fact remains that even the darkest of souls can turn to the light, and they are helped by those who can see the inner soul spark of light in them. No one is beyond redemption and they could become fully lighted given the chance.

You will find it difficult to get beyond your present dimension if you hold onto grudges against another soul. Forgiveness is a big factor in your life and it is best practised whenever you feel that you have been wronged. Some are concerned that an aggressor will get away with their treatment of you, but realise that when their life is completed they pass on as with all souls and a review of their life takes place. It is then that the truth behind their problem is known as only the truth can exist in such circumstances.

So there is no avoiding an individual’s responsibility and neither is there punishment. Understand that such a review is held in a truly amicable way and it is not so much to point out “blame” but to enable true reasons to be understood, and hopefully avoid a repetition in any future life. There may be karma involved as sometimes there can be a situation that calls for future experiences to make good the errors that have taken place. As you may see it, no one “gets away” with negative action against another soul. So, ideas of revenge as a means of paying someone back are never justified or necessary.

Being a loving caring soul calls for a very benevolent view of others and their life. However, putting others first does not rule out also covering for your own needs. You do not need to live a life in poverty to prove you are not selfish or out for self-aggrandisement. It is a matter of degree and doing things according to your ability and opportunities. You cannot be all things to all people but by always doing things with the best of intentions you will be acting according to your beliefs and spiritual understanding.

Genuine spiritual help calls for nothing in return as the joy is in the giving. However, accepting thanks in whatever form it may take allows the beneficiary to feel that they have acknowledged your kindness. Such actions help create a higher vibration and by example you encourage others to follow suit. At present you live in a world where so many are desperate for some kind of help and it presents others with an opportunity to respond in a benevolent way. Some people believe that you get what you deserve and are reluctant to help, but fail to understand that at times all souls have experience the ups and downs of lives experiences.

We realise that not all souls are in the same position to be able to help others, but sometimes even a few kind words of sympathy can lift another soul up. Truly you cannot really understand another person’s problems but helpful advice and a genuine sympathy can lift them up. Simply caring about other people and their well-being can help immensely and those who lead a solitary life often lack the value of social contact. If everyone was to care about those needing such contact the general feeling of well-being would rise up. Caring for others is a natural part of a human’s make-up and ensures society does not neglect those in need.

If mankind can expand the set-up of help centres for those in need you will have the basis of a caring society that could soon end the poverty that presently exists at some level in all countries. If the wealth of the world was spread more evenly the standard of living would improve very quickly, and all could at least have their basic needs covered. If the intent is there to make things happen you can be assured that you will get every help from our side of the veil.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/7/2020 12:30:08 AM

The Beginnings of the Major Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

the beginnings of the major changes - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the evolution of your consciousness. We have been observing the progress that you have made as a collective consciousness, and we are happy to report that there is much more movement forward towards your ascension than you might be seeing on the surface at this time. A lot of what you see out there in the world, in terms of the major stories, reflects what has been and what is crumbling right before your eyes. It seems as though humanity is not making progress, because you don’t see the changes that you want to see in the external world.

But all of those power structures that are in place are crumbling. The people who have been working in the dark, behind closed doors, are being exposed. You are seeing the beginnings of the major changes that are coming, and all of that is due in large part to the awareness that you all have of the world that you are living in and what has been going on behind the scenes.

Now, initially, you have that moment of awareness of just how much darkness there is in the world, and that can become overwhelming, especially for an empath. But so much that has been a secret to the mass consciousness is no longer a secret, and the initial hit that you all took emotionally from becoming aware of the injustices has now morphed into a healing process that we see humanity going through at this time.

In that healing process, you are creating something new, something better, something that is more all-inclusive. You know, as awakened souls, that you must include everyone in this process. You know that the goal is not to separate the bad from the good, the dark from the light, the ones who disagree with you from the ones who agree with you. You know that this journey goes much further than that, and those of you who are awake and aware that you create your reality are the ones at the helm, steering the ship into calmer and gentler waters.

This is happening vibrationally and energetically, and soon enough you will see the results physically, but you do have to give this process time. And you do have to endure all of the exposure of the darkness in order to get past it. The light that you shine from within is enough to make those massive changes that you want to see, all across your world. And remember that your numbers are growing every single day and that the support from higher dimensional beings like ourselves is unwavering, and the scope of that help that you are receiving is unimaginable to your physical minds.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/7/2020 6:19:48 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday March 7, 2020

Galactic Free Press's picture

Many of you, as you have wrapped up the first phase of your incarnation, may have found your life stripped down to bare essentials. You have left the old behind, you haven’t quite connected fully to the new, and may feel in a state of suspended animation or unsure of how to proceed.

This phase is much like doing a complete renovation on a home you have lived in for a long time but has become outdated. In order to really update it, it is often necessary to ‘take things down to the studs’. You peel everything back to the basic structure so you can examine all the systems in place, make any repairs that are necessary, and then start to rebuild. It’s not uncommon to find beautiful things, as well, that have been hidden from view until you began this process!

The wonderful thing about a complete remodel is you get to choose what matches who you are today. You may desire more open space, different conveniences that weren’t available before, and completely new decor that resonates with you. You can make wise choices based on the options that are available to you now, because you have lived in the home for a long time and are well aware of what limitations you no longer wish to live with.

While the renovation stage can seem disruptive and be very uncomfortable (and sometimes full of unexpected surprises), it is always setting you up for far more satisfaction and comfort when it is complete. It is a restructuring designed to support you for the next phase of your incarnation, all created on your preferences and desires.

So if you are in a stripped down stage in your life, know that you are in a powerful phase of creating anew in ways that will ultimately delight and serve you for a long time to come. The end result is always worth it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/7/2020 6:37:40 PM

GFP Newsletter - 3/6/2020

will's picture

That's what meditation is all about: learning the way to bridge the unconscious with the conscious, so that your own being can give you indications where to move, where to go, so that you don't need a leader, so that you become a guide to yourself, so that you can become a light unto yourself.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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3/7/2020 6:43:34 PM

So Many Choices!

Galactic Free Press's picture

The current shift is introducing you to a magnitude of new possibilities. There may be so many presenting themselves, you may find yourself dizzy with the choices! (Smiling) The Universe would like to remind you that you have control of the speed they arrive and which you accept or release. You may even find yourself stepping into the experience of being a teacher and introducing others to the beginning of their path. Allow yourself to be peaceful and full of joy knowing that whatever you choose to manifest during this time is just a millisecond away! ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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